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Патимоккха для монахов Палийский оригинал
пали | Bhikkhu Brahmali - english | Thanissaro bhikkhu - english | khantibalo - русский | Комментарии |
Pubbakaraṇaṃ-4 | To be Done Beforehand | |||
Sammajjanī padīpo ca, udakaṃ āsanena ca; | Sweeping, a lamp, water, together with seats. | |||
Uposathassa etāni, "pubbakaraṇa"nti vuccati. | These are called the things to be done beforehand for the uposatha. | |||
Pubbakiccaṃ-5 | Preliminary Duties | |||
Chanda, pārisuddhi, utukkhānaṃ, bhikkhugaṇanā ca ovādo; | Consent, purity, announcing the season, counting bhikkhus, the Ovada. | |||
Uposathassa etāni, "pubbakicca"nti vuccati. | These are called the preliminary duties for the uposatha. | |||
Pattakallaaṅgā-4 | Factors of the Appropriate Time | |||
Uposatho, yāvatikā ca bhikkhū kammappattā; | Uposatha; all the bhikkhus have arrived for the formal proceeding; | |||
Sabhāgāpattiyo ca na vijjanti; | none have shared offences; | |||
Vajjanīyā ca puggalā tasmiṃ na honti, "pattakalla"nti vuccati. | and there are no individuals to be avoided. This is called the appropriate time. | |||
Pubbakaraṇapubbakiccāni samāpetvā desitāpattikassa samaggassa bhikkhusaṅghassa anumatiyā pātimokkhaṃ uddisituṃ ārādhanaṃ karoma. | [Elder Bhikkhu] Having completed what should be done beforehand and the preliminary duties, with the assent of the Bhikkhu Sangha, one and all, with offences confessed, I invite the recitation of the patimokkha. | |||
Nidānuddeso Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho? | Venerable, let the Sangha hear me. | |||
Ajjuposatho pannaraso, yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṃ, saṅgho uposathaṃ kareyya, pātimokkhaṃ uddiseyya. | Today is the uposatha of the fifteenth day. If the proper time has come for the Sangha, the Sangha should carry out the patimokkha. | |||
Kiṃ saṅghassa pubbakiccaṃ? | What is the preliminary duty for the Sangha? | |||
Pārisuddhiṃ āyasmanto ārocetha, pātimokkhaṃ uddisissāmi, taṃ sabbeva santā sādhukaṃ suṇoma manasi karoma. | Venerables, you should announce your purity. I shall recite the patimokkha. Let all of us being [present] listen and attend carefully. | |||
Yassa siyā āpatti, so āvikareyya, asantiyā āpattiyā tuṇhī bhavitabbaṃ, tuṇhībhāvena kho panāyasmante "parisuddhā"ti vedissāmi. | Whoever has an offence should reveal it. There being no offence, silence should be kept. I shall know by their silence that the venerables are pure. | |||
Yathā kho pana paccekapuṭṭhassa veyyākaraṇaṃ hoti, evamevaṃ evarūpāya parisāya yāvatatiyaṃ anusāvitaṃ hoti. | Just as one questioned individually would have an answer; in the same way, when (the patimokkha) is proclaimed up to the third time in such an assembly as this, | |||
Yo pana bhikkhu yāvatatiyaṃ anusāviyamāne saramāno santiṃ āpattiṃ nāvikareyya, sampajānamusāvādassa hoti. | should any bhikkhu not reveal an offence that he remembers, this is a conscious lie for him. | |||
Sampajānamusāvādo kho panāyasmanto antarāyiko dhammo vutto bhagavatā, tasmā saramānena bhikkhunā āpannena visuddhāpekkhena santī āpatti āvikātabbā, āvikatā hissa phāsu hoti. | Venerables, a conscious lie has been pronounced by the Blessed One to be an obstructing matter. Therefore any offence which exists is to be revealed by a bhikkhu, who having committed an offence, remembers it and looks for purification. When revealed, it is good for him. | |||
Uddiṭṭhaṃ kho āyasmanto nidānaṃ. | Recited, venerables is the introduction. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | Herein I ask the venerables: Are you pure in this? A second time I ask: Are you pure in this? A third time I ask: Are you pure in this? The venerables are pure in this; therefore they are silent. So I remember it. | |||
Nidānaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ. | The introduction is finished. | |||
Pārājikuddeso Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Tatrime cattāro pārājikā dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | Herein these four matters entailing defeat come up for recitation. | |||
Methunadhamma sikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhūnaṃ sikkhāsājīvasamāpanno sikkhaṃ appaccakkhāya dubbalyaṃ anāvikatvā methunaṃ dhammaṃ paṭiseveyya, antamaso tiracchānagatāyapi, pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. | 1. Should any bhikkhu — participating in the training and livelihood of the bhikkhus, without having renounced the training, without having declared his weakness — engage in sexual intercourse, even with a female animal, he is defeated and no longer in affiliation. | "Тот монах, который, участвуя в монашеском обучении и добыче средств к существованию, не отрешившись от обучения, не объявив о своей слабости, совершит половое сношение, даже с самкой животного, является потерпевшим поражение и не имеет общности (с другими монахами)" | ||
Adinnādānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
2.Yo pana bhikkhu gāmā vā araññā vā adinnaṃ theyyasaṅkhātaṃ ādiyeyya, yathārūpe adinnādāne rājāno coraṃ gahetvā haneyyuṃ vā bandheyyuṃ vā pabbājeyyuṃ vā corosi bālosi mūḷhosi thenosīti, tathārūpaṃ bhikkhu adinnaṃ ādiyamāno ayampi pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. | 2. Should any bhikkhu, in what is reckoned a theft, take what is not given from an inhabited area or from the wilderness — just as when, in the taking of what is not given, kings arresting the criminal would flog, imprison, or banish him, saying, "You are a robber, you are a fool, you are benighted, you are a thief" — a bhikkhu in the same way taking what is not given also is defeated and no longer in affiliation. | |||
Manussaviggahasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
3.Yo pana bhikkhu sañcicca manussaviggahaṃ jīvitā voropeyya, satthahārakaṃ vāssa pariyeseyya, maraṇavaṇṇaṃ vā saṃvaṇṇeyya, maraṇāya vā samādapeyya "ambho purisa kiṃ tuyhiminā pāpakena dujjīvitena, mataṃ te jīvitā seyyo"ti, iti cittamano cittasaṅkappo anekapariyāyena maraṇavaṇṇaṃ vā saṃvaṇṇeyya, maraṇāya vā samādapeyya, ayampi pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. | 3. Should any bhikkhu intentionally deprive a human being of life, or search for an assassin for him, or praise the advantages of death, or incite him to die (saying,): "My good man, what use is this evil, miserable life to you? Death would be better for you than life," or with such an idea in mind, such a purpose in mind, should in various ways praise the advantages of death or incite him to die, he also is defeated and no longer in affiliation. | Тот монах, который умышленно лишает жизни человека, ищет убийцу для него, прославляет умышленный уход из жизни, или подстрекая к самоубийству, говоря: "Любезный человек, зачем тебе эта дурная негодная жизнь? Для тебя смерть будет лучше жизни" или с этой мыслью, с этой целью, разными способами восхваляет смерть или подстрекает к ней, является потерпевшим поражение и более имеет общности (с другими монахами). | ||
Uttarimanussadhammasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
4.Yo pana bhikkhu anabhijānaṃ uttarimanussadhammaṃ attupanāyikaṃ alamariyañāṇadassanaṃ samudācareyya "iti jānāmi, iti passāmī"ti, tato aparena samayena samanuggāhīyamāno vā asamanuggāhīyamāno vā āpanno visuddhāpekkho evaṃ vadeyya "ajānamevaṃ āvuso avacaṃ jānāmi, apassaṃ passāmi, tucchaṃ musā vilapi"nti, aññatra adhimānā, ayampi pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. | 4. Should any bhikkhu, without direct knowledge, claim a superior human state, a truly noble knowledge and vision, as present in himself, saying, "Thus do I know; thus do I see," such that regardless of whether or not he is cross-examined on a later occasion, he — being remorseful and desirous of purification — might say, "Friends, not knowing, I said I know; not seeing, I said I see — vainly, falsely, idly," unless it was from over-estimation, he also is defeated and no longer in affiliation. | |||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto cattāro pārājikā dhammā. | Recited, venerables, are the four matters entailing defeat. | |||
Yesaṃ bhikkhu aññataraṃ vā aññataraṃ vā āpajjitvā na labhati bhikkhūhi saddhiṃ saṃvāsaṃ yathā pure, tathā pacchā, pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. | If a bhikkhu has commited one or other of these offences, he is no longer allowed to [live in] communion with bhikkhus; as [he was] before [ordination] so [he is] after [the confession of the offence]; he becomes defeated, not in communion. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | Herein I ask the venerables: Are you pure in this? A second time I ask: Are you pure in this? A third time I ask: Are you pure in this? The venerables are pure in this; therefore they are silent. So I remember it. | |||
Pārājikaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ. | The section on defeat is finished. | |||
Saṅghādisesuddeso Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto terasa saṅghādisesā | Venerables, these thirteen rules on suspension | Now, venerables, these thirteen matters [entailing] initial and subsequent [meetings] of the community | ||
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | come up for recitation. | come up for recitation. | ||
Sukkavissaṭṭhisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Sañcetanikā sukkavissaṭṭhi aññatra supinantā saṅghādiseso. | 1. Intentional emission of semen, except while dreaming, entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Kāyasaṃsaggasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
2.Yo pana bhikkhu otiṇṇo vipariṇatena cittena mātugāmena saddhiṃ kāyasaṃsaggaṃ samāpajjeyya hatthaggāhaṃ vā veṇiggāhaṃ vā aññatarassa vā aññatarassa vā aṅgassa parāmasanaṃ, saṅghādiseso. | 2. Should any bhikkhu, overcome by lust, with altered mind, engage in bodily contact with a woman, or in holding her hand, holding a lock of her hair, or caressing any of her limbs, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Duṭṭhullavācāsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
3.Yo pana bhikkhu otiṇṇo vipariṇatena cittena mātugāmaṃ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāseyya yathā taṃ yuvā yuvatiṃ methunupasaṃhitāhi, saṅghādiseso. | 3. Should any bhikkhu, overcome by lust, with altered mind, address lewd words to a woman in the manner of young men to a young woman alluding to sexual intercourse, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Attakāmapāricariyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
4.Yo pana bhikkhu otiṇṇo vipariṇatena cittena mātugāmassa santike attakāmapāricariyāya vaṇṇaṃ bhāseyya "etadaggaṃ bhagini pāricariyānaṃ yā mādisaṃ sīlavantaṃ kalyāṇadhammaṃ brahmacāriṃ etena dhammena paricareyyā"ti methunupasaṃhitena, saṅghādiseso. | 4. Should any bhikkhu, overcome by lust, with altered mind, speak in the presence of a woman in praise of ministering to his own sensuality thus: "This, sister, is the foremost ministration, that of ministering to a virtuous, fine-natured follower of the celibate life such as myself with this act" — alluding to sexual intercourse — it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Sañcarittasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
5.Yo pana bhikkhu sañcarittaṃ samāpajjeyya itthiyā vā purisamatiṃ purisassa vā itthimatiṃ, jāyattane vā jārattane vā, antamaso taṅkhaṇikāyapi, saṅghādiseso. | 5. Should any bhikkhu engage in conveying a man's intentions to a woman or a woman's intentions to a man, proposing marriage or paramourage — even if only for a momentary liaison — it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Kuṭikārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
6.Saññācikāya pana bhikkhunā kuṭiṃ kārayamānena assāmikaṃ attuddesaṃ pamāṇikā kāretabbā, tatridaṃ pamāṇaṃ, dīghaso dvādasa vidatthiyo sugatavidatthiyā, tiriyaṃ sattantarā, bhikkhū abhinetabbā vatthudesanāya, tehi bhikkhūhi vatthu desetabbaṃ anārambhaṃ saparikkamanaṃ. | 6. When a bhikkhu is having a hut built from (gains acquired by) his own begging — having no sponsor and destined for himself — he is to have it built to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: twelve spans, using the sugata span, in length (measuring outside); seven in width, (measuring) inside. Bhikkhus are to be assembled to designate the site. The site the bhikkhus designate should be without disturbances and with adequate space. | |||
Sārambhe ce bhikkhu vatthusmiṃ aparikkamane saññācikāya kuṭiṃ kāreyya, bhikkhū vā anabhineyya vatthudesanāya, pamāṇaṃ vā atikkāmeyya, saṅghādiseso. | If the bhikkhu should have a hut built from his own begging on a site with disturbances and without adequate space, or if he should not assemble the bhikkhus to designate the site, or if he should have the standard exceeded, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Vihārakārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
7.Mahallakaṃ pana bhikkhunā vihāraṃ kārayamānena sassāmikaṃ attuddesaṃ bhikkhū abhinetabbā vatthudesanāya, tehi bhikkhūhi vatthu desetabbaṃ anārambhaṃ saparikkamanaṃ. | 7. When a bhikkhu is having a large dwelling built — having a sponsor and destined for himself — he is to assemble bhikkhus to designate the site. The site the bhikkhus designate should be without disturbances and with adequate space. | |||
Sārambhe ce bhikkhu vatthusmiṃ aparikkamane mahallakaṃ vihāraṃ kāreyya, bhikkhū vā anabhineyya vatthudesanāya, saṅghādiseso. | If the bhikkhu should have a large dwelling built on a site with disturbances and without adequate space, or if he should not assemble the bhikkhus to designate the site, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Duṭṭhadosasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
8.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ duṭṭho doso appatīto amūlakena pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṃseyya "appeva nāma naṃ imamhā brahmacariyā cāveyya"nti, tato aparena samayena samanuggāhīyamāno vā asamanuggāhīyamāno vā amūlakañceva taṃ adhikaraṇaṃ hoti, bhikkhu ca dosaṃ patiṭṭhāti, saṅghādiseso. | 8. Should any bhikkhu — corrupt, aversive, disgruntled — charge a bhikkhu with an unfounded case entailing defeat, (thinking), "Perhaps I may bring about his fall from this celibate life," then regardless of whether or not he is cross-examined on a later occasion, if the issue is unfounded and the bhikkhu confesses his aversion, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Aññabhāgiyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
