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ДН 32 Наставление у города Атаната Перевод Палийский оригинал

пали Anandajoti bhikkhu - english Piyadassi thera - english khantibalo - русский Комментарии

Первый фрагмент декламации Таблица Палийский оригинал

275.Evaṃ me sutaṃ – ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā rājagahe viharati gijjhakūṭe pabbate. Thus I have heard: at one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Rājagaha on the Vultures’ Peak Mountain. Thus have I heard: [1] On one occasion the Blessed One was living on the Vulture's Peak near Rajagaha (Rajagir). Так я слышал. Однажды Благословенный проживал недалеко от Раджагахи на горе Гиджджхакута.
Atha kho cattāro mahārājā [mahārājāno (ka.)] mahatiyā ca yakkhasenāya mahatiyā ca gandhabbasenāya mahatiyā ca kumbhaṇḍasenāya mahatiyā ca nāgasenāya catuddisaṃ rakkhaṃ ṭhapetvā catuddisaṃ gumbaṃ ṭhapetvā catuddisaṃ ovaraṇaṃ ṭhapetvā abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇṇā kevalakappaṃ gijjhakūṭaṃ pabbataṃ obhāsetvā [gijjhakūṭaṃ obhāsetvā (sī. syā. pī.)] yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṃsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Then the Four Great Kings, with a great army of yakkhas, with a great army of gandhabbas, with a great army of kumbhaṇḍas, with a great army of nāgas, having set up a protection over the four quarters, having set serried troops at the four directions, having set up a barricade at the four directions, at the end of the night, having lit up the whole of Vultures’ Peak with their surpassing beauty, approached the Gracious One, and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One, they sat down on one side. Then four great kings[2] having placed a guard over the four quarters, with a large army of Yakkhas, of Gandhabbas, of Kumbhandas, of Nagas; having placed troops; having placed a barricade of soldiers on four sides, came to the presence of the Blessed One, when the night was far advanced, illuminating the entire Vulture's Peak with their surpassing radiance, saluted the Blessed One and sat on one side. В то время четыре великих правителя, установив защиту на четыре направления, с большой армией яккхов, гандаббов, кумбхандов и нагов, расставив войска, поставив заслон из солдат по четырём сторонам, прибыли к Благословенному поздней ночью, осветив всю гору Гиджджхакута своим непревзойдёнными сиянием, поприветствовали Благословенного и сели в стороне. Их зовут Дхатараттха, Вирулха, Вирупаккха, и Вессавана, они осуществляют руководство над четырьмя сторонами света в небесных обителях.
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Tepi kho yakkhā appekacce bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu, appekacce bhagavatā saddhiṃ sammodiṃsu, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu, appekacce yena bhagavā tenañjaliṃ paṇāmetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu, appekacce nāmagottaṃ sāvetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu, appekacce tuṇhībhūtā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Then of those yakkhas, some, after worshipping the Gracious One, sat down on one side. Some exchanged greetings with the Gracious One, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, sat down on one side. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to the Gracious One, sat down on one side. Some, after announcing their name and family, sat down on one side. Some, while keeping silent, sat down on one side. From among the (attendant) Yakkhas, some saluted the Blessed One, and sat on one side; some exchanged greetings with the Blessed One conversing in a friendly and courteous manner, and sat on one side; some saluted him with clasped hands, and sat on one side; some announced their name and lineage, and sat on one side; some sat on one side in silence. Среди сопровождавших яккхов некоторые поприветствовали Благословенного и сели в стороне, некоторые обменялись приветствиями с Благословенным в дружественной и уважительной манере и сели в стороне, некоторые поприветствовали его жестом уважения и сели в стороне, некоторые назвали своё личное и родовое имя и сели в стороне, некоторые молча сели в стороне.
276.Ekamantaṃ nisinno kho vessavaṇo mahārājā bhagavantaṃ etadavoca – "santi hi, bhante, uḷārā yakkhā bhagavato appasannā. Then, while sitting on one side, the Great King Vessavaṇa said this to the Gracious One: “There are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, Then the great King Vessavana (Skt. Vaisravana[3]), who was seated on one side, said to the Blessed One: "Venerable Sir (bhante), there are eminent Yakkhas who are not pleased with the Blessed One, И тогда великий правитель Вессавана, сидя в стороне, обратился к Благословенному: Почтенный, есть высокопоставленные яккхи, которые не привержены Благословенному Вессавана, царь Северной стороны света, согласно комментарию, был знаком с Буддой, вследствие того, что он является экспертом в разговоре и хорошо дис...
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Santi hi, bhante, uḷārā yakkhā bhagavato pasannā. there are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One, there are also eminent Yakkhas pleased with the Blessed One. и также есть высокопоставленные яккхи, которые привержены Благословенному.
Santi hi, bhante, majjhimā yakkhā bhagavato appasannā. there are, reverend Sir, some middle ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, There are Yakkhas of middle rank who are not pleased with the Blessed One, Есть яккхи среднего звена, которые не привержены Благословенному
Santi hi, bhante, majjhimā yakkhā bhagavato pasannā. there are, reverend Sir, some middle ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One, and there are those who are pleased with the Blessed One. и также есть яккхи среднего звена, которые привержены Благословенному.
Santi hi, bhante, nīcā yakkhā bhagavato appasannā. there are, reverend Sir, some low ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, There are Yakkhas of inferior rank who are not pleased with the Blessed One, Есть рядовые яккхи, которые не привержены Благословенному
Santi hi, bhante, nīcā yakkhā bhagavato pasannā. there are, reverend Sir, some low ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One. and there are those who are pleased with the Blessed One. и также есть рядовые яккхи, которые привержены Благословенному.
Yebhuyyena kho pana, bhante, yakkhā appasannāyeva bhagavato. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas are not pleased with the Gracious One. The Yakkhas, bhante, as a rule, are not pleased with the Blessed One. Почтенный, большинство яккхов не привержены Благословенному.
Taṃ kissa hetu? “What is the reason for that? What is the reason for this?" В чём причина этого?
Bhagavā hi, bhante, pāṇātipātā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti, adinnādānā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti, kāmesumicchācārā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti, musāvādā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti, surāmerayamajjappamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti. Because, reverend Sir, the Gracious One preaches the Dhamma of refraining from killing living creatures, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from taking what has not been given, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from sexual misconduct, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from false speech, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from liquor, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. "Well, the Blessed One teaches the Dhamma to establish abstention from killing, from stealing, from sexual misconduct, from false speech, and from liquor that causes intoxication and negligence. Почтенный, ведь Благословенный проповедует учение, прививающее воздержание от убийства, взятия неданного, дурного сексуального поведения, ложной речи и употребления опьяняющих веществ, ведущих к беспечности.
Yebhuyyena kho pana, bhante, yakkhā appaṭiviratāyeva pāṇātipātā, appaṭiviratā adinnādānā, appaṭiviratā kāmesumicchācārā, appaṭiviratā musāvādā, appaṭiviratā surāmerayamajjappamādaṭṭhānā. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas do not refrain from killing living creatures, do not refrain from taking what has not been given, do not refrain from sexual misconduct, do not refrain from false speech, do not refrain from liquors, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. Параграф отсутствует у Пиядасси Но большинство яккхов не воздерживаются от убийства, взятия неданного, дурного сексуального поведения, ложной речи и употребления опьяняющих веществ, ведущих к беспечности.
Tesaṃ taṃ hoti appiyaṃ amanāpaṃ. To them that is neither dear nor appealing. To them such teaching is unpleasant and unpalatable." Поэтому для них такое учение неприятно и неудовлетворительно.
Santi hi, bhante, bhagavato sāvakā araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni paṭisevanti appasaddāni appanigghosāni vijanavātāni manussarāhasseyyakāni [manussarāhaseyyakāni (sī. syā. pī.)] paṭisallānasāruppāni. “There are, reverend Sir, disciples of the Gracious One in the wilderness, who are practising in remote jungle dwelling places, where there is little sound, little noise, which have a lonely atmosphere, lying hidden away from men, which are suitable for seclusion. "Surely bhante, there are disciples of the Blessed One. They frequent the remote recesses of forest and woodland wilderness where there is no sound, no tumult, where breezes are void of human contact, and suitable for man's seclusion and quiet contemplation. И действительно, почтенный, есть ученики Благословенного, часто бывающие в удалённых местах леса, где нет звуков и криков, вдалеке от толпы, скрытые от людей, подходящие для уединения.
Tattha santi uḷārā yakkhā nivāsino, ye imasmiṃ bhagavato pāvacane appasannā. And there are high ranking yakkhas settled there who are not pleased with the word of the Gracious One. There are eminent Yakkhas who haunt these forests, who have no faith in the word of the Blessed One. Есть высокопоставленные яккхи, населяющие эти леса, которые не привержены слову Благословенного.
