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206.Tena kho pana samayena āyasmatā upanandena sakyaputtena rañño pasenadissa kosalassa vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
Now on that occasion Ven. Upananda the Sakyan-son had assented to King Pasenadi Kosala’s (invitation for) the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto addasa antarāmagge dve āvāse bahucīvarake.
As he was going on the road to the residence, he saw two residences with much robe-cloth.
Tassa etadahosi – "yaṃnūnāhaṃ imesu dvīsu āvāsesu vassaṃ vaseyyaṃ.
The thought occurred to him, “What if I were to stay for the Rains in these two residences?
Evaṃ me bahuṃ cīvaraṃ [bahucīvaraṃ (ka.)] uppajjissatī"ti.
That way a lot of robe-cloth would accrue to me.”
So tesu dvīsu āvāsesu vassaṃ vasi.
So he spent the Rains in those two residences.
Rājā pasenadi kosalo ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti – "kathañhi nāma ayyo upanando sakyaputto amhākaṃ vassāvāsaṃ paṭissuṇitvā visaṃvādessati.
King Pasenadi Kosala criticized and complained and spread it about, “How can Master Upananda the Sakyan-son, having assented to my (invitation for) the Rains-residence, go back on his word?
Nanu bhagavatā anekapariyāyena musāvādo garahito, musāvādā veramaṇī pasatthā"ti.
“Hasn’t telling lies, through many lines of reasoning, been criticized by the Blessed One, while refraining from telling lies has been praised?”
Assosuṃ kho bhikkhū rañño pasenadissa kosalassa ujjhāyantassa khiyyantassa vipācentassa.
The monks heard King Pasenadi Kosala criticizing and complaining and spreading it about.
Ye te bhikkhū appicchā - pe - te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti – "kathañhi nāma āyasmā upanando sakyaputto rañño pasenadissa kosalassa vassāvāsaṃ paṭissuṇitvā visaṃvādessati.
Those monks who were modest criticized and complained and spread it about: “How can Master Upananda the Sakyan-son, having assented to King Pasenadi Kosala’s (invitation for) the Rains-residence, go back on his word?
Nanu bhagavatā anekapariyāyena musāvādo garahito, musāvādā veramaṇī pasatthā"ti.
“Hasn’t telling lies, through many lines of reasoning, been criticized by the Blessed One, while refraining from telling lies has been praised?”
Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṃ ārocesuṃ - pe - atha kho bhagavā etasmiṃ nidāne etasmiṃ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṃ sannipātāpetvā āyasmantaṃ upanandaṃ sakyaputtaṃ paṭipucchi – "saccaṃ kira tvaṃ, upananda, rañño pasenadissa kosalassa vassāvāsaṃ paṭissuṇitvā visaṃvādesī"ti?
Then the monks reported the matter to the Blessed One. Then the Blessed One, with regard to this cause, to this incident, had the monks assembled and asked Ven. Upananda the Sakyan-son: “Is it true, as they say, Upananda, that you, having assented to King Pasenadi Kosala’s (invitation for) the Rains-residence, went back on your word?”
"Saccaṃ, bhagavā"ti.
“It’s true, O Blessed One.”
Vigarahi buddho bhagavā - pe - kathañhi nāma tvaṃ, moghapurisa, rañño pasenadissa kosalassa vassāvāsaṃ paṭissuṇitvā visaṃvādessasi.
The Buddha, the Blessed One, rebuked him, (saying,) “Worthless man, how can you, having assented to King Pasenadi Kosala’s (invitation for) the Rains-residence, go back on your word?”
Nanu mayā, moghapurisa, anekapariyāyena musāvādo garahito, musāvādā veramaṇī pasatthā.
“Worthless man, hasn’t telling lies, through many lines of reasoning, been criticized by me, while refraining from telling lies has been praised?
Netaṃ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṃ vā pasādāya - pe - vigarahitvā - pe - dhammiṃ kathaṃ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi –
“Worthless man, this neither inspires faith in the faithless …” Having rebuked him and given a Dhamma talk, he addressed the monks:
207.Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto passati antarāmagge dve āvāse bahucīvarake.
“While going to that residence he sees two residences along the way with much robe-cloth.
Tassa evaṃ hoti – "yaṃnūnāhaṃ imesu dvīsu āvāsesu vassaṃ vaseyyaṃ.
“The thought occurs to him, ‘What if I were to stay for the Rains in these two residences?
Evaṃ me bahuṃ cīvaraṃ uppajjissatī"ti.
That way a lot of robe-cloth would accrue to me.’
So tesu dvīsu āvāsesu vassaṃ vasati.
“He spends the Rains in those two residences.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned [i.e., doesn’t count], and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade [pāṭipadena (ka.)] vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva akaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having no business, he leaves that very day.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it, moves into his dwelling on the day after the Uposatha day. “He prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having some business, he leaves that very day.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā akaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days and having no business, he leaves.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days and, having some business, he leaves.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days, having some seven-day business, he leaves.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ bahiddhā vītināmeti.
