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205 строфа - история о старейшине Тиссе Палийский оригинал

пали E.W. Burlingame - english Комментарии
Pavivekarasanti imaṃ dhammadesanaṃ satthā vesāliyaṃ viharanto aññataraṃ bhikkhuṃ ārabbha kathesi. This religious instruction was given by the Teacher while he was in residence at Vesāli with reference to a certain monk.
Satthārā hi, "bhikkhave, ahaṃ ito catūhi māsehi parinibbāyissāmī"ti vutte satthu santike satta bhikkhusatāni santāsaṃ āpajjiṃsu, khīṇāsavānaṃ dhammasaṃvego uppajji, puthujjanā assūni sandhāretuṃ nāsakkhiṃsu. For when the Teacher said, “Monks, four months hence I shall pass into Nibbāna,” seven hundred monks of his retinue were overwhelmed with fear, the Arahats experienced religious exaltation, while those who had not yet attained the Fruit of Conversion were unable to restrain their tears. Здесь возможно в смысле "были тронуты", "были взволнованы".
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Bhikkhū vaggā vaggā hutvā "kiṃ nu kho karissāmā"ti mantentā vicaranti. The monks gathered in little groups and went about consulting each other and asking, “What are we to do?”
Atheko tissatthero nāma bhikkhū "satthā kira catumāsaccayena parinibbāyissati, ahañcamhi avītarāgo, satthari dharamāneyeva mayā arahattaṃ gaṇhituṃ vaṭṭatī"ti catūsu iriyāpathesu ekakova vihāsi. Now a certain monk named Elder Tissa thought to himself, “If it be true that at the expiration of four months the Teacher will pass into Nibbāna, inasmuch as I am not yet free from the evil passions, it behooves me to win Arahatship while the Teacher yet remains alive.” Accordingly he adopted the Four Postures and kept residence by himself,
Bhikkhūnaṃ santike gamanaṃ vā kenaci saddhiṃ kathāsallāpo vā natthi. never associating with the other monks and never talking or conversing with any one.
Atha naṃ bhikkhū āhaṃsu – "āvuso, tissa tasmā evaṃ karosī"ti. The monks said to him, “Brother Tissa, why do you act in this manner?”
So tesaṃ kathaṃ na suṇāti. Tissa, however, paid no attention to what they said.
Te tassa pavattiṃ satthu ārocetvā, "bhante, tumhesu tissattherassa sineho natthī"ti āhaṃsu. The monks therefore reported the matter to the Teacher, saying, “Reverend Sir, Elder Tissa has no affection for you.”
Satthā taṃ pakkosāpetvā "kasmā tissa evaṃ akāsī"ti pucchitvā tena attano adhippāye ārocite "sādhu, tissā"ti sādhukāraṃ datvā, "bhikkhave, mayi sineho tissasadisova hotu. The Teacher caused Tissa to be summoned and asked him, “Tissa, why do you act in this manner?” When Tissa told the motive that actuated him, the Teacher applauded his conduct, saying, “Well done, Tissa.” Then said the Teacher to the monks, “Monks, he only that is like Tissa has real affection for me.
Gandhamālādīhi pūjaṃ karontāpi neva maṃ pūjenti, dhammānudhammaṃ paṭipajjamānāyeva pana maṃ pūjentī"ti vatvā imaṃ gāthamāha – For though men honor me with perfumes and garlands, they honor me not. But they that practice the Higher and the Lower Law, they alone truly honor me.” So saying, he pronounced the following Stanza, История аналогична истории к строфа 166.
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"Pavivekarasaṃ pitvā, rasaṃ upasamassa ca; He who has tasted the sweetness of solitude and the sweetness of tranquillity,
Niddaro hoti nippāpo, dhammapītirasaṃ piva"nti. Such a one is free from fear and free from sin, for he drinks the sweetness of the joy of the Law.
Tattha pavivekarasanti pavivekato uppannaṃ rasaṃ, ekībhāvasukhanti attho.
Pitvāti dukkhapariññādīni karonto ārammaṇato sacchikiriyāvasena pivitvā.
Upasamassacāti kilesūpasamanibbānassa ca rasaṃ pitvā.
Niddaro hotīti tena ubhayarasapānena khīṇāsavo bhikkhu abbhantare rāgadarathādīnaṃ abhāvena niddaro ceva nippāpo ca hoti.
Rasaṃ pivanti navavidhalokuttaradhammavasena uppannaṃ pītirasaṃ pivantopi niddaro nippāpo ca hoti.
Desanāvasāne tissatthero arahattaṃ pāpuṇi, mahājanassāpi sātthikā dhammadesanā ahosīti.
Tissattheravatthu sattamaṃ.
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