Tesaṃ pasādāya uggaṇhātu, bhante, bhagavā āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāyā"ti. To please them, reverend Sir, may the Gracious One learn this Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.” "Bhante, may the Blessed One learn the Atanata[4] protection so that the displeased Yakkhas may be pleased, so that the monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen, may be at ease, guarded, protected and unharmed." Пусть они станут приверженными! Почтенный, пусть Благословенный узнает защитные строфы Атанаты, чтобы монахи и монахини, миряне и мирянки жили без трудностей и были бы защищены, оберегаемы и жили легко. Согласно Dighanikaya-attakatha-tika (том III, стр. 194), у царя Вессаваны имелся город по имени Атаната, в котором собрались четыре царя и рассказали ...
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Adhivāsesi bhagavā tuṇhībhāvena. The Gracious One by keeping silent gave consent. The Blessed One gave consent by his silence. Благословенный молча согласился.
Atha kho vessavaṇo mahārājā bhagavato adhivāsanaṃ viditvā tāyaṃ velāyaṃ imaṃ āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ abhāsi – Then the Great King Vessavaṇa having understood the Gracious One’s consent on that occasion recited this Āṭānāṭiya protection: Then the great King Vessavana, knowing that the Blessed One had consented, recited the Atanatiya protection: Тогда великий правитель Вессавана, поняв, что Благословенный согласился, продекламировал защитные строфы Атанаты.
277."Vipassissa ca [ime cakārā porāṇapotthakesu natthi] namatthu, cakkhumantassa sirīmato. “May you revere Vipassī, the glorious Visionary, 1. "Homage to Vipassi (the Buddha) possessed of the eye (of wisdom) and splendor. Почтение Випасси, обладавшему глазом мудрости и славой. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734309
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Sikhissapi ca [ime cakārā porāṇapotthakesu natthi] namatthu, sabbabhūtānukampino. may you revere Sikhī, who has pity on all beings. Homage to Sikhi (the Buddha) compassionate towards all beings. Почтение Сикхи, милосердному ко всем существам. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734312
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"Vessabhussa ca [ime cakārā porāṇapotthakesu natthi] namatthu, nhātakassa tapassino; “May you revere Vessabhū, the austere one, cleansed (of corruptions), 2. "Homage to Vessabhu (the Buddha) free from all defilements and possessed of ascetic energy. Почтение Весабху, полностью очистившемуся от всех загрязнений и аскетичному. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734315
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Namatthu kakusandhassa, mārasenāpamaddino. may you revere Kakusandha, who has crushed Māra’s army. Homage to Kakusanda (the Buddha), the conqueror of (the five-fold) host of Mara. Почтение Какусандхе, разгромившему войска Мары. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734318
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"Koṇāgamanassa namatthu, brāhmaṇassa vusīmato; “May you revere Koṇāgamana, the accomplished brahmin, 3. "Homage to Konagamana (the Buddha) who has shed all defilements, and had lived the holy life. Почтение Конагамане, брахману, прожившему совершенную жизнь. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734321
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Kassapassa ca [ime cakārā porāṇapotthakesu natthi] namatthu, vippamuttassa sabbadhi. may you revere Kassapa, who is free in every respect. Homage to Kassapa (the Buddha) who is fully freed from all defilements. Почтение Кассапе, полностью освобождённому от всех загрязнений. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734324
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"Aṅgīrasassa namatthu, sakyaputtassa sirīmato; “May you revere Aṅgīrasa, the glorious son of the Sakyans, 4. "Homage to Angirasa (the Buddha Gotama), the son of the Sakyas, Почтение Ангирасе (Будде Готаме), великолепному потомку рода Сакья, Ангираса - имя Будды, применяется в Питаках несколько раз (например, Vin.i.25; D.iii.196; Si196; A.iii.239; Thag.v.536; Ji116). Комменатрии содержат т...
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Yo imaṃ dhammaṃ desesi [dhammamadesesi (sī. syā. pī.), dhammaṃ deseti (?)], sabbadukkhāpanūdanaṃ. he who preached this Dhamma, which is the dispelling of all suffering. who is full of radiance, and who proclaimed the Dhamma that dispels all suffering. учившему Дхамме, рассеивающей все страдания.
"Ye cāpi nibbutā loke, yathābhūtaṃ vipassisuṃ; “Those who are emancipated in the world, who have insight (into things) as they are, 5. "Those in the world, who have extinguished (the flames of passion), and have perceived through insight (meditation), things as they really are, Те, кто в мире погасили (пламя загрязнений ума), увидевшие всё как оно есть -
Te janā apisuṇātha [apisuṇā (sī. syā. pī.)], mahantā vītasāradā. those people free from malicious speech, who are great and fully mature, they never slander anyone; they are mighty men who are free from fear. они ни на кого не клевещут, это могучие и бесстрашные существа.
"Hitaṃ devamanussānaṃ, yaṃ namassanti gotamaṃ; “They will revere that Gotama, who is of benefit to gods and men, 6. "Gotama (the Buddha) dear to gods and men, Они выражают почтение Готаме, приносящему благо божествам и людям, Возможно последний вариант в комментарии состоит в том, что на namassanti предложение заканчивается, а с gotamaṃ начинается новое.
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Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. who has understanding and good conduct, who is great and fully mature. endowed with knowledge and virtue,[5] mighty and fearless, all do homage to him (homage be to him). обладающему знанием и [нравственным] поведением, могучему и бесстрашному. Виджджа-чарана: буквально знание и поведение.
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278."Yato uggacchati sūriyo [suriyo (sī. syā. pī.)], ādicco maṇḍalī mahā. From where the sun comes up, the son of Aditi, the great circle, 7-8. "When the resplendent sun — offspring of Aditi — with its full orb, arises, Когда Солнце, потомок Адити, восходит полным диском,
Yassa cuggacchamānassa, saṃvarīpi nirujjhati; while that one is coming up, the darkness of night comes to an end, then the night ceases, and it is called the day. и когда оно всходит, то ночь прекращается.
Yassa cuggate sūriye, 'divaso'ti pavuccati. “And after the sun has come up, it is said to be the daytime, The direction from which the sun rises (is the East). Когда солнце взошло, это днём зовётся.
"Rahadopi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako; there is a deep lake in that place, an ocean where the waters have flowed, There exists the ocean deep and vast. Там находится глубокий и бескрайний океан.
Evaṃ taṃ tattha jānanti, 'samuddo saritodako'. Thus in that place they know there is an ocean where the waters have flowed, 9. "This — a spreading sheet of water — they know as the ocean. Эту гладь воды они знают как океан.
"Ito 'sā purimā disā', iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Easterly direction, so the people declare. Where there is East (to the East of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is East. Там, где восток, они зовут это направление восточным.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, 10. "Custodian of this quarter is a great king Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой прислужников
"Gandhabbānaṃ adhipati [ādhipati (sī. syā. pī.) evamuparipi], 'dhataraṭṭho'ti nāmaso; he is the master of the gandhabbas, Dhataraṭṭha, such is his name. named Dhatarattha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Gandhabbas. по имени Дхатараттха и являющийся правителем гандхаббов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, gandhabbehi purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by gandhabbas, 11. "Attended by Ghandhabbas he enjoys their song and dance. Он наслаждается песнями и танцами прислуживающих ему гандхаббов.
"Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, Many are his (Datharatta's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, 12-13. "Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, They too, beholding the Buddha — Kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless — salute him from afar: издалека его приветствуют – великого и мудрого:
"Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; ‘Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!’ "Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men."[6] "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший. С 13-го раздела Пиядаси принял метод нумерации строф в последовательном порядке.
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Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, 14-15. "As by thy omniscience,[7] thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение. Kusalena, необычная фраза: «всеведение», «чистая мудрость», «возвышенная мудрость» (Комм).
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Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: This we have often heard. We, therefore, request Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"'Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too say: 'We reverence Gotama, the Conqueror, "почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя?" "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ'. who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.'" мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
279."Yena petā pavuccanti, pisuṇā piṭṭhimaṃsikā. “There they say (go) the departed, who speak maliciously, backbiters, 16-18. "The direction from where the petas (corpses), backbiters, Там, где живут петы, оскорбляющие, клеветники,
Pāṇātipātino luddā [luddhā (pī. ka.)], corā nekatikā janā. killers of creatures, hunters, thieves, and fraudulent people, murderers, the fierce brigands, and the deceitful are removed, убийцы и жадный народ, воры и хитрые мошенники
"Ito 'sā dakkhiṇā disā', iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Southerly direction, so the people declare. is the direction (to the right of Mount Meru), and is called the quarter of the South. - это направление зовётся югом. Так называют его люди.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Virulha who has a retinue of attendants, Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой прислужников
"Kumbhaṇḍānaṃ adhipati, 'virūḷho' iti nāmaso; he is the master of the kumbhaṇḍhas, Virūḷha, such is his name. and is the sovereign lord of Kumbhandas. по имени Вирулха и являющийся правителем кумбхандов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, kumbhaṇḍehi purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by kumbhaṇḍhas, Attended by the Kumbhandas he enjoys their song and dance. Он наслаждается песнями и танцами прислуживающих ему кумбхандов.
"Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, 19. "Many are his (Virulha's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. “They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, 20. "They too, beholding the Buddha — Kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. “From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless — salute him from afar: приветствуют его издалека, великого и мудрого:
"Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; ‘Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!’ 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший"
Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, glory to thee, the highest among men.'21-22. "As by thy omniscience, thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение.
Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"'Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, They too say: 'We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, "почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя?" "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ'. who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
280."Yattha coggacchati sūriyo, ādicco maṇḍalī mahā. That place where the sun goes down, the son of Aditi, the great circle, 23-24. "When the resplendent sun — offspring of Aditi — with its full orb, sets, Когда солнце, потомок Адити, заходит со своим полным диском,
Yassa coggacchamānassa, divasopi nirujjhati; while that one is going down the light of day comes to an end, then the day ceases, and it is called night. то день прекращается и это ночью зовётся.
Yassa coggate sūriye, 'saṃvarī'ti pavuccati. And after the sun has gone down, it is said to be night-time, The direction where the sun sets (is the West). Когда солнце заходит, это зовётся ночью.
"Rahadopi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako; there is a deep lake in that place, an ocean where the waters have flowed, There exists the ocean deep and vast. Там находится глубокий и бескрайний океан.
Evaṃ taṃ tattha jānanti, 'samuddo saritodako'. “Thus in that place they know there is an ocean where the waters have flowed, 25. "This — a spreading sheet of water — they know as the ocean. Эту гладь воды они знают как океан.
"Ito 'sā pacchimā disā', iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Westerly direction, so the people declare. Where there is West (to the West of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is West. Там где запад, люди зовут это направление западным.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. “That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, 26. "Custodians of this quarter is a great king Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой прислужников
"Nāgānañca adhipati, 'virūpakkho'ti nāmaso; he is the master of the nāgas, Virūpakkha, such is his name. named Virupakkha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Nagas. по имени Вирупаккха и являющийся правителем нагов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, nāgeheva purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by nāgas, 27. "Attended by Nagas he enjoys their song and dance. Он наслаждается песнями и танцами прислуживающих ему нагов.
"Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, Many are his (Virupakkha's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, 28-29. "Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, They too, beholding the Buddha — Kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless — salute him from afar: приветствуют его издалека, великого и мудрого:
"Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!’ 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men.' "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший"
Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; “You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, 30-31. "As by thy omniscience, thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение.
Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"'Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, They too say: 'We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, "Почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя?" "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ'. who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
281."Yena uttarakuruvho [uttarakurū rammā (sī. syā. pī.)], mahāneru sudassano. Where delightful Uttarakuru is, and the good looking Mount Neru, 32. "Where lies delightful Uttarakuru (the Northern continent), where towers beautiful Mount Meru, Где простирается прекрасный Уттаракуру, где возвышается прекрасная гора Неру,
Manussā tattha jāyanti, amamā apariggahā. the men who are born in that place are unselfish, without possessions. there are born men who are selfless and unattached. там рождаются люди бескорыстные и непривязанные.
"Na te bījaṃ pavapanti, napi nīyanti naṅgalā; They do not sow the seed, and nor are there ploughs led along, 33. "They neither sow the seed nor use[8] the plow. Они не сеют и не используют плуг. На piniyanti, буквально они не несут плуг.
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Akaṭṭhapākimaṃ sāliṃ, paribhuñjanti mānusā. the rice that men enjoy the use of there matures in untilled ground, Spontaneously grown corn is there for them to enjoy. Там для питания людей сами растут растения.
"Akaṇaṃ athusaṃ suddhaṃ, sugandhaṃ taṇḍulapphalaṃ; “Without husk powder or chaff, pure, sweet smelling grains of the finest rice, 34. "The rice, purged of the red powder and of husk, clean and sweet-scented, Рис, очищенный от красной пыли и шелухи, чистый и благоуханный,
Tuṇḍikīre pacitvāna, tato bhuñjanti bhojanaṃ. having cooked it on hot rocks (without smoke), they then enjoy their food. is boiled in golden vessels; it is this that they partake of. сварив на горячих камнях они едят.
"Gāviṃ ekakhuraṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Having made their cows solid-hooved they go about from place to place, 35. "They make of cows a single-seated mount (like mounting on horseback)[9] and ride about from place to place. Они ставят седло на корову и так перемещаются с места на место. Tam pittim abhiruyha, посадка на спину (комм).
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Pasuṃ ekakhuraṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. having made their kine solid-hooved they go about from place to place, Параграф отсутствует у Пиядасси Они ставят седло на животных и путешествуют на них с места на место.
"Itthiṃ vā vāhanaṃ [itthī-vāhanaṃ (sī. pī.), itthīṃ vāhanaṃ (syā.)] katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Having made women their vehicle they go about from place to place, 36-37. "They make use of women Они используют женщин как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
Purisaṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. having made men their vehicle they go about from place to place and men, Они используют мужчин как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
"Kumāriṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Having made girls their vehicle they go about from place to place, girls Они используют девочек как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
Kumāraṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. having made boys their vehicle they go about from place to place. and boys as vehicles, and travel from place to place in them. Они используют мальчиков как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
"Te yāne abhiruhitvā, “Having mounted their (various) carriages, 38. "Mounting on vehicles (on elephants and horses) Верхом на колесницах
Sabbā disā anupariyāyanti [anupariyanti (syā.)] ; go around in all directions, they (the Yakkhas of King Vessavana) travel in every direction. они путешествуют во всех направлениях
Pacārā tassa rājino. the messengers of that King. - прислуживая своему правителю.
"Hatthiyānaṃ assayānaṃ, dibbaṃ yānaṃ upaṭṭhitaṃ; being furnished with elephant, and horse, and divine-carriages. 39. "This king who has a retinue of attendants, is possessed of elephants and horses on which he rides. Пользуется слонами, лошадьми и божественными колесницами
Pāsādā sivikā ceva, mahārājassa yasassino. And for that Great and resplendent King there are palaces and palanquins, He also has celestial chariots, palaces, and palanquins. дворцами и паланкинами этот великий правитель со свитой.
"Tassa ca nagarā ahu, and there are cities for him also He has cities У него города
Antalikkhe sumāpitā; that are well built in the heavens (called): well built in the celestial regions. парят в воздухе.
Āṭānāṭā kusināṭā parakusināṭā, “Āṭānāṭā, Kusināṭā, Parakusināṭā, "Their names are Atanata, Kusinata, Они называются Атаната, Парикусината,
Nāṭasuriyā [nāṭapuriyā (sī. pī.), nāṭapariyā (syā.)] parakusiṭanāṭā. Nāṭapuriyā, Parakusitanāṭā Parakusinata, Natapuriya, Parakusitanata. Натапурия и Паракуситаната.
"Uttarena kasivanto [kapivanto (sī. syā. pī)], To the North is Kapīvanta, To the North, the city of Kapilavata, На севере город Капилавата,
Janoghamaparena ca; and on the other side is Janogha, to the South[10] Janogha, на юге - Джаногха Etassa aparabhage (комм).
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Navanavutiyo ambaraambaravatiyo, Navanavatiya, Ambara-ambaravatiya, and cities named Navanavati, Ambara-ambaravati и города по имени Наванавати, Амбара-амбаравати
Āḷakamandā nāma rājadhānī. and the king’s capital named Ālakamandā. and the kingdom of Alakamanda. и столица Алакаманда.
"Kuverassa kho pana, mārisa, mahārājassa visāṇā nāma rājadhānī; The Great King Kuvera’s capital, dear Sir, is named Visāṇā, Happy one (addressing the Buddha), this Kuvera (another name for Vessavana) has a kingdom named Visna, Но столица великого правителя Куверы зовётся Висана.
Tasmā kuvero mahārājā, 'vessavaṇo'ti pavuccati. therefore is the Great King also called Vessavaṇa. therefore, the great king Kuvera is called Vessavana. Поэтому великого правителя Кувера зовут Вессавана.
"Paccesanto pakāsenti, tatolā tattalā tatotalā; These each individually inform (the King): Tatolā, Tattalā, Tatotalā, There are Yakkhas (of this king) who hold investigations and make them known. They are Tatola, Tattala, Tatotala, Тех, что выполняет поручения этого царя зовут Татола, Таттала, Татотала,
Ojasi tejasi tatojasī, sūro rājā ariṭṭho nemi. Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi, Sūra, Rājā, Ariṭṭha, Nemi. Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi, Suro, Raja (Sura-raja) Arittho, Nemi (Arittha-nemi). Оджаси, Теджаси, Татоджаси, Суро, Раджа, Ариттхо, Неми.
"Rahadopi tattha dharaṇī nāma, yato meghā pavassanti; There is a lake in that place also, named Dharaṇī, and from there the clouds rain down, There (in Visana kingdom) lies the lake Dharani whence rain-clouds (drawing water) pour them forth. Там (в королевстве Висана) располагается озеро Дхарани, откуда берут воду тучи,
Vassā yato patāyanti, sabhāpi tattha sālavatī [bhagalavatī (sī. syā. pī.)] nāma. from there the rains spread.There also is the public hall named Bhagalavatī And there is also the hall named Bhagalavati проливающие дождь на землю. И там же находится зал по имени Бхагалавати,
"Yattha yakkhā payirupāsanti, tattha niccaphalā rukkhā; where the yakkhas assemble. There the trees are always in fruit, where the Yakkhas assemble. 40. "There (round about the hall) are trees bearing perpetual fruit. где яккхи собираются. Вокруг зала собраний растут постоянно приносящие плоды деревья.