9.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ duṭṭho doso appatīto aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñcidesaṃ lesamattaṃ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṃseyya "appeva nāma naṃ imamhā brahmacariyā cāveyya"nti, tato aparena samayena samanuggāhīyamāno vā asamanuggāhīyamāno vā aññabhāgiyañceva taṃ adhikaraṇaṃ hoti kocideso lesamatto upādinno, bhikkhu ca dosaṃ patiṭṭhāti, saṅghādiseso. | 9. Should any bhikkhu — corrupt, aversive, disgruntled — using as a mere ploy an aspect of an issue that pertains otherwise, charge a bhikkhu with a case entailing defeat, (thinking), "Perhaps I may bring about his fall from this celibate life," then regardless of whether or not he is cross-examined on a later occasion, if the issue pertains otherwise, an aspect used as a mere ploy, and the bhikkhu confesses his aversion, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Saṅghabhedasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
10.Yo pana bhikkhu samaggassa saṅghassa bhedāya parakkameyya, bhedanasaṃvattanikaṃ vā adhikaraṇaṃ samādāya paggayha tiṭṭheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "māyasmā samaggassa saṅghassa bhedāya parakkami, bhedanasaṃvattanikaṃ vā adhikaraṇaṃ samādāya paggayha aṭṭhāsi, sametāyasmā saṅghena, samaggo hi saṅgho sammodamāno avivadamāno ekuddeso phāsu viharatī"ti, evañca so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi vuccamāno tatheva paggaṇheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi yāvatatiyaṃ samanubhāsitabbo tassa paṭinissaggāya, yāvatatiyañce samanubhāsiyamāno taṃ paṭinissajjeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, no ce paṭinissajjeyya, saṅghādiseso. | 10. Should any bhikkhu agitate for a schism in a united Community, or should he persist in taking up an issue conducive to schism, the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "Do not, venerable sir, agitate for a schism in a united Community or persist in taking up an issue conducive to schism. Let the venerable one be reconciled with the Community, for a united Community, on courteous terms, without dispute, with a common recitation, dwells in peace." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times for the sake of relinquishing that. If while being rebuked up to three times he relinquishes that, that is good. If he does not relinquish (that), it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Bhedānuvattakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
11.Tasseva kho pana bhikkhussa bhikkhū honti anuvattakā vaggavādakā eko vā dve vā tayo vā, te evaṃ vadeyyuṃ "māyasmanto etaṃ bhikkhuṃ kiñci avacuttha, dhammavādī ceso bhikkhu, vinayavādī ceso bhikkhu, amhākañceso bhikkhu chandañca ruciñca ādāya voharati, jānāti, no bhāsati, amhākampetaṃ khamatī"ti, te bhikkhū bhikkhūhi evamassu vacanīyā "māyasmanto evaṃ avacuttha, na ceso bhikkhu dhammavādī, na ceso bhikkhu vinayavādī, māyasmantānampi saṅghabhedo ruccittha, sametāyasmantānaṃ saṅghena, samaggo hi saṅgho sammodamāno avivadamāno ekuddeso phāsu viharatī"ti, evañca te bhikkhū bhikkhūhi vuccamānā tatheva paggaṇheyyuṃ, te bhikkhū bhikkhūhi yāvatatiyaṃ samanubhāsitabbā tassa paṭinissaggāya, yāvatatiyañce samanubhāsiyamānā taṃ paṭinissajjeyyuṃ, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, no ce paṭinissajjeyyuṃ, saṅghādiseso. | 11. Should bhikkhus — one, two, or three — who are followers and partisans of that bhikkhu, say, "Do not, venerable sirs, admonish that bhikkhu in any way. He is an exponent of the Dhamma. He is an exponent of the Vinaya. He acts with our consent and approval. He knows, he speaks for us, and that is pleasing to us," the bhikkhus are to admonish them thus: "Do not say that, venerable sirs. That bhikkhu is not an exponent of the Dhamma and he is not an exponent of the Vinaya. Do not, venerable sirs, approve of a schism in the Community. Let the venerable ones' (minds) be reconciled with the Community, for a united Community, on courteous terms, without dispute, with a common recitation, dwells in peace." And should those bhikkhus, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke them up to three times for the sake of relinquishing that. If while being rebuked up to three times they relinquish that, that is good. If they do not relinquish (that), it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Dubbacasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
12.Bhikkhu paneva dubbacajātiko hoti uddesapariyāpannesu sikkhāpadesu bhikkhūhi sahadhammikaṃ vuccamāno attānaṃ avacanīyaṃ karoti "mā maṃ āyasmanto kiñci avacuttha kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā, ahampāyasmante na kiñci vakkhāmi kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā, viramathāyasmanto mama vacanāyā"ti, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "māyasmā attānaṃ avacanīyaṃ akāsi, vacanīyamevāyasmā attānaṃ karotu, āyasmāpi bhikkhū vadatu sahadhammena, bhikkhūpi āyasmantaṃ vakkhanti sahadhammena, evaṃ saṃvaddhā hi tassa bhagavato parisā yadidaṃ aññamaññavacanena aññamaññavuṭṭhāpanenā"ti, evañca so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi vuccamāno tatheva paggaṇheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi yāvatatiyaṃ samanubhāsitabbo tassa paṭinissaggāya, yāvatatiyañce samanubhāsiyamāno taṃ paṭinissajjeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, no ce paṭinissajjeyya, saṅghādiseso. | 12. In case a bhikkhu is by nature difficult to admonish — who, when being legitimately admonished by the bhikkhus with reference to the training rules included in the (Pāṭimokkha) recitation, makes himself unadmonishable, (saying,) "Do not, venerable ones, say anything to me, good or bad; and I won't say anything to the venerable ones, good or bad. Refrain, venerable ones, from admonishing me" — the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "Let the venerable one not make himself unadmonishable. Let the venerable one make himself admonishable. Let the venerable one admonish the bhikkhus in accordance with what is right, and the bhikkhus will admonish the venerable one in accordance with what is right; for it is thus that the Blessed One's following is nurtured: through mutual admonition, through mutual rehabilitation." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times for the sake of relinquishing that. If while being rebuked up to three times he relinquishes that, that is good. If he does not relinquish (that), it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Kuladūsakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
13.Bhikkhu paneva aññataraṃ gāmaṃ vā nigamaṃ vā upanissāya viharati kuladūsako pāpasamācāro, tassa kho pāpakā samācārā dissanti ceva suyyanti ca, kulāni ca tena duṭṭhāni dissanti ceva suyyanti ca, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "āyasmā kho kuladūsako pāpasamācāro, āyasmato kho pāpakā samācārā dissanti ceva suyyanti ca, kulāni cāyasmatā duṭṭhāni dissanti ceva suyyanti ca, pakkamatāyasmā imamhā āvāsā, alaṃ te idha vāsenā"ti, evañca so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi vuccamāno te bhikkhū evaṃ vadeyya "chandagāmino ca bhikkhū, dosagāmino ca bhikkhū, mohagāmino ca bhikkhū, bhayagāmino ca bhikkhū tādisikāya āpattiyā ekaccaṃ pabbājenti, ekaccaṃ na pabbājentī"ti, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "māyasmā evaṃ avaca, na ca bhikkhū chandagāmino, na ca bhikkhū dosagāmino, na ca bhikkhū mohagāmino, na ca bhikkhū bhayagāmino, āyasmā kho kuladūsako pāpasamācāro, āyasmato kho pāpakā samācārā dissanti ceva suyyanti ca, kulāni cāyasmatā duṭṭhāni dissanti ceva suyyanti ca, pakkamatāyasmā imamhā āvāsā, alaṃ te idha vāsenā"ti, evañca so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi vuccamāno tatheva paggaṇheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi yāvatatiyaṃ samanubhāsitabbo tassa paṭinissaggāya, yāvatatiyañce samanubhāsiyamāno taṃ paṭinissajjeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, no ce paṭinissajjeyya, saṅghādiseso. | 13. In case a bhikkhu living in dependence on a certain village or town is a corrupter of families, a man of depraved conduct — whose depraved conduct is both seen and heard about, and the families he has corrupted are both seen and heard about — the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "You, venerable sir, are a corrupter of families, a man of depraved conduct. Your depraved conduct is both seen and heard about, and the families you have corrupted are both seen and heard about. Leave this monastery, venerable sir. Enough of your staying here." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, say about the bhikkhus, "The bhikkhus are biased through favoritism, biased through aversion, biased through delusion, biased through fear, in that for this sort of offense they banish some and do not banish others," the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "Do not say that, venerable sir. The bhikkhus are not biased through favoritism, are not biased through aversion, are not biased through delusion, are not biased through fear. You, venerable sir, are a corrupter of families, a man of depraved conduct. Your depraved conduct is both seen and heard about, and the families you have corrupted are both seen and heard about. Leave this monastery, venerable sir. Enough of your staying here." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times for the sake of relinquishing that. If while being rebuked up to three times he relinquishes that, that is good. If he does not relinquish (that), it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. | |||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto terasa saṅghādisesā dhammā nava paṭhamāpattikā, cattāro yāvatatiyakā. | Recited, venerables, are the thirteen sanghadisesas, nine being offences at once and four after the third [admonition]. | |||
Yesaṃ bhikkhu aññataraṃ vā aññataraṃ vā āpajjitvā yāvatīhaṃ jānaṃ paṭicchādeti, tāvatīhaṃ tena bhikkhunā akāmā parivatthabbaṃ. | If a monk commits any one of them, he is to undergo probation for the same number of days as he knowingly concealed that offense. | |||
Parivutthaparivāsena bhikkhunā uttari chārattaṃ bhikkhumānattāya paṭipajjitabbaṃ, ciṇṇamānatto bhikkhu yattha siyā vīsatigaṇo bhikkhusaṅgho, tattha so bhikkhu abbhetabbo. | When this is completed, he must undertake the trial period for a further six days. When this is completed, he is to be rehabilitated wherever there is a sangha of at least twenty monks. | |||
Ekenapi ce ūno vīsatigaṇo bhikkhusaṅgho taṃ bhikkhuṃ abbheyya, so ca bhikkhu anabbhito, te ca bhikkhū gārayhā, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. | If that monk is rehabilitated by a sangha of even one less than twenty, that monk is not rehabilitated and those monks are at fault. This is the proper procedure. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Saṅghādiseso niṭṭhito. | ||||
Aniyatuddeso Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto dve aniyatā dhammā | Venerables, these two undetermined rules | |||
Uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | come up for recitation. | |||
Paṭhamaaniyatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena saddhiṃ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṃkammaniye nisajjaṃ kappeyya, tamenaṃ saddheyyavacasā upāsikā disvā tiṇṇaṃ dhammānaṃ aññatarena vadeyya pārājikena vā saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā, nisajjaṃ bhikkhu paṭijānamāno tiṇṇaṃ dhammānaṃ aññatarena kāretabbo pārājikena vā saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā, yena vā sā saddheyyavacasā upāsikā vadeyya, tena so bhikkhu kāretabbo, ayaṃ dhammo aniyato. | 1. Should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a woman on a seat secluded enough to lend itself (to sexual intercourse), so that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted, having seen (them), might describe it as constituting any of three cases — entailing defeat, communal meetings, or confession — then the bhikkhu, acknowledging having sat (there), may be dealt with in line with any of the three cases — entailing defeat, communal meetings, or confession — or he may be dealt with for whichever case the female lay follower whose word can be trusted described. This case is indefinite. | |||
Dutiyaaniyatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
2.Na heva kho pana paṭicchannaṃ āsanaṃ hoti nālaṃkammaniyaṃ, alañca kho hoti mātugāmaṃ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāsituṃ, yo pana bhikkhu tathārūpe āsane mātugāmena saddhiṃ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṃ kappeyya, tamenaṃ saddheyyavacasā upāsikā disvā dvinnaṃ dhammānaṃ aññatarena vadeyya saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā, nisajjaṃ bhikkhu paṭijānamāno dvinnaṃ dhammānaṃ aññatarena kāretabbo saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā, yena vā sā saddheyyavacasā upāsikā vadeyya, tena so bhikkhu kāretabbo, ayampi dhammo aniyato. | 2. In case a seat is not sufficiently secluded to lend itself (to sexual intercourse) but sufficiently so to address lewd words to a woman, should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a woman on such a seat, so that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted, having seen (them), might describe it as constituting either of two cases — entailing communal meetings or confession — then the bhikkhu, acknowledging having sat (there), may be dealt with in line with either of the two cases — entailing communal meetings or confession — or he is to be dealt with in line with whichever case the female lay follower whose word can be trusted described. This case too is indefinite. | |||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto dve aniyatā dhammā. | “Venerables, the two undetermined rules have been recited. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | “Venerables, the two undetermined rules have been recited. In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Aniyato niṭṭhito. | ||||
Nissaggiyapācittiyā Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā | Venerables, these thirty rules on relinquishment and confession | |||
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | come up for recitation. | |||
Kathinasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ bhikkhunā ubbhatasmiṃ kathine dasāhaparamaṃ atirekacīvaraṃ dhāretabbaṃ, taṃ atikkāmayato nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 1. When a bhikkhu has finished his robe and the frame is dismantled (his kathina privileges are ended), he is to keep extra robe-cloth ten days at most. Beyond that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Udositasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
2.Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ bhikkhunā ubbhatasmiṃ kathine ekarattampi ce bhikkhu ticīvarena vippavaseyya, aññatra bhikkhusammutiyā nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 2. When a bhikkhu has finished his robe and the frame is dismantled (his kathina privileges are ended): If he dwells apart from (any of) his three robes even for one night — unless authorized by the bhikkhus — it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Akālacīvarasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
