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175 строфа - тридцать монахов Палийский оригинал

пали E.W. Burlingame - english Комментарии
Haṃsādiccapatheti imaṃ dhammadesanaṃ satthā jetavane viharanto tiṃsa bhikkhū ārabbha kathesi. This religious instruction was given by the Teacher while he was in residence at Jetavana with reference to thirty monks.
Ekasmiñhi divase tiṃsamattā disāvāsikā bhikkhū satthāraṃ upasaṅkamiṃsu. For one day thirty monks residing in foreign parts came to visit the Teacher.
Ānandatthero satthu vattakaraṇavelāya āgantvā te bhikkhū disvā "satthārā imehi saddhiṃ paṭisanthāre kate vattaṃ karissāmī"ti dvārakoṭṭhake aṭṭhāsi. Elder Ānanda saw those monks just as he was approaching the Teacher to wait upon him. So he thought to himself, “I will wait until the Teacher has exchanged friendly greetings with these monks, and then I will wait upon the Teacher.”
Satthāpi tehi saddhiṃ paṭisanthāraṃ katvā tesaṃ sāraṇīyadhammaṃ kathesi. Accordingly he waited at the gate. When the Teacher had exchanged friendly greetings with them, he preached the Law to them in a pleasing manner.
Taṃ sutvā te sabbepi arahattaṃ patvā uppatitvā ākāsena agamiṃsu. After listening to the Law all those monks attained Arahatship. Thereupon they soared aloft and departed through the air.
Ānandatthero tesu cirāyantesu satthāraṃ upasaṅkamitvā, "bhante, idāneva tiṃsamattā bhikkhū āgatā, te kuhi"nti pucchi. When they tarried, Elder Ānanda approached the Teacher and said, “Reverend Sir, thirty monks came here. Where are they?”
"Gatā, ānandā"ti. “Gone, Ānanda.”
"Katarena maggena, bhante"ti? “By what path did they go, Reverend Sir?”
"Ākāsenānandā"ti. “Through the air, Ānanda.”
"Kiṃ pana te, bhante, khīṇāsavā"ti? “But, Reverend Sir, have they already rid themselves of the Depravities?”
"Āmānanda, mama santike dhammaṃ sutvā arahattaṃ pattā"ti. “Yes, Ānanda. After hearing me preach the Law, they attained Arahatship.”
Tasmiṃ pana khaṇe ākāsena haṃsā āgamiṃsu. Now at that moment some swans came flying through the air.
Satthā "yassa kho panānanda, cattāro iddhipādā subhāvitā, so haṃsā viya ākāsena gacchatī"ti vatvā imaṃ gāthamāha – Said the Teacher, “Ānanda, he who has fully developed the Four Grades of Magical Power, flies through the air like a swan.” So saying, he pronounced the following Stanza,
"Haṃsādiccapathe yanti, ākāse yanti iddhiyā; Swans follow the track of the sun; they that possess magical power go through the air;
Nīyanti dhīrā lokamhā, jetvā māraṃ savāhini"nti. The resolute are conducted out of this world, having conquered Māra and his train.
Tassattho – ime haṃsā ādiccapathe ākāse gacchanti.
Yesaṃ iddhipādā subhāvitā, tepi ākāse yanti iddhiyā.
Dhīrā paṇḍitā savāhiniṃ māraṃ jetvā imamhā vaṭṭalokā nīyanti, nibbānaṃ pāpuṇantīti attho.
Desanāvasāne bahū sotāpattiphalādīni pāpuṇiṃsūti.
Tiṃsabhikkhuvatthu aṭṭhamaṃ.
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