Nānā dijagaṇā yutā, mayūrakoñcābhirudā; and have a crowd of birds of diverse kinds, resounding with peacocks and hens, There also is heard the cry of peacocks and herons, На тех деревьях сидит множество птиц. Там также слышны крики павлинов и цапель,
Kokilādīhi vagguhi. and also with the lovely cuckoos, and the melodious song of kokilas (the Indian cuckoo). и мелодичные песни индийской кукушки (kokilā).
"Jīvañjīvakasaddettha, atho oṭṭhavacittakā; “There is the pheasant who calls out “Live on!” and the bird who calls out “Lift up your minds!” 41. "There (near the lake) the cry of the birds, who call 'Live ye! Live ye!' (jivamjivaka) is heard. The bird Otthavacittaka ('O lift your hearts!'), the jungle fowls, Там у озера слышен крик птиц "живи! живи!". В лесах там обитает птица, поющая "воспряньте духом!",
Kukkuṭakā [kukutthakā (sī. pī.)] kuḷīrakā, vane pokkharasātakā. there are the jungle fowl, and golden cocks, and in the wood the lotus crane, the crabs and the Pokkharasataka birds roam the woods. лесные фазаны, крабы (kuḷīrakā - ?), лесной журавль.
"Sukasāḷikasaddettha, daṇḍamāṇavakāni ca; “There are the sounds of parrot and mynah, and birds who have young men's faces, 42. "There the cry of the parrot, the myna-birds and the dandamanavaka birds is heard. Там слышны голоса попугаев, птиц мина и дандаманавака.
Sobhati sabbakālaṃ sā, kuveranaḷinī sadā. and Kuvera’s lotus pond is ever attractive, all of the time, And Kuvera's lotus-lake ever lies in her beauty in all seasons. И лотосовое озеро Кувера во все времена года выглядит великолепно.
"Ito 'sā uttarā disā', iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Northerly direction, so the people declare. 43-44. "That direction (to the North of Mount Meru) is called by people the quarter of the North. "То направление зовётся людьми севером.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. “That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Kuvera who has a retinue of attendants, Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой
"Yakkhānañca adhipati, 'kuvero' iti nāmaso; he is the master of the yakkhas, Kuvera, such is his name. and is sovereign lord of the Yakkhas по имени Кувера, он правитель яккхов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, yakkheheva purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by yakkhas, Attended by the Yakkhas he enjoys their songs and dance. Он наслаждается пением и танцами прислуживающих ему яккхов.
"Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, 45. "Many are his (Kuvera's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
"Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, 46. "They too, beholding the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. “From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless, salute him from afar: приветствуют его издалека, великого и мудрого:
"Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; ‘Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one! 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind! Glory to thee, the noblest among men.' "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший"
Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; “You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, 47-48. "As by thy pure omniscience thou hast looked on (mankind); even the non-humans pay reverence to thee, С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение.
Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: this we have heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They, too, say, Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"'Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, 'We reverence Gotama, the Conqueror, "Почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя?" "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotama"'nti. who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
"Ayaṃ kho sā, mārisa, āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāya. “This, dear Sir, is the Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living. This the Blessed One said. Сударь, таковы защитные строфы Атанаты, благодаря которым монахи и монахини, миряне и мирянки смогут жить без трудностей, будут защищены, оберегаемы и будут жить легко.
282."Yassa kassaci, mārisa, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā upāsakassa vā upāsikāya vā ayaṃ āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā suggahitā bhavissati samattā pariyāputā [pariyāpuṭā (ka.)]. Whoever, dear Sir—be they monk or nun or layman or laywoman—learns this Āṭānāṭiya protection well, and will master it in its entirety, Those monks glad at heart rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One. Если какой-либо монах, монахиня, мирянин или мирянка выучит наизусть эти защитные строфы Атанаты, и научится точно воспроизводить их,
Taṃ ce amanusso yakkho vā yakkhinī vā yakkhapotako vā yakkhapotikā vā yakkhamahāmatto vā yakkhapārisajjo vā yakkhapacāro vā, gandhabbo vā gandhabbī vā gandhabbapotako vā gandhabbapotikā vā gandhabbamahāmatto vā gandhabbapārisajjo vā gandhabbapacāro vā, kumbhaṇḍo vā kumbhaṇḍī vā kumbhaṇḍapotako vā kumbhaṇḍapotikā vā kumbhaṇḍamahāmatto vā kumbhaṇḍapārisajjo vā kumbhaṇḍapacāro vā, nāgo vā nāgī vā nāgapotako vā nāgapotikā vā nāgamahāmatto vā nāgapārisajjo vā nāgapacāro vā, paduṭṭhacitto bhikkhuṃ vā bhikkhuniṃ vā upāsakaṃ vā upāsikaṃ vā gacchantaṃ vā anugaccheyya, ṭhitaṃ vā upatiṭṭheyya, nisinnaṃ vā upanisīdeyya, nipannaṃ vā upanipajjeyya. then if a non-human being—be they male yakkha or female yakkha or yakkha boy or yakkha girl or yakkha minister or yakkha councillor or yakkha messenger or male gandhabba or female gandhabba or gandhabba boy or gandhabba girl or gandhabba minister or gandhabba councillor or gandhabba messenger or male kumbhaṇḍa or female kumbhaṇḍa or kumbhaṇḍa boy or kumbhaṇḍa girl or kumbhaṇḍa minister or kumbhaṇḍa councillor or kumbhaṇḍa messenger or male nāga or female nāga or nāga boy or nāga girl or nāga minister or nāga councillor or nāga messenger—with a wicked mind come near while they are going, or stand near while they are standing, or sit near while they are sitting, or lie near while they are lying, и, если какой-либо нелюдь - яккха мужского или женского пола, юноша или девушка из числа яккхов, министр из числа яккхов или любой другой яккха или прислужник, ганхдабба мужского или женского пола... кумбханда мужского или женского пола... нага мужского ли женского пола... будет идти рядом с ним, стоять, сидеть или лежать рядом с ним или с ней с дурным намерением,
Na me so, mārisa, amanusso labheyya gāmesu vā nigamesu vā sakkāraṃ vā garukāraṃ vā. then that non-human being, dear Sir, would not receive in my villages and towns, honour or respect. такой нелюдь, о сударь, не будет принят с гостеприимством в каком-либо городе или деревне,
Na me so, mārisa, amanusso labheyya āḷakamandāya nāma rājadhāniyā vatthuṃ vā vāsaṃ vā. That non-human being, dear Sir, would not receive in my royal city Ālakamandā, ground or dwelling. не получит жилище, не сможет жить в королевстве Алакаманда.
Na me so, mārisa, amanusso labheyya yakkhānaṃ samitiṃ gantuṃ. That non-human being, dear Sir, would not be able to go to the gathering of the yakkhas. Этот нелюдь не сможет участвовать в собраниях яккхов.
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā anāvayhampi naṃ kareyyuṃ avivayhaṃ. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would not give or take him in marriage. Кроме того, его не возьмут в супруги и не выдадут замуж,
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā attāhipi paripuṇṇāhi paribhāsāhi paribhāseyyuṃ. urther, dear Sir, non-human beings would abuse him with very personal abuse. нелюди будут в ярости его оскорблять,
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā rittaṃpissa pattaṃ sīse nikkujjeyyuṃ. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would drop an empty bowl over his head. и нечеловеческие существа опрокинут его голову как пустой сосуд
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā sattadhāpissa muddhaṃ phāleyyuṃ. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would split his head into seven pieces. и разобьют её на семь частей.
"Santi hi, mārisa, amanussā caṇḍā ruddhā [ruddā (sī. pī.)] rabhasā, te neva mahārājānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti. “There are non-human beings, dear Sir, who are fierce, cruel, and violent, they do not take notice of the Great Kings, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men's men, Сударь, есть нечеловеческие существа - свирепые, неистовые, мстительные; они не слушаются ни четырёх великих правителей, ни их министров ни их прислужников.
Te kho te, mārisa, amanussā mahārājānaṃ avaruddhā nāma vuccanti. and those non-human beings, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the Great Kings. Они зовутся восставшими против четырех великих правителей.
Seyyathāpi, mārisa, rañño māgadhassa vijite mahācorā. Just as, dear Sir, there are thieves in the king of Magadha’s realm, Подобно тому, как в королевстве Магадхи есть воры,
Te neva rañño māgadhassa ādiyanti, na rañño māgadhassa purisakānaṃ ādiyanti, na rañño māgadhassa purisakānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti. who do not take notice of the king of Magadha, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha’s men, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha’s men's men, не слушающиеся ни царя Магадхи, ни министров царя Магадхи ни их подчинённых царя Магадхи,
Te kho te, mārisa, mahācorā rañño māgadhassa avaruddhā nāma vuccanti. and those great thieves, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the king of Magadha. и зовутся восставшими против короля Магадхи,
Evameva kho, mārisa, santi amanussā caṇḍā ruddhā rabhasā, te neva mahārājānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti. Even so, dear Sir, there are non-human beings who are fierce, cruel, and violent, they do not take notice of the Great Kings, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men's men, так есть и нечеловеческие существа, не слушающиеся ни четырёх великих правителей, ни министров великих правителей, ни подчинённых великих правителей.
