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170 строфа - История о пятиста монахах Палийский оригинал

пали E.W. Burlingame - english Комментарии
Yathāpubbuḷakanti imaṃ dhammadesanaṃ satthā jetavane viharanto pañcasate vipassake bhikkhū ārabbha kathesi. This religious instruction was given by the Teacher while he was in residence at Jetavana with reference to five hundred monks who obtained Insight.
Te kira satthu santike kammaṭṭhānaṃ gahetvā araññaṃ pavisitvā ghaṭentā vāyamantā appavisesā "visesetvā kammaṭṭhānaṃ gahessāmā"ti satthu santikaṃ āgacchantā antarāmagge marīcikammaṭṭhānaṃ bhāventāva āgamiṃsu. It appears that five hundred monks obtained a Subject of Meditation from the Teacher, retired to the forest, and devoted themselves to meditation. But although they strove and struggled with might and main, they were unable to develop Specific Attainment. Thereupon they thought to themselves, “We will obtain a Subject of Meditation better suited to our needs.” With this thought in mind, they set out to return to the Teacher. On the way they saw a mirage. Concentrating their attention on the mirage, they developed Specific Attainment. antarāmagge marīcikammaṭṭhānaṃ bhāventāva āgamiṃsu - посреди дороги/по дороге (antarāmagge) развивая (bhāventāva) мираж (marīci) как предмет медитации...
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Tesaṃ vihāraṃ paviṭṭhakkhaṇeyeva devo vassi. The moment they entered the precincts of the monastery, it began to rain. Здесь было неправильно сведено. Предложение, которое здесь было, видимо как-то относится к предыдущему предложению оригинала, но см. комментарий к нем...
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Te tattha tattha pamukhesu ṭhatvā dhārāvegena uṭṭhahitvā bhijjante pubbaḷake disvā "ayampi attabhāvo uppajjitvā bhijjanatthena pubbuḷakasadisoyevā"ti ārammaṇaṃ gaṇhiṃsu. Standing here and there on the terraces, they watched the bubbles formed by the force of the downpour, rising and bursting. Thereupon the following thought occurred to them, “Even as a bubble, so also does this personality of ours rise and burst.” Immediately they concentrated their attention on this thought.
Satthā gandhakuṭiyaṃ nisinnova te bhikkhū oloketvā tehi saddhiṃ kathento viya obhāsaṃ pharitvā imaṃ gāthamāha – The Teacher, sitting in the Perfumed Chamber, sent forth a luminous image of himself, and as it were looking into the faces of those monks, spoke with them, pronouncing the following Stanza,
"Yathā pubbuḷakaṃ passe, yathā passe marīcikaṃ; As a bubble, as a mirage, so should one view the world;
Evaṃ lokaṃ avekkhantaṃ, maccurājā na passatī"ti. If a man so look upon the world, the King of Death sees him not.
Tattha marīcikanti mayūkhaṃ.
Te hi dūratova gehasaṇṭhānādivasena upaṭṭhitāpi upagacchantānaṃ agayhūpagā rittakā tucchakāva.
Tasmā yathā uppajjitvā bhijjanatthena pubbuḷakaṃ rittatucchādibhāveneva passeyya, evaṃ khandhādilokaṃ avekkhantaṃ maccurājā na passatīti attho.
Desanāvasāne te bhikkhū ṭhitaṭṭhāneyeva arahattaṃ pāpuṇiṃsūti. At the conclusion of the lesson those monks, even in the place wherein they stood, attained Arahatship.
Pañcasatavipassakabhikkhuvatthu tatiyaṃ.
13. Lokavaggo Далее >>