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Книга 1. Внешнее повествование Палийский оригинал

пали N.K.G. Mendis - english Rhys Davids T.W. - english Парибок А.В. - русский Комментарии

Внешнее повествование Таблица Палийский оригинал

Milindo nāma so rājā, sāgalāyaṃ puruttame; King Milinda, at Sāgala the famous town of yore, В славном городе Сагале2 царь, Милинда по имени,
Upagañchi nāgasenaṃ, gaṅgā ca [gaṅgāva (sī. pī.)] yathā sāgaraṃ. To Nāgasena, the world famous sage, repaired. (So the deep Ganges to the deeper ocean flows.) С Нагасеною мудрым встретился – так Ганга с морем встречается.
Āsajja rājā citrakathiṃ, ukkādhāraṃ tamonudaṃ; To him, the eloquent, the bearer of the torch Of Truth, dispeller of the darkness of men’s minds, Пришел царь к красноречивому тьмы гонителю, знания светочу,
Apucchi nipuṇe pañhe, ṭhānāṭṭhānagate puthū. Subtle and knotty questions did he put, many, Turning on many points. И много о разных предметах он задал искусных вопросов.
Pucchā visajjanā [vissajjanā (sī. pī.)] ceva, gambhīratthūpanissitā; Then were solutions given Profound in meaning, gaining access to the heart, Отвечал ему Нагасена в беседе глубокомысленной,
Hadayaṅgamā kaṇṇasukhā, abbhutā lomahaṃsanā. Sweet to the ear, and passing wonderful and strange. For Nāgasena’s talk plunged to the hidden depths Сладкозвучной, в сердце западающей, вызывающей трепет восторга.
Abhidhammavinayogāḷhā, suttajālasamattitā; Of Vinaya and of Abhidhamma (Law and Thought) Unravelling all the meshes of the Suttas’ net, В абхидхарму и устав углубляясь, нити сутр в сеть речей вплетая3,
Nāgasenakathā citrā, opammehi nayehi ca. Glittering the while with metaphors and reasoning high. Уснащал он свои ответы пояснениями и примерами4.
Tattha ñāṇaṃ paṇidhāya, hāsayitvāna mānasaṃ; Come then! Apply your minds, and let your hearts rejoice, Размышляя об этом усердно, возвеселитесь же помыслами,
Suṇātha nipuṇe pañhe, kaṅkhāṭṭhānavidālaneti. And hearken to these subtle questionings, all grounds Of doubt well fitted to resolve. Вопросам искусным внемлите – и сомнениям места не будет. 5
2.Taṃ yathānusūyate – atthi yonakānaṃ nānāpuṭabhedanaṃ sāgalaṃ nāma nagaraṃ nadīpabbatasobhitaṃ ramaṇīyabhūmippadesabhāgaṃ ārāmuyyānopavanataḷākapokkharaṇisampannaṃ nadīpabbatavanarāmaṇeyyakaṃ sutavantanimmitaṃ nihatapaccatthikaṃ [nippaccatthikaṃ (ka.)] paccāmittānupapīḷitaṃ vividhavicitradaḷhamaṭṭālakoṭṭhakaṃ varapavaragopura [pavarapacuragopura (sī.)] toraṇaṃ gambhīraparikhāpaṇḍarapākāraparikkhittantepuraṃ. Thus hath it been handed down by tradition—There is in the country of the Yonakas a great centre of trade, a city that is called Sāgala, situate in a delightful country well watered and hilly, abounding in parks and gardens and groves and lakes and tanks, a paradise of rivers and mountains and woods. Wise architects have laid it out, and its people know of no oppression, since all their enemies and adversaries have been put down. Brave is its defence, with many and various strong towers and ramparts, with superb gates and entrance archways; and with the royal citadel in its midst, white walled and deeply moated. Рассказывают так: Есть в стране греческой6, богатой поселениями, город названием Сагала; красят его горы и реки, расположен он в отрадной местности, обилен садами, рощами и парками, прудами и озерами; чарует лесами, горами и реками; искусно воздвигнут; не страшны ему недруги и неприятели, не грозит ему осада; его стены и сторожевые башни построены затейливо и прочно; ворота с надвратными башнями – прекраснейшие из прекрасных; белокаменной стеною обнесен и рвом глубоким обведен царский дворец;
Suvibhattavīthicaccaracatukkasiṅghāṭakaṃ suppasāritānekavidhavarabhaṇḍaparipūritantarāpaṇaṃ vividhadānaggasatasamupasobhitaṃ [satasamupasobhitaṃ (sī. pī.)] himagirisikharasaṅkāsavarabhavanasatasahassappaṭimaṇḍitaṃ gajahayarathapattisamākulaṃ abhirūpanaranārigaṇānucaritaṃ ākiṇṇajanamanussaṃ puthukhattiyabrāhmaṇavessasuddaṃ vividhasamaṇabrāhmaṇasabhājana [sabhājana (sī. pī.), sammābhājana (ka.)] saṅghaṭitaṃ bahuvidhavijjāvanta [vijjādhara (ka.)] naracira [naravira (sī. pī.)] nisevitaṃ kāsikakoṭumbarikādinānāvidhavatthāpaṇasampannaṃ suppasāritarucirabahuvidhapupphagandhāpaṇaṃ gandhagandhitaṃ āsīsanīyabahuratanaparipūritaṃ disāmukhasuppasāritāpaṇaṃ siṅgāravāṇijagaṇānucaritaṃ kahāpaṇarajatasuvaṇṇakaṃsapattharaparipūraṃ pajjotamānanidhiniketaṃ pahūtadhanadhaññavittūpakaraṇaṃ paripuṇṇakosakoṭṭhāgāraṃ bahvannapānaṃ bahuvidhakhajjabhojjaleyyapeyyasāyanīyaṃ uttarakurusaṅkāsaṃ sampannasassaṃ āḷakamandā viya devapuraṃ. Well laid out are its streets, squares, cross roads, and market places. Well displayed are the innumerable sorts of costly merchandise with which its shops are filled. It is richly adorned with hundreds of alms-halls of various kinds; and splendid with hundreds of thousands of magnificent mansions, which rise aloft like the mountain peaks of the Himalayas. Its streets are filled with elephants, horses, carriages, and foot-passengers, frequented by groups of handsome men and beautiful women, and crowded by men of all sorts and conditions, Brahmans, nobles, artificers, and servants. They resound with cries of welcome to the teachers of every creed, and the city is the resort of the leading men of each of the differing sects. Shops are there for the sale of Benares muslin, of Koṭumbara stuffs, and of other cloths of various kinds; and sweet odours are exhaled from the bazaars, where all sorts of flowers and perfumes are tastefully set out. jewels are there in plenty, such as men’s hearts desire, and guilds of traders in all sorts of finery display their goods in the bazaars that face all quarters of the sky. So full is the city of money, and of gold and silver ware, of copper and stone ware, that it is a very mine of dazzling treasures. And there is laid up there much store of property and corn and things of value in warehouses-foods and drinks of every sort, syrups and sweetmeats of every kind. In wealth it rivals Uttara-kuru, and in glory it is as Āḷakamandā, the city of the gods. дороги, улицы, развилки, перепутья правильно проложены; полны торговые ряды прекрасными и разными товарами, разложенными на продажу; под сотнями навесов нуждающимся раздают дары; сто тысяч прекрасных зданий, сверкающих, как Гималайских гор вершины, украшают город; слонами и конями, пешеходами и колесницами запружены улицы; многолюден город, полон красивых мужчин и женщин, роится толпами народа, населен множеством кшатриев, брахманов, вайшьев и шудр7; разных толков шраманы и брахманы8 здесь собираются во всяческих науках сведущие, живут здесь многоученые мужи; здесь торгуют различными тканями – бенаресскими, котумбарскими9 и прочими; здесь воздух напоен благоуханием множества пышных цветов и благовонных товаров, разложенных на продажу; здесь самоцветов драгоценных изобилие; в торговых рядах, расположенных по странам света, купцы – торговцы драгоценностями раскладывают свой товар; серебром и золотом, каршами и каршапанами10 улицы мостить можно; озарены кладовые сверканием сокровищ; богатства в избытке копятся, закрома и амбары полнятся, еды и питья изобилие; всяческих кушаний – твердых, мягких и жидких, напитков и смешанных11 – здесь можно отведать; видом город подобен Стране северных куру12, хлебом обилен, как Алакаманда, божественный град13.
Ettha ṭhatvā tesaṃ pubbakammaṃ kathetabbaṃ, kathentena ca chadhā vibhajitvā kathetabbaṃ. Having said thus much we must now relate the previous birth history of these two persons (Milinda and Nāgasena) and the various sorts of puzzles. This we shall do under six heads:— Остановимся на этом, ведь следует рассказать об их прошлых деяниях. Притом весь рассказ должен быть поделен рассказчиком на шесть частей,
Seyyathīdaṃ – pubbayogo milindapañhaṃ lakkhaṇapañhaṃ meṇḍakapañhaṃ anumānapañhaṃ opammakathāpañhanti. Their previous history (Pubba-yoga). The Milinda problems. Questions as to distinguishing characteristics. Puzzles arising out of contradictory statements. Puzzles arising out of ambiguity. Discussions turning on metaphor. а именно: «Связь с прошлым», «Вопросы Милинды», «Вопросы о свойствах», «Вопросы-рогатины», «Вопрос о выводе», «Вопросы к изложению сравнений»
Tattha milindapañho lakkhaṇapañho, vimaticchedanapañhoti duvidho. And of these the Milinda problems are in two divisions-questions as to distinctive characteristics, and questions aiming at the dispelling of doubt; Из них «Вопросы Милинды» двух родов: «Вопросы о свойствах» и «Вопросы, пресекающие разномыслие».
Meṇḍakapañhopi mahāvaggo, yogikathāpañhoti duvidho. and the puzzles arising out of contradictory statements are in two divisions—the long chapter, and the problems in the life of the recluse. «Вопросы-рогатины» тоже двух родов: «Большая глава» и «Вопросы к описанию йога».
Pubbayogoti tesaṃ pubbakammaṃ. «Связь с прошлым» – это их прошлые деяния14.

Предыстория Таблица Палийский оригинал

3.Atīte kira kassapassa bhagavato sāsane vattamāne gaṅgāya samīpe ekasmiṃ āvāse mahābhikkhusaṅgho paṭivasati, tattha vattasīlasampannā bhikkhū pātova uṭṭhāya yaṭṭhisammajjaniyo [yaṭṭhisammuñjaniyo (sī. pī.)] ādāya buddhaguṇe āvajjentā aṅgaṇaṃ sammajjitvā kacavarabyūhaṃ karonti. When the dispensation of Kassapa Buddha was being promulgated, a large number of monks were staying in a monastery near the river Ganges. One morning, while sweeping the compound of the monastery, Long ago, they say, when Kassapa the Buddha was promulgating the faith, there dwelt in one community near the Ganges a great company of members of the Order. There the brethren, true to established rules and duties, rose early in the morning, and taking the long-handled brooms, would sweep out the courtyard and collect the rubbish into a heap, meditating the while on the virtues of the Buddha. Говорят, что давным-давно, когда помнили еще проповедь Блаженного Кашьяпы15, жила в одной обители у Ганги большая община монахов. Соблюдая правила поведения, монахи поднимались там с зарею16, мели длинными метлами двор, размышляя попутно о достоинствах Просветленного17, и сгребали мусор в кучу.
Atheko bhikkhu ekaṃ sāmaṇeraṃ "ehi sāmaṇera, imaṃ kacavaraṃ chaḍḍehī"ti āha, so asuṇanto viya gacchati, so dutiyampi - pe - tatiyampi āmantiyamāno asuṇanto viya gacchateva. an ordained monk asked a novice to throw away a heap of rubbish. The novice went about attending to his own business as if he had not heard the order. The ordained monk repeated the order for a second and a third time, but the novice still ignored it. One day a brother told a novice to remove the heap of dust. But he, as if he heard not, went about his business; and on being called a second time, and a third, still went his way as if he had not heard. И вот однажды один монах говорит послушнику18: «Эй, послушник, вынеси-ка этот мусор!» А тот словно и не слыхал, продолжает себе свое. Монах и второй раз, и третий раз19 к нему обращается – а тот словно и не слышит, продолжает себе свое.
Tato so bhikkhu "dubbaco vatāyaṃ sāmaṇero"ti kuddho sammajjanidaṇḍena pahāraṃ adāsi. The ordained monk then struck the novice with the broom handle. Then the brother, angry with so intractable a novice, dealt him a blow with the broom stick. «Каков неслух!» – рассердился монах и ударил его метловищем.
Tato so rodanto bhayena kacavaraṃ chaḍḍento "iminā kacavarachaḍḍanapuññakammena yāvāhaṃ nibbānaṃ pāpuṇāmi [na pāpuṇāmi (syā.)], etthantare nibbattanibbattaṭṭhāne majjhanhikasūriyo [suriyo (sī. pī.)] viya mahesakkho mahātejo bhaveyya"nti paṭhamaṃ patthanaṃ paṭṭhapesi. The novice became afraid and, crying, he threw away the rubbish while making his first aspiration: “Through this meritorious deed of throwing away the rubbish may I, wherever I am successively reborn until I attain Nibbāna, be of great might and glory like the midday sun.” This time, not daring to refuse, he set about the task crying; and as he did so he muttered to himself this first aspiration: ‘May I, by reason of this meritorious act of throwing out the rubbish, in each successive condition in which I may be born up to the time when I attain Nirvāṇa, be powerful and glorious as the midday sun!’ Тот заплакал, вынес со страху мусор и взмолился в первый раз: «О, быть бы мне от этого праведного деяния – выбрасывания мусора – в каждом будущем существовании, пока я не достигну покоя20, могучим и блистательным, словно солнце в полдень!»
Kacavaraṃ chaḍḍetvā nahānatthāya gaṅgātitthaṃ gato gaṅgāya ūmivegaṃ gaggarāyamānaṃ disvā "yāvāhaṃ nibbānaṃ pāpuṇāmi [na pāpuṇāmi (syā.)], etthantare nibbattanibbattaṭṭhāne ayaṃ ūmivego viya ṭhānuppattikapaṭibhāno bhaveyyaṃ akkhayapaṭibhāno"ti dutiyampi patthanaṃ paṭṭhapesi. After he had thrown away the rubbish, he went to the Ganges to wash, and seeing the surge of the waves, he made his second aspiration: “May I, wherever I am successively reborn until I attain Nibbāna, be prompt in saying the right thing instantly and carry all before me like this surge of waves.” When he had finished his work he went to the river side to bathe, and on beholding the mighty billows of the Ganges seething and surging, he uttered this second aspiration: ‘May I, in each successive condition in which I may be born till I attain Nirvāṇa, possess the power of saying the right thing, and saying it instantly, under any circumstance that may arise, carrying all before me like this mighty surge!’ Вынесши мусор, он спустился к Ганге помыться и, глядя на водовороты ее быстрого течения, опять взмолился: «О, быть бы мне в каждом будущем существовании, пока я не достигну покоя, словно это быстрое течение! Быть бы мне находчивым21 при всяком случае, неизменно находчивым!»
Sopi bhikkhu sammajjanisālāya sammajjaniṃ ṭhapetvā nahānatthāya gaṅgātitthaṃ gacchanto sāmaṇerassa patthanaṃ sutvā "esa mayā payojitopi tāva evaṃ pattheti, mayhaṃ kiṃ na samijjhissatī"ti cintetvā "yāvāhaṃ nibbānaṃ pāpuṇāmi [na pāpuṇāmi (syā.)], etthantare nibbattanibbattaṭṭhāne ayaṃ gaṅgāūmivego viya akkhayapaṭibhāno bhaveyyaṃ, iminā pucchitapucchitaṃ sabbaṃ pañhapaṭibhānaṃ vijaṭetuṃ nibbeṭhetuṃ samattho bhaveyya"nti patthanaṃ paṭṭhapesi. The monk who had struck the novice also went to the Ganges for a wash. He heard the novice’s aspiration, and thinking, “If he who was merely instigated by me can have such hopes, what may I not attain to! ” he made the following aspiration: “May I, wherever I am successively reborn until I attain Nibbāna, be prompt in answering questions and carry all before me like this surge of waves; and may I be able to unravel promptly and explain all the answers to questions put to me constantly by this young man.” Now that brother, after he had put the broom away in the broom closet, had likewise wandered down to the river side to bathe, and as he walked he happened to overhear what the novice had said. Then thinking: ‘If this fellow, on the ground of such an act of merit, which after all was instigated by me, can harbour hopes like this, what may not I attain to?’ he too made his wish, and it was thus: ‘In each successive condition in which I may be born till I attain Nirvāṇa, may I too be ready in saying the right thing at once, and more especially may 1 have the power of unravelling and of solving each problem and each puzzling question this young man may put-carrying all before me like this mighty surge!’ А монах поставил метлу в сарай и тоже спускался к Ганге помыться. Услышав мольбу послушника, он подумал: «Вот о чем он молит! А ведь это я его заставил. Ну, у меня тогда и подавно все сбудется». И он взмолился: «О, быть бы мне в каждом будущем существовании, пока я не достигну покоя, словно это быстрое течение Ганги – неизменно находчивым! Какие бы вопросы он мне ни задал – чтобы я был способен все находчиво заданные им вопросы распутать и разрешить!»
Te ubhopi devesu ca manussesu ca saṃsarantā ekaṃ buddhantaraṃ khepesuṃ. For the whole period between Kassapa Buddha and his chronological successor, Gotama Buddha, the monk and the novice wandered from existence to existence among gods and humans. Then for the whole period between one Buddha and the next these two people wandered from existence to existence among gods and men. От прошлого будды до нынешнего оба они, странствуя в мирском кружении, рождались небожителями и людьми.
Atha amhākaṃ bhagavatāpi yathā moggaliputtatissatthero dissati, evametepi dissanti mama parinibbānato pañcavassasate atikkante ete uppajjissanti, yaṃ mayā sukhumaṃ katvā desitaṃ dhammavinayaṃ, taṃ ete pañhapucchanaopammayuttivasena nijjaṭaṃ niggumbaṃ katvā vibhajissantīti niddiṭṭhā. It is said that Gotama Buddha saw these two and predicted: “Five hundred years after I have attained complete Nibbāna these two will reappear, and unravelling the matter by questions and by similes, they will make clear the Dhamma and Discipline taught by me.”13 And these two also were forseen by our Buddha, just as he foresaw Tissa the Elder, the son of the Moggalī, so to them also did he foretell their future fate, saying: ‘Five hundred years after I have passed away will these two reappear, and the subtle Law and Doctrine taught by me will they two explain, unravelling and disentangling its difficulties by questions put and metaphors adduced.’ Видел их и наш Просветленный и, так же как Тишье, сыну Маудгали22, предрек им будущее: «Они явятся в мир через пятьсот лет после моего упокоения, и тонкости учения – послушания, заповеданного мною, они словно колтун расчешут, словно из зарослей колючих вытащат и разъяснят: один задаст вопросы, другой удачно ответит сравнениями».