3.Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ bhikkhunā ubbhatasmiṃ kathine bhikkhuno paneva akālacīvaraṃ uppajjeyya, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbaṃ, paṭiggahetvā khippameva kāretabbaṃ, no cassa pāripūri, māsaparamaṃ tena bhikkhunā taṃ cīvaraṃ nikkhipitabbaṃ ūnassa pāripūriyā satiyā paccāsāya. | 3. When a bhikkhu has finished his robe and the frame is dismantled (his kathina privileges are ended): Should out-of-season robe-cloth accrue to him, he may accept it if he so desires. Having accepted it, he is to make it up immediately (into a cloth requisite). If it should not be enough, he may lay it aside for a month at most when he has an expectation for filling the lack. If he should keep it beyond that, even when he has an expectation (for further cloth), it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya satiyāpi paccāsāya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | ||||
Purāṇacīvarasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
4.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātikāya bhikkhuniyā purāṇacīvaraṃ dhovāpeyya vā rajāpeyya vā ākoṭāpeyya vā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 4. Should any bhikkhu have a used robe washed, dyed, or beaten by a bhikkhunī unrelated to him, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Cīvarapaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
5.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātikāya bhikkhuniyā hatthato cīvaraṃ paṭiggaṇheyya aññatra pārivattakā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 5. Should any bhikkhu accept robe-cloth from the hand of a bhikkhunī unrelated to him — except in exchange — it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Aññātakaviññattisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
6.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātakaṃ gahapatiṃ vā gahapatāniṃ vā cīvaraṃ viññāpeyya aññatra samayā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 6. Should any bhikkhu ask for robe-cloth from a man or woman householder unrelated to him, except at the proper occasion, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo, acchinnacīvaro vā hoti bhikkhu, naṭṭhacīvaro vā, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasion is this: The bhikkhu's robe has been snatched away or destroyed. This is the proper occasion here. | |||
Tatuttarisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
7.Tañce aññātako gahapati vā gahapatānī vā bahūhi cīvarehi abhihaṭṭhuṃ pavāreyya, santaruttaraparamaṃ tena bhikkhunā tato cīvaraṃ sāditabbaṃ. | 7. If that unrelated man or woman householder presents the bhikkhu with many robes (pieces of robe-cloth), he is to accept at most (enough for) an upper and a lower robe. | |||
Tato ce uttari sādiyeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | If he accepts more than that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Paṭhamaupakkhaṭasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
8.Bhikkhuṃ paneva uddissa aññātakassa gahapatissa vā gahapatāniyā vā cīvaracetāpannaṃ upakkhaṭaṃ hoti "iminā cīvaracetāpannena cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā itthannāmaṃ bhikkhuṃ cīvarena acchādessāmī"ti, tatra ce so bhikkhu pubbe appavārito upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpajjeyya "sādhu vata maṃ āyasmā iminā cīvaracetāpannena evarūpaṃ vā evarūpaṃ vā cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā acchādehī"ti kalyāṇakamyataṃ upādāya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 8. In case a man or woman householder unrelated (to the bhikkhu) prepares a robe fund for the sake of a bhikkhu, thinking, "Having purchased a robe with this robe fund, I will clothe the bhikkhu named so-and-so with a robe": If the bhikkhu, not previously invited, approaching (the householder) should make a stipulation with regard to the robe, saying, "It would be good indeed, sir, if you clothed me (with a robe), having purchased a robe of such-and-such a sort with this robe fund" — out of a desire for something fine — it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Dutiyaupakkhaṭasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
9.Bhikkhuṃ paneva uddissa ubhinnaṃ aññātakānaṃ gahapatīnaṃ vā gahapatānīnaṃ vā paccekacīvaracetāpannāni upakkhaṭāni honti "imehi mayaṃ paccekacīvaracetāpannehi paccekacīvarāni cetāpetvā itthannāmaṃ bhikkhuṃ cīvarehi acchādessāmā"ti, tatra ce so bhikkhu pubbe appavārito upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpajjeyya "sādhu vata maṃ āyasmanto imehi paccekacīvaracetāpannehi evarūpaṃ vā evarūpaṃ vā cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā acchādetha ubhova santā ekenā"ti kalyāṇakamyataṃ upādāya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 9. In case two householders — men or women — unrelated (to the bhikkhu) prepare separate robe funds for the sake of a bhikkhu, thinking, "Having purchased separate robes with these separate robe funds of ours, we will clothe the bhikkhu named so-and-so with robes": If the bhikkhu, not previously invited, approaching (them) should make a stipulation with regard to the robe, saying, "It would be good indeed, sirs, if you clothed me (with a robe), having purchased a robe of such-and-such a sort with these separate robe funds, the two (funds) together for one (robe)" — out of a desire for something fine — it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Rājasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
10.Bhikkhuṃ paneva uddissa rājā vā rājabhoggo vā brāhmaṇo vā gahapatiko vā dūtena cīvaracetāpannaṃ pahiṇeyya "iminā cīvaracetāpannena cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā itthannāmaṃ bhikkhuṃ cīvarena acchādehī"ti. | 10. In case a king, a royal official, a brahman, or a householder sends a robe fund for the sake of a bhikkhu via a messenger, (saying,) "Having purchased a robe with this robe fund, clothe the bhikkhu named so-and-so with a robe": | |||
So ce dūto taṃ bhikkhuṃ upasaṅkamitvā evaṃ vadeyya "idaṃ kho, bhante, āyasmantaṃ uddissa cīvaracetāpannaṃ ābhataṃ, paṭiggaṇhātu āyasmā cīvaracetāpanna"nti. | If the messenger, approaching the bhikkhu, should say, "This is a robe fund being delivered for the sake of the venerable one. May the venerable one accept this robe fund," | |||
Tena bhikkhunā so dūto evamassa vacanīyo "na kho mayaṃ, āvuso, cīvaracetāpannaṃ paṭiggaṇhāma, cīvarañca kho mayaṃ paṭiggaṇhāma kālena kappiya"nti. | then the bhikkhu is to tell the messenger: "We do not accept robe funds, my friend. We accept robes (robe-cloth) as are proper according to season." | |||
So ce dūto taṃ bhikkhuṃ evaṃ vadeyya "atthi panāyasmato koci veyyāvaccakaro"ti. | If the messenger should say to the bhikkhu, "Does the venerable one have a steward?" | |||
Cīvaratthikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā veyyāvaccakaro niddisitabbo ārāmiko vā upāsako vā "eso kho, āvuso, bhikkhūnaṃ veyyāvaccakaro"ti. | then, bhikkhus, if the bhikkhu desires a robe, he may indicate a steward — either a monastery attendant or a lay follower — (saying,) "That, my friend, is the bhikkhus' steward." | |||
So ce dūto taṃ veyyāvaccakaraṃ saññāpetvā taṃ bhikkhuṃ upasaṅkamitvā evaṃ vadeyya "yaṃ kho, bhante, āyasmā veyyāvaccakaraṃ niddisi, saññatto so mayā, upasaṅkamatāyasmā kālena, cīvarena taṃ acchādessatī"ti. | If the messenger, having instructed the steward and going to the bhikkhu, should say, "I have instructed the steward the venerable one indicated. May the venerable one go (to him) and he will clothe you with a robe in season," | |||
Cīvaratthikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā veyyāvaccakaro upasaṅkamitvā dvattikkhattuṃ codetabbo sāretabbo "attho me, āvuso, cīvarenā"ti, dvattikkhattuṃ codayamāno sārayamāno taṃ cīvaraṃ abhinipphādeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, no ce abhinipphādeyya, catukkhattuṃ pañcakkhattuṃ chakkhattuparamaṃ tuṇhībhūtena uddissa ṭhātabbaṃ, catukkhattuṃ pañcakkhattuṃ chakkhattuparamaṃ tuṇhībhūto uddissa tiṭṭhamāno taṃ cīvaraṃ abhinipphādeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, tato ce uttari vāyamamāno taṃ cīvaraṃ abhinipphādeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | then the bhikkhu, desiring a robe and approaching the steward, may prompt and remind him two or three times, "I have need of a robe." Should (the steward) produce the robe after being prompted and reminded two or three times, that is good. If he should not produce the robe, (the bhikkhu) should stand in silence four times, five times, six times at most for that purpose. Should (the steward) produce the robe after (the bhikkhu) has stood in silence for the purpose four, five, six times at most, that is good. If he should not produce the robe (at that point), should he then produce the robe after (the bhikkhu) has endeavored further than that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
No ce abhinipphādeyya, yatassa cīvaracetāpannaṃ ābhataṃ, tattha sāmaṃ vā gantabbaṃ, dūto vā pāhetabbo "yaṃ kho tumhe āyasmanto bhikkhuṃ uddissa cīvaracetāpannaṃ pahiṇittha, na taṃ tassa bhikkhuno kiñci atthaṃ anubhoti, yuñjantāyasmanto sakaṃ, mā vo sakaṃ vinassā"ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. | If he should not produce (the robe), then the bhikkhu himself should go to the place from which the robe fund was brought, or a messenger should be sent (to say), "The robe fund that you, venerable sirs, sent for the sake of the bhikkhu has given no benefit to the bhikkhu at all. May the you be united with what is yours. May what is yours not be lost." This is the proper course here. | |||
Kathinavaggo paṭhamo. | ||||
Kosiyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
11.Yo pana bhikkhu kosiyamissakaṃ santhataṃ kārāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 11. Should any bhikkhu have a felt (blanket/rug) made of a mixture containing silk, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Suddhakāḷakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
12.Yo pana bhikkhu suddhakāḷakānaṃ eḷakalomānaṃ santhataṃ kārāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 12. Should any bhikkhu have a felt (blanket/rug) made of pure black wool, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Dvebhāgasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
13.Navaṃ pana bhikkhunā santhataṃ kārayamānena dve bhāgā suddhakāḷakānaṃ eḷakalomānaṃ ādātabbā, tatiyaṃ odātānaṃ, catutthaṃ gocariyānaṃ. | 13. When a bhikkhu is having a new felt (blanket/rug) made, two parts of pure black wool are to be incorporated, a third (part) of white, and a fourth of brown. | |||
Anādā ce bhikkhu dve bhāge suddhakāḷakānaṃ eḷakalomānaṃ, tatiyaṃ odātānaṃ, catutthaṃ gocariyānaṃ, navaṃ santhataṃ kārāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | If a bhikkhu should have a new felt (blanket/rug) made without incorporating two parts of pure black wool, a third of white, and a fourth of brown, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Chabbassasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
14.Navaṃ pana bhikkhunā santhataṃ kārāpetvā chabbassāni dhāretabbaṃ, orena ce channaṃ vassānaṃ taṃ santhataṃ vissajjetvā vā avissajjetvā vā aññaṃ navaṃ santhataṃ kārāpeyya aññatra bhikkhusammutiyā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 14. When a bhikkhu has had a new felt (blanket/rug) made, he is to keep it for (at least) six years. If after less than six years he should have another new felt (blanket/rug) made, regardless of whether or not he has disposed of the first, then — unless he has been authorized by the bhikkhus — it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Nisīdanasanthatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
15.Nisīdanasanthataṃ pana bhikkhunā kārayamānena purāṇasanthatassa sāmantā sugatavidatthi ādātabbā dubbaṇṇakaraṇāya. | 15. When a bhikkhu is having a felt sitting rug made, a piece of old felt a sugata span [25 cm.] on each side is to be incorporated for the sake of discoloring it. | |||
Anādā ce bhikkhu purāṇasantha tassa sāmantā sugatavidatthiṃ, navaṃ nisīdanasanthataṃ kārāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | If, without incorporating a piece of old felt a sugata span on each side, a bhikkhu should have a new felt sitting rug made, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Eḷakalomasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
16.Bhikkhuno paneva addhānamaggappaṭipannassa eḷakalomāni uppajjeyyuṃ, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbāni, paṭiggahetvā tiyojanaparamaṃ sahatthā haritabbāni asante hārake. | 16. Should wool accrue to a bhikkhu as he is going on a journey, he may accept it if he so desires. Having accepted it, he may carry it by hand — there being no one else to carry it — three leagues [48 km.=30 miles] at most. | |||
Tato ce uttari hareyya, asantepi hārake, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | If he should carry it farther than that, even if there is no one else to carry it, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Eḷakalomadhovāpanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
17.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātikāya bhikkhuniyā eḷakalomāni dhovāpeyya vā rajāpeyya vā vijaṭāpeyya vā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 17. Should any bhikkhu have wool washed, dyed, or carded by a bhikkhunī unrelated to him, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Rūpiyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
18.Yo pana bhikkhu jātarūparajataṃ uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā upanikkhittaṃ vā sādiyeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 18. Should any bhikkhu accept gold and silver, or have it accepted, or consent to its being deposited (near him), it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Rūpiyasaṃvohārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
19.Yo pana bhikkhu nānappakārakaṃ rūpiyasaṃvohāraṃ samāpajjeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 19. Should any bhikkhu engage in various types of monetary exchange, it (the income) is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Kayavikkayasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
20.Yo pana bhikkhu nānappakārakaṃ kayavikkayaṃ samāpajjeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 20. Should any bhikkhu engage in various types of trade, it (the article obtained) is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Kosiyavaggo dutiyo. | ||||
Pattasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