Te kho te, mārisa, amanussā mahārājānaṃ avaruddhā nāma vuccanti. and those non-human beings, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the Great Kings. Они зовутся восставшими против четырех великих правителей.
Yo hi koci, mārisa, amanusso yakkho vā yakkhinī vā - pe - gandhabbo vā gandhabbī vā … kumbhaṇḍo vā kumbhaṇḍī vā… nāgo vā nāgī vā nāgapotako vā nāgapotikā vā nāgamahāmatto vā nāgapārisajjo vā nāgapacāro vā paduṭṭhacitto bhikkhuṃ vā bhikkhuniṃ vā upāsakaṃ vā upāsikaṃ vā gacchantaṃ vā anugaccheyya, ṭhitaṃ vā upatiṭṭheyya, nisinnaṃ vā upanisīdeyya, nipannaṃ vā upanipajjeyya. “Now, dear Sir, whatever non-human beings—be they male yakkha or female yakkha or yakkha boy or yakkha girl or yakkha minister or yakkha councillor or yakkha messenger or male gandhabba or female gandhabba or gandhabba boy or gandhabba girl or gandhabba minister or gandhabba councillor or gandhabba messenger or male kumbhaṇḍa or female kumbhaṇḍa or kumbhaṇḍa boy or kumbhaṇḍa girl or kumbhaṇḍa minister or kumbhaṇḍa councillor or kumbhaṇḍa messenger or male nāga or female nāga or nāga boy or nāga girl or nāga minister or nāga councillor or nāga messenger—with a wicked mind should come near a monk or a nun or a layman or a laywoman while they are going, or stand near while they are standing, or sit near while they are sitting, or lie near while they are lying, Сударь, если какой-либо нелюдь - яккха мужского или женского пола, юноша или девушка из числа яккхов, яккха - министр или любой другой якккха, яккха-прислужник; гандхабба мужского или женского пола...; кумбханда мужского или женского пола...; нага мужского или женского пола... будет идти рядом с монахом или монахиней, мирянином или мирянкой, стоять или сидеть, лежать рядом с ним или с ней с дурным намерением,
Imesaṃ yakkhānaṃ mahāyakkhānaṃ senāpatīnaṃ mahāsenāpatīnaṃ ujjhāpetabbaṃ vikkanditabbaṃ viravitabbaṃ – 'ayaṃ yakkho gaṇhāti, ayaṃ yakkho āvisati, ayaṃ yakkho heṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho viheṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho hiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho vihiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho na muñcatī'ti. then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, great generals, one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out: “This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me, this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me, this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me, this yakkha will not release me.” то человек, подвергнувшийся этой опасности, должен сообщить, воскликнуть и крикнуть тем яккхам, тем могучим яккхам, их командирам и генералам: "Этот яккха хватает меня, овладевает мной, досаждает мне, нападает на меня, вредит мне, наносит мне сильный вред и не отпускает меня!"
283."Katamesaṃ yakkhānaṃ mahāyakkhānaṃ senāpatīnaṃ mahāsenāpatīnaṃ? To which yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals? К каким яккхам, могучим яккхам, их командирам и генералам [следует обращаться с такой просьбой]?
"Indo somo varuṇo ca, bhāradvājo pajāpati; “Inda, Soma, and Varuṇa, Bhāradvāja, Pajāpati, Инда, Сома и Варуна, Бхарадваджа, Паджапати,
Candano kāmaseṭṭho ca, kinnughaṇḍu nighaṇḍu ca. Candana, and Kāmaseṭṭha, Kinnughaṇḍu, and Nighaṇḍu, Чандана и также Камасеттха, Киннуганду, Ниганду,
"Panādo opamañño ca, devasūto ca mātali; Panāda, and Opamañña, and Mātali, the gods’ charioteer. Панада и также Опаманья, Девасута и Матали,
Cittaseno ca gandhabbo, naḷo rājā janesabho [janosabho (syā.)]. “The gandhabbas Citta and Sena, the kings Nala and Janesabha, Читтасена и Гандхабба, Нала, Раджа, Джанесабха,
"Sātāgiro hemavato, puṇṇako karatiyo guḷo; Sātāgira, Hemavata, Puṇṇaka, Karatiya, Guḷa, Сатагира, Хемавата, Пуннака, Каратия, Гула,
Sivako mucalindo ca, vessāmitto yugandharo. “Sīvaka, and Mucalinda, Vessāmitta, Yugandhara, Сивака и также Мучалинда, Вессамитта, Югандхара,
"Gopālo supparodho ca [suppagedho ca (sī. syā. pī.)], hiri netti [hirī nettī (sī. pī.)] ca mandiyo; Gopāla, and Suppagedha, Hiri, Netti, and Mandiya, Гопала и также Суппагедха, Хири, Нетти и Мандия,
Pañcālacaṇḍo āḷavako, pajjunno sumano sumukho; Pañcālacaṇḍa, Ālavaka, Pajjuna, Sumana, Sumukha, Панчалачанда, Алавака, Паджанта, Сумана, Сумукха,
Dadhimukho maṇi māṇivaro [maṇi mānicaro (syā. pī.)] dīgho, atho serīsako saha. Dadhīmukha, Maṇi, Māṇi, Cara, Dīgha, together with Serissaka: Дадхимуккха, Мани, Маничара, Дигха и наконец, Сериссака.
"Imesaṃ yakkhānaṃ mahāyakkhānaṃ senāpatīnaṃ mahāsenāpatīnaṃ ujjhāpetabbaṃ vikkanditabbaṃ viravitabbaṃ – 'ayaṃ yakkho gaṇhāti, ayaṃ yakkho āvisati, ayaṃ yakkho heṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho viheṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho hiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho vihiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho na muñcatī'ti. “Then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals, one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out: ‘This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me, this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me, this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me, this yakkha will not release me.’ Этим яккхам, этим могучим яккхам, их командирам и генералам человек, подвергнувшийся этой опасности, должен сообщить, воскликнуть и крикнуть: "Этот яккха хватает меня, овладевает мной, досаждает мне, нападает на меня, вредит мне, наносит мне сильный вред и не отпускает меня!".
"Ayaṃ kho sā, mārisa, āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāya. “This, dear Sir, is the Āṭānāṭiyā protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living. Сударь, это защитные строфы Атанаты, благодаря которым монахи и монахини, миряне и мирянки будут жить без трудностей, будут защищены, оберегаемы и будут жить легко.
Handa ca dāni mayaṃ, mārisa, gacchāma bahukiccā mayaṃ bahukaraṇīyā"ti. And now, dear Sir, we shall go, as we have many duties, and there is much which ought to be done.” Сударь, мы пойдём, поскольку у нас много дел, много нужно сделать (сказали четыре великих правителя). "
"Yassadāni tumhe mahārājāno kālaṃ maññathā"ti. “Now is the time for whatever you Great Kings are thinking.” Четыре правителя, делайте что считаете нужным" (ответил Будда)
284.Atha kho cattāro mahārājā uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu. Then the Four Great Kings rose from their seats and after worshipping and circumambulating the Gracious One, vanished right there. Четыре великих правителя встали со своих мест, поклонились Благословенному, уважительно обошли вокруг него и в том самом месте исчезли.
Tepi kho yakkhā uṭṭhāyāsanā appekacce bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu. Then some yakkhas rose from their seats and after worshipping and circumambulating the Gracious One, vanished right there. Среди сопровождающих яккхов некоторые встали со своих мест, поклонились Благословенному, уважительно обошли вокруг него и в том самом месте исчезли,
Appekacce bhagavatā saddhiṃ sammodiṃsu, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu. Some exchanged greetings with the Gracious One, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, vanished right there. некоторые обменялись приветствиями с Благословенным в дружественной и уважительной манере и в том самом месте исчезли,
Appekacce yena bhagavā tenañjaliṃ paṇāmetvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to the Gracious One, vanished right there. некоторые почтили его жестом уважения и в том самом месте исчезли,
Appekacce nāmagottaṃ sāvetvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu. Some, after announcing their name and family vanished right there. некоторые назвали своё личное и родовое имя и в том самом месте исчезли,
Appekacce tuṇhībhūtā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsūti. And some, while keeping silent, vanished right there. некоторые молча в том самом месте исчезли.
Paṭhamabhāṇavāro niṭṭhito. The first recital is finished. Закончен первый фрагмент декламации.

