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Jayāsanagatā vīrā jetvā māraṃ savāhiṇiṃ 1. Jayāsanagatā vīrā, jetvā Māraṃ savāhiniṃ, Those heroes, sat on their thrones, after defeating Māra and his host, The Buddhas, having come to the victory seat, having defeated Māra together with his mount: Those Buddhas who defeated the Māra and his hosts, were the most brave, sublime, Победив Мару с его полчищем, на трон победителя взошли герои -
Catusaccāmata rasaṃ ye piviṃsu narāsabhā catusaccāmatarasaṃ ye piviṃsu narāsabhā. those who are bulls of men, drank of the ambrosia of the four truths. noble men who drank the nectar of the four noble truths, noble and mightiest of men who had sipped the immortal taste of the Four Noble Truths. выдающиеся люди, испившие нектар четырёх реальностей [для благородных]. narāsabhā = narā+usabhā
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Taṇhaṅkarādayo buddhā aṭṭhavīsati nāyakā 2. Taṇhaṅkarādayo Buddhā aṭṭhavīsatināyakā, Those twenty eight leaders, Buddhas, beginning with Taṇhaṅkara, These Buddhas 28 leaders, beginning with Taṇhaṅkara — The twenty-eight Buddhas, one of whom was Taṇhaṅkarā Buddha, were true leaders of the world. Эти 28 вожаков, будд, начинающихся с Танханкары,
Sabbe patiṭṭhitā tuyhaṃ matthake te munissarā sabbe patiṭṭhitā tuyhaṃ matthake te munissarā. are all established on the crown of your head, they are lords of sages. sovereign sages — are all established on the crown of my head. May each and every one of those wise sages be dwelling upon the crown of my head. все размещены на макушке вашей головы. Они - владыки мудрецов.
Sire patiṭṭhitā buddhā dhammo ca tava locane 3. Sire patiṭṭhitā Buddhā, Dhammo ca tava locane, The Buddhas are established on your head, and the Dhamma on your eyes, The Buddha is established in my head, the Dhamma in my two eyes, May all the Buddhas be enshrined on my head and in my eyes their Sacred Teachings; Будды размещены у вас на голове, а Дхамма в ваших глазах.
Saṅgho patiṭṭhito tuyhaṃ ure sabbaguṇākaro Saṅgho patiṭṭhito tuyhaṃ ure sabbaguṇākaro, the Saṅgha, the fount of all good qualities is established on your chest, the Saṅgha — the mine of all virtues — is established in my chest. in my heart the community of noble disciples of the Blessed One who are the spring of all virtues. В вашей груди пребывает Сообщество – источник всех благих качеств.
Hadaye anuruddho ca sāriputto ca dakkhiṇe 4. Hadaye Anuruddho ca, Sāriputto ca dakkhiṇe, On your heart is Anuruddha, and Sāriputta on your right, Anuruddha is in my heart, and Sārīputta on my right. May Anuruddha Thera dwell in my heart, Sārīputta Thera – the Chief Disciple – at my right side, В сердце Ануруддха, Сарипутта справа,
Koṇḍañño piṭṭhibhāgasmiṃ moggallānosi vāmake Koṇḍañño piṭṭhibhāgasmiṃ, Moggallānosi vāmake. Koṇḍañña is on your back, and Moggallāna on your left. Koṇḍañña is behind me, and Moggallāna on my left. Koṇḍañña Thera at the back and Moggallāna – the other Chief Disciple – be at the left. Конданья сзади, Моггалана слева,
Dakkhiṇe savaṇe tuyhaṃ āhuṃ ānanda rāhulā 5. Dakkhiṇe savaṇe tuyhaṃ, āhuṃ Ānandarāhulā, On your right ear (are established these two) Ānanda and Rāhula, Ananda & Rāhula are in my right ear, Likewise, may Ānanda and Rāhula dwell at my right ear, Ананда и Рахула в вашем правом ухе,
Kassapo ca mahānāmo ubhosuṃ vāmasotake Kassapo ca Mahānāmo, ubhosuṃ vāmasotake. Kassapa and Mahānāma, these two (are established) on your left ear. Kassapa & Mahānāma are both in my left ear. and at my left ear dwell Kassapa and Mahānāma. Кассапа и Маханама - оба в левом ухе.
Kesante piṭṭhibhāgasmiṃ sūriyo viya pahaṅkaro 6. Kesante piṭṭhibhāgasmiṃ - suriyo viya pabhaṅkaro - At the end of your hair at the back - like the sun, the light maker - shining like the sun all over the hair at the back of my head. like the blazing sun, dwell upon every hair-tip on my head. Сияющий как Солнце, у края ваших волос сзади в suriyo сделал короткий u, хотя теоретически может быть и с длинным
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Nisinno sirisampanno sobhito munipuṅgavo nisinno sirisampanno Sobhito munipuṅgavo. is seated the glorious Sobhita, who is a bull of a sage. Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in consummate glory, May the mighty sage, Sobhita, seated in all his glory, восседает славный Собхита - выдающийся мудрец.
Kumārakassapo nāma mahesī citravādako 7. Kumārakassapo nāma, mahesī citravādako, The one named Kumārakassapa, great sage, and beautiful speaker, Elder Kumārakassapa — great sage, brilliant speaker, May Kumāra Kassapa Thera, one who seeks the greatest virtues, commands fine speech Великий провидец по имени Кумаракассапа, прекрасный оратор, nāma сделал первый a долгий
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So tuyhaṃ vadane niccaṃ patiṭṭhāsi guṇākaro so tuyhaṃ vadane niccaṃ, patiṭṭhāsi guṇākaro. that fount of good qualities is permanently established on your mouth. a mine of virtue — is constantly in my mouth. and is the spring of fine virtues, always be the dwelling guardian of my mouth. источник благих качеств, постоянно находится у вас во рту.
Puṇṇo aṅgulimālo ca upāli nanda sīvalī 8. Puṇṇo Aṅgulimālo ca, Upāli Nandasīvalī - Puṇṇa, Aṅgulimāla, Upāli, Nanda, and Sivalī - These five elders — Puṇṇa, Aṅgulimāla, Upālī, Nanda, & Sīvalī — May these five Elders –Puṇṇa Thera, Aṅgulimāla Thera, Upālī Thera, Nanda Thera and Sīvalī Thera– Пунна, Ангулимала, Упали, Нанда и Сивали - sīvalī - в конце сделал i долгим
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Therā pañca ime jātā lalāṭe tilakā tava therā pañca ime jātā lalāṭe tilakā tava. these five true elders (are established like) auspicious signs on your forehead. have arisen as auspicious marks at the middle of my forehead. be just like the auspicious marking annointed on my forehead. эти пять старших монахов появились на лбу в форме благоприятных знаков. в lalāṭe сделал долгий а
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Sesāsīti mahā therā vijitā jinasāvakā 9. Sesāsīti mahātherā, vijitā jinasāvakā, The remaining eighty great elders, victors, disciples of the victor, The rest of the 80 great elders — victorious, disciples of the Victor, sons of the Victor, May all the rest of the eighty great disciples and sons of the Buddha, the Victorious One, Остальные восемьдесят великих старших монахов, учеников Победителя (Будды)
Jalantā sīla tejena aṅgamaṅgesu sanṭhitā jalantā sīlatejena, aṅga-m-aṅgesu saṇṭhitā. shining with the power of virtue, are established on your limbs. shining with the majesty of moral virtue — are established in the various parts of my body. who have defeated all their defilements and prosper by the moral disciplines they adhere to, condescend in to be with me all the minor and major organs of mine. блистают светом нравственности, разместившись в частях тела. aṅgamaṅgesu = aṅga-m-aṅgesu
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Ratanaṃ purato āsi dakkhiṇe mettasuttakaṃ 10. “Ratanaṃ” purato āsi, dakkhiṇe “Mettasuttakaṃ”, To the front is “The Treasures” on the right “The Friendliness Discourse”, The Ratana Sutta is in front, the Metta Sutta to the right. May the Ratana Sutta be remained to my front, may the Metta Sutta be at my right side, Наставление о драгоценности находится спереди, наставление о дружелюбии справа,
Dhajaggaṃ pacchato āsi vāme aṅgulimālakaṃ “Dhajaggaṃ” pacchato āsi, vāme “Aṅgulimālakaṃ”, “The Banner” is at the back, and “Aṅgulimāla” is on the left, The Dhajagga Sutta is behind, the Aṅgulimāla Paritta to the left. may the Dhajagga Sutta be remained at the back and may the Aṅgulimā Sutta be remained at my left. наставление о навершии знамени за спиной, наставление Ангулимале слева.