4.Tesu sāmaṇero jambudīpe sāgalanagare milindo nāma rājā ahosi paṇḍito byatto medhāvī paṭibalo atītānāgatapaccuppannānaṃ mantayogavidhānakiriyānaṃ [samantayoga … (sī. pī.)], karaṇakāle nisammakārī hoti, bahūni cassa satthāni uggahitāni honti. The novice became King Milinda, and the monk became Venerable Nāgasena. In addition to being successful in the battlefield King Milinda was a scholar who mastered the arts and sciences prevailing during his period. Of the two the novice became the king of the city of Sāgala in India, Milinda by name, learned, eloquent, wise, and able; and a faithful observer, and that at the right time, of all the various acts of devotion and ceremony enjoined by his own sacred hymns concerning things past, present, and to come. Many were the arts and sciences he knew Из них двоих послушник стал в городе Сагале на материке Джамбу23 царем по имени Милинда, образованным, способным, ученым, одаренным. Он тщательно и в должное время исполнял все обряды, действия и ритуалы, относящиеся к прошлому, будущему и настоящему24. Ему были ведомы многие науки,
Seyyathidaṃ, suti sammuti saṅkhyā yogā nīti visesikā gaṇikā gandhabbā tikicchā dhanubbedā [catubbedā (sī. pī.)] purāṇā itihāsā jotisā māyā ketu [hetu (sī. pī.)] mantanā yuddhā chandasā buddhavacanena [chandasāmuddavacanena (sī. pī.)] ekūnavīsati, vitaṇḍavādī [vādī (sī. pī.)] durāsado duppasaho puthutitthakarānaṃ aggamakkhāyati, sakalajambudīpe milindena raññā samo koci nāhosi yadidaṃ thāmena javena sūrena paññāya, aḍḍho mahaddhano mahābhogo anantabalavāhano. He had a searching mind and would seek leaders of various schools of thought and ask probing questions pertaining to metaphysics.14 —holy tradition and secular law; the Sāṅkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, and Vaiśeshika systems of philosophy; arithmetic; music; medicine; the four Vedas, the Purāṇas, and the Itihāsas; astronomy, magic, causation, and spells; the art of war; poetry; conveyancing —in a word, the whole nineteen. As a disputant he was hard to equal, harder still to overcome; the acknowledged superior of all the founders of the various schools of thought. And as in wisdom so in strength of body, swiftness, and valour there was found none equal to Milinda in all India. He was rich too, mighty in wealth and prosperity, and the number of his armed hosts knew no end. а именно: шрути, предание, санкхья, йога, политика, вайшешика, арифметика, музыка, врачевание, четыре веды, древние сказания и были, астрономия, колдовство, логика, совещания, военное искусство, стихосложение и счет на пальцах – одним словом, девятнадцать наук25. В диспутах несравненный и не превзойденный26, он выделялся среди многих учителей разных толков27. И на всем материке Джамбу некому было в силе, ловкости, мужестве, мудрости сравниться с царем Милиндой – богатый, зажиточный, состоятельный, предводитель рати несметной28.
5.Athekadivasaṃ milindo rājā anantabalavāhanaṃ caturaṅginiṃ balaggasenābyūhaṃ dassanakamyatāya nagarā nikkhamitvā bahinagare senaṅgadassanaṃ katvā [senāgaṇanaṃ kāretvā (sī. pī.)] sāretvā so rājā bhassappavādako lokāyatavitaṇḍa [pavatta (sī. pī.)] janasallāpaplava cittakotūhalo visārado vijambhako sūriyaṃ oloketvā amacce āmantesi "bahu bhaṇe tāva divasāvaseso kiṃ karissāma, idāneva nagaraṃ pavisitvā atthi koci paṇḍito samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā saṅghī gaṇī gaṇācariyo api arahantaṃ sammāsambuddhaṃ paṭijānamāno, yo mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ sakkoti kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetuṃ, taṃ upasaṅkamitvā pañhaṃ pucchissāma, kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinayissāmā"ti. Now one day Milinda the king proceeded forth out of the city to pass in review the innumerable host of his mighty army in its fourfold array (of elephants, cavalry, bowmen, and soldiers on foot). And when the numbering of the forces was over, the king, who was fond of wordy disputation, and eager for discussion with casuists, sophists, and gentry of that sort, looked at the sun (to ascertain the time), and then said to his ministers: ‘The day is yet young. What would be the use of getting back to town so early? Is there no learned person, whether wandering teacher or Brahman, the head of some school or order, or the master of some band of pupils (even though he profess faith in the Arahat, the Supreme Buddha), who would be able to talk with me, and resolve my doubts?’ И вот как-то раз царь Милинда выехал из города, желая сделать смотр своей несметной и безмерно могучей рати, состоявшей из войск четырех родов29, и, когда построившиеся за городом силы были по его приказу сочтены, этот царь, любитель заводить споры и охотник вступать в диспуты с рассуждателями, возражателями30 и им подобными людьми, взглянул на солнце и обратился к советникам: «До конца дня еще далеко. К чему возвращаться теперь же в город? Нет ли где ученого главы общины, учителя школы, руководителя школы – шрамана, брахмана или из тех, кто признает Святого Истинновсепросветленного31, кто смог бы со мной побеседовать, сомнение мое развеять? »
Evaṃ vutte pañcasatā yonakā rājānaṃ milindaṃ etadavocuṃ "atthi, mahārāja, cha satthāro pūraṇo kassapo makkhaligosālo nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto [nāthaputto (sī. pī.)] sañjayo belaṭṭhaputto ajito kesakambalo pakudho kaccāyano, te saṅghino gaṇino gaṇācariyakā ñātā yasassino titthakarā sādhusammatā bahujanassa, gaccha tvaṃ mahārāja, te pañhaṃ pucchassu, kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinayassū"ti. Thereupon the five hundred Yonakas said to Milinda the king: ‘There are the six Masters, O king!—Pūraṇa Kassapa, Makkhali of the cowshed, the Nigaṇṭha of the Nāta clan, Sañjaya the son of the Belaṭṭha woman, Ajita of the garment of hair, and Pakudha Kaccāyana. These are well known as famous founders of schools, followed by bands of disciples and hearers, and highly honoured by the people. Go, great king! put to them your problems, and have your doubts resolved.’ В ответ на это пятьсот греков сказали царю Милинде32: «Есть, государь, шесть учителей: Пурана Кашьяпа; Маккхали Госала; Ниргрантха, сын Наты; Санджая, сын Беллатхи; Аджита Волосяное Одеяло; Пакудха Каччаяна33. Все они – главы общин, наставники школ, руководители школ, известные, прославленные проповедники, высокочтимые многими людьми; поезжай, государь, задай им вопрос и разреши сомнение».
6.Atha kho milindo rājā pañcahi yonakasatehi parivuto bhadravāhanaṃ rathavaramāruyha yena pūraṇo kassapo tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā pūraṇena kassapena saddhiṃ sammodi, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi, ekamantaṃ nisinno kho milindo rājā pūraṇaṃ kassapaṃ etadavoca "ko, bhante kassapa, lokaṃ pāletī"ti? So king Milinda, attended by the five hundred Yonakas, mounted the royal car with its splendid equipage, and went out to the dwelling-place of Pūraṇa Kassapa, exchanged with him the compliments of friendly greeting, and took his seat courteously apart. And thus sitting he said to him: ‘Who is it, venerable Kassapa, who rules the world?’ И вот царь Милинда в окружении пятисот греков взошел на превосходную колесницу с плавным ходом и приехал к Пуране Кашьяпе. Приехав, царь обменялся с Пураной Кашьяпой учтивыми, дружественными словами приветствия и сел подле него. И, сидя подле Пураны Кашьяпы, царь Милинда обратился к нему: «Кто, почтенный Кашьяпа, стережет мир? »
"Pathavī, mahārāja, lokaṃ pāletī"ti. ‘The Earth, great king, rules the world!’ – Земля, государь, стережет мир.
"Yadi, bhante kassapa, pathavī [paṭhavī (sī. syā. pī.)] lokaṃ pāleti, atha kasmā avīcinirayaṃ gacchantā sattā pathaviṃ atikkamitvā gacchantī"ti? ‘But, venerable Kassapa, if it be the Earth that rules the world, how comes it that some men go to the Avīci hell, thus getting outside the sphere of the Earth?’ – Но, почтенный Кашьяпа, если земля стережет мир, то почему же тогда идущие в ад Незыбь34 покидают пределы земли?
Evaṃ vutte pūraṇo kassapo neva sakkhi ogilituṃ, no sakkhi uggilituṃ, adhomukho pattakkhandho tuṇhībhūto pajjhāyanto nisīdi. When he had thus spoken, neither could Pūraṇa Kassapa swallow the puzzle, nor could he bring it up; crestfallen, driven to silence, and moody, there he sat. И, услышав это, Пурана Кашьяпа задохнулся, поперхнулся; умолкший, поникший, он так и остался сидеть, задумавшись.
7.Atha kho milindo rājā makkhaliṃ gosālaṃ etadavoca "atthi, bhante gosāla, kusalākusalāni kammāni, atthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko"ti? Then Milinda the king said to Makkhali of the cowshed: ‘Are there, venerable Gosāla, good and evil acts? Is there such a thing as fruit, ultimate result, of good and evil acts?’ И царь Милинда сказал Маккхали Госале: «Есть ли, почтенный Госала, благие и неблагие деяния? Есть ли у деяний праведных и неправедных плод, последствие? »
"Natthi, mahārāja, kusalākusalāni kammāni, natthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko. ‘There are no such acts, O king; and no such fruit, or ultimate result. – Нет, государь, благих и неблагих деяний, нет у деяний праведных и неправедных плода, последствия.
Ye te, mahārāja, idha loke khattiyā, te paralokaṃ gantvāpi puna khattiyāva bhavissanti, ye te brāhmaṇā vessā suddā caṇḍālā pukkusā, te paralokaṃ gantvāpi puna brāhmaṇā vessā suddā caṇḍālā pukkusāva bhavissanti. Those who here in the world are nobles, they, O king, when they go to the other world, will become nobles once more. And those who are Brahmans, or of the middle class, or workpeople, or outcasts here, will in the next world become the same. Те, кто на этом свете кшатрии, государь, те и на том свете станут кшатриями; кто на этом свете брахманы, вайшьи, шудры, чандалы, пуккусы35, те и на том свете станут брахманами, вайшьями, шудрами, чандалами и пуккусами.
Kiṃ kusalākusalehi kammehī"ti? What then is the use of good or evil acts ? ’ Причем тут благие и неблагие деяния?
"Yadi, bhante gosāla, idha loke khattiyā brāhmaṇā vessā suddā caṇḍālā pukkusā, te paralokaṃ gantvāpi puna khattiyā brāhmaṇā vessā suddā caṇḍālā pukkusāva bhavissanti, natthi kusalākusalehi kammehi karaṇīyaṃ. ‘If, venerable Gosāla, it be as you say then, by parity of reasoning, – Но если, почтенный Госала, те, кто на этом свете кшатрии, брахманы, вайшьи, шудры, чандалы, пуккусы, и на том свете станут кшатриями, брахманами, вайшьями, шудрами, чандалами, пуккусами, то не к чему и совершать благие и неблагие дела.
Tena hi, bhante gosāla, ye te idha loke hatthacchinnā, te paralokaṃ gantvāpi puna hatthacchinnāva bhavissanti. those who, here in this world, have a hand cut off, must in the next world become persons with a hand cut off, Тогда, почтенный Госала, те, кто на этом свете безруки, и на том свете станут безрукими;
Ye pādacchinnā, te pādacchinnāva bhavissanti. and in like manner those who have had a foot cut off безногие станут безногими,
Ye hatthapādacchinnā, te hatthapādacchinnāva bhavissanti. безногие и безрукие станут безногими и безрукими...
Все комментарии (1)
Ye kaṇṇacchinnā, te kaṇṇacchinnāva bhavissanti. or an ear безухие станут безухими здесь немного изменил, чтобы соответствовало палийскому оригиналу.
Все комментарии (1)
Ye nāsacchinnā, te nāsacchinnāva bhavissanti. or their nose!’ безносые станут безносыми
Ye kaṇṇanāsacchinnā, te kaṇṇanāsacchinnāva bhavissantī"ti. ? безухие и безносые станут безухими и безносыми
Все комментарии (1)
Evaṃ vutte gosālo tuṇhī ahosi. And at this saying Makkhali was silenced. На это Госала смолчал.
Atha kho milindassa rañño etadahosi "tuccho vata bho jambudīpo, palāpo vata bho jambudīpo, natthi koci samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā, yo mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ sakkoti kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti. He never got complete satisfaction from any of the ascetics or brahmins he approached and, in despair, he said: “India is indeed empty, India is void indeed! There is no ascetic or brahmin able to converse with me to dispel my doubts.” Then thought Milinda the king within himself: ‘All India is an empty thing, it is verily like chaff! There is no one, either recluse or Brahman, capable of discussing things with me, and dispelling my doubts.’ И царь Милинда подумал: «Увы, пусто на материке Джамбу, увы, одна болтовня на материке Джамбу! Нет здесь ни шрамана, ни брахмана, кто смог бы со мной побеседовать, сомнение мое развеять!»
Atha kho milindo rājā amacce āmantesi "ramaṇīyā vata bho dosinā ratti, kaṃ nu khvajja samaṇaṃ vā brāhmaṇaṃ vā upasaṅkameyyāma pañhaṃ pucchituṃ, ko mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ sakkoti kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti? And he said to his ministers: ‘Beautiful is the night and pleasant! Who is the recluse or Brahman we can visit to-night to question him, who will be able to converse with us and dispel our doubts ?’ И царь Милинда обратился к советникам: «Как хорошо в лунную ночь! К какому бы шраману или брахману пойти нам сегодня, вопрос задать? Кто сможет со мной побеседовать, сомнение мое развеять?»
Evaṃ vutte amaccā tuṇhībhūtā rañño mukhaṃ olokayamānā aṭṭhaṃsu. And at that saying the counsellors remained silent, and stood there gazing upon the face of the king. В ответ на это советники стояли и молча смотрели в лицо царя.
Tena kho pana samayena sāgalanagaraṃ dvādasa vassāni suññaṃ ahosi samaṇabrāhmaṇagahapatipaṇḍitehi, yattha samaṇabrāhmaṇagahapatipaṇḍitā paṭivasantīti suṇāti, tattha gantvā rājā te pañhaṃ pucchati, te sabbepi pañhavisajjanena rājānaṃ ārādhetuṃ asakkontā yena vā tena vā pakkamanti. Now at that time the city of Sāgala had for twelve years been devoid of learned men, whether Brahmans, Samanas, or laymen. But wherever the king heard that such persons dwelt, thither he would go and put his questions to them. В то время в городе Сагале уже двенадцать лет не было ученых – ни шраманов, ни брахманов, ни мирян36. Узнав, что где-то живет ученый шраман, брахман или мирянин, царь отправлялся к нему и задавал ему вопрос, но никто не мог угодить царю и ответить на его вопросы.
Ye aññaṃ disaṃ na pakkamanti, te sabbe tuṇhībhūtā acchanti. But they all alike, being unable to satisfy the king by their solution of his problems, departed hither and thither, or if they did not leave for some other place, were at all events reduced to silence. Люди уходили куда глаза глядят37, а те, кто не уходил на чужбину, сидели все и молчали.
Bhikkhū pana yebhuyyena himavantameva gacchanti. And the brethren of the Order went, for the most part, to the Himālaya mountains. Монахи же по большей части уходили в Гималаи.
8.Tena kho pana samayena koṭisatā arahanto himavante pabbate rakkhitatale paṭivasanti. At that time there were many arahats living on the Guarded Plateau on a Himalayan slope. Now at that time there dwelt, in the mountain region of the Himālayas, on the Guarded Slope, an innumerable company of Arahats (brethren who, while yet alive, had attained Nirvāṇa). И в то время в Заповедном логу Гималайских гор обитала тысяча миллионов38 святых.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto dibbāya sotadhātuyā milindassa rañño vacanaṃ sutvā yugandharamatthake bhikkhusaṅghaṃ sannipātetvā bhikkhū pucchi "atthāvuso koci bhikkhu paṭibalo milindena raññā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti? One of them, the Venerable Assagutta, heard with his psychic powers the king’s utterance. He summoned the Order of monks and asked: “Your reverences, is there any monk capable of conversing with King Milinda to dispel his doubts?" And the venerable Assagutta, by means of his divine power of hearing, heard those words of king Milinda. And he convened an assembly of the Order on the summit of the Yugandhara mountain, and asked the brethren: ‘Is there any member of the Order able to hold converse with Milinda the king, and resolve his doubts?’ И вот достопочтенный Ашвагупта, услышав дивным слухом вопрос царя Милинды, созвал общину на вершине горы Югандхары39 и спросил монахов: «Скажите, любезные, нет ли среди нас монаха, способного с царем Милиндой побеседовать, его сомнение развеять?»
Evaṃ vutte koṭisatā arahanto tuṇhī ahesuṃ. The monks remained silent Then were they all silent. На это тысяча миллионов святых промолчала.
Dutiyampi tatiyampi puṭṭhā tuṇhī ahesuṃ. even after the question was asked for the second and third time. And a second and a third time he put the same question to them, and still none of all the number spake. И во второй и в третий раз они в ответ лишь молчали40.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto bhikkhusaṅghaṃ etadavoca "atthāvuso tāvatiṃsabhavane vejayantassa pācīnato ketumatī nāma vimānaṃ, tattha mahāseno nāma devaputto paṭivasati, so paṭibalo tena milindena raññā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti. The Venerable Assagutta said: “Your reverences, in the Realm of the Thirty-three Deities there is a mansion named Ketumatī to the east of Vejayanta. A young deva named Mahāsena is living there. He is capable of conversing with this king to dispel his doubts.” Then he said to the assembled Order: ‘There is, reverend Sirs, in the heaven of the Thirty-three, and east of the Vejayanta palace, a mansion called Ketumatī, wherein dwells the god Mahāsena. He is able to hold converse with Milinda the king, and to resolve his doubts.’ Тут достопочтенный Ашвагупта говорит общине: «Любезные! В обители Тридцати Трех41, к востоку от дворца Победного42, живет во дворце Лучезарном богородный Махасена. Вот кто способен с царем Милиндой побеседовать, его сомнение развеять».
Atha kho koṭisatā arahanto yugandharapabbate antarahitā tāvatiṃsabhavane pāturahesuṃ. Then those arahats vanished from the Himalayas and appeared in the Realm of the Thirty-three Deities. And the innumerable company of Arahats vanished from the summit of the Yugandhara mountain, and appeared in the heaven of the Thirty-three. И тут тысяча миллионов святых исчезла с горы Югандхары и мгновенно перенеслась43 в обитель Тридцати Трех44.
Addasā kho sakko devānamindo te bhikkhū dūratova āgacchante, disvāna yenāyasmā assagutto tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ aṭṭhāsi, ekamantaṃ ṭhito kho sakko devānamindo āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ etadavoca "mahā kho, bhante, bhikkhusaṅgho anuppatto, ahaṃ saṅghassa ārāmiko, kenattho, kiṃ mayā karaṇīya"nti? Sakka, chief of the deities, saw those monks coming from a distance. He approached the Venerable Assagutta, greeted him, stood at one side and said: “Revered sir, great is the Order of monks that has arrived. I am at your service; what can I do for you?" And Sakka, the king of the gods, beheld those brethren of the Order as they were coming from afar. And at the sight of them he went up to the venerable Assagutta, and bowed down before him, and stood reverently aside. And so standing he said to him: ‘Great, reverend Sir, is the company of the brethren that has come. What is it that they want? I am at the service of the Order. What can I do for you?’ И издали уже завидел приближающихся монахов Шакра, глава богов. Завидев достопочтенного Ашвагупту, он подошел к нему. Подойдя, он приветствовал достопочтенного Ашвагупту и стал подле. И, стоя подле достопочтенного Ашвагупты, Шакра, глава богов, сказал достопочтенному Ашвагупте: «Какая большая община пожаловала, почтенный! Я – слуга общины45. Что случилось? Что я должен сделать? »
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto sakkaṃ devānamindaṃ etadavoca "ayaṃ kho, mahārāja, jambudīpe sāgalanagare milindo nāma rājā vitaṇḍavādī durāsado duppasaho puthutitthakarānaṃ aggamakkhāyati, so bhikkhusaṅghaṃ upasaṅkamitvā diṭṭhivādena pañhaṃ pucchitvā bhikkhusaṅghaṃ viheṭhetī"ti. ” Venerable Assagutta said: “Sire, this King Milinda, in the town of Sāgala in India, is a disputant hard to equal, hard to overcome. He approaches the Order of monks and worries that Order by asking questions by means of professing a wrong view.” And the venerable Assagutta replied: ‘There is, O king, in India, in the city of Sāgala, a king named Milinda. As a disputant he is hard to equal, harder still to overcome, he is the acknowledged superior of all the founders of the various schools of thought. He is in the habit of visiting the members of the Order and harassing them by questions of speculative import.’ И достопочтенный Ашвагупта сказал Шакре, главе богов: «Государь! В городе Сагале на материке Джамбу есть царь по имени Милинда. В спорах несравненный и непревзойденный, он выделяется среди многих учителей разных толков. Он является в общину, задает каверзные46 вопросы и этим вредит общине».
Atha kho sakko devānamindo āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ etadavoca "ayaṃ kho, bhante, milindo rājā ito cuto manussesu uppanno, eso kho, bhante, ketumativimāne mahāseno nāma devaputto paṭivasati, so paṭibalo tena milindena raññā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetuṃ, taṃ devaputtaṃ yācissāma manussalokūpapattiyā"ti. Then Sakka said: “Revered sir, this King Milinda, deceasing from here, has arisen among men. There is a young deva named Mahāsena who lives in the Ketumatī mansion. He is capable of conversing with King Milinda to dispel his doubts. We will entreat this young deva to arise in the world of men.” Then said Sakka, the king of the gods, to him: ‘That same king Milinda, venerable one, left this condition to be born as a man. And there dwells in the mansion Ketumatī a god, Mahāsena by name, who is able to hold converse with him and to resolve his doubts. That god we will beseech to suffer himself to be reborn into the world of men.’ И Шакра, глава богов, сказал достопочтенному Ашвагупте: «Почтенный, а ведь этот царь Милинда родился человеком после того, как был здесь богом. Здесь, почтенный, во дворце Лучезарном, живет богородный Махасена. Вот он способен побеседовать с царем Милиндой, сомнение его развеять. Попросим же богородного родиться в мире людей!»47
Atha kho sakko devānamindo bhikkhusaṅghaṃ purakkhatvā ketumativimānaṃ pavisitvā mahāsenaṃ devaputtaṃ āliṅgitvā etadavoca "yācati taṃ, mārisa, bhikkhusaṅgho manussalokūpapattiyā"ti. Then Sakka vanished from the Order of monks, entered the Ketumatī mansion, embraced Mahāsena and told him: “The Order of monks is entreating you, my dear, to arise in the world of men.” So Sakka, the king of the gods, preceded by the Order, entered the Ketumatī mansion; and when he had embraced Mahāsena the god, he said to him: ‘The Order of the brethren, Lord, makes this request of you-to be reborn into the world of men.’ И вот Шакра, глава богов, вошел, пропустив вперед общину, во дворец Лучезарный, обнял Махасену и сказал ему: «О достойный! Община просит тебя родиться в мире людей».
"Na me, bhante, manussalokenattho kammabahulena, tibbo manussaloko, idhevāhaṃ, bhante, devaloke uparūparūpapattiko hutvā parinibbāyissāmī"ti. Mahāsena replied: “Revered sir, I have no desire for the world of men that is given over to kamma. The world of men is dark. It is here in a deva world that I will attain ever higher and higher and attain final Nibbāna.” ‘I have no desire, Sir, for the world of men, so overladen with action (Karma). Hard is life as a man. It is here, Sir, in the world of the gods that, being reborn in ever higher and higher spheres, I hope to pass away!’ – Нет, почтенный, ни к чему мне мир людей. Там много деяний48, мир людей суров. Я буду рождаться в мирах богов все выше и выше, пока не достигну покоя49.
Dutiyampi - pe - tatiyampi kho sakkena devānamindena yācito mahāseno devaputto evamāha "na me, bhante, manussalokenattho kammabahulena, tibbo manussaloko, idhevāhaṃ, bhante, devaloke uparūparūpapattiko hutvā parinibbāyissāmī"ti. Sakka pleaded with Mahāsena for the second and third time and got the same answer. And a second and a third time did Sakka, the king of the gods, make the same request, and the reply was still the same. И во второй и в третий раз на просьбу Шакры, главы богов, богородный Махасена отвечал: «Нет, почтенный, ни к чему мне мир людей. Там много деяний, мир людей суров. Я буду рождаться в мирах богов все выше и выше, пока не достигну покоя».
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto mahāsenaṃ devaputtaṃ etadavoca "idha mayaṃ, mārisa, sadevakaṃ lokaṃ anuvilokayamānā aññatra tayā milindassa rañño vādaṃ bhinditvā sāsanaṃ paggahetuṃ samatthaṃ aññaṃ kañci na passāma, yācati taṃ, mārisa, bhikkhusaṅgho, sādhu sappurisa manussaloke nibbattitvā dasabalassa sāsanaṃ paggaṇhāhī"ti. Then Venerable Assagutta spoke to Mahāsena: “My dear, we have surveyed the world including the devas but see none except you who, refuting what King Milinda says, is capable of supporting the Dispensation. The Order of monks is entreating you to be reborn in the world of men and to support and teach the Dispensation of the Buddha, Master of the Ten Powers.”15 Then the venerable Assagutta addressed Mahāsena the god, and said: ‘On passing in review, Lord, the worlds of gods and men, there is none but thee that we find able to succour the faith by refuting the heretical views of Milinda the king. The whole Order beseeches thee, Lord, saying: “Condescend, O worthy one, to be reborn among men, in order to lend to the religion of the Blessed One thy powerful aid.”’ И достопочтенный Ашвагупта сказал богородному Махасене: «О, достойный! Мы искали в целом мире с богами – и, кроме тебя, никого не нашли, кто бы помог нам пресечь речи царя Милинды и поддержать Учение. О, достойный, община просит тебя: пожалуйста, благой муж, стань поддержкой Учению Десятисильного50!»
Evaṃ vutte mahāseno devaputto "ahaṃ kira milindassa rañño vādaṃ bhinditvā buddhasāsanaṃ paggahetuṃ samattho bhavissāmī"ti haṭṭhapahaṭṭho udaggudaggo hutvā "sādhu, bhante, manussaloke uppajjissāmī"ti paṭiññaṃ adāsi. When Mahāsena heard that by refuting King Milinda he would be able to support the Dispensation he felt pleased and elated and gave his consent saying: “It is good, revered sir, I will arise in the world of men.” Then was Mahāsena the god overjoyed and delighted in heart at the thought that he would be able to help the faith by refuting the heresy of Milinda; and he gave them his word, and said: ‘Very well then, venerable ones, I consent to be reborn in the world of men,’ Услышав это, богородный Махасена, довольный-предовольный, радостный-прерадостный, подумал: «Он, значит, думает, что я смогу пресечь речи царя Милинды и поддержать Учение!» И он пообещал: «Хорошо, почтенный, я согласен родиться человеком».
9.Atha kho te bhikkhū devaloke taṃ karaṇīyaṃ tīretvā devesu tāvatiṃsesu antarahitā himavante pabbate rakkhitatale pāturahesuṃ. The monks, having concluded their business in the deva world, vanished from there and re-appeared on the Guarded Plateau. Then the brethren, having thus accomplished the task they had taken in hand, vanished from the heaven of the Thirty-three, and reappeared on the Guarded Slope in the Himālaya mountains. И вот монахи, достигнув своей цели, исчезли из обители Тридцати Трех и мгновенно перенеслись в Заповедный Лог51.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto bhikkhusaṅghaṃ etadavoca "atthāvuso, imasmiṃ bhikkhusaṅghe koci bhikkhu sannipātaṃ anāgato"ti. When the monks were assembled on the Guarded Plateau Venerable Assagutta said: “Your reverences, there is some monk who has not come to this convention.” And the venerable Assagutta addressed the Order, and said: ‘Is there, venerable ones, any brother belonging to this company of the Order, who has not appeared in the assembly?’ И вот достопочтенный Ашвагупта сказал общине: «Любезные! Все ли монахи нашей общины в сборе? Никто не отсутствует? »
Evaṃ vutte aññataro bhikkhu āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ etadavoca "atthi, bhante, āyasmā rohaṇo ito sattame divase himavantaṃ pabbataṃ pavisitvā nirodhaṃ samāpanno, tassa santike dūtaṃ pāhethā"ti. Then one of the monks spoke: “There is, revered sir, Venerable Rohaṇa who left a week ago for a Himalayan mountain-slope. He has attained cessation.”16 Thereupon a certain brother said there was, that Rohaṇa had a week previously gone into the mountains, and become buried in meditation, and suggested that a messenger should be sent to him. – Нет, почтенный! Уже семь дней, как достопочтенный Рохана ушел в Гималаи и погрузился в торможение52. Пошлите к нему вестника.
Āyasmāpi rohaṇo taṅkhaṇaññeva nirodhā vuṭṭhāya "saṅgho maṃ paṭimānetī"ti himavante pabbate antarahito rakkhitatale koṭisatānaṃ arahantānaṃ purato pāturahosi. At that very moment Venerable Rohaṇa, emerging from cessation, thought: “The Order is waiting for me.” Vanishing from the Himalayan mountain-slope he appeared before the arahats on the Guarded Plateau. And at that very moment the venerable Rohaṇa aroused himself from his meditation, and was aware that the Order was expecting him. And vanishing from the mountain top, he appeared in the presence of the innumerable company of the brethren. А достопочтенный Рохана в тот самый миг вышел из торможения. Он понял, что его поминают в общине, исчез из Гималайских гор и мгновенно перенесся к тысяче миллионов святых.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ etadavoca "kiṃ nu kho, āvuso, rohaṇa buddhasāsane bhijjante [palujjante (sī. pī.)] na passasi saṅghassa karaṇīyānī"ti. Venerable Assagutta told him: “Now, revered Rohaṇa, when the Buddha’s Dispensation is dissolving do you not see what should be done for the Order? ” And the venerable Assagutta said to him: ‘How now, venerable Rohaṇa! When the religion of the Buddha is in danger of crumbling away, have you no eyes for the work of the Order?’ И вот достопочтенный Ашвагупта сказал достопочтенному Рохане: «Как же это ты, любезный Рохана? Учению Просветлённого наносится вред, а ты и не видишь, что должна делать община? »
"Amanasikāro me, bhante, ahosī"ti. “I was lacking in attention, revered sir,” replied Venerable Rohaṇa. ‘It was through inadvertence, Sir,’ said he. – Я не обратил внимания, почтенный.
"Tena, hāvuso rohaṇa, daṇḍakammaṃ karohī"ti. “Well then, you undergo a punishment.” ‘Then, venerable Rohaṇa, atone for it.’ – Тогда, любезный Рохана, отработай за это.
"Kiṃ, bhante, karomī"ti? “What shall I do, revered sir? ” ‘What, Sir, should I do?’ – Что нужно сделать, почтенный?
"Atthāvuso rohaṇa, himavantapabbatapasse gajaṅgalaṃ[kajaṅgalaṃ (sī. pī.)] nāma brāhmaṇagāmo, tattha soṇuttaro nāma brāhmaṇo paṭivasati, tassa putto uppajjissati nāgasenoti nāma dārako, tena hi tvaṃ, āvuso rohaṇa, dasamāsādhikāni satta vassāni taṃ kulaṃ piṇḍāya pavisitvā nāgasenaṃ dārakaṃ nīharitvā pabbājehi, pabbajiteva tasmiṃ daṇḍakammato muccissasī"ti. “Reverend Rohaṇa, there is a brahmin village called Kajaṅ- gala where a brahmin named Soṇuttara lives. He will have a son named Nāgasena. Visit that family for alms food for seven years and ten months, then draw that boy Nāgasena away and let him go forth. When he has gone forth you will be free of your punishment.” ‘There is a Brahman village, venerable Rohaṇa, called Kajangala, at the foot of the Himālaya mountains, and there dwells there a Brahman called Sonuttara. He will have a son called Nāgasena. Go to that house for alms during seven years and ten months. After the lapse of that time thou shalt draw away the boy from a worldly life, and cause him to enter the Order. When he shall have abandoned the world, then shalt thou be free of the atonement for thy fault.’ – У подножия Гималаев, любезный Рохана, есть брахманская деревня, называемая Каджангала. Там живет брахман Сонуттара. У него родится мальчик, которого назовут Нагасеной. Так вот, любезный Рохана, ты будешь ходить семь лет и десять месяцев в их дом за подаянием и однажды, придя за подаянием, заберешь мальчика Нагасену и пострижешь его. Когда Нагасена будет пострижен, работа твоя кончится.
Āyasmāpi kho rohaṇo "sādhū"ti sampaṭicchi. “It is good,” replied Venerable Rohaṇa. ‘Let it be even as thou sayest,’ said the venerable Rohaṇa in assent. – Хорошо,– согласился достопочтенный Рохана.
10.Mahāsenopi kho devaputto devalokā cavitvā soṇuttarabrāhmaṇassa bhariyāya kucchismiṃ paṭisandhiṃ aggahesi, saha paṭisandhiggahaṇā tayo acchariyā abbhutā dhammā pāturahesuṃ, āvudhabhaṇḍāni pajjaliṃsu, aggasassaṃ abhinipphannaṃ, mahāmegho abhippavassi. Mahāsena passed away from the Realm of the Thirty-three Deities and was reborn in the womb of Soṇuttara’s wife. Now Mahāsena the god passed away from the world of the gods, and was reborn in the womb of the wife of the Brahman Sonuttara. А богородный Махасена ниспал из мира богов и стал зародышем в чреве супруги брахмана Сонуттары. Одновременно с его воплощением случились три чудесных, волшебных явления: засверкало оружие, хлеба заколосились, ливень прошел53.
Āyasmāpi kho rohaṇo tassa paṭisandhiggahaṇato paṭṭhāya dasamāsādhikāni satta vassāni taṃ kulaṃ piṇḍāya pavisanto ekadivasampi kaṭacchumattaṃ bhattaṃ vā uḷuṅkamattaṃ yāguṃ vā abhivādanaṃ vā añjalikammaṃ vā sāmīcikammaṃ vā nālattha, atha kho akkosaññeva paribhāsaññeva paṭilabhati "aticchatha bhante"ti vacanamattampi vattā nāma nāhosi, dasamāsādhikānaṃ pana sattannaṃ vassānaṃ accayena ekadivasaṃ "aticchatha bhante"ti vacanamattaṃ alattha. Although Venerable Rohaṇa visited the home of Soṇuttara for seven years and ten months, he did not receive any alms food, nor even the polite refusal, “Pass on, revered sir.” One day, after that period of seven years and ten months, And at the moment of his conception three strange, wonderful things took place:—arms and weapons became all ablaze, the tender grain became ripe in a moment, and there was a great rain (in the time of drought). And the venerable Rohaṇa went to that house for alms for seven years and ten months from the day of Mahāsena’s re-incarnation, but never once did he receive so much as a spoonful of boiled rice, or a ladleful of sour gruel, or a greeting, or a stretching forth of the joined hands, or any sort of salutation. Nay rather it was insults and taunts that fell to his share: and there was no one who so much as said, Be so good, ‘Sir, as to go on to the next house.’ But when all that period had gone by he one day happened to have those very words addressed to him. Достопочтенный же Рохана семь лет и десять месяцев54, считая со дня воплощения Махасены, ходил в тот дом за подаянием, но ни разу не имел ни пригоршни рису, ни ложки каши, ни приветствия, ни почтительного складывания рук, ни достойного обхождения, и доставались ему лишь хула и поношение; даже слов «проходите, почтенный»55, и то никто ему не сказал. Но вот, когда прошло семь лет и десять месяцев, он однажды услышал: «Проходите, почтенный».
Taṃ divasameva brāhmaṇopi bahi kammantā āgacchanto paṭipathe theraṃ disvā "kiṃ, bho pabbajita, amhākaṃ gehaṃ agamitthā"ti āha. when Soṇuttara was returning home after some business, he saw Venerable Rohaṇa on the opposite side of the road and asked him: “Did you, mendicant, come to our house?” And on that day the Brahman, on his way back from his work in the fields, saw the Elder as he met him on his return, and said: ‘Well, hermit, have you been to our place В тот же день брахман, возвращаясь домой с какого-то дела, встретил тхеру по дороге и окликнул его: «Эй, монах! Приходили вы к нам в дом? »
"Āma, brāhmaṇa, agamamhā"ti. “Yes, brahmin, I came,” was the reply. ‘Yes, Brahman, I have.’ – Да, брахман, приходил.
"Api kiñci labhitthā"ti. “Did you receive anything?" ‘But did you get anything there?’ – И что-нибудь получили?
"Āma, brāhmaṇa, labhimhā"ti. “Yes, brahmin, I received,” said Venerable Rohaṇa. ‘Yes, Brahman, I did.’ – Да, брахман, получил.
So anattamano gehaṃ gantvā pucchi "tassa pabbajitassa kiñci adatthā"ti. Soṇuttara was not pleased. He went to his house and enquired whether anything had been given to the mendicant. And he was displeased at this, and went on home, and asked them: ‘Did you give anything to that hermit?’ Тот пришел домой и недовольно спросил: «Давали вы что-нибудь этому монаху? »
"Na kiñci adamhā"ti. He was told: “We gave him nothing.” ‘We gave him nothing,’ was the reply. – Нет, ничего не давали.
Brāhmaṇo dutiyadivase gharadvāre yeva nisīdi "ajja pabbajitaṃ musāvādena niggahessāmī"ti. Next day Soṇuttara sat at the door of his house with the intention of rebuking Venerable Rohaṇa for telling a lie. Thereupon the Brahman, the next day, seated himself right in the doorway, thinking to himself: ‘To-day I’ll put that hermit to shame for having told a lie.’ На следующий день брахман сел у самой двери в дом: «Сегодня я поймаю монаха на лжи».
Thero dutiyadivase brāhmaṇassa gharadvāraṃ sampatto. When Venerable Rohaṇa arrived at his house And the moment that the Elder in due course came up to the house again, И на следующий день тхера подошел к дверям брахманского дома.
Brāhmaṇo theraṃ disvāva evamāha "tumhe hiyyo amhākaṃ gehe kiñci alabhitvāva "labhimhā"ti avocuttha, vaṭṭati nu kho tumhākaṃ musāvādo"ti. Soṇuttara said: “You received nothing at our house yesterday but you said you received something. Are you allowed to lie?" he said: ‘Yesterday you said you had got something at my house, having all the while got nothing! Is lying allowed to you fellows?’ Едва завидев тхеру, брахман сказал: «Вы вчера сказали, будто получили что-то у нас в доме, а сами не получили. Разве у вас можно лгать?»
Thero āha "mayaṃ, brāhmaṇa, tumhākaṃ gehe ( ) [(pavisantā) (ka.)] dasamāsādhikāni satta vassāni 'aticchathā'ti vacanamattampi alabhitvā hiyyo 'aticchathā'ti vacanamattaṃ labhimhā, athetaṃ vācāpaṭisandhāraṃ [paṭisantāraṃ (sī. pī.)] upādāya evamavocumhā"ti. Venerable Rohaṇa replied: “For seven years and ten months I visited your house and did not receive even a polite refusal, ‘Pass on,’ but yesterday I was addressed with the words ‘Pass on’ and it was in reference to those friendly words that I spoke thus.” And the Elder replied: ‘Brahman, for seven years and ten months no one even went so far as to suggest politely that I should pass on. Yesterday this courtesy was extended to me. It was to that that I referred.’ Тхера ответил: «Мы, брахман, ходили к вам в дом семь лет и десять месяцев, и нам даже «проходите» ни разу не сказали. Вчера только я получил это «проходите». Вот, имея в виду эту любезность, я так и сказал».
Brāhmaṇo cintesi "ime vācāpaṭisandhāramattampi labhitvā janamajjhe 'labhimhā'ti pasaṃsanti, aññaṃ kiñci khādanīyaṃ vā bhojanīyaṃ vā labhitvā kasmā nappasaṃsantī"ti pasīditvā attano atthāya paṭiyāditabhattato kaṭacchubhikkhaṃ, tadupiyañca byañjanaṃ dāpetvā "imaṃ bhikkhaṃ sabbakālaṃ tumhe labhissathā"ti āha. Soṇuttara thought to himself: “Having received only so little as those friendly words, these monks say that they received something. So what will they not say when they get some food? ” He then gave the monk the food that had been prepared for himself and told him that from then on he would obtain alms food every day. The Brahman thought to himself: ‘If these men, at the mere experience of a little courtesy, acknowledge in a public place, and with thanks, that they have received an alms, what will they not do if they really receive a gift!’ And he was much struck by this, and had an alms bestowed upon the Elder from the rice and curry prepared for his own use, and added furthermore: ‘Every day you shall receive here food of the same kind.’ Брахман подумал: «Ему всего-то любезно ответили, а он уже благодарит на людях! Как же он станет благодарить, когда ему подадут поесть – риса ли, каши ли!» Это ему понравилось. Он велел дать монаху ложку приготовленного для него самого риса с приправой и сказал: «Столько вам здесь всегда подадут».
So punadivasato pabhuti upasaṅkamantassa therassa upasamaṃ disvā bhiyyoso mattāya pasīditvā theraṃ niccakālaṃ attano ghare bhattavissaggakaraṇatthāya yāci. The next day Venerable Rohaṇa was invited into the house because Soṇuttara was impressed with his demeanour and from then on Venerable Rohaṇa had his meals in the house. And having watched the Elder as he visited the place from that day onwards, and noticed how subdued was his demeanour, he became more and more pleased with him, and invited him to take there regularly his midday meal. Через несколько дней брахман присмотрелся к тхере, приходившему к нему в дом, и кротость того стала ему нравиться еще больше; наконец, он предложил тхере всегда совершать трапезу у него в доме.
Thero tuṇhībhāvena adhivāsetvā divase divase bhattakiccaṃ katvā gacchanto thokaṃ thokaṃ buddhavacanaṃ kathetvā gacchati. Each day, before he left the house after the meal, he spoke a few words of the Buddha. And the Elder gave, by silence, his consent; and daily from that time forth, when he had finished his meal, and was about to depart, he would pronounce some short passage or other from the words of the Buddha. Тхера молча дал понять, что согласен. Каждый день он после еды рассказывал им понемногу из Речений Просветленного56, а затем уходил.
Sāpi kho brāhmaṇī dasamāsaccayena puttaṃ vijāyi, "nāgaseno"tissa nāmamakaṃsu, so anukkamena vaḍḍhanto sattavassiko jāto. Ten months after conception Soṇuttara’s wife gave birth to a son who was named Nāgasena. When he was seven years old Now the Brahman’s wife had, after her ten months, brought forth her son; and they called his name Nāgasena. He grew up in due course till he became seven years old, Брахманка же родила через десять месяцев57 сына; назвали его Нагасеной. Мало-помалу он подрастал, и исполнилось ему семь лет.
11.Atha kho nāgasenassa dārakassa pitā nāgasenaṃ dārakaṃ etadavoca "imasmiṃ kho, tāta nāgasena, brāhmaṇakule sikkhāni sikkheyyāsī"ti. his father told him: “Dear Nāgasena, you should train yourself in the trainings of a brahmin family.” and his father said to the child: ‘Do you want, dear Nāgasena, to study the learning traditional in this Brahmanical house of ours?’ И вот отец юного Нагасены спросил юного Нагасену: «Сынок мой Нагасена! Не пора ли тебе учиться, как это принято в нашем брахманском роду? »58
"Katamāni, tāta, imasmiṃ brāhmaṇakule sikkhāni nāmā"ti? “What, father, are those trainings?” asked Nāgasena. ‘What is it called, father?’ said he. – А какое, батюшка, в нашем брахманском роду учение?
"Tayo kho, tāta nāgasena, vedā sikkhāni nāma, avasesāni sippāni sippaṃ nāmā"ti. “The three Vedas,” replied Soṇuttara. ‘The three Vedas are called learning (Sikkhā), other kinds of knowledge are only arts, my dear.’ – Учение, сынок мой Нагасена,– это три веды, а остальные умения59 – это умения, и только.
"Tena hi, tāta, sikkhissāmī"ti. “Well then, father, I will learn them,” said Nāgasena. ‘Yes, I should like to learn them, father,’ said the boy. – Да, я выучусь, батюшка.
Atha kho soṇuttaro brāhmaṇo ācariyabrāhmaṇassa ācariyabhāgaṃ sahassaṃ datvā antopāsāde ekasmiṃ gabbhe ekato mañcakaṃ paññapetvā ācariyabrāhmaṇaṃ etadavoca "sajjhāpehi kho, tvaṃ brāhmaṇa, imaṃ dārakaṃ mantānīti. A brahmin teacher was employed Then Sonuttara the Brahman gave to a Brahman teacher a thousand pieces as his teaching fee, and had a divan spread for him aside in an inner chamber, and said to him: ‘Do thou, Brahman, teach this boy the sacred hymns by heart.’ И отец Нагасены заплатил брахману-учителю тысячу60 за обучение, отвел ему во внутренних помещениях дома отдельную комнату с ложем61 и сказал: «Обучи моего мальчика, брахман. Он должен выучить мантры62 наизусть».
Tena hi 'tāta dāraka' uggaṇhāhi mantānī"ti. So the teacher made the boy repeat the hymns, urging him to get them by heart. – Ну, мальчик, запоминай мантры, мой дорогой.
Ācariyabrāhmaṇo sajjhāyati nāgasenassa dārakassa ekeneva uddesena tayo vedā hadayaṅgatā vācuggatā sūpadhāritā suvavatthāpitā sumanasikatā ahesuṃ, sakimeva cakkhuṃ udapādi tīsu vedesu sanighaṇḍukeṭubhesu [sanighaṇṭukeṭubhesu (ka.)] sākkharappabhedesu itihāsapañcamesu padako veyyākaraṇo lokāyatamahāpurisalakkhaṇesu anavayo ahosi. and young Nāgasena memorized the three Vedas after a single repetition. And young Nāgasena, after one repetition of them, had learnt the three Vedas by heart, could intone them correctly, had understood their meaning, could fix the right place of each particular verse, and had grasped the mysteries they contained. All at once there arose in him an intuitive insight into the Vedas, with a knowledge of their lexicography, of their prosody, of their grammar, and of the legends attaching to the characters in them. He became a philologist and grammarian, and skilled alike in casuistry and in the knowledge of the bodily marks that foreshadow the greatness of a man. И брахман-учитель начал урок. И с первого же слушания трех вед юный Нагасена все их воспринял, понял слова, твердо запомнил, прочно усвоил и надежно запечатлел в памяти; у него разом открылось видение всех трех вед вместе со знанием словарей и ритуала, древних сказаний и с членением на слоги; он выучился грамматике, выучился выделять слова из предложения, узнал признаки великого человека и усвоил искусство спора63.
Atha kho nāgaseno dārako pitaraṃ etadavoca "atthi nu kho, tāta, imasmiṃ brāhmaṇakule ito uttarimpi sikkhitabbāni, udāhu ettakānevā"ti. He then asked his father: “Father, is there anything more to be trained in in this brahmin family?" Then young Nāgasena said to his father: ‘Is There anything more to be learned in this Brahmanical family of ours, or is this all?’ И вот юный Нагасена спросил отца: «Батюшка! Учатся ли в нашем брахманском роду еще чему-нибудь кроме этого, или это все? »
"Natthi, tāta nāgasena, imasmiṃ brāhmaṇakule ito uttariṃ sikkhitabbāni, ettakāneva sikkhitabbānī"ti. “Dear Nāgasena, there is nothing more to be trained in; this is the full extent.” ‘There is no more, Nāgasena, my dear. This is all,’ was the reply. – Нет, сынок, ничему, кроме этого, в нашем брахманском роду не учатся. Это все.
Atha kho nāgaseno dārako ācariyassa anuyogaṃ datvā pāsādā oruyha pubbavāsanāya coditahadayo rahogato paṭisallīno attano sippassa ādimajjhapariyosānaṃ olokento ādimhi vā majjhe vā pariyosāne vā appamattakampi sāraṃ adisvā "tucchā vata bho ime vedā, palāpā vata bho ime vedā asārā nissārā"ti vippaṭisārī anattamano ahosi. Then, after serious contemplation, Nāgasena concluded: “Empty indeed are these Vedas, void indeed are these Vedas, pithless, without pith.” And he was remorseful and displeased. And young Nāgasena repeated his lesson to his teacher for the last time, and went out of the house, and in obedience to an impulse arising in his heart as the result of previous Karma, sought a place of solitude, where he gave himself up to meditation. And he reviewed what he had learnt throughout from beginning to end, and found no value in it anywhere at all. And he exclaimed in bitterness of soul: ‘Empty forsooth are these Vedas, and as chaff. There is in them neither reality, nor worth, nor essential truth!’ И юный Нагасена отчитался перед учителем и вышел из дому. Он уединился и сосредоточенно задумался, и, обозревая начало, середину и конец своего умения, он не нашел в нем даже малой сути – ни в начале, ни в середине, ни в конце. «Увы, пусты эти веды, увы, одна болтовня эти веды, нет в них сути, далеко им до сути!» – подумал он с раскаянием и недовольством.
12.Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā rohaṇo vattaniye senāsane nisinno nāgasenassa dārakassa cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya vattaniye senāsane antarahito gajaṅgalabrāhmaṇagāmassa purato pāturahosi. At this time Venerable Rohaṇa was living in the Vattaniya Hermitage. Knowing with his psychic powers the reasoning in the mind of young Nāgasena, Venerable Rohaṇa vanished from the hermitage and appeared in the Kajangala village. That moment the venerable Rohaṇa, seated at his hermitage at Vattaniya, felt in his mind what was passing in the heart of Nāgasena. And he robed himself, and taking his alms-bowl in his hand, he vanished from Vattaniya and appeared near the Brahman village Kajaṅgala. А в это время достопочтенный Рохана, находясь в обители Приютной, узрел своею мыслью помышление юного Нагасены. Он надел верхнюю одежду, взял в руки миску и, исчезнув в обители Приютной, мгновенно перенесся в брахманскую деревню Каджангалу64.
Addasā kho nāgaseno dārako attano dvārakoṭṭhake ṭhito āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ dūratova āgacchantaṃ, disvāna attamano udaggo pamudito pītisomanassajāto "appeva nāmāyaṃ pabbajito kañci sāraṃ jāneyyā"ti yenāyasmā rohaṇo tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ etadavoca "ko nu kho, tvaṃ mārisa, ediso bhaṇḍukāsāvavasano"ti. Nāgasena saw him approaching from a distance and was pleased and uplifted. He thought: “Perhaps this one who has gone forth might know what is the pith.” He approached Venerable Rohaṇa and asked: “Who are you, dear sir, that you are shaven and wear saffron robes?" And young Nāgasena, as he stood again in the doorway, saw him coming in the distance. At the sight of him he became happy and glad, and a sweet hope sprang up in his heart that from him he might learn the essential truth. And he went to him, and said: ‘Who art thou, Sir, that thou art thus bald-headed, and wearest yellow robes?’ И издали уже завидел приближавшегося достопочтенного Рохану юный Нагасена, стоя в сторожке у ворот дома. Увидев его, довольный, оживленный, обрадованный, в приятном, приподнятом настроении, он подумал: «Может статься, что этот-то монах и знает суть»65. Подойдя к достопочтенному Рохане, он спросил его: «У тебя побрита голова, и ты одет в желтое; кто ты, господин? »66
"Pabbajito [pāpakānaṃ malānaṃ pabbājetuṃ pabbajito (sī. pī.)] nāmāhaṃ dārakā"ti. “Boy, I am called one who has gone forth.” ‘They call me a recluse, my child’ (Pabbajita: literally, ‘one who has abandoned;’ that is, the worldly life). – Я монах, мальчик.
"Kena, tvaṃ mārisa, pabbajito nāmāsī"ti? “Why are you, dear sir, called one who has gone forth?" ‘And why do they call thee “one who has abandoned?”’ – А отчего ты монах, господин?
"Pāpakāni malāni pabbājeti, tasmāhaṃ, dāraka, pabbajito nāmā"ti. “One who has gone forth has to banish evil stains, therefore I am called one who has gone forth.” ‘Because a recluse is one who has receded from The world in order to make the stain of sinful things recede. It is for that reason, my child, that they call me a recluse.’ – Монахом я стал, мальчик, чтобы смахнуть с себя грехи и грязь, потому меня и зовут монахом67.
"Kiṃkāraṇā, mārisa, kesā te na yathā aññesa"nti ? “Why is your hair, dear sir, not like that of other men?" ‘Why, Sir, dost thou not wear hair as others do?’ – А почему, господин, волосы у тебя подстрижены не так, как у других?
"Soḷasime, dāraka, palibodhe disvā kesamassuṃ ohāretvā pabbajito. “When one who has gone forth cuts off the hair and the beard, ‘A recluse shaves off his hair and beard on the recognition of the sixteen impediments therein to the higher life. – Я понял, мальчик, что от них шестнадцать помех, состриг волосы, усы и бороду и ушел в монахи.
"Katame soḷasa"? And what are those sixteen ?
"Alaṅkārapalibodho maṇḍanapalibodho telamakkhanapalibodho dhovanapalibodho mālāpalibodho gandhapalibodho vāsanapalibodho harīṭakapalibodho āmalakapalibodho raṅgapalibodho bandhanapalibodho kocchapalibodho kappakapalibodho vijaṭanapalibodho ūkāpalibodho, kesesu vilūnesu socanti kilamanti paridevanti urattāḷiṃ kandanti sammohaṃ āpajjanti, imesu kho, dāraka, soḷasasu palibodhesu paliguṇṭhitā manussā sabbāni atisukhumāni sippāni nāsentī"ti. then there are no impediments such as having to comb and shampoo the hair and having to use perfumes, unguents and dyes. Furthermore, when the hair falls off people are upset and grieved.” the impediments of ornamenting it, and decking it out, of putting oil upon it, of shampooing it, of placing garlands round it, of using scents and unguents, and myrobalan seeds, and dyes, and ribbons, and combs, of calling in the barber, of unravelling curls, and of the possibility of vermin. When their hair falls off they are grieved and harassed; yea, they lament sometimes, and cry, and beat their breasts, or fall headlong in a swoon—and entangled by these and such impediments men may forget those parts of wisdom or learning which are delicate and subtle.’ Помехи вот какие: украшение волос – помеха, наряжение их – помеха, втирание масла – помеха, мытье – помеха, гирлянды цветов – помеха, духи – помеха, благовония – помеха, желтый сандал – помеха, миробалан – помеха, крашение во­лос – помеха, подвязывание – помеха, причесывание – помеха, стрижка – помеха, распутывание – помеха, вши – помеха, а когда людям срезают волосы, они печалятся, сетуют, причитают, бьют себя в грудь, впадают в помрачение. Запутавшись в шестнадцати помехах, люди губят в себе понимание весьма тонких умений.
"Kiṃkāraṇā, mārisa, vatthānipi te na yathā aññesa"nti? “Why are your clothes, dear sir, not like those of others?" ‘And why, Sir, are not thy garments, too, as those of other men?’ – А почему, господин, у тебя и одежда не такая, как у других?
"Kāmanissitāni kho, dāraka, vatthāni, kāmanissitāni gihibyañjanabhaṇḍāni [kamanīyāni gihibyañjanāni (sī. pī.)], yāni kānici kho bhayāni vatthato uppajjanti, tāni kāsāvavasanassa na honti, tasmā vatthānipi me na yathā aññesa"nti. “Beautiful clothes, connected with sense pleasures, are marks of householders. Whatever perils that spring from clothes do not exist for one who wears saffron robes.” ‘Beautiful clothes, my boy, such as are worn by worldly men, are inseparable from the five cravings. But whatsoever dangers lurk in dress he who wears the yellow robes knows nothing of. It is for that reason that my dress is not as other men’s.’ – Одежды, мальчик, связаны с желаниями, прельстительны, это принадлежность мирской жизни, а надевшему желтое никакая опасность из-за одежды не грозит68. Поэтому одежда у меня не такая, как у других.
"Jānāsi kho, tvaṃ mārisa, sippāni nāmā"ti? “Do you, dear sir, know the crafts?" ‘Dost thou know, Lord, what is real knowledge?’ – А знаешь ли ты умения, господин?
"Āma, dāraka, jānāmahaṃ sippāni, yaṃ loke uttamaṃ mantaṃ, tampi jānāmī"ti. “Yes, boy, I know the crafts and even the supreme mantra in the world.” ‘Yes, lad, the real knowledge I know; and what is the best hymn (mantra) in the world, that too I know.’ – Да, мальчик, умения я знаю и высшую мантру на свете тоже знаю.
"Mayhampi taṃ, mārisa, dātuṃ sakkā"ti? “Will you be able to teach me that, dear sir?" ‘Couldst thou teach it, Lord, to me too?’ – И меня можно ей научить, господин?
"Āma, dāraka, sakkā"ti. “Yes, boy, I can.” ‘Yes, I could.’ – Да, мальчик, можно.
"Tena hi me dehī"ti. “Well then, teach me.” ‘Teach me, then.’ – Так научи.
"Akālo kho, dāraka, antaragharaṃ piṇḍāya paviṭṭhamhā"ti. “This is not the right time, boy. We have entered among the houses for alms.” ‘Just now is not the right time for that; we, have come down to the village for alms.’ – Не сейчас, мальчик. Мы ведь пришли в дом за подаянием.
Atha kho nāgaseno dārako āyasmato rohaṇassa hatthato pattaṃ gahetvā gharaṃ pavesetvā paṇītena khādanīyena bhojanīyena sahatthā santappetvā sampavāretvā āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ bhuttāviṃ onītapattapāṇiṃ etadavoca "dehi me dāni, mārisa, manta"nti. Then Nāgasena took Venerable Rohaṇa’s bowl, led him into the house, and with his own hands, served him sumptuous food. After Venerable Rohaṇa had eaten, Nāgasena said: “Good sir, teach me the mantra now.” Then young Nāgasena took the alms-bowl the venerable Rohaṇa was carrying, and led him into the house, and with his own hand supplied him with food, hard and soft, as much as he required. And when he saw that he had finished his meal, and withdrawn his hand from the bowl, he said to him: ‘Now, Sir, will you teach me that hymn?’ И вот юный Нагасена принял из рук достопочтенного Роханы миску, проводил его в дом, сам положил ему вдоволь отменной еды, твердой и мягкой, и, когда достопочтенный Рохана поел и вымыл миску и руки, сказал ему: «Теперь научи меня мантре, господин».
"Yadā kho tvaṃ, dāraka, nippalibodho hutvā mātāpitaro anujānāpetvā mayā gahitaṃ pabbajitavesaṃ gaṇhissasi, tadā dassāmī"ti āha. Venerable Rohaṇa replied: “Boy, when you are without impediments and have got your parents’ consent to go forth, when you wear the robes as I do, then I will teach you.” ‘When thou hast become free from impediments, my lad, by taking upon thee, and with thy parents’ consent, the hermit’s dress I wear, then I can teach it thee.’ – Избавься от помех, мальчик, отпросись у отца с матерью, надень монашеское платье, как у меня, тогда я тебя научу.
Atha kho nāgaseno dārako mātāpitaro upasaṅkamitvā āha "ammatātā, ayaṃ pabbajito 'yaṃ loke uttamaṃ mantaṃ, taṃ jānāmī'ti vadati, na ca attano santike apabbajitassa deti, ahaṃ etassa santike pabbajitvā taṃ uttamaṃ mantaṃ uggaṇhissāmī"ti. Nāgasena then approached his parents for their consent to go forth, saying: “This one who has gone forth will not teach me the supreme mantra in the world unless I go forth in his presence. I will learn that mantra after I have gone forth.” So young Nāgasena went to his father and mother, and said: ‘This recluse says he knows the best hymn in the world, but that he cannot teach it to any one who has not entered the Order as his pupil. I should like to enter the Order and learn that hymn.’ И вот юный Нагасена пришел к отцу с матерью и сказал: «Батюшка, матушка! Этот монах говорит, что знает высшую на свете мантру. Но он учит ей только тех, кто уходит вместе с ним в монахи. Могу я уйти в монахи и выучить его мантру? »
Athassa mātāpitaro "pabbajitvāpi no putto mantaṃ gaṇhatu, gahetvā puna āgacchissatī"ti maññamānā "gaṇha puttā"ti anujāniṃsu. The parents, thinking that their son would return to them after learning the mantra, gave him their consent to go forth. And his parents gave their consent; for they wished him to learn the hymn, even at the cost of retiring from the world; and they thought that when he had learned it he would come back again. – Ну, что же, – рассудили отец с матерью,– если ради мантры надо идти в монахи, пусть идет. Выучит наш сын и вернется. И они отпустили его: «Ступай, сынок».
13.Atha kho āyasmā rohaṇo nāgasenaṃ dārakaṃ ādāya yena vattaniyaṃ senāsanaṃ, yena vijambhavatthu tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā vijambhavatthusmiṃ senāsane ekarattaṃ vasitvā yena rakkhitatalaṃ tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā koṭisatānaṃ arahantānaṃ majjhe nāgasenaṃ dārakaṃ pabbājesi. Then Venerable Rohaṇa took Nāgasena to the Guarded Plateau and let him go forth in the presence of the arahats. Then the venerable Rohaṇa took Nāgasena to the Vattaniya hermitage, to the Vijamba Vatthu, and having spent the night there, took him on to the Guarded Slope, and there, in the midst of the innumerable company of the Arahats, young Nāgasena was admitted, as a novice, into the Order. И вот достопочтенный Рохана пришел вместе с юным Нагасеной в обитель Приютную, в урочище Разинутая Пасть. В приюте у Разинутой Пасти они переночевали и пришли в Заповедный Лог. Там достопочтенный Рохана в присутствии тысячи миллионов святых свершил пострижение юного Нагасены.
Pabbajito ca panāyasmā nāgaseno āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ etadavoca "gahito me, bhante, tava veso, detha me dāni manta"nti. After he received the going forth Venerable Nāgasena told Venerable Rohaṇa: “I have taken your dress upon myself, revered one. Now teach me the mantra.” And then, when he had been admitted to the Order, the venerable Nāgasena said to the venerable Rohaṇa: ‘I have adopted your dress; now teach me that hymn.’ И вот, уже монах, достопочтенный Нагасена сказал достопочтенному Рохане: «Теперь, почтенный, на мне такое же платье, как и на тебе. Научите меня теперь мантре».
Atha kho āyasmā rohaṇo "kimhi nu khohaṃ nāgasenaṃ vineyyaṃ paṭhamaṃ vinaye vā suttante vā abhidhamme vā"ti cintetvā "paṇḍito kho ayaṃ nāgaseno, sakkoti sukheneva abhidhammaṃ pariyāpuṇitu"nti paṭhamaṃ abhidhamme vinesi. Venerable Rohaṇa then wondered what he should teach first, the Discourses or the Abhidhamma. He decided to teach the Abhidhamma as he thought Venerable Nāgasena was clever and would master it easily. Then the venerable Rohaṇa thought thus to himself: ‘In what ought I first to instruct him, in the Discourses (Suttanta) or in the deeper things of the faith (Abhidhamma)?’ and inasmuch as he saw that Nāgasena was intelligent, and could master the Abhidhamma with ease, he gave him his first lesson in that. – Что же мне для начала преподать Нагасене – сутры или абхидхарму? – подумал достопочтенный Рохана. – Ну, да ведь Нагасена умен, он без труда воспримет абхидхарму. Преподал он ему абхидхарму.
Āyasmā ca nāgaseno "kusalā dhammā, akusalā dhammā, abyākatā dhammā"ti tikadukapaṭimaṇḍitaṃ dhammasaṅgaṇīpakaraṇaṃ, khandhavibhaṅgādi aṭṭhārasa vibhaṅgapaṭimaṇḍitaṃ vibhaṅgappakaraṇaṃ, "saṅgaho asaṅgaho"ti ādinā cuddasavidhena vibhattaṃ dhātukathāpakaraṇaṃ, "khandhapaññatti āyatanapaññattī"ti ādinā chabbidhena vibhattaṃ puggalapaññattippakaraṇaṃ, sakavāde pañcasuttasatāni paravāde pañcasuttasatānīti suttasahassaṃ samodhānetvā vibhattaṃ kathāvatthuppakaraṇaṃ, "mūlayamakaṃ khandhayamaka"nti ādinā dasavidhena vibhattaṃ yamakappakaraṇaṃ, "hetupaccayo ārammaṇapaccayo"ti ādinā catuvīsatividhena vibhattaṃ paṭṭhānappakaraṇanti sabbaṃ taṃ abhidhammapiṭakaṃ ekeneva sajjhāyena paguṇaṃ katvā "tiṭṭhatha bhante, na puna osāretha, ettakenevāhaṃ sajjhāyissāmī"ti āha. Venerable Nāgasena mastered the whole of the Abhidhamma after only one exposition. And the venerable Nāgasena, after hearing it repeated but once, knew by heart the whole of the Abhidhamma—that is to say, the Dhamma Saṅgaṇi, with its great divisions into good, bad, and indifferent qualities, and its subdivisions into couples and triplets —the Vibhaṅga, with its eighteen chapters, beginning with the book on the constituent elements of beings—the Dhātu Kathā, with its fourteen books, beginning with that on compensation and non-compensation—the Puggala Paññatti, with its six divisions into discrimination of the various constituent elements, discrimination of the various senses and of the properties they apprehend, and so on —the Kathā Vatthu, with its thousand sections, five hundred on as many points of our own views, and five hundred on as many points of our opponents’ views—the Yamaka, with its ten divisions into complementary propositions as to origins, as to constituent elements, and so on—and the Paṭṭhāna, with its twenty-four chapters on the reason of causes, the reason of ideas, and the rest. And he said : ‘That will do, Sir. You need not propound it again. That will suffice for my being able to rehearse it.’ А достопочтенный Нагасена с первого же слушания запомнил наизусть всю Корзину Абхидхармы: «Счисление дхарм», известное своим членением дхарм на благие, неблагие и безразличные и прочими двойками и тройками дхарм; трактат «Раскладка», известный своими восемнадцатью частями – «раскладками»: «Раскладка груд» и так далее; трактат «Описание элементов», имеющий четырнадцать частей: «Сцепленность», «Несцепленность» и так далее; «Описание типов личностей» в шести частях: по грудам, по источникам и прочие; трактат «Предметы разногласий», имеющий тысячу глав, в пятистах главах излагаются наши взгляды, а в пятистах других – чужие взгляды; трактат «Противоположности» в десяти частях: «Противоположности в связи с грудами», «Противоположности в связи с корнями» и так далее; трактат «Основания» в двадцати четырех частях: «Причины и следствия», «Опоры и следствия»69 и прочие – и сказал: «Подождите, почтенный. Не нужно излагать еще раз. Я и так запомню».
14.Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno yena koṭisatā arahanto tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā koṭisate arahante etadavoca "ahaṃ kho bhante 'kusalā dhammā, akusalā dhammā, abyākatā dhammā'ti imesu tīsu padesu pakkhipitvā sabbaṃ taṃ abhidhammapiṭakaṃ vitthārena osāressāmī"ti. He then approached the arahats on the Guarded Plateau and told them he would propound the whole of the Abhidhamma in detail. Then Nāgasena went to the innumerable company of the Arahats, and said: ‘I should like to propound the whole of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, without abridgement, arranging it under the three heads of good, bad, and indifferent qualities.’ И вот достопочтенный Нагасена пришел к тысяче миллионов святых и, придя к тысяче миллионов святых, сказал: «Почтенные! Я берусь полностью, без сокращений, изложить всю Корзину Абхидхармы, упорядочив его по благим дхармам, неблагим дхармам и безразличным дхармам».
"Sādhu, nāgasena, osārehī"ti. The arahats asked him to do that, And they gave him leave. – Пожалуйста, Нагасена, излагай.
Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno satta māsāni satta pakaraṇāni vitthārena osāresi, pathavī unnadi, devatā sādhukāramadaṃsu, brahmāno apphoṭesuṃ, dibbāni candanacuṇṇāni dibbāni ca mandāravapupphāni abhippavassiṃsu. and for seven months Venerable Nāgasena propounded the seven compositions of the Abhidhamma in detail. And in seven months the venerable Nāgasena recited the seven books of the Abhidhamma in full. And the earth thundered, the gods shouted their applause, the Brahma gods clapped their hands, and there came down a shower from heaven of sweet-scented sandal-wood dust, and of Mandārava flowers! И достопочтенный Нагасена за семь месяцев полностью изложил семь трактатов70. Гул раздался в земле, «Хорошо!» – воскликнули боги, в мирах Брахмы загрохотало, а с небес дождем посыпались цветы кораллового дерева71 и порошок сандала.
15.Atha kho koṭisatā arahanto āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ paripuṇṇavīsativassaṃ rakkhitatale upasampādesuṃ. When Venerable Nāgasena was twenty years of age he was ordained by the arahats on the Guarded Plateau. And the innumerable company of the Arahats, then and there at the Guarded Slope, admitted the venerable Nāgasena, then twenty years of age, to full membership in the higher grade of the Order. А когда достопочтенному Нагасене исполнилось двадцать лет, тысяча миллионов святых совершила в Заповедном Логу обряд его посвящения72.
Upasampanno ca panāyasmā nāgaseno tassā rattiyā accayena pubbaṇhasamayaṃ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya upajjhāyena saddhiṃ gāmaṃ piṇḍāya pavisanto evarūpaṃ parivitakkaṃ uppādesi "tuccho vata me upajjhāyo, bālo vata me upajjhāyo, ṭhapetvā avasesaṃ buddhavacanaṃ paṭhamaṃ maṃ abhidhamme vinesī"ti. Early one morning, Venerable Nāgasena took his bowl and robe and entered the village together with his preceptor on the alms round. On entering the village he thought: “Empty indeed is my preceptor, foolish indeed is my preceptor in that, having set aside the rest of the Buddha’s word, he taught me the Abhidhamma first.” Now the next day after he had thus been admitted into full membership in the Order, the venerable Nāgasena robed himself at dawn, and taking his bowl, accompanied his teacher on his round for alms to the village below. And as he went this thought arose within him: ‘It was, after all, empty-headed and foolish of my teacher to leave the rest of the Buddha’s word aside, and teach me the Abhidhamma first!’ Наутро после посвящения достопочтенный Нагасена встал, надел верхнюю одежду, взял в руки миску и пошел со своим наставником за подаянием. Вдруг у входа в деревню ему подумалось: «А ведь пуст мой наставник! А ведь глуп мой наставник! Что же это он мне сначала абхидхарму преподал, а не другие Речения Просветленного!»
Atha kho āyasmā rohaṇo āyasmato nāgasenassa cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "ananucchavikaṃ kho nāgasena parivitakkaṃ vitakkesi, na kho panetaṃ nāgasena tavānucchavika"nti. Venerable Rohaṇa, reading Venerable Nāgasena’s mind, told him: “You thought unsuitably, Nāgasena. That was not suitable for you.” And the venerable Rohaṇa became aware in his own mind of what was passing in the mind of Nāgasena, and he said to him: ‘That is an unworthy reflection that thou art making, Nāgasena; it is not worthy of thee so to think.’ А достопочтенный Рохана узрел своею мыслью помышление достопочтенного Нагасены и сказал достопочтенному Нагасене: «Недостойные у тебя помыслы, Нагасена. Недостойно это тебя».
Atha kho āyasmato nāgasenassa etadahosi "acchariyaṃ vata bho, abbhutaṃ vata bho, yatra hi nāma me upajjhāyo cetasā cetoparivitakkaṃ jānissati, paṇḍito vata me upajjhāyo, yaṃnūnāhaṃ upajjhāyaṃ khamāpeyya"nti. Venerable Nāgasena, amazed that Venerable Rohaṇa was able to read his mind, apologized to him, ‘How strange and wonderful,’ thought Nāgasena, ‘that my teacher should be able to tell in his own mind what I am thinking of! I must ask his pardon.’ – Ах, чудеса! Ах, волшебство! – изумился достопочтенный Нага­сена. – Наставник видит своею мыслью мои помышления! Как же умен мой наставник! Сейчас же повинюсь перед наставником.
Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ etadavoca "khamatha me, bhante, na puna evarūpaṃ vitakkessāmī"ti. saying: “Forgive me, revered sir. I will not think such thoughts again.” And he said: ‘Forgive me, Sir; I will never make such a reflection again.’ И достопочтенный Нагасена сказал достопочтенному Рохане: «Простите меня, почтенный. Я не буду больше так думать».
Atha kho āyasmā rohaṇo āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "na kho tyāhaṃ nāgasena ettāvatā khamāmi, atthi kho nāgasena sāgalaṃ nāma nagaraṃ, tattha milindo nāma rājā rajjaṃ kāreti, so diṭṭhivādena pañhaṃ pucchitvā bhikkhusaṅghaṃ viheṭheti, sace tvaṃ tattha gantvā taṃ rājānaṃ dametvā buddhasāsane pasādessasi, evāhaṃ taṃ khamissāmī"ti. Venerable Rohaṇa said: “I do not forgive you, Nāgasena, on that promise. But there is a town called Sāgala where King Milinda is reigning. He is worrying the Order of monks by asking questions and by professing a wrong view. If you go there and tame that king and make him gain confidence in our teaching, then I will forgive you.” ‘I cannot forgive you, Nāgasena, simply on that promise,’ was the reply. ‘But there is a city called Sāgala, where a king rules whose name is Milinda, and he harasses the brethren by putting puzzles to them of heretical tendency. You will have earned your pardon, Nāgasena, when you shall have gone there, and overcome that king in argument, and brought him to take delight in the truth.’ А достопочтенный Рохана сказал достопочтенному На­гасене: «Нет, Нагасена, просто так я тебе не прощу. А вот есть, Нагасена, город, называемый Сагала. Царствует там царь по имени Милинда. Он задает еретические вопросы и этим вредит общине. Если ты пойдешь туда, образумишь его и обратишь к Учению, то я прощу тебя».
"Tiṭṭhatu, bhante, eko milindo rājā; sace, bhante, sakalajambudīpe sabbe rājāno āgantvā maṃ pañhaṃ puccheyyuṃ, sabbaṃ taṃ visajjetvā sampadālessāmi, 'khamatha me bhante'ti vatvā, 'na khamāmī'ti vutte 'tena hi, bhante, imaṃ temāsaṃ kassa santike vasissāmī'ti āha". Venerable Nāgasena replied: “Let this one King Milinda be. Let all the kings in the whole of India come and ask me questions, revered sir, and, in replying, I will mow them all down with my replies, if only you will forgive me.” Venerable Rohaṇa said: “I do not forgive you.” Venerable Nāgasena asked: “Well then, revered sir, in whose presence shall I spend the three months of the rains?" ‘Not only let king Milinda, holy one, but let all the kings of India come and propound questions to me, and I will break all those puzzles up and solve them, if only you will pardon me!’ exclaimed Nāgasena. But when he found it was of no avail, he said: ‘Where, Sir, do you advise me to spend the three months of the rains now coming on ?’ – Да что, почтенный, один царь Милинда! Пусть приходят все цари с целого материка Джамбу, все пусть задают вопросы – я на все отвечу, камня на камне не оставлю, только простите меня сейчас, почтенный. – Нет, пока не прощу. – Тогда, почтенный, с кем мне прожить эти три месяца73?
Ayaṃ kho, nāgasena, āyasmā assagutto vattaniye senāsane viharati, gaccha tvaṃ, nāgasena, yenāyasmā assagutto tenupasaṅkama, upasaṅkamitvā mama vacanena āyasmato assaguttassa pāde sirasā vanda, evañca naṃ vadehi 'upajjhāyo me, bhante, tumhākaṃ pāde sirasā vandati, appābādhaṃ appātaṅkaṃ lahuṭṭhānaṃ balaṃ phāsuvihāraṃ pucchati, upajjhāyo me, bhante, imaṃ temāsaṃ tumhākaṃ santike vasituṃ maṃ pahiṇī'ti, 'konāmo te upajjhāyo'ti ca vutte 'rohaṇatthero nāma bhante"ti vadeyyāsi, 'ahaṃ konāmo'ti vutte evaṃ vadeyyāsi 'mama upajjhāyo, bhante, tumhākaṃ nāmaṃ jānātī"'ti. Venerable Nāgasena was assigned to spend the three months of the rains with Venerable Assagutta in the Vattaniya Hermitage. Venerable Rohaṇa told him: “Go, Nāgasena, approach Venerable Assagutta and in my name salute his feet with your head and say to him: ‘My preceptor, revered sir, salutes your feet with his head and asks if you are free from disease, without illness, buoyant, strong, and living in comfort; he sent me to stay with you for these three months.’ If he says, ‘What is your preceptor’s name? ’ you should say, ‘He is called the Elder Rohaṇa, revered sir.’ If he says, ‘What is my name? ’ you should say, ‘My preceptor knows your name, revered sir.’” ‘There is a brother named Assagutta dwelling at the Vattaniya hermitage. Go, Nāgasena, to him; and in my name bow down to his feet, and say: “My teacher, holy one, salutes you reverently, and asks whether you are in health and ease, in full vigour and comfort. He has sent me here to pass The three months of the rains under your charge.” When he asks you your teacher’s name, tell it him. But when he asks you his own name, say: “My teacher, Sir, knows your name.”’ – В обители Приютной, Нагасена, живет достопочтенный Ашвагупта. Ступай к Ашвагупте, Нагасена. Когда придешь, поклонись ему земно от моего имени и вот что скажи: «Мой наставник земно вам кланяется, почтенный. Он надеется, что вы здоровы, крепки и живется вам легко. Меня он послал прожить эти три месяца при вас». Если достопочтенный Ашвагупта спросит: «Как звать твоего наставника? », то ты отвечай: «Его почтенный, зовут тхера Рохана». А если он спросит: «А меня как звать? », то ты отвечай: «Мой наставник ваше имя знает, почтенный».
"Evaṃ bhante"ti kho āyasmā nāgaseno āyasmantaṃ rohaṇaṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā pattacīvaramādāya anupubbena cārikaṃ caramāno yena vattaniyaṃ senāsanaṃ, yenāyasmā assagutto tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ aṭṭhāsi, ekamantaṃ ṭhito kho āyasmā nāgaseno āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ etadavoca "upajjhāyo me, bhante, tumhākaṃ pāde sirasā vandati, evañca vadeti appābādhaṃ appātaṅkaṃ lahuṭṭhānaṃ balaṃ phāsuvihāraṃ pucchati, upajjhāyo me, bhante, imaṃ temāsaṃ tumhākaṃ santike vasituṃ maṃ pahiṇī"ti. Then Venerable Nāgasena said, “Very well, revered sir,” and respectfully left the presence of Venerable Rohaṇa. Venerable Nāgasena then approached the Vattaniya Hermitage, went up to Venerable Assagutta, paid his respects to him, stood on one side and said exactly what he had been instructed to say. And Nāgasena bowed down before the venerable Rohaṇa, and passing him on his right hand as he left him, took his bowl and robe, and went on from place to place till he came to the Vattaniya hermitage, begging for his food on the way. And on his arrival he saluted the venerable Assagutta, and said exactly what he had been told to say, – Да, почтенный. – И достопочтенный Нагасена попрощался с достопочтенным Рoханой, обошел его посолóнь, надел верхнюю одежду, взял в руки миску и ушел. Наконец добрался он до обители Приютной, где жил достопочтенный Ашвагупта. Подойдя, он приветствовал достопочтенного Ашвагупту и стал подле. И, стоя под­ле, достопочтенный Нагасена сказал достопочтенному Ашвагупте: «Мой наставник, почтенный, земно вам кланяется. Вот что он передает: он надеется, что вы здоровы, крепки и недуги не слишком вам докучают и что живется вам легко. Меня он прислал прожить эти три месяца при вас».
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "tvaṃ kinnāmosī"ti. Venerable Assagutta questioned him just as Venerable Rohaṇa said he would. И достопочтенный Ашвагупта спросил достопочтенного Нагасену: «Тебя как звать? »
"Ahaṃ, bhante, nāgaseno nāmā"ti. – Меня зовут Нагасена, почтенный.
"Konāmo te upajjhāyo"ti? – А наставника твоего как звать?
"Upajjhāyo me, bhante, rohaṇo nāmā"ti. – Мой наставник – тхера Рохана, почтенный.
"Ahaṃ konāmo"ti. – А меня как звать?
"Upajjhāyo me, bhante, tumhākaṃ nāmaṃ jānātī"ti. – Мой наставник ваше имя знает, почтенный.
"Sādhu, nāgasena, pattacīvaraṃ paṭisāmehī"ti. Venerable Assagutta then said: “It is good, Nāgasena, put away your bowl and robe.” and to the last reply Assagutta said: ‘Very well then, Nāgasena, put by your bowl and robe.’ – Хорошо, Нагасена, клади сюда свою миску и верхнюю одежду.
"Sādhu bhante"ti pattacīvaraṃ paṭisāmetvā punadivase pariveṇaṃ sammajjitvā mukhodakaṃ dantapoṇaṃ upaṭṭhapesi. Saying, “Very good, revered sir,” Venerable Nāgasena put away his bowl and robe. The next day Venerable Nāgasena swept his teacher’s cell and set out the water for washing and the tooth cleaners. And the next day Nāgasena swept out the teacher’s cell, and put the drinking water and tooth-cleansers ready for him to use. – Хорошо, почтенный. И он положил свою миску и верхнюю одежду. На следующий день Нагасена прибрал в келье, принес воды для полоскания рта и палочку для чистки зубов.
Thero sammajjitaṭṭhānaṃ paṭisammajji, taṃ udakaṃ chaḍḍetvā aññaṃ udakaṃ āhari, tañca dantakaṭṭhaṃ apanetvā aññaṃ dantakaṭṭhaṃ gaṇhi, na ālāpasallāpaṃ akāsi, evaṃ satta divasāni katvā sattame divase puna pucchitvā puna tena tatheva vutte vassavāsaṃ anujāni. Venerable Assagutta swept the cell again, threw out the water and tooth cleaners, and fetched another supply of water and tooth cleaners without making any conversation. This went on for seven days. On the seventh day he asked Venerable Nāgasena the same questions he had asked on the first day, and on receiving the same replies, he allowed Venerable Nāgasena to spend the rainy season there. The Elder swept out the cell again, threw away the water and the tooth-cleansers, and fetched others, and said not a word of any kind. So it went on for seven days. On the seventh the Elder again asked him the same questions as before. And on Nāgasena again making the same replies, he gave him leave to pass the rainy season there. А тхера по прибранному опять прибрал, вылил воду и принес свежей, выбросил палочку и взял другую, а сам не проронил ни слова. Так продолжалось семь дней. На восьмой день он задал те же вопросы, получил те же ответы и разрешил Нагасене прожить с ним время дождей.
16.Tena kho pana samayena ekā mahāupāsikā āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ tiṃsamattāni vassāni upaṭṭhāsi. At that time an important woman lay follower had supported Venerable Assagutta for thirty years. Now a certain woman, a distinguished follower of the faith, had for thirty years and more administered to the wants of the venerable Assagutta. А к тому времени одна уважаемая мирянка уже полных тридцать лет помогала достопочтенному Ашвагупте.
Atha kho sā mahāupāsikā temāsaccayena yenāyasmā assagutto tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ etadavoca "atthi nu kho, tāta, tumhākaṃ santike añño bhikkhū"ti. At the end of the three months of the rains she approached Venerable Assagutta and asked him whether there was another monk staying with him. And at the end of that rainy season she came one day to him, and asked whether there was any other brother staying with him. И вот, когда прошло три месяца, эта мирянка пришла к достопочтенному Ашвагупте. Придя, она сказала достопочтенному Ашвагупте: «Почтенный, есть ли при вас еще монах? »
"Atthi, mahāupāsike, amhākaṃ santike nāgaseno nāma bhikkhū"ti. When he told her that there was a monk named Nāgasena staying with him, And when she was told that there was one, named Nāgasena, – Да, госпожа, при мне есть монах по имени Нагасена.
"Tena hi, tāta assagutta, adhivāsehi nāgasenena saddhiṃ svātanāya bhatta"nti. she invited him and Venerable Nāgasena for a meal on the following day. she invited the Elder, and Nāgasena, with him, to take their midday meal the next day at her house. – Тогда, почтенный Аш­вагупта, примите вместе с Нагасеной на завтра мое приглашение на трапезу.
Adhivāsesi kho āyasmā assagutto tuṇhībhāvena. And the Elder signified, by silence, his consent. Достопочтенный Ашвагупта молча дал понять, что согласен74.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto tassā rattiyā accayena pubbaṇhasamayaṃ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya āyasmatā nāgasenena saddhiṃ pacchāsamaṇena yena mahāupāsikāya nivesanaṃ tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. When they went to her house the next day The next forenoon the Elder robed himself, and taking his bowl in his hand, went down, accompanied by Nāgasena as his attendant, to the dwelling-place of that disciple, and there they sat down on the seats prepared for them. И вот наутро достопочтенный Ашвагупта встал, надел верхнюю одежду, взял в руки миску и с достопочтенным Нагасеной, который был ему провожатым шраманом75, пришел в жилище мирянки и, придя, сел на предложенное сиденье.
Atha kho sā mahāupāsikā āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ āyasmantañca nāgasenaṃ paṇītena khādanīyena bhojanīyena sahatthā santappesi sampavāresi. she served the two monks a sumptuous meal with her own hands. And she gave to both of them food, hard and soft, as much as they required, waiting upon them with her own hands. А мирянка сама положила достопочтенному Ашвагупте и достопочтенному Нагасене вдоволь отменной еды, твердой и мягкой.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto bhuttāviṃ onītapattapāṇiṃ āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "tvaṃ, nāgasena, mahāupāsikāya anumodanaṃ karohī"ti idaṃ vatvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi. After the meal Venerable Assagutta asked Venerable Nāgasena to give thanks to the lady and went away. When Assagutta had finished his meal, and the hand was withdrawn from the bowl, he said to Nāgasena: ‘Do thou, Nāgasena, give the thanks to this distinguished lady.’ And, so saying, he rose from his seat, and went away. И достопочтенный Ашвагупта поел, вымыл миску и руки и сказал достопочтенному Нагасене: «Порадуй, Нагасена, госпожу проповедью». С этими словами он встал с сиденья и ушел.
Atha kho sā mahāupāsikā āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "mahallikā khohaṃ, tāta nāgasena, gambhīrāya dhammakathāya mayhaṃ anumodanaṃ karohī"ti. She then told Venerable Nāgasena: “Dear Nāgasena, I am old, thank me with a profound talk on the Dhamma.” And the lady said to Nāgasena: ‘I am old, friend Nāgasena. Let the thanksgiving be from the deeper things of the faith.’ И вот мирянка сказала достопочтенному Нагасене: «Я уже стара, почтенный Нагасена. Порадуй меня в проповеди глубоким изложением Учения».
Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno tassā mahāupāsikāya gambhīrāya dhammakathāya lokuttarāya suññatappaṭisaṃyuttāya anumodanaṃ akāsi. Venerable Nāgasena gave his thanks with a profound talk on the Abhidhamma connected with supramundane matters, dealing with emptiness. And Nāgasena, in pronouncing the thanksgiving discourse, dwelt on the profounder side of the Abhidhamma, not on matters of mere ordinary morality, but on those relating to Arahatship. И достопочтенный Нагасена произнес для нее глубокую проповедь об абхидхарме, надмирную76, толкующую о пустоте77. Вот это откуда у РД? Abhidhamma, not on matters of mere ordinary morality, but on those relating to Arahatship.
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Atha kho tassā mahāupāsikāya tasmiṃyeva āsane virajaṃ vītamalaṃ dhammacakkhuṃ udapādi "yaṃ kiñci samudayadhammaṃ, sabbaṃ taṃ nirodhadhamma"nti. As she was listening and reflecting, the spotless, immaculate vision of the Dhamma arose in her thus: “All that is subject to arising is subject to cessation.” And as the lady sat there listening, there arose in her heart the Insight into the Truth, clear and stainless, which perceives that whatsoever has beginning, that has the inherent quality of passing away. И не успела мирянка подняться со своего сиденья, как открылось ей незапыленное, незамутненное видение дхармы: «Все, что слагается, пресечется»78.
Āyasmāpi kho nāgaseno tassā mahāupāsikāya anumodanaṃ katvā attanā desitaṃ dhammaṃ paccavekkhanto vipassanaṃ paṭṭhapetvā tasmiṃyeva āsane nisinno sotāpattiphale patiṭṭhāsi. After he had given his thanks and was reflecting on the Dhamma he himself had taught her, Venerable Nāgasena aroused insight and was established in the fruit of streamentry as he was sitting on that very seat. And Nāgasena also, when he had concluded that thanksgiving discourse, felt the force of the truths he himself had preached, and he too arrived at insight —he too entered, as he sat there, upon the stream (that is to say, upon the first stage of the Excellent Way to Arahatship). И сам достопочтенный Нагасена, порадовав мирянку проповедью, вдумался в дхарму, которую излагал; и пришло к нему прозрение; и не успел он подняться со своего сиденья, как получил плод обретения слуха.
Atha kho āyasmā assagutto maṇḍalamāḷe nisinno dvinnampi dhammacakkhupaṭilābhaṃ ñatvā sādhukāraṃ pavattesi "sādhu sādhu nāgasena, ekena kaṇḍappahārena dve mahākāyā padālitā"ti, anekāni ca devatāsahassāni sādhukāraṃ pavattesuṃ. With his psychic powers Venerable Assagutta knew what happened and said in approval: “It is good, it is good Nāgasena, that by one arrow shot two great persons are pierced!" Then the venerable Assagutta, as he was sitting in his arbour, was aware that they both had attained to insight, and he exclaimed: ‘Well done! well done, Nāgasena! by one arrow shot you have hit two noble quarries!’ And at the same time thousands of the gods shouted their approval. А достопочтенный Ашвагупта сидел в беседке. Он понял, что оба они обрели видение дхармы, и вслух похвалил Нагасену: «Отлично, Нагасена, отлично! Один раз метнул копье – и два зверя с ног долой!» И многие тысячи богов вслух похвалили его.
17.Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno uṭṭhāyāsanā yenāyasmā assagutto tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi, ekamantaṃ nisinnaṃ kho āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ āyasmā assagutto etadavoca "gaccha, tvaṃ nāgasena, pāṭaliputtaṃ, pāṭaliputtanagare asokārāme āyasmā dhammarakkhito paṭivasati, tassa santike buddhavacanaṃ pariyāpuṇāhī"ti. Venerable Nāgasena then went to Venerable Assagutta, worshipped him and sat on one side. Venerable Assagutta told him: “Go, Nāgasena, to Pāṭaliputta. Venerable Dhammarakkhita is living in the Asoka Monastery there. Master the Buddha’s word in his presence.” Now the venerable Nāgasena arose and returned to Assagutta, and saluting him, took a seat reverently apart. And Assagutta said to him: ‘Do thou now go, Nāgasena, to Pāṭaliputta. There, in the Asoka Park, dwells the venerable Dhamma-rakkhita. Under him you should learn the words of the Buddha.’ И вот достопочтенный Нагасена встал с сиденья и пришел к достопочтенному Ашвагупте. Придя, он приветствовал достопочтенного Ашвагупту и сел подле. И достопочтенный Ашвагупта сказал достопочтенному Нагасене, севшему подле него: «Ступай в Паталипутру, Нагасена. В городе Паталипутре живет в ашоковой роще достопочтенный Дхармаракшита. У него ты изучишь Речения Просветленного».
"Kīva dūro, bhante, ito pāṭaliputtanagara"nti? “How far from here, revered sir, is Pāṭaliputta?" ‘How far is it, Sir, from here to Pāṭaliputta.’ – А далеко ли отсюда до города Паталипутры, почтенный?
"Yojanasatāni kho nāgasenā"ti. “A hundred yojanas, Nāgasena.”17 ‘A hundred leagues, Nāgasena.’ – Сто йоджан79, Нагасена.
"Dūro kho, bhante, maggo. “That is a long way, revered sir, ‘Great, Sir, is the distance. – Дальняя дорога, почтенный.
Antarāmagge bhikkhā dullabhā, kathāhaṃ gamissāmī"ti? and it will be hard to get food on the way.” It will be difficult to get food on the way. How shall I get there?’ В дороге еду добыть трудно, как же мне идти?
"Gaccha, tvaṃ nāgasena, antarāmagge piṇḍapātaṃ labhissasi sālīnaṃ odanaṃ vigatakāḷakaṃ anekasūpaṃ anekabyañjana"nti. “Go, Nāgasena, you will get good alms on the way.” ‘Only go straight on, Nāgasena. You shall get food on the way, rice from which the black grains have been picked out, with curries and gravies of various sorts.’ – Ступай, Нагасена, будет тебе в дороге подаяние: рисовая каша, очищенная от черных зерен, с разными приправами и подливами.
"Evaṃ bhante"ti kho āyasmā nāgaseno āyasmantaṃ assaguttaṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā pattacīvaramādāya yena pāṭaliputtaṃ tena cārikaṃ pakkāmi. “Very well, revered sir,” said Venerable Nāgasena. He then paid his respects to Venerable Assagutta, took his bowl and robe and set out to Pāṭaliputta. ‘Very well, Sir!’ said Nāgasena, and bowing down before his teacher, and passing him on the right side as he went, he took his bowl and his robe and departed for Pāṭaliputta. – Да, почтенный. И достопочтенный Нагасена попрощался с достопочтенным Ашвагуптой, обошел его посолонь, надел верхнюю одежду, взял в руки миску и отправился в Паталипутру.
18.Tena kho pana samayena pāṭaliputtako seṭṭhi pañcahi sakaṭasatehi pāṭaliputtagāmimaggaṃ paṭipanno hoti. At that time a merchant of Pāṭaliputta was travelling to Pāṭaliputta with many wagons. At that time a merchant of Pāṭaliputta, was on his way back to that city with five hundred waggons. А в это время некий паталипутрский купец выступил с обозом в пятьсот возов по дороге на Паталипутру.
Addasā kho pāṭaliputtako seṭṭhi āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ dūratova āgacchantaṃ, disvāna yenāyasmā nāgaseno tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ abhivādetvā "kuhiṃ gacchasi tātā"ti āha. When he saw Venerable Nāgasena he greeted him and asked: “Where are you going, my dear? ” And when he saw the venerable Nāgasena coming in the distance, he stopped the waggons, and saluted Nāgasena, and asked him: ‘Whither art thou going, father?’ И издали уже завидел приближавшегося достопочтенного Нагасену паталипутрский купец. Увидев его, он велел остановить пятьсот своих возов, подошел к достопочтенному Нагасене и, подойдя, приветствовал достопочтенного Нагасену: «Куда идешь, почтенный? »
"Pāṭaliputtaṃ gahapatī"ti. “To Pāṭaliputta, householder.” ‘To Pāṭaliputta, householder.’ – В Паталипутру, хозяин.
"Sādhu tāta, mayampi pāṭaliputtaṃ gacchāma. “That is good, my dear, we too are going to Pāṭaliputta. ‘That is well, father. We too are going thither. – Отлично, почтенный. Мы тоже едем в Паталипутру.
Amhehi saddhiṃ sukhaṃ gacchathā"ti. It will be convenient for you to go with us.” It will be more convenient for thee to go with us.’ С нами вы прекрасно доедете.
Atha kho pāṭaliputtako seṭṭhi āyasmato nāgasenassa iriyāpathe pasīditvā āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ paṇītena khādanīyena bhojanīyena sahatthā santappetvā sampavāretvā āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ bhuttāviṃ onītapattapāṇiṃ aññataraṃ nīcaṃ āsanaṃ gahetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi, ekamantaṃ nisinno kho pāṭaliputtako seṭṭhi āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "kinnāmosi tvaṃ tātā"ti. Because the merchant was impressed with the way Venerable Nāgasena conducted himself, he served him a sumptuous meal with his own hands. After the meal the merchant took a low seat, sat on a side and asked: “What is your name, my dear?" And the merchant, pleased with Nāgasena’s manners, provided him with food, hard and soft, as much as he required, waiting upon him with his own hands. And when the meal was over, he took a low seat, and sat down reverently apart. So seated, he said to the venerable Nāgasena: ‘What, father, is your name?’ И вот паталипутрскому купцу понравилось обхождение достопочтенного Нагасены. Он сам положил ему вдоволь отменной еды, твердой и мягкой, и, когда достопочтенный Нагасена поел и вымыл миску и руки, купец сел подле него, взяв сиденье пониже. И, сидя подле достопочтенного Нагасены, паталипутрский купец спросил его: «Как тебя зовут, почтенный? »
"Ahaṃ, gahapati, nāgaseno nāmā"ti. “I am called Nāgasena, householder.” ‘I am called Nāgasena, householder.’ – Меня зовут Нагасена, хозяин.
"Jānāsi kho, tvaṃ tāta, buddhavacanaṃ nāmā"ti? “My dear, do you know the Buddha’s word?" ‘Dost thou know, father, what are the words of Buddha?’ – Не знаешь ли ты Речений Просветленного, почтенный?
"Jānāmi khohaṃ, gahapati, abhidhammapadānī"ti. “Householder, I know the Abhidhamma.” ‘I know the Abhidhamma.’ – Из абхидхармы знаю, хозяин.
"Lābhā no tāta, suladdhaṃ no tāta, ahampi kho, tāta, ābhidhammiko, tvampi ābhidhammiko, bhaṇa, tāta, abhidhammapadānī"ti. “That is a gain for me, my dear, for I too am a student of the Abhidhamma. Recite some passages from it.” ‘We are most fortunate, father; this is indeed an advantage. I am a student of the Abhidhamma, and so art thou. Repeat to me, father, some passages from it.’ – Вот повезло мне, почтенный! Право, везет мне, почтенный! Я ведь тоже изучаю абхидхарму, и ты, оказывается, изучаешь абхидхарму. Почитай мне из абхидхармы, почтенный.
Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno pāṭaliputtakassa seṭṭhissa abhidhammaṃ desesi, desente yeva pāṭaliputtakassa seṭṭhissa virajaṃ vītamalaṃ dhammacakkhuṃ udapādi "yaṃ kiñci samudayadhammaṃ, sabbaṃ taṃ nirodhadhamma"nti. Venerable Nāgasena taught the Abhidhamma to the merchant. While the merchant was listening to the talk, the spotless, immaculate vision of the Dhamma arose in him. Then the venerable Nāgasena preached to him from the Abhidhamma, and by degrees as he did so there arose in Nāgasena’s heart the Insight into the Truth, clear and stainless, which perceives that whatsoever has in itself the necessity of beginning, that too has also the inherent quality of passing away. И вот достопочтенный Нагасена преподал паталипутрскому купцу абхидхарму, и уже во время слушания открылось паталипутрскому купцу незапыленное, незамутненное видение дхармы: «Все, что слагается, пресечется».
Atha kho pāṭaliputtako seṭṭhi pañcamattāni sakaṭasatāni purato uyyojetvā sayaṃ pacchato gacchanto pāṭaliputtassa avidūre dvedhāpathe ṭhatvā āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "ayaṃ kho, tāta nāgasena, asokārāmassa maggo, idaṃ kho, tāta, amhākaṃ kambalaratanaṃ soḷasahatthaṃ āyāmena, aṭṭhahatthaṃ vitthārena, paṭiggaṇhāhi kho, tāta, idaṃ kambalaratanaṃ anukampaṃ upādāyā"ti. He then sent the wagons ahead and walked after them. When he reached a forked path he told Venerable Nāgasena: “This, dear Nāgasena, is the road to the Asoka Monastery. Out of compassion please accept this lovely woollen blanket.” And the Pāṭaliputta merchant sent on his waggons in advance, and followed himself after them. And at a place where the road divided, not far from Pāṭaliputta, he stopped, and said to Nāgasena: ‘This is the turning to the Asoka Park. Now I have here a rare piece of woollen stuff, sixteen cubits by eight. Do me the favour of accepting it.’ И паталипутрский купец пропустил пятьсот своих возов вперед, а сам шел позади. Невдалеке от Паталипутры он остановился на развилке дорог и сказал достопочтенному Нагасене: «Вон дорога в ашоковую рощу, почтенный Нагасена. А вот прекрасное мое шерстяное одеяло. В длину оно шестнадцать локтей, в ширину – восемь локтей. Очень прошу тебя, почтенный, прими от меня это прекрасное одеяло в дар».
Paṭiggahesi kho āyasmā nāgaseno taṃ kambalaratanaṃ anukampaṃ upādāya. Venerable Nāgasena accepted the blanket. And Nāgasena did so. И достопочтенный Нагасена принял в дар это прекрасное одеяло.
Atha kho pāṭaliputtako seṭṭhi attamano udaggo pamudito pītisomanassajāto āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā pakkāmi. Pleased and elated, the merchant paid his respects to Venerable Nāgasena and went on his way. And the merchant, pleased and glad, with joyful heart, and full of content and happiness, saluted the venerable Nāgasena, and keeping him on his right hand as he passed round him, went on his way. И вот паталипутрский купец, довольный, оживленный, обрадованный, в приятном, приподнятом расположении духа, попрощался с достопочтенным Нагасеной, обошел его посолонь и удалился.
19.Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno yena asokārāmo yenāyasmā dhammarakkhito tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṃ dhammarakkhitaṃ abhivādetvā attano āgatakāraṇaṃ kathetvā āyasmato dhammarakkhitassa santike tepiṭakaṃ buddhavacanaṃ ekeneva uddesena tīhi māsehi byañjanaso pariyāpuṇitvā puna tīhi māsehi atthaso manasākāsi. Venerable Nāgasena went to the Asoka Monastery, approached Venerable Dhammarakkhita and told him the reason for his arrival. In three months, after only one recitation, he memorized, under the tutelage of Venerable Dhammarakkhita, the three divisions of the Buddha’s word.18 He spent the next three months reflecting on the meaning of what he had memorized. But Nāgasena went on to the Asoka Park to Dhamma-rakkhita. And after saluting him, and telling him on what errand he had come, he learnt by heart, from the mouth of the venerable Dhamma-rakkhita, the whole of the three baskets of the Buddha’s word in three months, and after a single recital, so far as the letter (that is, knowing the words by heart) was concerned.. And in three months more he mastered the spirit (that is, the deeper meaning of the sense of the words). И вот достопочтенный Нагасена пришел в ашоковую рощу к достопочтенному Дхармаракшите и рассказал о причине своего прихода. И за три месяца он выучил от достопочтенного Дхармаракшиты с одного слушания Три Корзины Речений Просветлённого, а еще через три месяца усвоил и смысл.
Atha kho āyasmā dhammarakkhito āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavoca "seyyathāpi, nāgasena, gopālako gāvo rakkhati, aññe gorasaṃ paribhuñjanti. Venerable Dhammarakkhita then told him: “As a herdsman tends the cows, Nāgasena, but others enjoy the products, even so are you. But at the end of that time the venerable Dhamma-rakkhita addressed him, and said: ‘Nāgasena, as a herdsman tends the cows, but others enjoy their produce, И вот достопочтенный Дхармаракшита сказал достопочтенному Нага­сене: «Ты, Нагасена, словно пастух: коров он стережет, а молоко другие пьют.
Evameva kho, tvaṃ nāgasena, tepiṭakaṃ buddhavacanaṃ dhārentopi na bhāgī sāmaññassā"ti. Though remembering the word of the Buddha, you are not one who partakes of the fruit of recluseship.” so thou too carriest in thy head the whole three baskets of the Buddha’s word, and still art not yet a partaker of the fruit of Samaṇaship.’ Вот и ты: Три Корзины Речений Просветленного запомнил, а все же не шраман»80.
"Hotu, bhante, alaṃ ettakenā"ti. Venerable Nāgasena replied: “Let that be, revered sir, say no more.” ‘Though that be so, holy one, say no more,’ was the reply. – Хорошо, почтенный. С этим кончено.
Teneva divasabhāgena tena rattibhāgena saha paṭisambhidāhi arahattaṃ pāpuṇi, saha saccappaṭivedhena āyasmato nāgasenassa sabbe devā sādhukāramadaṃsu, pathavī unnadi, brahmāno apphoṭesuṃ, dibbāni candanacuṇṇāni dibbāni ca mandāravapupphāni abhippavassiṃsu. That very night Venerable Nāgasena attained arahatship and, with it, the four analytic knowledges.19 And on that very day, at night, he attained to Arahatship and with it to the fourfold power of that Wisdom possessed by all Arahats (that is to say: the realisation of the sense, and the appreciation of the deep religious teaching contained in the word, the power of intuitive judgment, and the power of correct and ready exposition). And at the moment of his penetrating the truth all the gods shouted their approval, and the earth thundered, and the Brahma gods clapped their hands, and there fell from heaven a shower of sweet-scented sandal dust and of Mandārava flowers. За следующий день и ночь он достиг святости и обрел толкующие знания81. И когда достопочтенный Нагасена проник в истину, все боги воскликнули: «Хорошо!», гул раздался в земле, в мирах Брахмы загрохотало, а с небес дождем посыпались цветы кораллового дерева и порошок сандала.
20.Tena kho pana samayena koṭisatā arahanto himavante pabbate rakkhitatale sannipatitvā āyasmato nāgasenassa santike dūtaṃ pāhesuṃ "āgacchatu nāgaseno, dassanakāmā mayaṃ nāgasena"nti. The arahats who had assembled on the Guarded Plateau sent a message to Venerable Nāgasena: “Let Nāgasena come, we are anxious to see Nāgasena.” Now at that time the innumerable company of the Arahats at the Guarded Slope in the Himālaya mountains sent a message to him to come, for they were anxious to see him. А в это время тысяча миллионов святых, собравшись в Заповедном логу Гималайских гор, послала к достопочтенному Нагасене вестника: «Пусть явится Нагасена. Мы хотим видеть Нагасену».
Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno dūtassa vacanaṃ sutvā asokārāme antarahito himavante pabbate rakkhitatale koṭisatānaṃ arahantānaṃ purato pāturahosi. Venerable Nāgasena vanished from the Asoka Monastery and appeared before the arahats. And when he heard the message the venerable Nāgasena vanished from the Asoka Park and appeared before them. И вот, услышав слово вестника, достопочтенный Нагасена исчез из ашоковой рощи и мгновенно перенесся в Заповедный лог Гималайских гор82 к тысяче миллионов святых.
Atha kho koṭisatā arahanto āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ etadavocuṃ "eso kho, nāgasena, milindo rājā bhikkhusaṅghaṃ viheṭheti vādappaṭivādena pañhapucchāya. They told him: “This King Milinda worries the Order of monks, Nāgasena, with his talk and counter-talk, and with the questions he asks. And they said: ‘Nāgasena, that king Milinda is in the habit of harassing the brethren by knotty questions and by argumentations this way and that. И тысяча миллионов святых сказала достопочтенному Нагасене: «Нагасена! Царь Милинда вредит общине своими доводами, опровержениями и вопросами.
Sādhu, nāgasena, gaccha tvaṃ milindaṃ rājānaṃ damehī"ti. It would be good, Nāgasena, if you would go to him and tame him.” Do thou, Nāgasena, go and master him.’ Пожалуйста, Нагасена, образумь царя Милинду».
"Tiṭṭhatu, bhante, eko milindo rājā; sace, bhante, sakalajambudīpe rājāno āgantvā maṃ pañhaṃ puccheyyuṃ, sabbaṃ taṃ visajjetvā sampadālessāmi, gacchatha vo, bhante, acchambhitā sāgalanagara"nti. Venerable Nāgasena replied: “Let this one King Milinda be. If all the kings in the whole of India were to come and ask me questions, I would mow them all down with my replies. Go, revered sirs, without fear to Sāgala.” ‘Not only let king Milinda, holy ones, but let all the kings of India, come and propound questions to me. I will break all those puzzles up and solve them. You may go fearlessly to Sāgala.’ – «Да что один царь Милинда, почтенные! Пусть приходят цари с целого материка Джамбу, все пусть задают вопросы – я на все отвечу, камня на камне не оставлю. Идите, почтенные, в Сагалу и ничего не опасайтесь».
Atha kho therā bhikkhū sāgalanagaraṃ kāsāvappajjotaṃ isivātapaṭivātaṃ akaṃsu. Then all the Elders went to the city of Sāgala, lighting it up with their yellow robes like lamps, and bringing down upon it the breezes from the heights where the sages dwell. И город Сагала осветился желтыми одеяниями монахов-тхер. На него будто ветром провидцев повеяло.
21.Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā āyupālo saṅkhyeyyapariveṇe paṭivasati. At that time the venerable Āyupāla was living at the Saṅkheyya hermitage. А в то время в странноприимной обители83 жил достопочтенный Аюпала.
Atha kho milindo rājā amacce etadavoca "ramaṇīyā vata bho dosinā ratti, kannu khvajja samaṇaṃ vā brāhmaṇaṃ vā upasaṅkameyyāma sākacchāya pañhapucchanāya, ko mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ ussahati kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti. One lovely moonlit night King Milinda asked his ministers: “What ascetic or brahmin will be able to converse with me and dispel my doubts?" And king Milinda said to his counsellors: ‘Beautiful is the night and pleasant! Who is the wandering teacher or Brahman we can visit to night to question him who will be able to converse with us and to resolve our doubts?’ И вот царь Милинда сказал советникам: «Как хорошо лунной ночью! К какому бы шраману или брахману нам пойти сегодня поговорить, вопрос задать? Кто сможет со мною побеседовать, сомнение мое развеять? »
Evaṃ vutte pañcasatā yonakā rājānaṃ milindaṃ etadavocuṃ "atthi, mahārāja, āyupālo nāma thero tepiṭako bahussuto āgatāgamo, so etarahi saṅkhyeyyapariveṇe paṭivasati; gaccha, tvaṃ mahārāja, āyasmantaṃ āyupālaṃ pañhaṃ pucchassū"ti. ” His ministers replied: “There is an Elder named Āyupāla living at the Sankheyya Hermitage. He is skilled in the three divisions of the Buddha’s word and in traditional lore. Go, sire, to him and ask your questions.” And the five hundred Yonakas replied: ‘There is the Elder, Lord, named Āyupāla, versed in the three baskets, and in all the traditional lore. He is living now at the Saṅkheyya hermitage. To him you might go, O king, and put your questions to him.’ В ответ на это пятьсот греков сказали царю Милинде: «Есть тхера по имени Аюпала, государь. Он образован, наследник наследия84, помнит наизусть Три Корзины. Он сейчас живет в странноприимной обители. Поезжай, государь, и задай вопрос достопочтенному Аюпале».
"Tena hi, bhaṇe, bhadantassa ārocethā"ti. ‘Very well, then. Let the venerable one be informed that we are coming.’ – Ну что же, известите-ка тогда почтенного!
Atha kho nemittiko āyasmato āyupālassa santike dūtaṃ pāhesi "rājā, bhante, milindo āyasmantaṃ āyupālaṃ dassanakāmo"ti. The king then sent a messenger to Venerable Āyupāla to inform him that he was going to visit him. Then the royal astrologer sent a message to Āyupāla to the effect that king Milinda desired to call upon him. И вот предсказатель послал к достопочтенному Аюпале вестника: «Почтенный! Царь Милинда желает видеть достопочтенного Аюпалу».
Āyasmāpi kho āyupālo evamāha "tena hi āgacchatū"ti. Venerable Āyupāla said: “Well, then, let him come.” And the venerable one said: ‘Let him come.’ – Так пусть приходит,– отвечал достопочтенный Аюпала.
Atha kho milindo rājā pañcamattehi yonakasatehi parivuto rathavaramāruyha yena saṅkhyeyyapariveṇaṃ yenāyasmā āyupālo tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā āyasmatā āyupālena saddhiṃ sammodi, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi, ekamantaṃ nisinno kho milindo rājā āyasmantaṃ āyupālaṃ etadavoca "kimatthiyā, bhante āyupāla, tumhākaṃ pabbajjā, ko ca tumhākaṃ paramattho"ti. Accompanied by the Bactrian Greeks, King Milinda set out for the Sankheyya Hermitage in a splendid chariot. On arrival at the hermitage he exchanged pleasant greetings with Venerable Āyupāla, sat on one side and asked him: “Of what use to you, revered Āyupāla, is the going forth and what is the higher goal for you?" So Milinda the king, attended by the five hundred Yonakas, mounted his royal chariot and proceeded to the Sankheyya hermitage, to the place where Āyupāla dwelt, and exchanged with him the greetings and compliments of friendship and courtesy, and took his seat respectfully apart. And then he said to him: ‘Of what use, venerable āyupāla, is the renunciation of the world carried out by the members of your Order, and in what do you place the summum bonum?’ И вот царь Милинда взошел в окружении пятисот греков на прекрасную колесницу и приехал в странноприимную обитель к достопочтенному Аюпале. Приехав, он обменялся с достопочтенным Аюпалой учтивыми, дружественными словами приветствия и сел подле. И, сидя подле достопочтенного Аюпалы, царь Милинда спросил его: «Какова цель вашего пострига, почтенный Аюпала, и какова ваша высшая цель? »85
Thero āha "dhammacariyasamacariyatthā kho, mahārāja, pabbajjā, sāmaññaphalaṃ kho pana amhākaṃ paramattho"ti. ” Venerable Āyupāla replied: “Going forth is for the sake of faring in the Dhamma, faring in spiritual calm.” ‘Our renunciation, O king,’ replied the Elder, ‘is for the sake of being able to live in righteousness, and in spiritual calm.’ – Цель нашего пострига, государь, в том, чтобы жить по дхарме, жить гладко86,– ответил тхера.
"Atthi pana, bhante, koci gihīpi dhammacārī samacārī"ti? “But is there, revered sir, any householder at all who is a farer in the Dhamma, a farer in spiritual calm?" ‘Is there, Sir, any layman who lives so?’ – А есть ли миряне, почтенный, что тоже живут по дхарме, живут гладко?
"Āma, mahārāja, atthi gihīpi dhammacārī samacārī, bhagavati kho, mahārāja, bārāṇasiyaṃ isipatane migadāye dhammacakkaṃ pavattente aṭṭhārasannaṃ brahmakoṭīnaṃ dhammābhisamayo ahosi, devatānaṃ pana dhammābhisamayo gaṇanapathaṃ vītivatto, sabbete gihibhūtā, na pabbajitā. “Yes, sire, there are householders who are farers in the Dhamma, farers in spiritual calm. When the Blessed One set rolling the Dhamma Wheel in the Deer Park at Isipatana near Benares, there was an understanding of the Dhamma by eighteen myriads of Brahmā deities and innumerable other deities. All these were householders, not those who had gone forth. ‘Yes, great king, there are such laymen. At the time when the Blessed One set rolling the royal chariot wheel of the kingdom of righteousness at Benares, at the Deer Park, eighteen koṭis of the Brahma gods, and an innumerable company of other gods, attained to comprehension of the truth. And not one of those beings, all of whom were laymen, had renounced the world. – Да, государь, есть и миряне, что тоже живут по дхарме, живут гладко: когда Блаженный в Бенаресе, в заказнике87 «Заход созвездия провидцев»88 запустил колесо проповеди89, то к ста восьмидесяти миллионам из сонма Брахмы пришло постижение Учения; духам же, к которым пришло постижение Учения, счету не было.
"Puna caparaṃ, mahārāja, bhagavatā kho mahāsamayasuttante desiyamāne, mahāmaṅgalasuttante desiyamāne, samacittapariyāyasuttante desiyamāne, rāhulovādasuttante desiyamāne, parābhavasuttante desiyamāne gaṇanapathaṃ vītivattānaṃ devatānaṃ dhammābhisamayo ahosi, sabbete gihibhūtā, na pabbajitā"ti. Again, when the Blessed One delivered the Mahāsamaya Discourse, the Discourse on the Great Blessings, the Discourse on Even Mind, the Exhortation to Rāhula, and the Parābhava Discourse, there was an understanding of the Dhamma by innumerable deities.20 All these were householders, not those who had gone forth.” And again when the Blessed One delivered the Mahā Samaya discourse, and the discourse on the ‘Greatest Blessing,’ and the Exposition of Quietism, and the discourse on losses (Parābhava Suttanta), and the Exhortation to Rāhula, the multitude of gods who attained to comprehension of the truth cannot be numbered. And not one of those beings, all of whom were laymen, had renounced the world.’ И еще, государь, во время проповеди Блаженного в большом собрании, во время проповеди сутры «Высшее благо», во время проповеди-увещания к Рахуле, во время проповеди сутры о «способе сделать мысль гладкой», во время проповеди сутры «Презрение» к несметному числу божеств пришло постижение Учения, и все они в миру, не отшельники90.
"Tena hi, bhante āyupāla, niratthikā tumhākaṃ pabbajjā, pubbe katassa pāpakammassa nissandena samaṇā sakyaputtiyā pabbajanti dhutaṅgāni ca pariharanti. “Well then, revered Āyupāla, your going forth is useless. It must be because of some evil kamma done in the past that sons of the Sakyans go forth as ascetics and observe the ascetic practices. ‘Then, most venerable Āyupāla, your renunciation is of no use. It must be in consequence of sins committed in some former birth, that the Buddhist Samanas renounce the world, and even subject themselves to the restraints of one or other of the thirteen aids to purity! – Раз так, почтенный Аюпала, то бессмыслен, выходит, ваш постриг; лишь из-за прежде свершенных греховных деяний шраманы, сыны шакьев91, себя постригают и чистые обеты92 соблюдают.