21.Dasāhaparamaṃ atirekapatto dhāretabbo, taṃ atikkāmayato nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 21. An extra alms bowl may be kept ten days at most. Beyond that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Ūnapañcabandhanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
22.Yo pana bhikkhu ūnapañcabandhanena pattena aññaṃ navaṃ pattaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 22. Should any bhikkhu with an alms bowl having fewer than five mends ask for another new bowl, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Tena bhikkhunā so patto bhikkhuparisāya nissajjitabbo, yo ca tassā bhikkhuparisāya pattapariyanto, so tassa bhikkhuno padātabbo "ayaṃ te bhikkhu patto yāva bhedanāya dhāretabbo"ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. | The bowl is to be forfeited by the bhikkhu to the company of bhikkhus. That company of bhikkhus' final bowl should be presented to the bhikkhu, (saying,) "This, bhikkhu, is your bowl. It is to be kept until broken." This is the proper course here. | |||
Bhesajjasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
23.Yāni kho pana tāni gilānānaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ paṭisāyanīyāni bhesajjāni, seyyathidaṃ – sappi navanītaṃ telaṃ madhu phāṇitaṃ, tāni paṭiggahetvā sattāhaparamaṃ sannidhikārakaṃ paribhuñjitabbāni, taṃ atikkāmayato nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 23. There are these tonics to be taken by sick bhikkhus: ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey, sugar/molasses. Having been received, they are to be used from storage seven days at most. Beyond that, they are to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Vassikasāṭikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
24."Māso seso gimhāna"nti bhikkhunā vassikasāṭikacīvaraṃ pariyesitabbaṃ, "addhamāso seso gimhāna"nti katvā nivāsetabbaṃ. | 24. When a month is left to the hot season, a bhikkhu may seek a rains-bathing cloth. When a half-month is left to the hot season, (the cloth) having been made, may be worn. | |||
Orena ce "māso seso gimhāna"nti vassikasāṭikacīvaraṃ pariyeseyya, orena"ddhamāso seso gimhāna"nti katvā nivāseyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | If when more than a month is left to the hot season he should seek a rains-bathing cloth, (or) when more than a half-month is left to the hot season, (the cloth) having been made should be worn, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Cīvaraacchindanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
25.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa sāmaṃ cīvaraṃ datvā kupito anattamano acchindeyya vā acchindāpeyya vā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 25. Should any bhikkhu — having himself given robe-cloth to (another) bhikkhu and then being angered and displeased — snatch it back or have it snatched back, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Suttaviññattisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
26.Yo pana bhikkhu sāmaṃ suttaṃ viññāpetvā tantavāyehi cīvaraṃ vāyāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 26. Should any bhikkhu, having requested thread, have robe-cloth woven by weavers, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Mahāpesakārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
27.Bhikkhuṃ paneva uddissa aññātako gahapati vā gahapatānī vā tantavāyehi cīvaraṃ vāyāpeyya, tatra ce so bhikkhu pubbe appavārito tantavāye upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpajjeyya "idaṃ kho, āvuso, cīvaraṃ maṃ uddissa viyyati, āyatañca karotha, vitthatañca, appitañca, suvītañca, suppavāyitañca, suvilekhitañca, suvitacchitañca karotha, appeva nāma mayampi āyasmantānaṃ kiñcimattaṃ anupadajjeyyāmā"ti. | 27. In case a man or woman householder unrelated (to the bhikkhu) has robe-cloth woven by weavers for the sake of a bhikkhu, and if the bhikkhu, not previously invited (by the householder), having approached the weavers, should make stipulations with regard to the cloth, saying, "This cloth, friends, is being woven for my sake. Make it long, make it broad, make it tightly woven, well woven, well spread, well scraped, well smoothed, and perhaps I may reward you with a little something"; | |||
Evañca so bhikkhu vatvā kiñcimattaṃ anupadajjeyya antamaso piṇḍapātamattampi, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | and should the bhikkhu, having said that, reward them with a little something, even as much as almsfood, it (the cloth) is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Accekacīvarasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
28.Dasāhānāgataṃ kattikatemāsikapuṇṇamaṃ bhikkhuno paneva accekacīvaraṃ uppajjeyya, accekaṃ maññamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbaṃ, paṭiggahetvā yāva cīvarakālasamayaṃ nikkhipitabbaṃ. | 28. Ten days prior to the third-month Kattika full moon, should robe-cloth offered in urgency accrue to a bhikkhu, he is to accept it if he regards it as offered in urgency. Once he has accepted it, he may keep it throughout the robe season. | |||
Tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | Beyond that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Sāsaṅkasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
29.Upavassaṃ kho pana kattikapuṇṇamaṃ yāni kho pana tāni āraññakāni senāsanāni sāsaṅkasammatāni sappaṭibhayāni, tathārūpesu bhikkhu senāsanesu viharanto ākaṅkhamāno tiṇṇaṃ cīvarānaṃ aññataraṃ cīvaraṃ antaraghare nikkhipeyya, siyā ca tassa bhikkhuno kocideva paccayo tena cīvarena vippavāsāya, chārattaparamaṃ tena bhikkhunā tena cīvarena vippavasitabbaṃ. | 29. There are wilderness lodgings that are considered dubious and risky. A bhikkhu living in such lodgings after having observed the Kattika full moon may keep any one of his three robes in a village if he so desires. Should he have any reason to live apart from the robe, he may do so for six nights at most. | |||
Tato ce uttari vippavaseyya aññatra bhikkhusammutiyā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | If he should live apart from it beyond that — unless authorized by the bhikkhus — it is to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Pariṇatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
30.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ saṅghikaṃ lābhaṃ pariṇataṃ attano pariṇāmeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 30. Should any bhikkhu knowingly divert to himself gains that had been allocated for a Community, they are to be forfeited and confessed. | |||
Pattavaggo tatiyo. | ||||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā. | “Venerables, the thirty rules on relinquishment and confession have been recited. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Nissaggiyapācittiyā niṭṭhitā. | The chapter on offenses entailing relinquishment is finished. | |||
Suddhapācittiyā Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto dvenavuti pācittiyā | Venerables, these ninety-two rules on confession | |||
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | come up for recitation. | |||
Musāvādasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Sampajānamusāvāde pācittiyaṃ. | 1. A deliberate lie is to be confessed. | |||
Omasavādasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
2.Omasavāde pācittiyaṃ. | 2. An insult is to be confessed. | |||
Pesuññasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
3.Bhikkhupesuññe pācittiyaṃ. | 3. Divisive tale-bearing among bhikkhus is to be confessed. | |||
Padasodhammasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
4.Yo pana bhikkhu anupasampannaṃ padaso dhammaṃ vāceyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 4. Should any bhikkhu have an unordained person recite Dhamma line by line (with him), it is to be confessed. | |||
Paṭhamasahaseyyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
5.Yo pana bhikkhu anupasampannena uttaridirattatirattaṃ sahaseyyaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 5. Should any bhikkhu lie down together (in the same dwelling) with an unordained person for more than two or three consecutive nights, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dutiyasahaseyyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
6.Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena sahaseyyaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 6. Should any bhikkhu lie down together (in the same dwelling) with a woman, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dhammadesanāsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
7.Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmassa uttarichappañcavācāhi dhammaṃ deseyya aññatra viññunā purisaviggahena, pācittiyaṃ. | 7. Should any bhikkhu teach more than five or six sentences of Dhamma to a woman, unless a knowledgeable man is present, it is to be confessed. | |||
Bhūtārocanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
8.Yo pana bhikkhu anupasampannassa uttarimanussadhammaṃ āroceyya, bhūtasmiṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 8. Should any bhikkhu report (his own) superior human state to an unordained person, when it is factual, it is to be confessed. | |||
Duṭṭhullārocanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
9.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa duṭṭhullaṃ āpattiṃ anupasampannassa āroceyya aññatra bhikkhusammutiyā, pācittiyaṃ. | 9. Should any bhikkhu report (another) bhikkhu's serious offense to an unordained person — unless authorized by the bhikkhus — it is to be confessed. | |||
Pathavīkhaṇanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
10.Yo pana bhikkhu pathaviṃ khaṇeyya vā khaṇāpeyya vā pācittiyaṃ. | 10. Should any bhikkhu dig soil or have it dug, it is to be confessed. | |||
Musāvādavaggo paṭhamo. | ||||
Bhūtagāmasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
11.Bhūtagāmapātabyatāya pācittiyaṃ. | 11. The damaging of a living plant is to be confessed. | |||
Aññavādakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
12.Aññavādake, vihesake pācittiyaṃ. | 12. Evasive speech and causing frustration are to be confessed. | |||
Ujjhāpanakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
13.Ujjhāpanake, khiyyanake pācittiyaṃ. | 13. Criticizing or complaining (about a Community official) is to be confessed. | |||
Paṭhamasenāsanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
14.Yo pana bhikkhu saṅghikaṃ mañcaṃ vā pīṭhaṃ vā bhisiṃ vā kocchaṃ vā ajjhokāse santharitvā vā santharāpetvā vā taṃ pakkamanto neva uddhareyya, na uddharāpeyya, anāpucchaṃ vā gaccheyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 14. Should any bhikkhu set a bed, bench, mattress, or stool belonging to the Community out in the open — or have it set out — and then on departing neither put it away nor have it put away, or should he go without taking leave, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dutiyasenāsanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
15.Yo pana bhikkhu saṅghike vihāre seyyaṃ santharitvā vā santharāpetvā vā taṃ pakkamanto neva uddhareyya, na uddharāpeyya, anāpucchaṃ vā gaccheyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 15. Should any bhikkhu set out bedding in a dwelling belonging to the Community — or have it set out — and then on departing neither put it away nor have it put away, or should he go without taking leave, it is to be confessed. | |||
Anupakhajjasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
16.Yo pana bhikkhu saṅghike vihāre jānaṃ pubbupagataṃ bhikkhuṃ anupakhajja seyyaṃ kappeyya "yassa sambādho bhavissati, so pakkamissatī"ti etadeva paccayaṃ karitvā anaññaṃ, pācittiyaṃ. | 16. Should any bhikkhu knowingly lie down in a dwelling belonging to the Community so as to intrude on a bhikkhu who arrived there first, (thinking), "Whoever finds it confining will go away" — doing it for just that reason and no other — it is to be confessed. | |||
Nikkaḍḍhanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
17.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ kupito anattamano saṅghikā vihārā nikkaḍḍheyya vā nikkaḍḍhāpeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 17. Should any bhikkhu, angered and displeased, evict a bhikkhu from a dwelling belonging to the Community — or have him evicted — it is to be confessed. | |||
Vehāsakuṭisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
18.Yo pana bhikkhu saṅghike vihāre uparivehāsakuṭiyā āhaccapādakaṃ mañcaṃ vā pīṭhaṃ vā abhinisīdeyya vā abhinipajjeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 18. Should any bhikkhu sit or lie down on a bed or bench with detachable legs on an (unplanked) loft in a dwelling belonging to the Community, it is to be confessed. | |||
Mahallakavihārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
19.Mahallakaṃ pana bhikkhunā vihāraṃ kārayamānena yāva dvārakosā aggaḷaṭṭhapanāya ālokasandhiparikammāya dvatticchadanassa pariyāyaṃ appaharite ṭhitena adhiṭṭhātabbaṃ, tato ce uttari appaharitepi ṭhito adhiṭṭhaheyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 19. When a bhikkhu is having a large dwelling built, he may supervise two or three layers of facing to plaster the area around the window frame and reinforce the area around the door frame the width of the door opening, while standing where there are no crops to speak of. Should he supervise more than that, even if standing where there are no crops to speak of, it is to be confessed. | |||
Sappāṇakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
20.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ sappāṇakaṃ udakaṃ tiṇaṃ vā mattikaṃ vā siñceyya vā siñcāpeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 20. Should any bhikkhu knowingly pour water containing living beings — or have it poured — on grass or on clay, it is to be confessed. | |||
Bhūtagāmavaggo dutiyo. | ||||
Ovādasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
21.Yo pana bhikkhu asammato bhikkhuniyo ovadeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 21. Should any bhikkhu, unauthorized, exhort the bhikkhunīs, it is to be confessed. | |||
Atthaṅgatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
22.Sammatopi ce bhikkhu atthaṅgate sūriye bhikkhuniyo ovadeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 22. Should any bhikkhu, even if authorized, exhort the bhikkhunīs after sunset, it is to be confessed. | |||
Bhikkhunupassayasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
23.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhunupassayaṃ upasaṅkamitvā bhikkhuniyo ovadeyya aññatra samayā, pācittiyaṃ. | 23. Should any bhikkhu, having gone to the bhikkhunīs' quarters, exhort the bhikkhunīs — except at the proper occasion — it is to be confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo, gilānā hoti bhikkhunī, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasion is this: A bhikkhunī is ill. This is the proper occasion here. | |||
Āmisasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
24.Yo pana bhikkhu evaṃ vadeyya "āmisahetu therā bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo ovadantī"ti, pācittiyaṃ. | 24. Should any bhikkhu say that the bhikkhus exhort the bhikkhunīs for the sake of worldly gain, it is to be confessed. | |||
Cīvaradānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
25.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātikāya bhikkhuniyā cīvaraṃ dadeyya aññatra pārivattakā, pācittiyaṃ. | 25. Should any bhikkhu give robe-cloth to a bhikkhunī unrelated to him, except in exchange, it is to be confessed. | |||
Cīvarasibbanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
26.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātikāya bhikkhuniyā cīvaraṃ sibbeyya vā sibbāpeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 26. Should any bhikkhu sew a robe or have it sewn for a bhikkhunī unrelated to him, it is to be confessed. | |||
Saṃvidhānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
27.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuniyā saddhiṃ saṃvidhāya ekaddhānamaggaṃ paṭipajjeyya antamaso gāmantarampi aññatra samayā, pācittiyaṃ. | 27. Should any bhikkhu, by arrangement, travel together with a bhikkhunī even for the interval between one village and the next, except at the proper occasion, it is to be confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo, satthagamanīyo hoti maggo, sāsaṅkasammato, sappaṭibhayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasion is this: The road is to be traveled by caravan and is considered dubious and risky. This is the proper occasion here. | |||
Nāvābhiruhanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
28.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuniyā saddhiṃ saṃvidhāya ekaṃ nāvaṃ abhiruheyya uddhaṃgāminiṃ vā adhogāminiṃ vā aññatra tiriyaṃ taraṇāya, pācittiyaṃ. | 28. Should any bhikkhu, by arrangement, get in the same boat with a bhikkhunī going upstream or downstream — except to cross over to the other bank — it is to be confessed. | |||
Paripācitasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
29.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ bhikkhuniparipācitaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjeyya aññatra pubbe gihisamārambhā, pācittiyaṃ. | 29. Should any bhikkhu knowingly eat almsfood donated through the prompting of a bhikkhunī, except for food that householders had already intended for him prior (to her prompting), it is to be confessed. | |||
Rahonisajjasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
30.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuniyā saddhiṃ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 30. Should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a bhikkhunī, it is to be confessed. | |||
Ovādavaggo tatiyo. | ||||
Āvasathapiṇḍasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
31.Agilānena bhikkhunā eko āvasathapiṇḍo bhuñjitabbo. | 31. A bhikkhu who is not ill may eat one meal at a public alms center. | |||
Tato ce uttari bhuñjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | If he should eat more than that, it is to be confessed. | |||
Gaṇabhojanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
32.Gaṇabhojane aññatra samayā pācittiyaṃ. | 32. A group meal, except at the proper occasions, is to be confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo, gilānasamayo, cīvaradānasamayo, cīvarakārasamayo, addhānagamanasamayo, nāvābhiruhanasamayo, mahāsamayo, samaṇabhattasamayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasions are these: a time of illness, a time of giving cloth, a time of making robes, a time of going on a journey, a time of embarking on a boat, a great occasion, a time when the meal is supplied by contemplatives. These are the proper occasions here. | |||
Paramparabhojanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
33.Paramparabhojane aññatra samayā pācittiyaṃ. | 33. An out-of-turn meal, except at the proper occasions, is to be confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo, gilānasamayo, cīvaradānasamayo, cīvarakārasamayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasions are these: a time of illness, a time of giving cloth, a time of making robes. These are the proper occasions here. | |||
Kāṇamātusikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
34.Bhikkhuṃ paneva kulaṃ upagataṃ pūvehi vā manthehi vā abhihaṭṭhuṃ pavāreyya, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā dvattipattapūrā paṭiggahetabbā. | 34. In case a bhikkhu arriving at a family residence is presented with cakes or cooked grain-meal, he may accept two or three bowlfuls if he so desires. | |||
Tato ce uttari paṭiggaṇheyya, pācittiyaṃ. | If he should accept more than that, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dvattipattapūre paṭiggahetvā tato nīharitvā bhikkhūhi saddhiṃ saṃvibhajitabbaṃ, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. | Having accepted the two-or-three bowlfuls and having taken them from there, he is to share them among the bhikkhus. This is the proper course here. | |||
Paṭhamapavāraṇāsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
35.Yo pana bhikkhu bhuttāvī pavārito anatirittaṃ khādanīyaṃ vā bhojanīyaṃ vā khādeyya vā bhuñjeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 35. Should any bhikkhu, having eaten and turned down an offer (of further food), chew or consume staple or non-staple food that is not leftover, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dutiyapavāraṇāsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
36.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ bhuttāviṃ pavāritaṃ anatirittena khādanīyena vā bhojanīyena vā abhihaṭṭhuṃ pavāreyya "handa bhikkhu khāda vā bhuñja vā"ti jānaṃ āsādanāpekkho, bhuttasmiṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 36. Should any bhikkhu, knowingly and wishing to find fault, present staple or non-staple food he has brought to a bhikkhu who has eaten and turned down an offer (of further food), saying, "Here, bhikkhu, chew or consume this" — when it has been eaten, it is to be confessed. | |||
Vikālabhojanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
37.Yo pana bhikkhu vikāle khādanīyaṃ vā bhojanīyaṃ vā khādeyya vā bhuñjeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 37. Should any bhikkhu chew or consume staple or non-staple food at the wrong time, it is to be confessed. | |||
Sannidhikārakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
38.Yo pana bhikkhu sannidhikārakaṃ khādanīyaṃ vā bhojanīyaṃ vā khādeyya vā bhuñjeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 38. Should any bhikkhu chew or consume stored-up staple or non-staple food, it is to be confessed. | |||
Paṇītabhojanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
39.Yāni kho pana tāni paṇītabhojanāni, seyyathidaṃ – sappi, navanītaṃ, telaṃ, madhu, phāṇitaṃ, maccho, maṃsaṃ, khīraṃ, dadhi. | 39. There are these finer staple foods: ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey, sugar/molasses, fish, meat, milk, and curds. | |||
Yo pana bhikkhu evarūpāni paṇītabhojanāni agilāno attano atthāya viññāpetvā bhuñjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | Should any bhikkhu who is not ill, having requested finer staple foods such as these for his own sake, then consume them, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dantaponasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
40.Yo pana bhikkhu adinnaṃ mukhadvāraṃ āhāraṃ āhareyya aññatra udakadantaponā, pācittiyaṃ. | 40. Should any bhikkhu take into his mouth an edible that has not been given — except for water and tooth-cleaning sticks — it is to be confessed. | |||
Bhojanavaggo catuttho. | ||||
Acelakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
41.Yo pana bhikkhu acelakassa vā paribbājakassa vā paribbājikāya vā sahatthā khādanīyaṃ vā bhojanīyaṃ vā dadeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 41. Should any bhikkhu give staple or non-staple food with his own hand to a naked ascetic, a male wanderer, or a female wanderer, it is to be confessed. | |||
Uyyojanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
42.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ "ehāvuso, gāmaṃ vā nigamaṃ vā piṇḍāya pavisissāmā"ti tassa dāpetvā vā adāpetvā vā uyyojeyya "gacchāvuso, na me tayā saddhiṃ kathā vā nisajjā vā phāsu hoti, ekakassa me kathā vā nisajjā vā phāsu hotī"ti etadeva paccayaṃ karitvā anaññaṃ, pācittiyaṃ. | 42. Should any bhikkhu say to a bhikkhu, "Come, my friend, let's enter the village or town for alms," and then — whether or not he has had (food) given to him — dismiss him, saying, "Go away, my friend. I don't like sitting or talking with you. I prefer sitting or talking alone" — doing it for that reason and no other — it is to be confessed. | |||
Sabhojanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
43.Yo pana bhikkhu sabhojane kule anupakhajja nisajjaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 43. Should any bhikkhu sit intruding on a family "with its meal," it is to be confessed. | |||
Rahopaṭicchannasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
44.Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena saddhiṃ raho paṭicchanne āsane nisajjaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 44. Should any bhikkhu sit in private on a secluded seat with a woman, it is to be confessed. | |||
Rahonisajjasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
45.Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena saddhiṃ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 45. Should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a woman, it is to be confessed. | |||
Cārittasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
46.Yo pana bhikkhu nimantito sabhatto samāno santaṃ bhikkhuṃ anāpucchā purebhattaṃ vā pacchābhattaṃ vā kulesu cārittaṃ āpajjeyya aññatra samayā, pācittiyaṃ. | 46. Should any bhikkhu, being invited for a meal and without taking leave of an available bhikkhu, go calling on families before or after the meal, except at the proper occasions, it is to be confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo, cīvaradānasamayo, cīvarakārasamayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasions are these: a time of giving cloth, a time of making robes. These are the proper occasions here. | |||
Mahānāmasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
47.Agilānena bhikkhunā catumāsappaccayapavāraṇā sāditabbā aññatra punapavāraṇāya, aññatra niccapavāraṇāya. | 47. A bhikkhu who is not ill may accept (make use of) a four-month invitation to ask for requisites. If he should accept (make use of) it beyond that — unless the invitation is renewed or is permanent — | |||
Tato ce uttari sādiyeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | it is to be confessed. | |||
Uyyuttasenāsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
48.Yo pana bhikkhu uyyuttaṃ senaṃ dassanāya gaccheyya aññatra tathārūpappaccayā, pācittiyaṃ. | 48. Should any bhikkhu go to see an army on active duty, unless there is a suitable reason, it is to be confessed. | |||
Senāvāsasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
49.Siyā ca tassa bhikkhuno kocideva paccayo senaṃ gamanāya, dirattatirattaṃ tena bhikkhunā senāya vasitabbaṃ. | 49. There being some reason or another for a bhikkhu to go to an army, he may stay two or three (consecutive) nights with the army. | |||
Tato ce uttari vaseyya, pācittiyaṃ. | If he should stay beyond that, it is to be confessed. | |||
Uyyodhikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
50.Dirattatirattaṃ ce bhikkhu senāya vasamāno uyyodhikaṃ vā balaggaṃ vā senābyūhaṃ vā anīkadassanaṃ vā gaccheyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 50. If a bhikkhu staying two or three nights with an army should go to a battlefield, a roll call, the troops in battle formation, or to see a review of the (battle) units, it is to be confessed. | |||
Acelakavaggo pañcamo. | ||||
Surāpānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
51.Surāmerayapāne pācittiyaṃ. | 51. The drinking of alcohol or fermented liquor is to be confessed. | |||
Aṅgulipatodakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
52.Aṅgulipatodake pācittiyaṃ. | 52. Tickling with the fingers is to be confessed. | |||
Hasadhammasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
53.Udake hasadhamme pācittiyaṃ. | 53. The act of playing in the water is to be confessed. | |||
Anādariyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
54.Anādariye pācittiyaṃ. | 54. Disrespect is to be confessed. | |||
Bhiṃsāpanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
55.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ bhiṃsāpeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 55. Should any bhikkhu try to frighten another bhikkhu, it is to be confessed. | |||
Jotisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
56.Yo pana bhikkhu agilāno visibbanāpekkho jotiṃ samādaheyya vā samādahāpeyya vā aññatra tathārūpappaccayā, pācittiyaṃ. | 56. Should any bhikkhu who is not ill, seeking to warm himself, kindle a fire or have one kindled — unless there is a suitable reason — it is to be confessed. | |||
Nahānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
57.Yo pana bhikkhu orenaddhamāsaṃ nahāyeyya aññatra samayā, pācittiyaṃ. | 57. Should any bhikkhu bathe at intervals of less than half a month, except at the proper occasions, it is to be confessed. | |||
Tatthāyaṃ samayo "diyaḍḍho māso seso gimhāna"nti "vassānassa paṭhamo māso" iccete aḍḍhateyyamāsā uṇhasamayo, pariḷāhasamayo, gilānasamayo, kammasamayo, addhānagamanasamayo, vātavuṭṭhisamayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo. | Here the proper occasions are these: the last month and a half of the hot season, the first month of the rains, these two and a half months being a time of heat, a time of fever; (also) a time of illness; a time of work; a time of going on a journey; a time of wind or rain. These are the proper occasions here. | |||
Dubbaṇṇakaraṇasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
58.Navaṃ pana bhikkhunā cīvaralābhena tiṇṇaṃ dubbaṇṇakaraṇānaṃ aññataraṃ dubbaṇṇakaraṇaṃ ādātabbaṃ nīlaṃ vā kaddamaṃ vā kāḷasāmaṃ vā. | 58. When a bhikkhu receives a new robe, any one of three means of discoloring it is to be applied: green, brown, or black. | |||
Anādā ce bhikkhu tiṇṇaṃ dubbaṇṇakaraṇānaṃ aññataraṃ dubbaṇṇakaraṇaṃ navaṃ cīvaraṃ paribhuñjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | If a bhikkhu should make use of a new robe without applying any of the three means of discoloring it, it is to be confessed. | |||
Vikappanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
59.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā sikkhamānāya vā sāmaṇerassa vā sāmaṇeriyā vā sāmaṃ cīvaraṃ vikappetvā appaccuddhāraṇaṃ paribhuñjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 59. Should any bhikkhu, having himself placed robe-cloth under shared ownership (vikappana) with a bhikkhu, a bhikkhunī, a female trainee, a male novice, or a female novice, then make use of the cloth without the shared ownership's being rescinded, it is to be confessed. | |||
Apanidhānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
60.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa pattaṃ vā cīvaraṃ vā nisīdanaṃ vā sūcigharaṃ vā kāyabandhanaṃ vā apanidheyya vā apanidhāpeyya vā antamaso hasāpekkhopi, pācittiyaṃ. | 60. Should any bhikkhu hide (another) bhikkhu's bowl, robe, sitting cloth, needle box, or belt — or have it hidden — even as a joke, it is to be confessed. | |||
Surāpānavaggo chaṭṭho. | ||||
Sañciccasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
61.Yo pana bhikkhu sañcicca pāṇaṃ jīvitā voropeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 61. Should any bhikkhu intentionally deprive an animal of life, it is to be confessed. | |||
Sappāṇakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
62.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ sappāṇakaṃ udakaṃ paribhuñjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 62. Should any bhikkhu knowingly make use of water containing living, it is to be confessed. | |||
Ukkoṭanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
63.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ yathādhammaṃ nihatādhikaraṇaṃ punakammāya ukkoṭeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 63. Should any bhikkhu knowingly agitate for the reviving of an issue that has been rightfully dealt with, it is to be confessed. | |||
Duṭṭhullasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
64.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa jānaṃ duṭṭhullaṃ āpattiṃ paṭicchādeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 64. Should any bhikkhu knowingly conceal (another) bhikkhu's serious offense, it is to be confessed. | |||
Ūnavīsativassasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
65.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ ūnavīsativassaṃ puggalaṃ upasampādeyya, so ca puggalo anupasampanno, te ca bhikkhū gārayhā, idaṃ tasmiṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 65. Should any bhikkhu knowingly give full Acceptance (ordination) to an individual less than twenty years old, the individual is not accepted and the bhikkhus are blameworthy; and as for him (the preceptor), it is to be confessed. | |||
Theyyasatthasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
66.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ theyyasatthena saddhiṃ saṃvidhāya ekaddhānamaggaṃ paṭipajjeyya antamaso gāmantarampi, pācittiyaṃ. | 66. Should any bhikkhu knowingly and by arrangement travel together with a caravan of thieves, even for the interval between one village and the next, it is to be confessed. | |||
Saṃvidhānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
67.Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena saddhiṃ saṃvidhāya ekaddhānamaggaṃ paṭipajjeyya antamaso gāmantarampi, pācittiyaṃ. | 67. Should any bhikkhu, by arrangement, travel together with a woman, even for the interval between one village and the next, it is to be confessed. | |||
Ariṭṭhasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
68.Yo pana bhikkhu evaṃ vadeyya "tathāhaṃ bhagavatā dhammaṃ desitaṃ ājānāmi, yathā yeme antarāyikā dhammā vuttā bhagavatā, te paṭisevato nālaṃ antarāyāyā"ti, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "māyasmā evaṃ avaca, mā bhagavantaṃ abbhācikkhi, na hi sādhu bhagavato abbhakkhānaṃ, na hi bhagavā evaṃ vadeyya, anekapariyāyenāvuso antarāyikā dhammā antarāyikā vuttā bhagavatā, alañca pana te paṭisevato antarāyāyā"ti. | 68. Should any bhikkhu say the following: "As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, those acts the Blessed One says are obstructive, when engaged in are not genuine obstructions," the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "Do not say that, venerable sir. Do not misrepresent the Blessed One, for it is not good to misrepresent the Blessed One. The Blessed One would not say anything like that. In many ways, friend, the Blessed One has described obstructive acts, and when engaged in they are genuine obstructions." | |||
Evañca so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi vuccamāno tatheva paggaṇheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhūhi yāvatatiyaṃ samanubhāsitabbo tassa paṭinissaggāya. | And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times for the sake of relinquishing that. | |||
Yāvatatiyañce samanubhāsiyamāno taṃ paṭinissajjeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ. | If while being rebuked up to three times he relinquishes that, that is good. | |||
No ce paṭinissajjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | If he does not relinquish (that), it is to be confessed. | |||
Ukkhittasambhogasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
69.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ tathāvādinā bhikkhunā akaṭānudhammena taṃ diṭṭhiṃ appaṭinissaṭṭhena saddhiṃ sambhuñjeyya vā, saṃvaseyya vā, saha vā seyyaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 69. Should any bhikkhu knowingly commune, affiliate, or lie down in the same dwelling with a bhikkhu professing such a view who has not acted in compliance with the rule, who has not abandoned that view, it is to be confessed. | |||
Kaṇṭakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
70.Samaṇuddesopi ce evaṃ vadeyya "tathāhaṃ bhagavatā dhammaṃ desitaṃ ājānāmi, yathā yeme antarāyikā dhammā vuttā bhagavatā, te paṭisevato nālaṃ antarāyāyā"ti, so samaṇuddeso bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "māvuso, samaṇuddesa evaṃ avaca, mā bhagavantaṃ abbhācikkhi, na hi sādhu bhagavato abbhakkhānaṃ, na hi bhagavā evaṃ vadeyya, anekapariyāyenāvuso, samaṇuddesa antarāyikā dhammā antarāyikā vuttā bhagavatā, alañca pana te paṭisevato antarāyāyā"ti, evañca so samaṇuddeso bhikkhūhi vuccamāno tatheva paggaṇheyya, so samaṇuddeso bhikkhūhi evamassa vacanīyo "ajjatagge te, āvuso, samaṇuddesa na ceva so bhagavā satthā apadisitabbo, yampi caññe samaṇuddesā labhanti bhikkhūhi saddhiṃ dirattatirattaṃ sahaseyyaṃ, sāpi te natthi, cara pire, vinassā"ti. | 70. And if a novice should say the following: "As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, those acts the Blessed One says are obstructive, when engaged in are not genuine obstructions," the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "Do not say that, friend novice. Do not misrepresent the Blessed One, for it is not good to misrepresent the Blessed One. The Blessed One would not say anything like that. In many ways, friend, the Blessed One has described obstructive acts, and when engaged in they are genuine obstructions." And should that novice, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "From this day forth, friend novice, you are not to claim the Blessed One as your teacher, nor are you even to have the opportunity the other novices get — that of sharing dwellings two or three nights with the bhikkhus. Away with you! Get lost! " | |||
Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ tathānāsitaṃ samaṇuddesaṃ upalāpeyya vā, upaṭṭhāpeyya vā, sambhuñjeyya vā, saha vā seyyaṃ kappeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | Should any bhikkhu knowingly befriend, receive services from, commune with, or lie down in the same dwelling with a novice thus expelled, it is to be confessed. | |||
Sappāṇakavaggo sattamo. | ||||
Sahadhammikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
71.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhūhi sahadhammikaṃ vuccamāno evaṃ vadeyya "na tāvāhaṃ, āvuso, etasmiṃ sikkhāpade sikkhissāmi, yāva na aññaṃ bhikkhuṃ byattaṃ vinayadharaṃ paripucchāmī"ti, pācittiyaṃ. | 71. Should any bhikkhu, admonished by the bhikkhus in accordance with a rule, say, "Friends, I will not train myself under this training rule until I have put questions about it to another bhikkhu, competent and learned in the discipline," it is to be confessed. | |||
Sikkhamānena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā aññātabbaṃ paripucchitabbaṃ paripañhitabbaṃ, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. | Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu in training should understand, should ask, should ponder. This is the proper course here. | |||
Vilekhanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
72.Yo pana bhikkhu pātimokkhe uddissamāne evaṃ vadeyya "kiṃ panimehi khuddānukhuddakehi sikkhāpadehi uddiṭṭhehi, yāvadeva kukkuccāya vihesāya vilekhāya saṃvattantī"ti, sikkhāpadavivaṇṇake pācittiyaṃ. | 72. Should any bhikkhu, when the Pāṭimokkha is being recited, say, "Why are these lesser and minor training rules recited when they lead only to anxiety, bother, and confusion? " the criticism of the training rules is to be confessed. | |||
Mohanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
73.Yo pana bhikkhu anvaddhamāsaṃ pātimokkhe uddissamāne evaṃ vadeyya "idāneva kho ahaṃ jānāmi, ayampi kira dhammo suttāgato suttapariyāpanno anvaddhamāsaṃ uddesaṃ āgacchatī"ti. | 73. Should any bhikkhu, when the Pāṭimokkha is being recited every half-month, say, "Just now have I learned that this case, too, is handed down in the Pāṭimokkha, is included in the Pāṭimokkha, and comes up for recitation every half-month"; | |||
Tañce bhikkhuṃ aññe bhikkhū jāneyyuṃ nisinnapubbaṃ iminā bhikkhunā dvattikkhattuṃ pātimokkhe uddissamāne, ko pana vādo bhiyyo, na ca tassa bhikkhuno aññāṇakena mutti atthi, yañca tattha āpattiṃ āpanno, tañca yathādhammo kāretabbo, uttari cassa moho āropetabbo "tassa te, āvuso, alābhā, tassa te dulladdhaṃ, yaṃ tvaṃ pātimokkhe uddissamānena sādhukaṃ aṭṭhiṃ katvā manasi karosī"ti, idaṃ tasmiṃ mohanake pācittiyaṃ. | and if the bhikkhus should know, "That bhikkhu has already sat through two or three recitations of the Pāṭimokkha, if not more," the bhikkhu is not exempted for being ignorant. Whatever the offense he has committed, he is to be dealt with in accordance with the rule; and in addition, his deceit is to be exposed: "It is no gain for you, friend, it is ill-done, that when the Pāṭimokkha is being recited, you do not pay attention, properly taking it to heart." As for the deception (§), it is to be confessed. | |||
Pahārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
74.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa kupito anattamano pahāraṃ dadeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 74. Should any bhikkhu, angered and displeased, give a blow to (another) bhikkhu, it is to be confessed. | |||
Talasattikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
75.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa kupito anattamano talasattikaṃ uggireyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 75. Should any bhikkhu, angered and displeased, raise the palm of his hand against (another) bhikkhu, it is to be confessed. | |||
Amūlakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
76.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ amūlakena saṅghādisesena anuddhaṃseyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 76. Should any bhikkhu charge a bhikkhu with an unfounded saṇghadisesa (offense), it is to be confessed. | |||
Sañciccasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
77.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa sañcicca kukkuccaṃ upadaheyya "itissa muhuttampi aphāsu bhavissatī"ti etadeva paccayaṃ karitvā anaññaṃ, pācittiyaṃ. | 77. Should any bhikkhu intentionally provoke anxiety in (another) bhikkhu, (thinking,) "This way, even for just a moment, he will have no peace" — doing it for just that reason and no other — it is to be confessed. | |||
Upassutisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
78.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhūnaṃ bhaṇḍanajātānaṃ kalahajātānaṃ vivādāpannānaṃ upassutiṃ tiṭṭheyya "yaṃ ime bhaṇissanti, taṃ sossāmī"ti etadeva paccayaṃ karitvā anaññaṃ, pācittiyaṃ. | 78. Should any bhikkhu stand eavesdropping on bhikkhus when they are arguing, quarreling, and disputing, thinking, "I will overhear what they say" — doing it for just that reason and no other — it is to be confessed. | |||
Kammappaṭibāhanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
79.Yo pana bhikkhu dhammikānaṃ kammānaṃ chandaṃ datvā pacchā khīyanadhammaṃ āpajjeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 79. Should any bhikkhu, having given consent (by proxy) to a transaction carried out in accordance with the rule, later complain (about the act), it is to be confessed. | |||
Chandaṃadatvāgamanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
80.Yo pana bhikkhu saṅghe vinicchayakathāya vattamānāya chandaṃ adatvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkameyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 80. Should any bhikkhu, when deliberation is being carried on in the Community, get up from his seat and leave without having given consent, it is to be confessed. | |||
Dubbalasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
81.Yo pana bhikkhu samaggena saṅghena cīvaraṃ datvā pacchā khīyanadhammaṃ āpajjeyya "yathāsanthutaṃ bhikkhū saṅghikaṃ lābhaṃ pariṇāmentī"ti, pācittiyaṃ. | 81. Should any bhikkhu, (acting as part of) a united Community, give robe-cloth (to an individual bhikkhu) and later complain, "The bhikkhus allocate the Community's gains according to friendship," it is to be confessed. | |||
Pariṇāmanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
82.Yo pana bhikkhu jānaṃ saṅghikaṃ lābhaṃ pariṇataṃ puggalassa pariṇāmeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 82. Should any bhikkhu knowingly divert to an individual gains that had been allocated for a Community, it is to be confessed. | |||
Sahadhammikavaggo aṭṭhamo. | ||||
Antepurasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
83.Yo pana bhikkhu rañño khattiyassa muddhābhisittassa anikkhantarājake aniggataratanake pubbe appaṭisaṃvidito indakhīlaṃ atikkāmeyya, pācittiyaṃ. | 83. Should any bhikkhu, unannounced beforehand, cross the threshold of a consecrated noble king's (sleeping chamber) from which the king has not left, from which the valuable (the queen) has not withdrawn, it is to be confessed. | |||
Ratanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
