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Adhikaraṇasamathā Палийский оригинал

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Ime kho panāyasmanto satta adhikaraṇasamathā “Venerables, these seven principles for the settling of legal issues
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. come up for recitation.
Uppannuppannānaṃ adhikaraṇānaṃ samathāya vūpasamāya sammukhāvinayo dātabbo. For the settling, the resolution of issues that arise: 1. A face-to-face verdict should be given.
Sativinayo dātabbo. 2. A verdict of mindfulness may be given.
Amūḷhavinayo dātabbo. 3. A verdict of past insanity may be given.
Paṭiññāya kāretabbaṃ. 4. Acting in accordance with what is admitted.
Yebhuyyasikā. 5. Acting in accordance with the majority.
Tassapāpiyasikā. 6. Acting for his (the accused's) further punishment.
Tiṇavatthārakoti. 7. Covering over as with grass.
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā. Venerables, the seven principles for the settling of legal issues have been recited.
Tatthāyasmante, pucchāmi kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. In regard to this I ask you, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A second time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ A third time I ask, ‘Are you pure in this?’ You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.”
Adhikaraṇasamathā niṭṭhitā. The seven principles for the settling of legal issues are finished.
Uddiṭṭhaṃ kho āyasmanto nidānaṃ, “Venerables, the introduction has been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā cattāro pārājikā dhammā, the four rules on expulsion have been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā terasa saṅghādisesā dhammā, the thirteen rules on suspension have been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā dve aniyatā dhammā, the two undetermined rules have been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā, the thirty rules on relinquishment and confession have been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā dvenavuti pācittiyā dhammā, the ninety-two rules on confession have been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā cattāro pāṭidesanīyā dhammā, the four rules on acknowledgment have been recited;
Uddiṭṭhā sekhiyā dhammā, the rules to be trained in have been recited; А их 75
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Uddiṭṭhā satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā, ettakaṃ tassa bhagavato suttāgataṃ suttapariyāpannaṃ anvaddhamāsaṃ uddesaṃ āgacchati, tattha sabbeheva samaggehi sammodamānehi avivadamānehi sikkhitabbanti. the seven principles for the settling of legal issues have been recited. This much has come down and is included in the Monastic Code of the Buddha and comes up for recitation every half-month. In regard to this everyone should train in unity, in concord, without dispute.”
Vitthāruddeso pañcamo.
Bhikkhupātimokkhaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ.
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa
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