пали | N.K.G. Mendis - english
Rhys Davids T.W. - english
Парибок А.В. - русский
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5.Rājā āha "bhante nāgasena, yo idha kālaṅkato brahmaloke uppajjeyya, yo ca idha kālaṅkato kasmīre uppajjeyya, ko cirataraṃ ko sīghatara"nti?
King Milinda said: “Revered Nāgasena, if someone died here and was reborn in the Brahma-world, and if someone died here and was reborn in Kashmir, which would take longer (to be reborn), which would be quicker?"
The king said: ‘If one man, Nāgasena, were to die here and be reborn in the Brahma world, and another were to die here and be reborn in Kashmir, which of the two would arrive first?’
Царь молвил: «Почтенный Нагасена, если один умрет здесь и родится в мире Брахмы, а другой умрет здесь же и родится в Кашмире, то кто раньше, кто позже?»
"Samakaṃ, mahārājā"ti.
“They are equal, sire.”
‘Both together, O king.’
– Одновременно, государь.
"Opammaṃ karohī"ti.
“Make a simile.”
Give me an illustration.’
– Приведи пример.
"Kuhiṃ pana, mahārāja, tava jātanagara"nti?
“Where is the town, sire, where you were born?"
‘In what town , O king, were you born?’
– Где твой родной город, государь?
"Atthi, bhante, kalasigāmo nāma, tatthāhaṃ jāto"ti.
“There is a village named Kalasi, revered sir. I was born there.”65
‘There is a village called Kalasi. It was there I was born.’
– Есть местечко Каласи288, почтенный, там я и родился.
"Kīva dūro, mahārāja, ito kalasigāmo hotī"ti.
“How far is the village of Kalasi from here, sire?"
‘And how far is Kalasi from here?’
– Как далеко отсюда до Каласи, государь?
"Dvimattāni, bhante, yojanasatānī"ti.
“Two hundred yojanas, revered sir.”
‘About two hundred leagues.’
– Добрых две сотни йоджан, почтенный.
"Kīva dūraṃ, mahārāja, ito kasmīraṃ hotī"ti?
“How far is Kashmir from here, sire?"
‘How far is Kashmir from here?’
– А как далеко отсюда до Кашмира, государь?
"Dvādasa, bhante, yojanānī"ti.
“Twelve yojanas, revered sir.”
‘Twelve leagues.’
– Двенадцать йоджан, почтенный.
"Iṅgha, tvaṃ mahārāja, kalasigāmaṃ cintehī"ti.
“Please think of the village of Kalasi, sire.”
‘Now, great king, think of Kalasi.’
– Ну-ка, государь, представь себе Каласи.
"Cintito, bhante"ti.
“I have thought of it, revered sir.”
‘I have done so.’
– Уже, почтенный.
"Iṅgha, tvaṃ mahārāja, kasmīraṃ cintehī"ti.
“Please think of Kashmir, sire.”
‘And now, think of Kashmir.’
– Ну-ка, государь, представь себе Кашмир,
"Cintitaṃ bhante"ti.
“I have thought of it, revered sir.”
‘I have done so.’
– Уже, почтенный.
"Katamaṃ nu kho, mahārāja, cirena cintitaṃ, katamaṃ sīghatara"nti?
“Now which thought took longer, sire, which was quicker?"
‘Well, which did you think of quickest?’
– Что ты себе быстрее представлял, а что дольше, государь?
"Samakaṃ bhante"ti.
“They were equal, revered sir.”
‘Of each in the same time.’
– Одинаково, почтенный.
"Evameva kho, mahārāja, yo idha kālaṅkato brahmaloke uppajjeyya, yo ca idha kālaṅkato kasmīre uppajjeyya, samakaṃ yeva uppajjantī"ti.
“In the same way, sire, one who dies here and is reborn in the Brahma-world, and one who dies here and is reborn in Kashmir, both take exactly the same amount of time to be reborn.”
‘Just so, great king, would it take no longer to be reborn in the Brahma world than to be reborn in Kashmir.
– Вот так же, государь, если один умрет здесь и родится в мире Брахмы, а другой умрет здесь и родится в Кашмире, то они родятся одновременно.
"Bhiyyo opammaṃ karohī"ti.
– Приведи еще пример.
"Taṃ kiṃ maññasi, mahārāja, dve sakuṇā ākāsena gaccheyyuṃ, tesu eko ucce rukkhe nisīdeyya, eko nīce rukkhe nisīdeyya, tesaṃ samakaṃ patiṭṭhitānaṃ katamassa chāyā paṭhamataraṃ pathaviyaṃ patiṭṭhaheyya, katamassa chāyā cirena pathaviyaṃ patiṭṭhaheyyā"ti?
And tell me, O king. Suppose two birds were flying, and one were to alight on a tall tree, and the other on a small shrub. If they settled both at the same moment, whose shadow would first fall to the ground?’
– Как ты полагаешь, государь: вот летели два сокола, один сел на высокое дерево, другой сел на низкое дерево, притом оба одновременно; чья тень раньше дойдет до земли, чья тень позже дойдет до земли?
"Samakaṃ, bhante"ti.
‘The two shadows would fall together.’
– Одновременно, почтенный.
"Evameva kho, mahārāja, yo idha kālaṅkato brahmaloke uppajjeyya, yo ca idha kālaṅkato kasmīre uppajjeyya, samakaṃ yeva uppajjantī"ti.
‘Just so, great king, in the case you put.’
– Вот так же, государь, если один умрет здесь и родится в мире Брахмы, а другой умрет здесь же и родится в Кашмире, то они родятся одновременно289.
"Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā"ti.
“You are dexterous, revered Nāgasena.”
‘Very good, Nāgasena!’
– Прекрасно, почтенный Нагасена.
Dvinnaṃ lokuppannānaṃ samakabhāvapañho pañcamo.