Второй фрагмент декламации Таблица Палийский оригинал

285.Atha kho bhagavā tassā rattiyā accayena bhikkhū āmantesi – "imaṃ, bhikkhave, rattiṃ cattāro mahārājā mahatiyā ca yakkhasenāya mahatiyā ca gandhabbasenāya mahatiyā ca kumbhaṇḍasenāya mahatiyā ca nāgasenāya catuddisaṃ rakkhaṃ ṭhapetvā catuddisaṃ gumbaṃ ṭhapetvā catuddisaṃ ovaraṇaṃ ṭhapetvā abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇṇā kevalakappaṃ gijjhakūṭaṃ pabbataṃ obhāsetvā yenāhaṃ tenupasaṅkamiṃsu; upasaṅkamitvā maṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Then the Gracious One when that night had passed addressed the monks, saying: “This night, monks, the Four Great Kings, with a great army of yakkhas, with a great army of gandhabbas, with a great army of kumbhaṇḍas, with a great army of nāgas, having set up a protection over the four quarters, having set serried troops at the four directions, having set up a barricade at the four directions, at the end of the night, having lit up the whole of Vultures’ Peak with their surpassing beauty, approached me, and after approaching and worshipping me, they sat down on one side. Когда ночь завершилась, Благословенный обратился к монахам: Монахи, этой ночью четыре великих правителя, установив защиту на четыре направления, с большой армией яккхов, гандаббов, кумбхандов и нагов, расставив войска, поставив заслон из солдат по четырём сторонам, прибыли ко мне поздней ночью, осветив всю гору Гиджджхакута своим непревзойдёнными сиянием, поприветствовали меня и сели в стороне.
Tepi kho, bhikkhave, yakkhā appekacce maṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Then of those yakkhas, monks, some, after worshipping me, sat down on one side. Монахи, среди тех яккхов некоторые поприветствовали меня и сели в стороне,
Appekacce mayā saddhiṃ sammodiṃsu, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Some exchanged greetings with me, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, sat down on one side. некоторые обменялись приветствиями со мной в дружественной и уважительной манере и сели в стороне,
Appekacce yenāhaṃ tenañjaliṃ paṇāmetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to me, sat down on one side. некоторые поприветствовали меня жестом уважения и сели в стороне,
Appekacce nāmagottaṃ sāvetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Some, after announcing their name and family, sat down on one side. некоторые назвали своё личное и родовое имя и сели в стороне,
Appekacce tuṇhībhūtā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu. Some, while keeping silent, sat down on one side. некоторые молча сели в стороне.
286."Ekamantaṃ nisinno kho, bhikkhave, vessavaṇo mahārājā maṃ etadavoca – 'santi hi, bhante, uḷārā yakkhā bhagavato appasannā - pe - santi hi, bhante nīcā yakkhā bhagavato pasannā. Then, while sitting on one side, monks, the Great King Vessavaṇa said this to me: И тогда великий правитель Вессавана, сидя в стороне, обратился ко мне:
Yebhuyyena kho pana, bhante, yakkhā appasannāyeva bhagavato. ‘There are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, Почтенный, есть высокопоставленные яккхи, которые не привержены Благословенному
Taṃ kissa hetu? “‘What is the reason for that? В чём причина этого?
Bhagavā hi, bhante, pāṇātipātā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti… surāmerayamajjappamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇiyā dhammaṃ deseti. Because, reverend Sir, the Gracious One preaches the Dhamma of refraining from killing living creatures, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from taking what has not been given, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from sexual misconduct, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from false speech, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from liquor, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. Почтенный, ведь Благословенный проповедует учение, прививающее воздержание от убийства, взятия неданного, дурного сексуального поведения, ложной речи и употребления опьяняющих веществ, ведущих к беспечности.
Yebhuyyena kho pana, bhante, yakkhā appaṭiviratāyeva pāṇātipātā… appaṭiviratā surāmerayamajjappamādaṭṭhānā. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas do not refrain from killing living creatures, do not refrain from taking what has not been given, do not refrain from sexual misconduct, do not refrain from false speech, do not refrain from liquors, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. Но большинство яккхов не воздерживаются от убийства, взятия неданного, дурного сексуального поведения, ложной речи и употребления опьяняющих веществ, ведущих к беспечности.
Tesaṃ taṃ hoti appiyaṃ amanāpaṃ. To them that is neither dear nor appealing. Поэтому для них такое учение неприятно и неудовлетворительно.
Santi hi, bhante, bhagavato sāvakā araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni paṭisevanti appasaddāni appanigghosāni vijanavātāni manussarāhasseyyakāni paṭisallānasāruppāni. “‘There are, reverend Sir, disciples of the Gracious One in the wilderness, who are practising in remote jungle dwelling places, where there is little sound, little noise, which have a lonely atmosphere, lying hidden away from men, which are suitable for seclusion. И действительно, почтенный, есть ученики Благословенного, часто бывающие в удалённых местах леса, где нет звуков и криков, вдалеке от толпы, скрытые от людей, подходящие для уединения.
Tattha santi uḷārā yakkhā nivāsino, ye imasmiṃ bhagavato pāvacane appasannā, tesaṃ pasādāya uggaṇhātu, bhante, bhagavā āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāyā'ti. Аnd there are high ranking yakkhas settled there who are not pleased with the word of the Gracious One, To please then, reverend Sir, may the Gracious One learn this Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.’ Есть высокопоставленные яккхи, населяющие эти леса, которые не привержены слову Благословенного. Пусть они станут приверженными! Почтенный, пусть Благословенный узнает защитные строфы Атанаты, чтобы монахи и монахини, миряне и мирянки жили без трудностей и были бы защищены, оберегаемы и жили легко.
Adhivāsesiṃ kho ahaṃ, bhikkhave, tuṇhībhāvena. And I, monks, by keeping silent, gave consent. Я, монахи, молча согласился.
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vessavaṇo mahārājā me adhivāsanaṃ viditvā tāyaṃ velāyaṃ imaṃ āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ abhāsi – Then the Great King Vessavaṇa, monks, having understood my consent on that occasion recited this Āṭānāṭiya protection: Тогда великий правитель Вессавана, поняв, что я согласился, продекламировал защитные строфы Атанаты.
287.'Vipassissa ca namatthu, cakkhumantassa sirīmato. “May you revere Vipassī, the glorious Visionary, 1. "Homage to Vipassi (the Buddha) possessed of the eye (of wisdom) and splendor. Почтение Випасси, обладавшему глазом мудрости и славой. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734309
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Sikhissapi ca namatthu, sabbabhūtānukampino. may you revere Sikhī, who has pity on all beings. Homage to Sikhi (the Buddha) compassionate towards all beings. Почтение Сикхи, милосердному ко всем существам. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734312
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'Vessabhussa ca namatthu, nhātakassa tapassino; “May you revere Vessabhū, the austere one, cleansed (of corruptions), 2. "Homage to Vessabhu (the Buddha) free from all defilements and possessed of ascetic energy. Почтение Весабху, полностью очистившемуся от всех загрязнений и аскетичному. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734315
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Namatthu kakusandhassa, mārasenāpamaddino. may you revere Kakusandha, who has crushed Māra’s army. Homage to Kakusanda (the Buddha), the conqueror of (the five-fold) host of Mara. Почтение Какусандхе, разгромившему войска Мары. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734318
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'Koṇāgamanassa namatthu, brāhmaṇassa vusīmato; “May you revere Koṇāgamana, the accomplished brahmin, 3. "Homage to Konagamana (the Buddha) who has shed all defilements, and had lived the holy life. Почтение Конагамане, брахману, прожившему совершенную жизнь. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734321
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Kassapassa ca namatthu, vippamuttassa sabbadhi. may you revere Kassapa, who is free in every respect. Homage to Kassapa (the Buddha) who is fully freed from all defilements. Почтение Кассапе, полностью освобождённому от всех загрязнений. Краткая биография: https://tipitaka.theravada.su/view.php?ContentID=734324
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'Aṅgīrasassa namatthu, sakyaputtassa sirīmato; “May you revere Aṅgīrasa, the glorious son of the Sakyans, 4. "Homage to Angirasa (the Buddha Gotama), the son of the Sakyas, Почтение Ангирасе (Будде Готаме), великолепному потомку рода Сакья, Ангираса - имя Будды, применяется в Питаках несколько раз (например, Vin.i.25; D.iii.196; Si196; A.iii.239; Thag.v.536; Ji116). Комменатрии содержат т...
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Yo imaṃ dhammaṃ desesi, sabbadukkhāpanūdanaṃ. he who preached this Dhamma, which is the dispelling of all suffering. who is full of radiance, and who proclaimed the Dhamma that dispels all suffering. учившему Дхамме, рассеивающей все страдания.
'Ye cāpi nibbutā loke, yathābhūtaṃ vipassisuṃ; “Those who are emancipated in the world, who have insight (into things) as they are, 5. "Those in the world, who have extinguished (the flames of passion), and have perceived through insight (meditation), things as they really are, Те, кто в мире погасили (пламя загрязнений ума), увидевшие всё как оно есть -
Te janā apisuṇātha, mahantā vītasāradā. those people free from malicious speech, who are great and fully mature, they never slander anyone; they are mighty men who are free from fear. они ни на кого не клевещут, это могучие и бесстрашные существа.
'Hitaṃ devamanussānaṃ, yaṃ namassanti gotamaṃ; “They will revere that Gotama, who is of benefit to gods and men, 6. "Gotama (the Buddha) dear to gods and men, Они выражают почтение Готаме, приносящему благо божествам и людям,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. who has understanding and good conduct, who is great and fully mature. endowed with knowledge and virtue,[5] mighty and fearless, all do homage to him (homage be to him). обладающему знанием и [нравственным] поведением, могучему и бесстрашному. Виджджа-чарана: буквально знание и поведение.