“But he overstays seven days outside.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period. …
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days, having some seven-day business, he leaves.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ anto sannivattaṃ karoti.
“He makes his return within seven days.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti.
“That monk’s earlier period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So sattāhaṃ anāgatāya pavāraṇāya sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Seven days before the Invitation he leaves on some business.
Āgaccheyya vā so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu taṃ āvāsaṃ na vā āgaccheyya, tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti.
“Whether or not he returns to that residence, that monk’s earlier period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gantvā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“Having come to that residence he performs the Uposatha. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva akaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having no business, he leaves that very day.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti purimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gantvā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“Having come to that residence he performs the Uposatha. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva sakaraṇīyo pakkamati - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā akaraṇīyo pakkamati - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sakaraṇīyo pakkamati - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“Having some business, he leaves that very day. … “Having stayed two or three days, having no business, he leaves. … “Having stayed two or three days, having some business, he leaves. … “Having stayed two or three days, he leaves on seven-day business.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ bahiddhā vītināmeti.
“But he overstays seven days outside.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“That monk’s earlier period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent. … “Having stayed two or three days, he leaves on seven-day business.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ anto sannivattaṃ karoti.
“He makes his return within seven days.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti - pe - so sattāhaṃ anāgatāya pavāraṇāya sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“That monk’s earlier period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent. “Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the earlier period. “Having come to that residence he performs the Uposatha. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area. “Seven days before the Invitation he leaves on some business.
Āgaccheyya vā so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu taṃ āvāsaṃ na vā āgaccheyya, tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti.
Whether or not he returns to that residence, his earlier period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.
208.Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the later period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva akaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having no business, he leaves that very day.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s later period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the later period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having some business, he leaves that very day. …
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā akaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days and having no business, he leaves. …
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days and having some business, he leaves. …
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days, having some seven-day business he leaves.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ bahiddhā vītināmeti.
“But he overstays seven days outside.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
“That monk’s later period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the later period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“While going to that residence he performs the Uposatha outside it. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“Having stayed for two or three days, having some seven-day business, he leaves.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ anto sannivattaṃ karoti.
“He makes his return within seven days.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti.
“That monk’s later period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the later period. …
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gacchanto bahiddhā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So sattāhaṃ anāgatāya komudiyā cātumāsiniyā sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Seven days before the full-moon night of the “water-lily” fourth month, (of the rainy season), he leaves on some business.
Āgaccheyya vā so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu taṃ āvāsaṃ na vā āgaccheyya, tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti.
“Whether or not he returns to that residence, his later period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the later period.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gantvā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
“Having come to that residence he performs the Uposatha. On the day after the Uposatha day, he moves into his dwelling, prepares his lodging, sets out drinking water and washing water, and sweeps the surrounding area.
So tadaheva akaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Having no business, he leaves that very day. …
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gantvā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So tadaheva sakaraṇīyo pakkamati - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā akaraṇīyo pakkamati - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sakaraṇīyo pakkamati - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“Having some business, he leaves that very day. … “Having stayed for two or three days and having no business, he leaves. … “Having stayed for two or three days and having some business, he leaves. … “Having stayed for two or three days, having some seven-day business, he leaves.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ bahiddhā vītināmeti.
“But he overstays seven days outside.
Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca na paññāyati, paṭissave ca āpatti dukkaṭassa - pe - so dvīhatīhaṃ vasitvā sattāhakaraṇīyena pakkamati.
“That monk’s later period is not discerned, and there is an offense of wrong doing in the assent. … “Having stayed for two or three days, having some seven-day business, he leaves.
So taṃ sattāhaṃ anto sannivattaṃ karoti.
“He makes his return within seven days.
Tassa bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpatti.
“That monk’s later period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā vassāvāso paṭissuto hoti pacchimikāya.
“Monks, there is the case where a monk has assented to the Rains-residence for the later period. …
So taṃ āvāsaṃ gantvā uposathaṃ karoti, pāṭipade vihāraṃ upeti, senāsanaṃ paññapeti, pānīyaṃ paribhojanīyaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti, pariveṇaṃ sammajjati.
So sattāhaṃ anāgatāya komudiyā cātumāsiniyā sakaraṇīyo pakkamati.
“Seven days before the full-moon night of the “water-lily” fourth month (of the rainy season), he leaves on some business.
Āgaccheyya vā so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu taṃ āvāsaṃ na vā āgaccheyya, tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimikā ca paññāyati, paṭissave ca anāpattīti.
“Whether or not he returns to that residence, his later period is discerned, and there is no offense in the assent.”
Paṭissavadukkaṭāpatti niṭṭhitā.
An Offense of Wrong-doing in Regard to Assent is finished.
Vassūpanāyikakkhandhako tatiyo.
The Entering-for-the-Rains Khandhaka, the third, (is finished).