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Assaddhoti imaṃ dhammadesanaṃ satthā jetavane viharanto sāriputtattheraṃ ārabbha kathesi. This religious instruction was given by the Teacher while he was in residence at Jetavana with reference to Elder Sāriputta.
Ekasmiñhi samaye tiṃsamattā āraññakā bhikkhū satthu santikaṃ āgantvā vanditvā nisīdiṃsu. For one day thirty forest-dwellers approached the Teacher, paid obeisance to him, and sat down.
Satthā tesaṃ saha paṭisambhidāhi arahattassūpanissayaṃ disvā sāriputtattheraṃ āmantetvā "saddahasi tvaṃ, sāriputta, saddhindriyaṃ bhāvitaṃ bahulīkataṃ amatogadhaṃ hoti amatapariyosāna"nti (saṃ. ni. 5.514) evaṃ pañcindriyāni ārabbha pañhaṃ pucchi. The Teacher, seeing that they possessed the requisite faculties for attaining Arahatship, addressed Elder Sāriputta as follows, “Sāriputta, do you believe that the quality of faith, when it has been developed and enlarged, is connected with the Deathless and terminates in the Deathless?” In this manner the Teacher questioned the Elder with reference to the Five Moral Qualities
Thero "na khvāhaṃ, bhante, ettha bhagavato saddhāya gacchāmi, saddhindriyaṃ - pe - amatapariyosānaṃ. Said the Elder, “Reverend Sir, I do not go by the faith of the Exalted One in this matter, that the quality of faith, when it has been developed and enlarged, is connected with the Deathless and terminates in the Deathless.
Yesañhetaṃ, bhante, aññātaṃ assa adiṭṭhaṃ aviditaṃ asacchikataṃ aphassitaṃ paññāya, te tattha paresaṃ saddhāya gaccheyyuṃ. But of course, Reverend Sir, those who have not known the Deathless or seen or perceived or realized or grasped the Deathless by the power of reason, such persons must of necessity go by the faith of others in this matter;
Saddhindriyaṃ - pe - amatapariyosāna"nti (saṃ. ni. 5.514) evaṃ taṃ pañhaṃ byākāsi. namely, that the faculty of faith, when it has been developed and enlarged, is connected with the Deathless and terminates in the Deathless.” Thus did the Elder answer his question.
Taṃ sutvā bhikkhū kathaṃ samuṭṭhāpesuṃ "sāriputtatthero micchāgahaṇaṃ neva vissajjesi, ajjāpi sammāsambuddhassa na saddahatiyevā"ti. When the monks heard this, they began a discussion: “Elder Sāriputta has never really given up false views. Even to-day he refused to believe even the Supremely Enlightened One.”
Taṃ sutvā satthā "kiṃ nāmetaṃ, bhikkhave, vadetha. When the Teacher heard this, he said, “Monks, why do you say this?
Ahañhi 'pañcindriyāni abhāvetvā samathavipassanaṃ avaḍḍhetvā maggaphalāni sacchikātuṃ samattho nāma atthīti saddahasi tvaṃ sāriputto'ti pucchiṃ. For I asked Sāriputta the following question, ‘Sāriputta, do you believe that without developing the Five Moral Qualities, without developing Tranquillity and Spiritual Insight, it is possible for a man to realize the Paths and the Fruits?’
So 'evaṃ sacchikaronto atthi nāmāti na saddahāmi, bhante'ti kathesi. And he answered me as follows, ‘There is no one who can thus realize the Paths and the Fruits.’
Na dinnassa vā katassa vā phalaṃ vipākaṃ na saddahati, nāpi buddhādīnaṃ guṇaṃ na saddahati. Then I asked him, ‘Do you not believe that there is such a thing as the ripening of the fruit of almsgiving and good works? Do you not believe in the virtues of the Buddhas and the rest?’
Eso pana attanā paṭividdhesu jhānavipassanāmaggaphaladhammesu paresaṃ saddhāya na gacchati. But as a matter of fact, Sāriputta walks not by the faith of others, for the reason that he has, in and by himself, attained states of mind to which the Paths and the Fruits lead, by the power of Spiritual Insight induced by Ecstatic Meditation.
Tasmā anupavajjo"ti vatvā anusandhiṃ ghaṭetvā dhammaṃ desento imaṃ gāthamāha – Therefore he is not open to censure.” So saying, he joined the connection, and preaching the Law, pronounced the following Stanza,
"Assaddho akataññū ca, sandhicchedo ca yo naro, That man who is free from credulity, who knows the Uncreate, who has brought rebirth to an end,
Hatāvakāso vantāso, sa ve uttamaporiso"ti. Who has put an end to every occasion of good and evil, who has renounced all desires, that man is the greatest of men.
Tassatho – attano paṭividdhaguṇaṃ paresaṃ kathāya na saddahatīti assaddho.
Akataṃ nibbānaṃ jānātīti akataññū, sacchikatanibbānoti attho.
Vaṭṭasandhiṃ, saṃsārasandhiṃ chinditvā ṭhitoti sandhicchedo.
Kusalākusalakammabījassa khīṇattā nibbattanāvakāso hato assāti hatāvakāso.
Catūhi maggehi kattabbakiccassa katattā,sabbā āsā iminā vantāti vantāso.
So evarūpo naro.
Paṭividdhalokuttaradhammatāya purisesu uttamabhāvaṃ pattoti purisuttamoti.
Gāthāvasāne te āraññakā tiṃsamattā bhikkhū saha paṭisambhidāhi arahattaṃ pāpuṇiṃsu.
Sesajanassāpi satthikā dhammadesanā ahosīti.
Sāriputtattheravatthu aṭṭhamaṃ.
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