84.Yo pana bhikkhu ratanaṃ vā ratanasammataṃ vā aññatra ajjhārāmā vā ajjhāvasathā vā uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ. | 84. Should any bhikkhu pick up or have (someone) pick up a valuable or what is considered a valuable, except in a monastery or in a dwelling, it is to be confessed. | |||
Ratanaṃ vā pana bhikkhunā ratanasammataṃ vā ajjhārāme vā ajjhāvasathe vā uggahetvā vā uggahāpetvā vā nikkhipitabbaṃ "yassa bhavissati, so harissatī"ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. | But when a bhikkhu has picked up or had (someone) pick up a valuable or what is considered a valuable (left) in a monastery or in a dwelling, he is to keep it, (thinking,) "Whoever it belongs to will (come and) fetch it." This is the proper course here. | |||
Vikālagāmappavesanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
85.Yo pana bhikkhu santaṃ bhikkhuṃ anāpucchāvikāle gāmaṃ paviseyya aññatra tathārūpā accāyikā karaṇīyā, pācittiyaṃ. | 85. Should any bhikkhu, without taking leave of an available bhikkhu, enter a village at the wrong time — unless there is a suitable emergency — it is to be confessed. | |||
Sūcigharasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
86.Yo pana bhikkhu aṭṭhimayaṃ vā dantamayaṃ vā visāṇamayaṃ vā sūcigharaṃ kārāpeyya, bhedanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 86. Should any bhikkhu have a needle box made of bone, ivory, or horn, it is to be broken and confessed. | |||
Mañcapīṭhasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
87.Navaṃ pana bhikkhunā mañcaṃ vā pīṭhaṃ vā kārayamānena aṭṭhaṅgulapādakaṃ kāretabbaṃ sugataṅgulena aññatra heṭṭhimāya aṭaniyā. | 87. When a bhikkhu is having a new bed or bench made, it is to have legs (at most) eight fingerbreadths long — using sugata fingerbreadths — not counting the lower edge of the frame. | |||
Taṃ atikkāmayato chedanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | In excess of that it is to be cut down and confessed. | |||
Tūlonaddhasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
88.Yo pana bhikkhu mañcaṃ vā pīṭhaṃ vā tūlonaddhaṃ kārāpeyya, uddālanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 88. Should any bhikkhu have a bed or bench upholstered, it (the upholstery) is to be torn off and confessed. | |||
Nisīdanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
89.Nisīdanaṃ pana bhikkhunā kārayamānena pamāṇikaṃ kāretabbaṃ, tatridaṃ pamāṇaṃ, dīghaso dve vidatthiyo sugatavidatthiyā, tiriyaṃ diyaḍḍhaṃ, dasā vidatthi. | 89. When a bhikkhu is having a sitting cloth made, it is to be made to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: two spans — using the sugata span — in length, one and a half spans in width, the border a span. | |||
Taṃ atikkāmayato chedanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | In excess of that, it is to be cut down and confessed. | |||
Kaṇḍuppaṭicchādisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
90.Kaṇḍuppaṭicchādiṃ pana bhikkhunā kārayamānena pamāṇikā kāretabbā, tatridaṃ pamāṇaṃ, dīghaso catasso vidatthiyo sugatavidatthiyā, tiriyaṃ dve vidatthiyo. | 90. When a bhikkhu is having a skin-eruption covering cloth made, it is to be made to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: four spans — using the sugata span — in length, two spans in width. | |||
Taṃ atikkāmayato chedanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | In excess of that, it is to be cut down and confessed. | |||
Vassikasāṭikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
91.Vassikasāṭikaṃ pana bhikkhunā kārayamānena pamāṇikā kāretabbā, tatridaṃ pamāṇaṃ, dīghaso cha vidatthiyo sugatavidatthiyā, tiriyaṃ aḍḍhateyyā. | 91. When a bhikkhu is having a rains-bathing cloth made, it is to be made to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: six spans — using the sugata span — in length, two and a half spans in width. | |||
Taṃ atikkāmayato chedanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | In excess of that, it is to be cut down and confessed. | |||
Nandasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
92.Yo pana bhikkhu sugatacīvarappamāṇaṃ cīvaraṃ kārāpeyya, atirekaṃ vā, chedanakaṃ pācittiyaṃ. | 92. Should any bhikkhu have a robe made the measurement of the sugata robe or larger, it is to be cut down and confessed. | |||
Tatridaṃ sugatassa sugatacīvarappamāṇaṃ, dīghaso nava vidatthiyo sugatavidatthiyā, tiriyaṃ cha vidatthiyo, idaṃ sugatassa sugatacīvarappamāṇanti. | Here, the measurement of the Sugata's sugata robe is this: nine spans — using the sugata span — in length, six spans in width. This is the measurement of the Sugata's sugata robe. | |||
Ratanavaggo navamo. | ||||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto dvenavuti pācittiyā dhammā. | “Venerables, the ninety-two rules on confession have been recited. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Pācittiyā niṭṭhitā. | The chapter on offenses entailing confession is finished. | |||
Pāṭidesanīyā Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto cattāro pāṭidesanīyā | Venerables, these four rules on acknowledgment | |||
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | come up for recitation. | |||
Paṭhamapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Yo pana bhikkhu aññātikāya bhikkhuniyā antaragharaṃ paviṭṭhāya hatthato khādanīyaṃ vā bhojanīyaṃ vā sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khādeyya vā bhuñjeyya vā, paṭidesetabbaṃ tena bhikkhunā "gārayhaṃ, āvuso, dhammaṃ āpajjiṃ asappāyaṃ pāṭidesanīyaṃ, taṃ paṭidesemī"ti. | 1. Should any bhikkhu chew or consume staple or non-staple food, having received it with his own hand from the hand of an unrelated bhikkhunī in an inhabited area, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it." | |||
Dutiyapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
2.Bhikkhū paneva kulesu nimantitā bhuñjanti, tatra ce sā bhikkhunī vosāsamānarūpā ṭhitā hoti "idha sūpaṃ detha, idha odanaṃ dethā"ti. | 2. In case bhikkhus, being invited, are eating in family residences, and if a bhikkhunī is standing there as though giving directions, (saying,) "Give curry here, give rice here," | |||
Tehi bhikkhūhi sā bhikkhunī apasādetabbā "apasakka tāva bhagini, yāva bhikkhū bhuñjantī"ti. | then the bhikkhus are to dismiss her: "Go away, sister, while the bhikkhus are eating." | |||
Ekassapi ce bhikkhuno na paṭibhāseyya taṃ bhikkhuniṃ apasādetuṃ "apasakka tāva bhagini, yāva bhikkhū bhuñjantī"ti, paṭidesetabbaṃ tehi bhikkhūhi "gārayhaṃ, āvuso, dhammaṃ āpajjimhā asappāyaṃ pāṭidesanīyaṃ, taṃ paṭidesemā"ti. | If not one of the bhikkhus should speak to dismiss her, "Go away, sister, while the bhikkhus are eating," the bhikkhus are to acknowledge it: "Friends, we have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. We acknowledge it." | |||
Tatiyapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
3.Yāni kho pana tāni sekkhasammatāni kulāni, yo pana bhikkhu tathārūpesu sekkhasammatesu kulesu pubbe animantito agilāno khādanīyaṃ vā, bhojanīyaṃ vā sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khādeyya vā, bhuñjeyya vā, paṭidesetabbaṃ tena bhikkhunā "gārayhaṃ, āvuso, dhammaṃ āpajjiṃ asappāyaṃ pāṭidesanīyaṃ, taṃ paṭidesemī"ti. | 3. There are families designated as in training. Should any bhikkhu, not being ill, uninvited beforehand, chew or consume staple or non-staple food, having received it himself at the residences of families designated as in training, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it." | |||
Catutthapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
4.Yāni kho pana tāni āraññakāni senāsanāni sāsaṅkasammatāni sappaṭibhayāni, yo pana bhikkhu tathārūpesu senāsanesu pubbe appaṭisaṃviditaṃ khādanīyaṃ vā, bhojanīyaṃ vā ajjhārāme sahatthā paṭiggahetvā agilāno khādeyya vā, bhuñjeyya vā, paṭidesetabbaṃ tena bhikkhunā "gārayhaṃ, āvuso, dhammaṃ āpajjiṃ asappāyaṃ pāṭidesanīyaṃ, taṃ paṭidesemī"ti. | 4. There are wilderness lodgings that are considered dubious and risky. Should any bhikkhu, not being ill, living in such lodgings, chew or consume (a gift of) staple or non-staple food that was unannounced beforehand, having received it with his own hand in the lodging, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it." | |||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto cattāro pāṭidesanīyā dhammā. | “Venerables, the four rules on acknowledgment have been recited. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Pāṭidesanīyā niṭṭhitā. | The chapter on offenses entailing acknowledgment is finished. | |||
Sekhiyā Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto sekhiyā dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | Venerables, these rules to be trained in come up for recitation. | |||
Parimaṇḍalasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
1.Parimaṇḍalaṃ nivāsessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 1. I will wear the lower robe wrapped around (me): a training to be observed. | |||
2.Parimaṇḍalaṃ pārupissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [2.] I will wear the upper robe wrapped around (me): a training to be observed. | |||
Suppaṭicchannasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
3.Suppaṭicchanno antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 3. I will go well-covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
4.Suppaṭicchanno antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [4.] I will sit well-covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Susaṃvutasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
5.Susaṃvuto antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 5. I will go well-restrained in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
6.Susaṃvuto antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [6.] I will sit well-restrained in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Okkhittacakkhusikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
7.Okkhittacakkhu antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 7. I will go with eyes lowered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
8.Okkhittacakkhu antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [8.] I will sit with eyes lowered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Ukkhittakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
9.Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 9. I will not go with robes hitched up in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
10.Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [10.] I will not sit with robes hitched up in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Parimaṇḍalavaggo paṭhamo. | ||||
Ujjagghikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
11.Na ujjagghikāya antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 11. I will not go laughing loudly in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
12.Na ujjagghikāya antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [12.] I will not sit laughing loudly in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Uccasaddasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
13.Appasaddo antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 13. I will go (speaking) with a lowered voice in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
14.Appasaddo antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [14.] I will sit (speaking) with a lowered voice in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Kāyappacālakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
15.Na kāyappacālakaṃ antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 15. I will not go swinging my body in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
16.Na kāyappacālakaṃ antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [16.] I will not sit swinging my body in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Bāhuppacālakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
17.Na bāhuppacālakaṃ antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 17. I will not go swinging my arms in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
18.Na bāhuppacālakaṃ antaragharenisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [18.] I will not sit swinging my arms in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Sīsappacālakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
19.Na sīsappacālakaṃ antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 19. I will not go swinging my head in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
20.Na sīsappacālakaṃ antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [20.] I will not sit swinging my head in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Ujjagghikavaggo dutiyo. | ||||
Khambhakatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
21.Na khambhakato antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 21. I will not go with arms akimbo in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
22.Na khambhakato antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [22.] I will not sit with arms akimbo in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Oguṇṭhitasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
23.Na oguṇṭhito antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 23. I will not go with my head covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
24.Na oguṇṭhito antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [24.] I will not sit with my head covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Ukkuṭikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
25.Na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gamissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 25. I will not go tiptoeing or walking just on the heels in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Pallatthikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
26.Na pallatthikāya antaraghare nisīdissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 26. I will not sit clasping the knees in inhabited areas: a training to be observed. | |||
Sakkaccapaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
27.Sakkaccaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ paṭiggahessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 27. I will receive almsfood appreciatively: a training to be observed. | |||
Pattasaññīpaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
28.Pattasaññī piṇḍapātaṃ paṭiggahessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 28. I will receive almsfood with attention focused on the bowl: a training to be observed. | |||
Samasūpakapaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
29.Samasūpakaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ paṭiggahessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 29. I will receive almsfood with bean curry in proper proportion: a training to be observed. | |||
Samatittikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
30.Samatittikaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ paṭiggahessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 30. I will receive almsfood level with the edge (of the bowl): a training to be observed. | |||
Khambhakatavaggo tatiyo. | ||||
Sakkaccabhuñjanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
31.Sakkaccaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 31. I will eat almsfood appreciatively: a training to be observed. | |||
Pattasaññībhuñjanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
32.Pattasaññī piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 32. I will eat almsfood with attention focused on the bowl: a training to be observed. | |||
Sapadānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
33.Sapadānaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 33. I will eat almsfood methodically: a training to be observed. | |||
Samasūpakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
34.Samasūpakaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 34. I will eat almsfood with bean curry in proper proportion: a training to be observed. | |||
Nathūpakatasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
35.Na thūpakato omadditvā piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 35. I will not eat almsfood taking mouthfuls from a heap: a training to be observed. | |||
Odanappaṭicchādanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
36.Na sūpaṃ vā byañjanaṃ vā odanena paṭicchādessāmi bhiyyokamyataṃ upādāyāti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 36. I will not hide bean curry and foods with rice out of a desire to get more: a training to be observed. | |||
Sūpodanaviññattisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
37.Na sūpaṃ vā odanaṃ vā agilāno attano atthāya viññāpetvā bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 37. Not being ill, I will not eat rice or bean curry that I have requested for my own sake: a training to be observed. | |||
Ujjhānasaññīsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
38.Na ujjhānasaññī paresaṃ pattaṃ olokessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 38. I will not look at another's bowl intent on finding fault: a training to be observed. | |||
Kabaḷasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
39.Nātimahantaṃ kabaḷaṃ karissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 39. I will not take an extra-large mouthful: a training to be observed. | |||
Ālopasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
40.Parimaṇḍalaṃ ālopaṃ karissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 40. I will make a rounded mouthful: a training to be observed. | |||
Sakkaccavaggo catuttho. | ||||
Anāhaṭasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
41.Na anāhaṭe kabaḷe mukhadvāraṃ vivarissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 41. I will not open the mouth when the mouthful has yet to be brought to it: a training to be observed. | |||
Bhuñjamānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
42.Na bhuñjamāno sabbahatthaṃ mukhe pakkhipissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 42. I will not insert the whole hand into the mouth while eating: a training to be observed. | |||
Sakabaḷasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
43.Na sakabaḷena mukhena byāharissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 43. I will not speak with the mouth full of food: a training to be observed. | |||
Piṇḍukkhepakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
44.Na piṇḍukkhepakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 44. I will not eat from lifted balls of food: a training to be observed. | |||
Kabaḷāvacchedakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
45.Na kabaḷāvacchedakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 45. I will not eat nibbling at mouthfuls of food: a training to be observed. | |||
Avagaṇḍakārakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
46.Na avagaṇḍakārakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 46. I will not eat stuffing out the cheeks: a training to be observed. | |||
Hatthaniddhunakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
47.Na hatthaniddhunakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 47. I will not eat shaking (food off) the hand: a training to be observed. | |||
Sitthāvakārakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
48.Na sitthāvakārakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 48. I will not eat scattering lumps of rice about: a training to be observed. | |||
Jivhānicchārakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
49.Na jivhānicchārakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 49. I will not eat sticking out the tongue: a training to be observed. | |||
Capucapukārakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
50.Na capucapukārakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 50. I will not eat smacking the lips: a training to be observed. | |||
Kabaḷavaggo pañcamo. | ||||
Surusurukārakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
51.Na surusurukārakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 51. I will not eat making a slurping noise: a training to be observed. | |||
Hatthanillehakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
52.Na hatthanillehakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 52. I will not eat licking the hands: a training to be observed. | |||
Pattanillehakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
53.Na pattanillehakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 53. I will not eat licking the bowl: a training to be observed. | |||
Oṭṭhanillehakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
54.Na oṭṭhanillehakaṃ bhuñjissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 54. I will not eat licking the lips: a training to be observed. | |||
Sāmisasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
55.Na sāmisena hatthena pānīyathālakaṃ paṭiggahessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 55. I will not accept a water vessel with a hand soiled by food: a training to be observed. | |||
Sasitthakasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
56.Na sasitthakaṃ pattadhovanaṃ antaraghare chaḍḍessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 56. I will not, in an inhabited area, throw away bowl-rinsing water that has grains of rice in it: a training to be observed. | |||
Chattapāṇisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
57.Na chattapāṇissa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 57. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with an umbrella in his hand who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Daṇḍapāṇisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
58.Na daṇḍapāṇissa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 58. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with a staff in his hand who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Satthapāṇisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
59.Na satthapāṇissa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 59. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with a knife in his hand who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Āvudhapāṇisikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
60.Na āvudhapāṇissa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 60. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with a weapon in his hand who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Surusuruvaggo chaṭṭho. | ||||
Pādukasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
61.Na pādukāruḷhassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 61. I will not teach Dhamma to a person wearing non-leather footwear who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Upāhanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
62.Na upāhanāruḷhassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | [62.] I will not teach Dhamma to a person wearing leather footwear who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Yānasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
63.Na yānagatassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 63. I will not teach Dhamma to a person in a vehicle who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Sayanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
64.Na sayanagatassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 64. I will not teach Dhamma to a person lying down who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Pallatthikasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
65.Na pallatthikāya nisinnassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 65. I will not teach Dhamma to a person who sits clasping his knees and who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Veṭhitasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
66.Na veṭhitasīsassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 66. I will not teach Dhamma to a person wearing headgear who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Oguṇṭhitasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
67.Na oguṇṭhitasīsassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 67. I will not teach Dhamma to a person whose head is covered (with a robe or scarf) and who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Chamāsikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
68.Na chamāyaṃ nisīditvā āsane nisinnassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 68. Sitting on the ground, I will not teach Dhamma to a person sitting on a seat who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Nīcāsanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
69.Na nīce āsane nisīditvā ucce āsane nisinnassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 69. Sitting on a low seat, I will not teach Dhamma to a person sitting on a high seat who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Ṭhitasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
70.Na ṭhito nisinnassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 70. Standing, I will not teach Dhamma to a person sitting who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Pacchatogamanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
71.Na pacchato gacchanto purato gacchantassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 71. Walking behind, I will not teach Dhamma to a person walking ahead who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Uppathenagamanasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
72.Na uppathena gacchanto pathena gacchantassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 72. Walking beside a path, I will not teach Dhamma to a person walking on the path who is not ill: a training to be observed. | |||
Ṭhitouccārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
73.Na ṭhito agilāno uccāraṃ vā passāvaṃ vā karissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 73. Not being ill, I will not defecate or urinate while standing: a training to be observed. | |||
Hariteuccārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
74.Na harite agilāno uccāraṃ vā passāvaṃ vā kheḷaṃ vā karissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 74. Not being ill, I will not defecate, urinate, or spit on living crops: a training to be observed. | |||
Udakeuccārasikkhāpadaṃ | ||||
75.Na udake agilāno uccāraṃ vā passāvaṃ vā kheḷaṃ vā karissāmīti sikkhā karaṇīyā. | 75. Not being ill, I will not defecate, urinate, or spit in water: a training to be observed. | |||
Pādukavaggo sattamo. | ||||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto sekhiyā dhammā. | “Venerables, the rules to be trained in have been recited. | |||
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Sekhiyā niṭṭhitā. | The chapter on training is finished. | |||
Adhikaraṇasamathā Таблица Палийский оригинал |
Ime kho panāyasmanto satta adhikaraṇasamathā | “Venerables, these seven principles for the settling of legal issues | |||
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. | come up for recitation. | |||
Uppannuppannānaṃ adhikaraṇānaṃ samathāya vūpasamāya sammukhāvinayo dātabbo. | For the settling, the resolution of issues that arise: 1. A face-to-face verdict should be given. | |||
Sativinayo dātabbo. | 2. A verdict of mindfulness may be given. | |||
Amūḷhavinayo dātabbo. | 3. A verdict of past insanity may be given. | |||
Paṭiññāya kāretabbaṃ. | 4. Acting in accordance with what is admitted. | |||
Yebhuyyasikā. | 5. Acting in accordance with the majority. | |||
Tassapāpiyasikā. | 6. Acting for his (the accused's) further punishment. | |||
Tiṇavatthārakoti. | 7. Covering over as with grass. | |||
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā. | Venerables, the seven principles for the settling of legal issues have been recited. | |||
Tatthāyasmante, pucchāmi kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. | In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.” | |||
Adhikaraṇasamathā niṭṭhitā. | The seven principles for the settling of legal issues are finished. | |||
Uddiṭṭhaṃ kho āyasmanto nidānaṃ, | “Venerables, the introduction has been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā cattāro pārājikā dhammā, | the four rules on expulsion have been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā terasa saṅghādisesā dhammā, | the thirteen rules on suspension have been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā dve aniyatā dhammā, | the two undetermined rules have been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā, | the thirty rules on relinquishment and confession have been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā dvenavuti pācittiyā dhammā, | the ninety-two rules on confession have been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā cattāro pāṭidesanīyā dhammā, | the four rules on acknowledgment have been recited; | |||
Uddiṭṭhā sekhiyā dhammā, | the rules to be trained in have been recited; |
А их 75 Все комментарии (1) |
Uddiṭṭhā satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā, ettakaṃ tassa bhagavato suttāgataṃ suttapariyāpannaṃ anvaddhamāsaṃ uddesaṃ āgacchati, tattha sabbeheva samaggehi sammodamānehi avivadamānehi sikkhitabbanti. | the seven principles for the settling of legal issues have been recited. This much has come down and is included in the Monastic Code of the Buddha and comes up for recitation every half-month. In regard to this everyone should train in unity, in concord, without dispute.” | |||
Vitthāruddeso pañcamo. | ||||
Bhikkhupātimokkhaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ. | ||||
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa |