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Paccayānuññātakāraṇaṃ Палийский оригинал

пали Thanissaro bhikkhu - english Комментарии
182."Na vo ahaṃ, cunda, diṭṭhadhammikānaṃyeva āsavānaṃ saṃvarāya dhammaṃ desemi. “Cunda, I don’t teach you the Dhamma only for the restraint of effluents in the present life,
Na panāhaṃ, cunda, samparāyikānaṃyeva āsavānaṃ paṭighātāya dhammaṃ desemi. nor do I teach you the Dhamma only for the warding off of effluents in the afterlife.
Diṭṭhadhammikānaṃ cevāhaṃ, cunda, āsavānaṃ saṃvarāya dhammaṃ desemi; samparāyikānañca āsavānaṃ paṭighātāya. I teach you the Dhamma both for the restraint of effluents in the present life and for the warding off of effluents in the afterlife.
Tasmātiha, cunda, yaṃ vo mayā cīvaraṃ anuññātaṃ, alaṃ vo taṃ – yāvadeva sītassa paṭighātāya, uṇhassa paṭighātāya, ḍaṃsamakasavātātapasarīsapa [siriṃsapa (syā.)] samphassānaṃ paṭighātāya, yāvadeva hirikopīnapaṭicchādanatthaṃ. “Therefore, the robe I have allowed you is enough simply to counteract cold, to counteract heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; simply for the purpose of covering the parts of the body that cause shame.
Yo vo mayā piṇḍapāto anuññāto, alaṃ vo so yāvadeva imassa kāyassa ṭhitiyā yāpanāya vihiṃsūparatiyā brahmacariyānuggahāya, iti purāṇañca vedanaṃ paṭihaṅkhāmi, navañca vedanaṃ na uppādessāmi, yātrā ca me bhavissati anavajjatā ca phāsuvihāro ca [cāti (bahūsu)]. “The alms food I have allowed you is enough simply for the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy life, thinking, ‘Thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating). I will maintain myself, be blameless, & live in comfort.’
Yaṃ vo mayā senāsanaṃ anuññātaṃ, alaṃ vo taṃ yāvadeva sītassa paṭighātāya, uṇhassa paṭighātāya, ḍaṃsamakasavātātapasarīsapasamphassānaṃ paṭighātāya, yāvadeva utuparissayavinodana paṭisallānārāmatthaṃ. “The lodgings I have allowed you are enough simply to counteract cold, to counteract heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; simply for protection from the inclemencies of weather and for the enjoyment of seclusion.
Yo vo mayā gilānapaccayabhesajja parikkhāro anuññāto, alaṃ vo so yāvadeva uppannānaṃ veyyābādhikānaṃ vedanānaṃ paṭighātāya abyāpajjaparamatāya [abyāpajjhaparamatāyāti (sī. syā. pī.), abyābajjhaparamatāya (?)]. “The medicinal requisites used for curing the sick that I have allowed you are enough simply to counteract any pains of illness that have arisen and for maximum freedom from disease.
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