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288.'Yato uggacchati sūriyo, ādicco maṇḍalī mahā. From where the sun comes up, the son of Aditi, the great circle, 7-8. "When the resplendent sun — offspring of Aditi — with its full orb, arises, Когда Солнце, потомок Адити, восходит полным диском,
Yassa cuggacchamānassa, saṃvarīpi nirujjhati; while that one is coming up, the darkness of night comes to an end, then the night ceases, and it is called the day. то ночь прекращается и это днём зовётся.
Yassa cuggate sūriye, "divaso"ti pavuccati. “And after the sun has come up, it is said to be the daytime, The direction from which the sun rises (is the East). Когда солнце взошло, это днём зовётся.
'Rahadopi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako; there is a deep lake in that place, an ocean where the waters have flowed, There exists the ocean deep and vast. Там находится глубокий и бескрайний океан.
Evaṃ taṃ tattha jānanti, "samuddo saritodako". Thus in that place they know there is an ocean where the waters have flowed, 9. "This — a spreading sheet of water — they know as the ocean. Эту гладь воды они знают как океан.
'Ito "sā purimā disā", iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Easterly direction, so the people declare. Where there is East (to the East of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is East. Там, где восток, они зовут это направление восточным.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, 10. "Custodian of this quarter is a great king Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой прислужников
'Gandhabbānaṃ adhipati, "dhataraṭṭho"ti nāmaso; he is the master of the gandhabbas, Dhataraṭṭha, such is his name. named Dhatarattha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Gandhabbas. по имени Дхатараттха и являющийся правителем гандхаббов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, gandhabbehi purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by gandhabbas, 11. "Attended by Ghandhabbas he enjoys their song and dance. Он наслаждается песнями и танцами прислуживающих ему гандхаббов.
'Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, Many are his (Datharatta's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, 12-13. "Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
'Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, They too, beholding the Buddha — Kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless — salute him from afar: издалека его приветствуют – великого и мудрого:
'Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; ‘Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!’ "Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men."[6] "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший. С 13-го раздела Пиядаси принял метод нумерации строф в последовательном порядке.
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Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, 14-15. "As by thy omniscience,[7] thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение. Kusalena, необычная фраза: «всеведение», «чистая мудрость», «возвышенная мудрость» (Комм).
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Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tassā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: This we have often heard. We, therefore, request Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too say: 'We reverence Gotama, the Conqueror, "почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя"? "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ". who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.'" мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
289.'Yena petā pavuccanti, pisuṇā piṭṭhimaṃsikā. “There they say (go) the departed, who speak maliciously, backbiters, 16-18. "The direction from where the petas (corpses), backbiters, Там, где живут петы, оскорбляющие, клеветники,
Pāṇātipātino luddā, corā nekatikā janā. killers of creatures, hunters, thieves, and fraudulent people, murderers, the fierce brigands, and the deceitful are removed, убийцы и жадный народ, воры и хитрые мошенники
'Ito "sā dakkhiṇā disā", iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Southerly direction, so the people declare. is the direction (to the right of Mount Meru), and is called the quarter of the South. - это направление зовётся югом.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Virulha who has a retinue of attendants, Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой прислужников
'Kumbhaṇḍānaṃ adhipati, "virūḷho" iti nāmaso; he is the master of the kumbhaṇḍhas, Virūḷha, such is his name. and is the sovereign lord of Kumbhandas. по имени Вирулха и являющийся правителем кумбхандов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, kumbhaṇḍehi purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by kumbhaṇḍhas, Attended by the Kumbhandas he enjoys their song and dance. Он наслаждается песнями и танцами прислуживающих ему кумбхандов.
'Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, 19. "Many are his (Virulha's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. “They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
'Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, 20. "They too, beholding the Buddha — Kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. “From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless — salute him from afar: приветствуют его издалека, великого и мудрого:
'Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; ‘Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!’ 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший"
Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, glory to thee, the highest among men.'21-22. "As by thy omniscience, thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение.
Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, They too say: 'We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, "почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя"? "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ". who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
290.'Yattha coggacchati sūriyo, ādicco maṇḍalī mahā. That place where the sun goes down, the son of Aditi, the great circle, 23-24. "When the resplendent sun — offspring of Aditi — with its full orb, sets, Когда солнце, потомок Адити, заходит со своим полным диском,
Yassa coggacchamānassa, divasopi nirujjhati; while that one is going down the light of day comes to an end, then the day ceases, and it is called night. то день прекращается и это ночью зовётся.
Yassa coggate sūriye, "saṃvarī"ti pavuccati. And after the sun has gone down, it is said to be night-time, The direction where the sun sets (is the West). Когда солнце заходит, это зовётся ночью.
'Rahadopi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako; there is a deep lake in that place, an ocean where the waters have flowed, There exists the ocean deep and vast. Там находится глубокий и бескрайний океан.
Evaṃ taṃ tattha jānanti, samuddo saritodako. “Thus in that place they know there is an ocean where the waters have flowed, 25. "This — a spreading sheet of water — they know as the ocean. Эту гладь воды они знают как океан.
'Ito "sā pacchimā disā", iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; from here that is the Westerly direction, so the people declare. Where there is West (to the West of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is West. Там где запад, люди зовут это направление западным.
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so. “That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King, 26. "Custodians of this quarter is a great king Охраняет это направление великий правитель со свитой прислужников
'Nāgānañca adhipati, "virūpakkho"ti nāmaso; he is the master of the nāgas, Virūpakkha, such is his name. named Virupakkha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Nagas. по имени Вирупаккха и являющийся правителем нагов.
Ramatī naccagītehi, nāgeheva purakkhato. He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by nāgas, 27. "Attended by Nagas he enjoys their song and dance. Он наслаждается песнями и танцами прислуживающих ему нагов.
'Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; he also has a great many sons, all of one name, so I have heard, Many are his (Virupakkha's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Много у него сыновей и всех зовут одинаково - так я слышал.
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā. They are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones of great strength, 28-29. "Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. Их восемьдесят, десять и один, все по имени Индра, могучих.
'Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, They too, beholding the Buddha — Kinsman of the sun, Они тоже, увидев Будду, родича Солнца,
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ. From afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature: mighty and fearless — salute him from afar: приветствуют его издалека, великого и мудрого:
'Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!’ 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men.' "Почтение вам, лучшему из людей, слава вам, о благороднейший"
Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti; “You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you, 30-31. "As by thy omniscience, thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. С добротой вы взглянули на нас, и даже нечеловеческие существа выражают вам почтение.
Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase. we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this: This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). Вот что мы часто слышим и вот как отвечаем:
"Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama, They too say: 'We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, "почитаете ли вы Готаму победителя"? "Мы почитаем Готаму, победителя,
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ". who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’ we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' мы выражаем почтение Будде Готаме, обладающему знанием и должным поведением".
291.'Yena uttarakuruvho, mahāneru sudassano. Where delightful Uttarakuru is, and the good looking Mount Neru, 32. "Where lies delightful Uttarakuru (the Northern continent), where towers beautiful Mount Meru, Где простирается прекрасный Уттаракуру, где возвышается прекрасная гора Меру,
Manussā tattha jāyanti, amamā apariggahā. the men who are born in that place are unselfish, without possessions. there are born men who are selfless and unattached. там рождаются люди бескорыстные и непривязанные.
'Na te bījaṃ pavapanti, nāpi nīyanti naṅgalā; They do not sow the seed, and nor are there ploughs led along, 33. "They neither sow the seed nor use[8] the plow. Они не сеют и не используют плуг. На piniyanti, буквально они не несут плуг.
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Akaṭṭhapākimaṃ sāliṃ, paribhuñjanti mānusā. the rice that men enjoy the use of there matures in untilled ground, Spontaneously grown corn is there for them to enjoy. Там для питания людей сами растут растения.
'Akaṇaṃ athusaṃ suddhaṃ, sugandhaṃ taṇḍulapphalaṃ; “Without husk powder or chaff, pure, sweet smelling grains of the finest rice, 34. "The rice, purged of the red powder and of husk, clean and sweet-scented, Рис, очищенный от красной пыли и шелухи, чистый и благоуханный,
Tuṇḍikīre pacitvāna, tato bhuñjanti bhojanaṃ. having cooked it on hot rocks (without smoke), they then enjoy their food. is boiled in golden vessels; it is this that they partake of. сварив на горячих камнях они едят.
'Gāviṃ ekakhuraṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Having made their cows solid-hooved they go about from place to place, 35. "They make of cows a single-seated mount (like mounting on horseback)[9] and ride about from place to place. Они ставят седло на корову и так перемещаются с места на место. Tam pittim abhiruyha, посадка на спину (комм).
Все комментарии (1)
Pasuṃ ekakhuraṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. having made their kine solid-hooved they go about from place to place, Параграф отсутствует у Пиядасси Они ставят седло на животных и путешествуют на них с места на место.
'Itthiṃ vā vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Having made women their vehicle they go about from place to place, 36-37. "They make use of women Они используют женщин как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
Purisaṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. having made men their vehicle they go about from place to place and men, Они используют мужчин как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
'Kumāriṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Having made girls their vehicle they go about from place to place, girls Они используют девочек как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
Kumāraṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. having made boys their vehicle they go about from place to place. and boys as vehicles, and travel from place to place in them. Они используют мальчиков как средства передвижения и путешествуют на них с места на место.