Khandhamora parittañca āṭānāṭiya suttakaṃ 11. “Khandhamoraparittañ”-ca, “Āṭānāṭiyasuttakaṃ”, The “Constituent Groups” and “Peacock” safeguards, and the “Āṭānāṭiya Discourse”, The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta The Khandha Paritta, Mora Paritta, the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta Защитные строфы групп существ и защитные строфы павлина, а также наставление у города Атаната
Ākāsacchadanaṃ āsī sesā pākārasaññitā ākāsacchadanaṃ āsi, sesā pākārasaññitā. cover the space (around you), the remainder are a fence, so to speak. are a roof in space. The remaining suttas are established as a rampart. and the rest form a sheltering frame for me, just like the roof above and the walls around me. покрывают вас сверху. Остальные тексты расположены как крепость. в Ākāsacchadanaṃ вторую а сделал долгой
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Jināṇābala saṃyutte dhammapākāralaṅkate 12. Jināṇābalasaṃyutte, Dhammapākāralaṅkate, With the strength of the victor's order, equipped with the fence of the Dhamma, May the sublime Dhamma, which is the power of the Victorious One, be adorned upon me, Окружённые крепостью Дхаммы, скреплённой силой веления Победителя, Jināṇābala = jina+āṇā+bala, dhammapākāralaṅkate = dhamma+pākāra+alaṅkate
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Vasato te cattukiccena sadā sambuddhapañjare vasato te catukiccena, sadā Sambuddhapañjare, engaged in the four duties, in the Sambuddhas' armour forever, just like a seven-layer wall protecting me from all outside and inside dangers or perils, выполняя четыре обязанности, всегда в доспехах Будды,
Vātapittādi sañjatā bāhirajjhattupaddavā 13. vātapittādisañjātā bāhirajjhattupaddavā, may all internal and external adversities that arise, beginning with wind and bile, may all misfortunes within & without — caused by such things as wind or bile — which may arise from whatever natural causes, wind or bile, пусть все внешние и внутренние несчастья, вызываемые ветром, желчью и прочим, bāhirajjhattupaddavā = bāhira+ajjhatta+upaddavā
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Asesā vilayaṃ yantu anantaguṇa tejasā asesā vilayaṃ yantu anantaguṇatejasā. through the power of (the Buddhas') endless virtues, come to a complete end. be destroyed without trace through the unending Victor's majesty. Let all the remaining illnesses be got rid of by the power of the Victorious One whose virtues are endless, будут уничтожены без остатка благодаря силе их бесконечных благих качеств.
