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Pārājikuddeso Палийский оригинал

пали Thanissaro bhikkhu - english khantibalo - русский Комментарии
Tatrime cattāro pārājikā dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. Herein these four matters entailing defeat come up for recitation.
Methunadhamma sikkhāpadaṃ
1.Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhūnaṃ sikkhāsājīvasamāpanno sikkhaṃ appaccakkhāya dubbalyaṃ anāvikatvā methunaṃ dhammaṃ paṭiseveyya, antamaso tiracchānagatāyapi, pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. 1. Should any bhikkhu — participating in the training and livelihood of the bhikkhus, without having renounced the training, without having declared his weakness — engage in sexual intercourse, even with a female animal, he is defeated and no longer in affiliation. "Тот монах, который, участвуя в монашеском обучении и добыче средств к существованию, не отрешившись от обучения, не объявив о своей слабости, совершит половое сношение, даже с самкой животного, является потерпевшим поражение и не имеет общности (с другими монахами)"
2.Yo pana bhikkhu gāmā vā araññā vā adinnaṃ theyyasaṅkhātaṃ ādiyeyya, yathārūpe adinnādāne rājāno coraṃ gahetvā haneyyuṃ vā bandheyyuṃ vā pabbājeyyuṃ vā corosi bālosi mūḷhosi thenosīti, tathārūpaṃ bhikkhu adinnaṃ ādiyamāno ayampi pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. 2. Should any bhikkhu, in what is reckoned a theft, take what is not given from an inhabited area or from the wilderness — just as when, in the taking of what is not given, kings arresting the criminal would flog, imprison, or banish him, saying, "You are a robber, you are a fool, you are benighted, you are a thief" — a bhikkhu in the same way taking what is not given also is defeated and no longer in affiliation.
3.Yo pana bhikkhu sañcicca manussaviggahaṃ jīvitā voropeyya, satthahārakaṃ vāssa pariyeseyya, maraṇavaṇṇaṃ vā saṃvaṇṇeyya, maraṇāya vā samādapeyya "ambho purisa kiṃ tuyhiminā pāpakena dujjīvitena, mataṃ te jīvitā seyyo"ti, iti cittamano cittasaṅkappo anekapariyāyena maraṇavaṇṇaṃ vā saṃvaṇṇeyya, maraṇāya vā samādapeyya, ayampi pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. 3. Should any bhikkhu intentionally deprive a human being of life, or search for an assassin for him, or praise the advantages of death, or incite him to die (saying,): "My good man, what use is this evil, miserable life to you? Death would be better for you than life," or with such an idea in mind, such a purpose in mind, should in various ways praise the advantages of death or incite him to die, he also is defeated and no longer in affiliation. Тот монах, который умышленно лишает жизни человека, ищет убийцу для него, прославляет умышленный уход из жизни, или подстрекая к самоубийству, говоря: "Любезный человек, зачем тебе эта дурная негодная жизнь? Для тебя смерть будет лучше жизни" или с этой мыслью, с этой целью, разными способами восхваляет смерть или подстрекает к ней, является потерпевшим поражение и более имеет общности (с другими монахами).
4.Yo pana bhikkhu anabhijānaṃ uttarimanussadhammaṃ attupanāyikaṃ alamariyañāṇadassanaṃ samudācareyya "iti jānāmi, iti passāmī"ti, tato aparena samayena samanuggāhīyamāno vā asamanuggāhīyamāno vā āpanno visuddhāpekkho evaṃ vadeyya "ajānamevaṃ āvuso avacaṃ jānāmi, apassaṃ passāmi, tucchaṃ musā vilapi"nti, aññatra adhimānā, ayampi pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. 4. Should any bhikkhu, without direct knowledge, claim a superior human state, a truly noble knowledge and vision, as present in himself, saying, "Thus do I know; thus do I see," such that regardless of whether or not he is cross-examined on a later occasion, he — being remorseful and desirous of purification — might say, "Friends, not knowing, I said I know; not seeing, I said I see — vainly, falsely, idly," unless it was from over-estimation, he also is defeated and no longer in affiliation.
Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto cattāro pārājikā dhammā. Recited, venerables, are the four matters entailing defeat.
Yesaṃ bhikkhu aññataraṃ vā aññataraṃ vā āpajjitvā na labhati bhikkhūhi saddhiṃ saṃvāsaṃ yathā pure, tathā pacchā, pārājiko hoti asaṃvāso. If a bhikkhu has commited one or other of these offences, he is no longer allowed to [live in] communion with bhikkhus; as [he was] before [ordination] so [he is] after [the confession of the offence]; he becomes defeated, not in communion.
Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. Herein I ask the venerables: Are you pure in this? A second time I ask: Are you pure in this? A third time I ask: Are you pure in this? The venerables are pure in this; therefore they are silent. So I remember it.
Pārājikaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ. The section on defeat is finished.
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