'Te yāne abhiruhitvā, “Having mounted their (various) carriages, 38. "Mounting on vehicles (on elephants and horses) Верхом на колесницах
Sabbā disā anupariyāyanti; the messengers of that King they (the Yakkhas of King Vessavana) travel in every direction. они путешествуют во всех направлениях
Pacārā tassa rājino. go around in all directions, - прислуживая своему правителю.
'Hatthiyānaṃ assayānaṃ,
Dibbaṃ yānaṃ upaṭṭhitaṃ;
Pāsādā sivikā ceva,
Mahārājassa yasassino.
'Tassa ca nagarā ahu,
Antalikkhe sumāpitā;
Āṭānāṭā kusināṭā parakusināṭā,
Nāṭasuriyā parakusiṭanāṭā.
'Uttarena kasivanto,
Janoghamaparena ca;
Navanavutiyo ambaraambaravatiyo,
Āḷakamandā nāma rājadhānī.
'Kuverassa kho pana, mārisa, mahārājassa visāṇā nāma rājadhānī;
Tasmā kuvero mahārājā, "vessavaṇo"ti pavuccati.
'Paccesanto pakāsenti, tatolā tattalā tatotalā;
Ojasi tejasi tatojasī, sūro rājā ariṭṭho nemi.
'Rahadopi tattha dharaṇī nāma, yato meghā pavassanti;
Vassā yato patāyanti, sabhāpi tattha sālavatī nāma.
'Yattha yakkhā payirupāsanti, tattha niccaphalā rukkhā;
Nānā dijagaṇā yutā, mayūrakoñcābhirudā;
Kokilādīhi vagguhi.
'Jīvañjīvakasaddettha, atho oṭṭhavacittakā;
Kukkuṭakā kuḷīrakā, vane pokkharasātakā.
'Sukasāḷika saddettha, daṇḍamāṇavakāni ca;
Sobhati sabbakālaṃ sā, kuveranaḷinī sadā.
'Ito "sā uttarā disā", iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano;
Yaṃ disaṃ abhipāleti, mahārājā yasassi so.
'Yakkhānañca adhipati, "kuvero" iti nāmaso;
Ramatī naccagītehi, yakkheheva purakkhato.
'Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ;
Asīti dasa eko ca, indanāmā mahabbalā.
'Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ;
Dūratova namassanti, mahantaṃ vītasāradaṃ.
'Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama;
Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussāpi taṃ vandanti;
Sutaṃ netaṃ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṃ vademase.
"Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ;
Vijjācaraṇasampannaṃ, buddhaṃ vandāma gotama"nti.
292.'Ayaṃ kho sā, mārisa, āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāya.
Yassa kassaci, mārisa, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā upāsakassa vā upāsikāya vā ayaṃ āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā suggahitā bhavissati samattā pariyāputā taṃ ce amanusso yakkho vā yakkhinī vā - pe - gandhabbo vā gandhabbī vā - pe - kumbhaṇḍo vā kumbhaṇḍī vā - pe - nāgo vā nāgī vā nāgapotako vā nāgapotikā vā nāgamahāmatto vā nāgapārisajjo vā nāgapacāro vā, paduṭṭhacitto bhikkhuṃ vā bhikkhuniṃ vā upāsakaṃ vā upāsikaṃ vā gacchantaṃ vā anugaccheyya, ṭhitaṃ vā upatiṭṭheyya, nisinnaṃ vā upanisīdeyya, nipannaṃ vā upanipajjeyya.
Na me so, mārisa, amanusso labheyya gāmesu vā nigamesu vā sakkāraṃ vā garukāraṃ vā.
Na me so, mārisa, amanusso labheyya āḷakamandāya nāma rājadhāniyā vatthuṃ vā vāsaṃ vā.
Na me so, mārisa, amanusso labheyya yakkhānaṃ samitiṃ gantuṃ.
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā anāvayhampi naṃ kareyyuṃ avivayhaṃ.
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā attāhi paripuṇṇāhi paribhāsāhi paribhāseyyuṃ.
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā rittaṃpissa pattaṃ sīse nikkujjeyyuṃ.
Apissu naṃ, mārisa, amanussā sattadhāpissa muddhaṃ phāleyyuṃ.
Santi hi, mārisa, amanussā caṇḍā ruddhā rabhasā, te neva mahārājānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti.
Te kho te, mārisa, amanussā mahārājānaṃ avaruddhā nāma vuccanti.
Seyyathāpi, mārisa, rañño māgadhassa vijite mahācorā.
Te neva rañño māgadhassa ādiyanti, na rañño māgadhassa purisakānaṃ ādiyanti, na rañño māgadhassa purisakānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti.
Te kho te, mārisa, mahācorā rañño māgadhassa avaruddhā nāma vuccanti.
Evameva kho, mārisa, santi amanussā caṇḍā ruddhā rabhasā, te neva mahārājānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti, na mahārājānaṃ purisakānaṃ purisakānaṃ ādiyanti.
Te kho te, mārisa, amanussā mahārājānaṃ avaruddhā nāma vuccanti.
Yo hi koci, mārisa, amanusso yakkho vā yakkhinī vā - pe - gandhabbo vā gandhabbī vā - pe - kumbhaṇḍo vā kumbhaṇḍī vā - pe - nāgo vā nāgī vā - pe - paduṭṭhacitto bhikkhuṃ vā bhikkhuniṃ vā upāsakaṃ vā upāsikaṃ vā gacchantaṃ vā upagaccheyya, ṭhitaṃ vā upatiṭṭheyya, nisinnaṃ vā upanisīdeyya, nipannaṃ vā upanipajjeyya.
Imesaṃ yakkhānaṃ mahāyakkhānaṃ senāpatīnaṃ mahāsenāpatīnaṃ ujjhāpetabbaṃ vikkanditabbaṃ viravitabbaṃ – 'ayaṃ yakkho gaṇhāti, ayaṃ yakkho āvisati, ayaṃ yakkho heṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho viheṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho hiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho vihiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho na muñcatī'ti.
293.'Katamesaṃ yakkhānaṃ mahāyakkhānaṃ senāpatīnaṃ mahāsenāpatīnaṃ?
'Indo somo varuṇo ca, bhāradvājo pajāpati;
Candano kāmaseṭṭho ca, kinnughaṇḍu nighaṇḍu ca.
'Panādo opamañño ca, devasūto ca mātali;
Cittaseno ca gandhabbo, naḷo rājā janesabho.
'Sātāgiro hevamato, puṇṇako karatiyo guḷo;
Sivako mucalindo ca, vessāmitto yugandharo.
'Gopālo supparodho ca, hiri netti ca mandiyo;
Pañcālacaṇḍo āḷavako, pajjunno sumano sumukho;
Dadhimukho maṇi māṇivaro dīgho, atho serīsako saha.
'Imesaṃ yakkhānaṃ mahāyakkhānaṃ senāpatīnaṃ mahāsenāpatīnaṃ ujjhāpetabbaṃ vikkanditabbaṃ viravitabbaṃ – "ayaṃ yakkho gaṇhāti, ayaṃ yakkho āvisati, ayaṃ yakkho heṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho viheṭheti, ayaṃ yakkho hiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho vihiṃsati, ayaṃ yakkho na muñcatī"ti.
Ayaṃ kho, mārisa, āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāya.
Handa ca dāni mayaṃ, mārisa, gacchāma, bahukiccā mayaṃ bahukaraṇīyā"'ti.
"'Yassa dāni tumhe mahārājāno kālaṃ maññathā"'ti.
294."Atha kho, bhikkhave, cattāro mahārājā uṭṭhāyāsanā maṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu.
Tepi kho, bhikkhave, yakkhā uṭṭhāyāsanā appekacce maṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu.
Appekacce mayā saddhiṃ sammodiṃsu, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu.
Appekacce yenāhaṃ tenañjaliṃ paṇāmetvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu.
Appekacce nāmagottaṃ sāvetvā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu.
Appekacce tuṇhībhūtā tatthevantaradhāyiṃsu.
295."Uggaṇhātha, bhikkhave, āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ. “Learn the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, "Монахи, усвойте защитные строфы Атанаты,
Pariyāpuṇātha, bhikkhave, āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ. master the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, постоянно применяйте их,
Dhāretha, bhikkhave, āṭānāṭiyaṃ rakkhaṃ. bear in mind the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, запомните их.
Atthasaṃhitā [atthasaṃhitāyaṃ (syā.)], bhikkhave, āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṃsāya phāsuvihārāyā"ti. the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, is for your welfare and benefit, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.” Монахи, защитные строфы Атанаты способствуют вашему благополучию и благодаря им монахи и монахини, миряне и мирянки будут жить без трудностей, будут защищены, оберегаемы и будут жить легко.
Idamavoca bhagavā. The Gracious One said this, Так сказал Благословенный.
Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṃ abhinandunti. and those monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in what was said by the Gracious One. Эти монахи, обрадованные, восхитились словами Благословенного.
Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ navamaṃ. The Āṭānāṭiyasutta is finished. Закончено наставление у Атанаты - девятое в главе.
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