Jinapañjara majjhaṭṭhaṃ viharantaṃ mahītale 14. Jinapañjaramajjhaṭṭhaṃ viharantaṃ mahītale, While living on this great earth, standing in the midst of the victors' armour, in the middle of the cage of the Victors, who live in the midst of the Victorious One Проживающих на этой земле и находящихся в доспехах победителей jinapañjaramajjhaṭṭhaṃ = jina+pañjara+majjhe+aṭṭhaṃ
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Sadā pālentu tvaṃ sabbe te mahāpurisāsabhā sadā pālentu tvaṃ sabbe te mahāpurisāsabhā. may all of those great bulls of men watch over you forever. I am always guarded by all of those great noble men. May all those great and brave Noble Ones on this earth protect and guard me. пусть все эти выдающиеся люди вас всегда охраняют. mahāpurisāsabhā = mahā+purisā+usabhā
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Icceva maccantakato surakkho jinānubhāvena jitupapaddavo 15. Iccevam-accantakato surakkho, jinānubhāvena jitūpapaddavo, Thus being continuously well protected, with adversity defeated through the victors' power, Будучи таким образом постоянно хорошо защищёнными, с несчастьями, разгромленными силой победителей, jinānubhāvena = jina+ānubhāvena
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Buddhānubhāvena hatārisaṅgho carāhi saddhammānubhāvapālito Buddhānubhāvena hatārisaṅgho, carāhi saddhammanubhāvapālito! with the crowd of foes destroyed through the Buddhas' power, live on, guarded by the power of the true Dhamma! с толпой врагов, уничтоженных силой Будды, живите под защитой истинной Дхаммы. я тоже думаю, что в сандхи "а" должно быть долгим из-за сочетания "а" с "ā" на стыке saddhammа + ānubhāva
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Icceva maccantakato surakkho jinānubhāvena jitupapaddavo 16. Iccevam-accantakato surakkho, jinānubhāvena jitūpapaddavo, Thus being continuously well protected, with adversity defeated through the victors' power, Будучи таким образом постоянно хорошо защищёнными, с несчастьями, разгромленными силой победителей
Dhammānubhāvena hatārisaṅgho carāhi saddhammānubhāvapālito Dhammānubhāvena hatārisaṅgho, carāhi saddhammanubhāvapālito! with the crowd of foes destroyed through the Dhamma's power, live on, guarded by the power of the true Dhamma! с толпой врагов, уничтоженных силой Дхаммы, живите под защитой истинной Дхаммы.
Icceva maccantakato surakkho jinānubhāvena jitupapaddavo 17. Iccevam-accantakato surakkho, jinānubhāvena jitūpapaddavo, Thus being continuously well protected, with adversity defeated through the victors' power, Будучи таким образом постоянно хорошо защищёнными, с несчастьями, разгромленными силой победителей
Saṅghānubhāvena hatārisaṅgho carāhi saddhammānubhāvapālito Saṅghānubhāvena hatārisaṅgho, carāhi saddhammanubhāvapālito! with the crowd of foes destroyed through the Saṅgha's power, live on, guarded by the power of the true Dhamma! с толпой врагов, уничтоженных силой Сообщества, живите под защитой истинной Дхаммы.
Saddhammapākāra parikkhitosi aṭṭhāriyā aṭṭha disāsu honti 18. Saddhammapākāraparikkhitosi, aṭṭhāriyā aṭṭhadisāsu honti, You are defended by the fence of the true Dhamma, with the eight noble ones in the eight directions, Вас защищает крепость истинной Дхаммы с восемью благородными в восьми направлениях. aṭṭhāriyā = aṭṭha+ariyā
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Etthantare aṭṭha nāthā bhavanti uddhaṃ vitānaṃ va jinā ṭhitā te etthantare aṭṭhanāthā bhavanti, uddhaṃ vitānaṃ va jinā ṭhitā te. and in between these (directions) are the eight lords, and above, like a canopy, stand the victors. В промежуточных направлениях пребывают восемь защитников и выше как покрывало стоят победители. исправил ca на va, по смыслу должно быть "подобно"
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Bhindanto mārasenaṃ tava sirasi ṭhito bodhimāruyha satthā 19. Bhindanto Mārasenaṃ, tava sirasi ṭhito, Bodhim-āruyha Satthā. Breaking Māra's army, the Teacher who sat under the Bodhi tree now rests on your head. Учитель, сидевший у подножия дерева Бодхи и победивший полчище Мары, стоит у вас на голове.
Moggallānosi vāme vasati bhujataṭe dakkhiṇe sāriputto Moggallānosi vāme vasati bhujataṭe, dakkhiṇe Sāriputto. You have Moggallāna dwelling on your left hand side, and Sāriputta on your right. Моггалана пребывает слева, а Сарипутта - справа.
Dhammo majjhe urasmiṃ viharati bhavato mokkhato morayoniṃ Dhammo majjhe urasmiṃ viharati bhavato mokkhato morayoniṃ, The Dhamma dwells in the middle of your chest, who took birth from out of a peahen's womb Дхамма пребывает у вас посреди груди. Родившийся из утробы павлина
Sampatto bodhisatto caraṇayuga gato bhānulokekanātho sampatto Bodhisatto caraṇayugagato, bhānu lokekanātho. the Awakening One has come to your feet, he is brilliant, the world's sole protector. бодхисатта подошёл к вашим ногам. Он блистателен - единственный защитник мира. lokekanātho = loka+eka+nātho
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Sabbāvamaṅgalamupaddava dunnimittaṃ sabbīti roga gahadosa masesa nindā 20. Sabbāvamaṅgalam-upaddavadunnimittaṃ, sabbītirogagahadosa-m-asesanindā, All inauspicious events, adversities, and bad signs, all calamities, diseases, blame, bad planets, bar none, Все без исключения предвестники беды, несчастья, дурные знаки, беды, болезни, несчастливые планеты, порицание, sabbāvamaṅgalamupaddavadunnimittaṃ = sabba+avamaṅgalaṃ+upaddava+dunnimittaṃ, sabbītirogagahadosamasesanindā = sabbīti+roga+gaha+dosa+m+asesa+nindā
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Sabbantarāya bhayadussupinaṃ akantaṃ buddhānubhāvena payātu nāsaṃ sabbantarāyabhayadussupinaṃ akantaṃ - Buddhānubhāvapavarena payātu nāsaṃ! all obstacles, fears, and unpleasant dreams - may (all of them), through the excellent power of the Buddha, go to destruction! все препятствия, страхи, кошмарные сновидения - пусть будут сведены на нет силой Будды. buddhānubhāvena = buddha+ānubhāvena
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Sabbāvamaṅgalamupaddava dunnimittaṃ sabbīti roga gahadosa masesa nindā 21. Sabbāvamaṅgalam-upaddavadunnimittaṃ, sabbītirogagahadosa-m-asesanindā, All inauspicious events, adversities, and bad signs, all calamities, diseases, blame, bad planets, bar none, Все без исключения предвестники беды, несчастья, дурные знаки, беды, болезни, несчастливые планеты, порицание,
Sabbantarāya bhayadussupinaṃ akantaṃ dhammānubhāvena payātu nāsaṃ sabbantarāyabhayadussupinaṃ akantaṃ - Dhammānubhāvapavarena payātu nāsaṃ! all obstacles, fears, and unpleasant dreams - may (all of them), through the excellent power of the Dhamma, go to destruction! все препятствия, страхи, кошмарные сновидения - пусть будут сведены на нет силой Дхаммы. dhammānubhāvena = dhamma+ānubhāvena
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Sabbāvamaṅgalamupaddava dunnimittaṃ sabbīti roga gahadosa masesa nindā 22. Sabbāvamaṅgalam-upaddavadunnimittaṃ, sabbītirogagahadosa-m-asesanindā, All inauspicious events, adversities, and bad signs, all calamities, diseases, blame, bad planets, bar none, Все без исключения предвестники беды, несчастья, дурные знаки, беды, болезни, несчастливые планеты, порицание,
Sabbantarāya bhayadussupinaṃ akantaṃ saṅghānubhāvena payātu nāsaṃ sabbantarāyabhayadussupinaṃ akantaṃ - Saṅghānubhāvapavarena payātu nāsaṃ! all obstacles, fears, and unpleasant dreams - may (all of them), through the excellent power of the Saṅgha, go to destruction! все препятствия, страхи, кошмарные сновидения - пусть будут сведены на нет силой Сообщества. saṅghānubhāvena = saṅgha+ānubhāvena
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