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пали Te kira satthu santike kammaṭṭhānaṃ gahetvā araññaṃ pavisitvā ghaṭentā vāyamantā appavisesā "visesetvā kammaṭṭhānaṃ gahessāmā"ti satthu santikaṃ āgacchantā antarāmagge marīcikammaṭṭhānaṃ bhāventāva āgamiṃsu.
E.W. Burlingame It appears that five hundred monks obtained a Subject of Meditation from the Teacher, retired to the forest, and devoted themselves to meditation. But although they strove and struggled with might and main, they were unable to develop Specific Attainment. Thereupon they thought to themselves, “We will obtain a Subject of Meditation better suited to our needs.” With this thought in mind, they set out to return to the Teacher. On the way they saw a mirage. Concentrating their attention on the mirage, they developed Specific Attainment.
Комментарий оставлен 02.07.2021 18:39 автором khantibalo
antarāmagge marīcikammaṭṭhānaṃ bhāventāva āgamiṃsu - посреди дороги/по дороге (antarāmagge) развивая (bhāventāva) мираж (marīci) как предмет медитации (kammaṭṭhānaṃ) пришли (āgamiṃsu)

Может действительно увидели мираж, но это лишь догадка. А то, что чего-то достигли благодаря этой практике - чисто выдумка Burlingame.