Ye kho te, bhante āyupāla, bhikkhū ekāsanikā, nūna te pubbe paresaṃ bhogahārakā corā, te paresaṃ bhoge acchinditvā tassa kammassa nissandena etarahi ekāsanikā bhavanti, na labhanti kālena kālaṃ paribhuñjituṃ, natthi tesaṃ sīlaṃ, natthi tapo, natthi brahmacariyaṃ. Revered Āyupāla, those monks who eat but one meal a day are perhaps thieves who formerly robbed others of their food and, as a result of that kamma, they eat only one meal a day and have no chance to enjoy food constantly.21 That is no virtue on their part, no brilliance, no holy life. Those who remain on one seat till they have finished their repast were, forsooth, in some former birth, thieves who robbed other men of their food. It is in consequence of the Karma of having so deprived others of food that they have now only such food as they can get at one sitting; and are not allowed to eat from time to time as they want. It is no virtue on their part, no meritorious abstinence, no righteousness of life. Те монахи, почтенный Аюпала, что ныне одноеды93, – те были прежде ворами, у других добро отнимали. Раз они отнимали добро у других, то из-за такого деяния и стали теперь одноедами – время от времени, походя им есть не дано. Нет у них тапаса94, нет добродетели, нет воздержания.
Ye kho pana te, bhante āyupāla, bhikkhū abbhokāsikā, nūna te pubbe gāmaghātakā corā, te paresaṃ gehāni vināsetvā tassa kammassa nissandena etarahi abbhokāsikā bhavanti, na labhanti senāsanāni paribhuñjituṃ, natthi tesaṃ sīlaṃ, natthi tapo, natthi brahmacariyaṃ. “Those monks who live in the open air are perhaps thieves who formerly plundered whole villages and destroyed the homes of others and, as a result of that kamma, live in the open air and have no chance to enjoy lodgings. That is no virtue on their part, no brilliance, no holy life. And they who live in the open air were, forsooth, in some former birth, dacoits who plundered whole villages. It is in consequence of the Karma of having destroyed other people’s homes, that they live now without a home, and are not allowed the use of huts. It is no virtue on their part, no meritorious abstinence, no righteousness of life. Те монахи, почтенный Аюпала, что ныне бездомники95, – те были прежде ворами, разоряли чужие деревни. Раз рушили они дома других, то из-за такого деяния и стали теперь бездомниками; приютом воспользоваться им не дано. Нет у них тапаса, нет добродетели, нет воздержания.
Ye kho pana te, bhante āyupāla, bhikkhū nesajjikā, nūna te pubbe panthadūsakā corā, te paresaṃ pathike jane gahetvā bandhitvā nisīdāpetvā tassa kammassa nissandena etarahi nesajjikā bhavanti, na labhanti seyyaṃ kappetuṃ, natthi tesaṃ sīlaṃ, natthi tapo, natthi brahmacariya"nti āha. Those monks who remain in a sitting position are perhaps thieves who formerly were highwaymen who seized people on the high road, bound them and left them sitting there and, as a result of that kamma, they remain in a sitting position and have no chance of lying on a bed. That is no virtue on their part, no brilliance, no holy life.” And those who never lie down, they, forsooth, in some former birth, were highwaymen who seized travellers, and bound them, and left them sitting there. It is in consequence of the Karma of that habit that they have become Nesajjikā in this life (men who always sit) and get no beds to lie on. It is no virtue on their part, no meritorious abstinence, no righteousness of life!’ Те монахи, почтенный Аюпала, что ныне нележальцы96, – те были прежде ворами, грабили на дорогах. Они путников хватали, вязали, сидеть оставляли; из-за такого вот деяния они стали теперь нележальцами и им себе постель постелить не дано. Нет у них тапаса, нет добродетели, нет воздержания.
Evaṃ vutte āyasmā āyupālo tuṇhī ahosi, na kiñci paṭibhāsi. When the king had spoken, Venerable Āyupāla remained silent and said nothing in reply. And when he had thus spoken the venerable Āyupāla was silenced, and had not a word to say in reply. В ответ на это достопочтенный Аюпала смолчал, не нашелся, что возразить.
Atha kho pañcasatā yonakā rājānaṃ milindaṃ etadavocuṃ "paṇḍito, mahārāja, thero, api ca kho avisārado na kiñci paṭibhāsatī"ti. The Bactrians told the king: “The Elder, sire, is learned, but he is diffident and says nothing in reply.” Then the five hundred Yonakas said to the king: ‘The Elder, O king, is learned, but is also diffident. It is for that reason that he makes no rejoinder. И пятьсот греков сказали царю Милинде: «Государь! Умен тхера, а все же не уверен и возразить ничего не может».
Atha kho milindo rājā āyasmantaṃ āyupālaṃ tuṇhībhūtaṃ disvā apphoṭetvā ukkuṭṭhiṃ katvā yonake etadavoca "tuccho vata bho jambudīpo, palāpo vata bho jambudīpo, natthi koci samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā, yo mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ ussahati kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti. Seeing that Venerable Āyupāla had become silent, the king clapped his hands and shouted: “India is indeed empty, India is void indeed! There is no ascetic or Brahmin capable of conversing with me to dispel my doubts.” But the king on seeing how silent Āyupāla had become, clapped his hands and cried out: ‘All India is an empty thing, it is verily like chaff! There is no one, either Samana or Brahman, capable of discussing things with me and dispelling my doubts!’ А царь Милинда увидел, что достопочтенный Аюпала молчит. Он хлопнул в ладоши и воскликнул, обращаясь к грекам: «Увы, пусто на материке Джамбу, болтовня одна на материке Джамбу. Нет здесь ни шрамана, ни брахмана, кто смог бы со мной побеседовать, сомнение мое развеять».
22.Atha kho milindassa rañño sabbaṃ taṃ parisaṃ anuvilokentassa abhīte amaṅkubhūte yonake disvā etadahosi "nissaṃsayaṃ atthi maññe añño koci paṇḍito bhikkhu, yo mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ ussahati, yenime yonakā na maṅkubhūtā"ti. As he looked around his company of Bactrian Greeks and saw how fearless and self-possessed they were, he thought to himself: “Surely there must be some other learned monk who is capable of conversing with me or these Greek Bactrians would not be so confident.” As he looked, however, at the assembly and saw how fearless and self-possessed the Yonakas appeared, he thought within himself: ‘For a certainty there must be, methinks, some other learned brother capable of disputing with me, or those Yonakas would not be thus confident.’ Но вот царь Милинда, обозревая собрание, увидел, что монахи97 бесстрашны и невозмутимы, и подумал: «Есть, несомненно, еще какой-то мудрый монах, кто сможет со мной побеседовать, иначе монахи не были бы так невозмутимы».
Atha kho milindo rājā yonake etadavoca "atthi, bhaṇe, añño koci paṇḍito bhikkhu, yo mayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ ussahati kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti. He spoke again to the Bactrians: “Is there, my good men, some other learned monk who is capable of conversing with me to dispel my doubts?” And he said to them: ‘Is there, my good men, any other learned brother to discuss things with me and dispel my doubts?’ И царь Милинда спросил греков: «Послушайте, нет ли еще какого мудрого монаха, кто смог бы со мной побеседовать, мое сомнение развеять? »
Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā nāgaseno samaṇagaṇaparivuto saṅghī gaṇī gaṇācariyo ñāto yasassī sādhusammato bahujanassa paṇḍito byatto medhāvī nipuṇo viññū vibhāvī vinīto visārado bahussuto tepiṭako vedagū pabhinnabuddhimā āgatāgamo pabhinnapaṭisambhido navaṅgasatthusāsane pariyattidharo pāramippatto jinavacane dhammatthadesanāpaṭivedhakusalo akkhayavicitrapaṭibhāno citrakathī kalyāṇavākkaraṇo durāsado duppasaho duruttaro durāvaraṇo dunnivārayo, sāgaro viya akkhobho, girirājā viya niccalo, raṇañjaho tamonudo pabhaṅkaro mahākathī paragaṇigaṇamathano paratitthiyamaddano bhikkhūnaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ upāsakānaṃ upāsikānaṃ rājūnaṃ rājamahāmattānaṃ sakkato garukato mānito pūjito apacito lābhī cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṃ lābhaggayasaggappatto vuddhānaṃ viññūnaṃ sotāvadhānena samannāgatānaṃ sandassento navaṅgaṃ jinasāsanaratanaṃ, upadisanto dhammamaggaṃ, dhārento dhammappajjotaṃ, ussāpento dhammayūpaṃ, yajanto dhammayāgaṃ, paggaṇhanto dhammaddhajaṃ, ussāpento dhammaketuṃ, dhamento [uppaḷāsento (sī. pī.)] dhammasaṅkhaṃ, āhananto dhammabheriṃ, nadanto sīhanādaṃ, gajjanto indagajjitaṃ, madhuragiragajjitena ñāṇavaravijjujālapariveṭhitena karuṇājalabharitena mahatā dhammāmatameghena sakalalokamabhitappayanto gāmanigamarājadhānīsu cārikaṃ caramāno anupubbena sāgalanagaraṃ anuppatto hoti. Now at that time Venerable Nāgasena was surrounded by a group of ascetics. He was the leader of an Order, leader of a group and teacher of a group. He was well known, famous, and highly esteemed by the people. He was wise, disciplined, and confident. He was well versed in the Three Collections and was an expert in the nine divisions of the scriptures22 and he had attained to the perfections.23 He was skilled in the teaching of the Dhamma, in answering questions promptly and in getting rid of conflict. His enunciation was lovely. He was venerated and esteemed by monks and nuns, male and female lay devotees, kings and kings’ ministers. He was the recipient of the four requisites of robe material, alms food, lodgings and medicine. This Venerable Nāgasena, walking on tour among the villages, towns and cities, arrived in due course at the town of Sāgala Now at that time the venerable Nāgasena, after making his alms-tour through the villages, towns, and cities, had in due course arrived at Sāgala, attended by a band of Samaṇas, as the leader of a company of the Order; the head of a body of disciples; the teacher of a school; famous and renowned, and highly esteemed by the people. And he was learned, clever, wise, sagacious, and able; a skilful expounder, of subdued manners, but full of courage; well versed in tradition, master of the three Baskets (Piṭakas), and erudite in Vedic lore. He was in possession of the highest (Buddhist) insight, a master of all that had been handed down in the schools, and of the various discriminations by which the most abstruse points can be explained. He knew by heart the ninefold divisions of the doctrine of the Buddha to perfection, and was equally skilled in discerning both the spirit and the letter of the Word. Endowed with instantaneous and varied power of repartee, and wealth of language, and beauty of eloquence, he was difficult to equal, and still more difficult to excel, difficult to answer, to repel, or to refute. He was imperturbable as the depths of the sea, immovable as the king of mountains; victorious in the struggle with evil, a dispeller of darkness and diffuser of light; mighty in eloquence, a confounder of the followers of other masters, and a crusher-out of the adherents of rival doctrines (malleus hereticorum). Honoured and revered by the brethren and sisters of the Order, and its lay adherents of either sex, and by kings and their high officials, he was in the abundant receipt of all the requisites of a member of the Order—robes and bowl and lodging, and whatever is needful for the sick—receiving the highest veneration no less than material gifts. To the wise and discerning who came to him with listening ear he displayed the ninefold jewel of the Conqueror’s word, he pointed out to them the path of righteousness, bore aloft for them the torch of truth, set up for them the sacred pillar of the truth, and celebrated for their benefit the sacrifice of the truth. For them he waved the banner, raised the standard, blew the trumpet, and beat the drum of truth. And with his mighty lion’s voice, like Indra’s thunder but sweet the while, he poured out upon them a plenteous shower, heavy with drops of mercy, and brilliant with the coruscations of the lightning flashes of his knowledge, of the nectar waters of the teaching of the Nirvāṇa of the truth—thus satisfying to the full a thirsty world. А тем временем достопочтенный Нагасена в окружении свиты подвижников, глава общины, учитель школы, руководитель школы98, известный, прославленный, высоко чтимый многими людьми, ученый, мудрый, искусный, знающий, могучий, смиренный, опытный, образованный, помнящий все Три Корзины, сведущий, разумом гибкий и мощный, наследник наследия, обладатель толкующих знаний, хранящий в памяти девять частей наставления Учителя99, достигший совершенства, по глаголу Победителя смысл Учения во благе проникновенно излагающий, толковник неизменно блистающий, рассказчик красноречивый, благие речи произносящий, несравненный, неотразимый, непревосходимый, неодолимый, неудержимый, неколебимый, как океан, несокрушимый, как царь гор, гонитель мрака светлосиянный, велеречивый, множества иных школ сокрушитель, учений соперников истребитель; среди монахов, монахинь, мирян, мирянок, царей, вельмож уважаемый, почитаемый, чтимый, признанный, ценимый; одежду, пропитание, приют, лекарства на случай болезни всегда получающий100; мудрым, знающим, к нему с вниманием прибегнувшим, Учение Победителя – девятичастное сокровище – вверяющий; указующий путь дхармы, держащий светоч дхармы, устанавливающий жертвенный столб дхармы, приносящий жертву дхармы, развертывающий знамя дхармы, вздымающий стяг дхармы, трубящий в боевую раковину дхармы, бьющий в литавры дхармы, издающий боевой клич дхармы, грохочущий громами Индры и из сладостно рокочущей громами, озаренной сетью молний познания, отягощенной влагою милосердия огромной дождевой тучи проливающий нектар дхармы на весь жаждущий мир, странствовал по деревням, торжкам и столицам и наконец прибыл в город Сагалу.
Tatra sudaṃ āyasmā nāgaseno asītiyā bhikkhusahassehi saddhiṃ saṅkhyeyyapariveṇe paṭivasati. and stayed in the Sankheyya Hermitage with a very large number of monks. There then, at the Sankheyya hermitage, did the venerable Nāgasena, with a numerous company of the brethren, dwell. Там достопочтенный Нагасена остановился вместе с восьмьюдесятью тысячами монахов в странноприимной обители.
Tenāhu porāṇā – Therefore is it said: Ведь сказано:
"Bahussuto citrakathī, nipuṇo ca visārado; ‘Learned, with varied eloquence, sagacious, bold, «Ученый, красноречивый, опытный и искусный,
Sāmayiko ca kusalo, paṭibhāne ca kovido. Master of views, in exposition sound, Умный, глубокомудрый, познавший, что есть стезя.
"Te ca tepiṭakā bhikkhū, pañcanekāyikāpi ca; The brethren—wise themselves in holy writ, Repeaters of the fivefold sacred word— Три Корзины знали монахи, иные – пять Сводов сутр,
Catunekāyikā ceva, nāgasenaṃ purakkharuṃ. Put Nāgasena as their leader and their chief. Иные – четыре Свода, но первым был Нагасена.
"Gambhīrapañño medhāvī, maggāmaggassa kovido; Who knew which was the right Path, which the false, Him, Nāgasena of clear mind and wisdom deep,
Uttamatthaṃ anuppatto, nāgaseno visārado. And had himself attained Nirvāṇa’s placid heights! Достигший последней цели101, Нагасена искусный
"Tehi bhikkhūhi parivuto, nipuṇehi saccavādibhi; Attended by the wise, by holders to the Truth, В окружении многих монахов знающих и правдивых
Caranto gāmanigamaṃ, sāgalaṃ upasaṅkami. He had gone from town to town, and come to Sāgala; Шел городами и весями и в город Сагалу прибыл.
"Saṅkhyeyyapariveṇasmiṃ, nāgaseno tadā vasi; And now he dwelt there in Saṅkheyya’s grove, Там он остановился в странноприимной обители
Katheti so manussehi, pabbate kesarī yathā"ti. Appearing, among men, like the lion of the hills.’ И с народом беседовал, подобный гривастому льву».
23.Atha kho devamantiyo rājānaṃ milindaṃ etadavoca "āgamehi, tvaṃ mahārāja; atthi, mahārāja, nāgaseno nāma thero paṇḍito byatto medhāvī vinīto visārado bahussuto citrakathī kalyāṇapaṭibhāno atthadhammaniruttipaṭibhānapaṭisambhidāsu pāramippatto, so etarahi saṅkhyeyyapariveṇe paṭivasati, gaccha, tvaṃ mahārāja, āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ pañhaṃ pucchassu, ussahati so tayā saddhiṃ sallapituṃ kaṅkhaṃ paṭivinetu"nti. A Bactrian officer named Devamantiya told King Milinda: “There is an Elder named Nāgasena staying in the Sankheyya Hermitage. He is wise, experienced, clever, disciplined, and confident. Go, sire, and ask Venerable Nāgasena your questions. He is capable of conversing with you and can dispel your doubts.” And Devamantiya said to king Milinda: ‘Wait a little, great king, wait a little! There is an Elder named Nāgasena, learned, able, and wise, of subdued manners, yet full of courage, versed in the traditions, a master of language, and ready in reply, one who understands alike the spirit and the letter of the law, and can expound its difficulties and refute objections to perfection. He is staying at present at the Saṅkheyya hermitage. You should go, great king, and put your questions to him. He is able to discuss things with you, and dispel your doubts.’ И вот Девамантия102 сказал царю Милинде: «Подожди, государь, подожди, государь! Есть еще, государь, тхера по имени Нагасена: ученый, мудрый, смиренный, опытный, весьма сведущий, рассказчик красноречивый, благие речи произносящий, достигший совершенства в толкующих знаниях предмета, дхармы, выражения и отражения. Он теперь остановился в странноприимной обители. Поезжай, государь, и задай вопрос достопочтенному Нагасене. Он сможет с тобой побеседовать, сомнение твое развеять».
Atha kho milindassa rañño sahasā "nāgaseno"ti saddaṃ sutvāva ahudeva bhayaṃ, ahudeva chambhitattaṃ, ahudeva lomahaṃso. When the king heard the name “Nāgasena” he suddenly became afraid, greatly agitated, and his hair stood on end. Then when Milinda the king heard the name Nāgasena, thus suddenly introduced, he was seized with fear, and with anxiety, and the hairs of his body stood on end. И тут на царя Милинду, когда вдруг услышал он имя «Нагасена», страх нашел, столбняк нашел, мороз по коже прошел103.
Atha kho milindo rājā devamantiyaṃ etadavoca "ussahati bho nāgaseno bhikkhu mayā saddhiṃ sallapitu"nti? He asked Devamantiya: “Is the bhikkhu Nāgasena really able to converse with me?" But he asked Devamantiya: ‘Is that really so?’ И царь Милинда переспросил Девамантию «Правда ли сможет монах Нагасена со мной побеседовать?»
"Ussahati, mahārāja, api indayamavaruṇakuverapajāpati suyāma santusitalokapālehipi pitupitāmahena mahābrahmunāpi saddhiṃ sallapituṃ, kimaṅgaṃ pana manussabhūtenā"ti. Devamantiya said: “Venerable Nāgasena is capable of conversing with the gods, even with Great Brahmā, so why not with a human being?" And Devamantiya replied: ‘He is capable, Sire, of discussing things with the guardians of the world—with Indra, Yama, Varuṇa, Kuvera, Prajāpati, Suyāma, and Santushita—and even with the great Brahma himself, the progenitor of mankind, how much more then with a mere human being!’ – Он сможет побеседовать даже с Индрой, Ямой, Варуной, Куберой, Праджапати, Суямой, Сантушитой – хранителями стран света104 и даже с самим пращуром – Великим Брахмой105. Что уж говорить о людях?
Atha kho milindo rājā devamantiyaṃ etadavoca "tena hi, tvaṃ devamantiya, bhadantassa santike dūtaṃ pesehī"ti. Then King Milinda told Devamantiya: “Send a messenger to Venerable Nāgasena to inform him that I wish to call on him.” ‘Do you then, Devamantiya,’ said the king, ‘send a messenger to say I am coming.’ И царь Милинда сказал Девамантии: «Раз так, Девамантия, пошли к почтенному вестника».
"Evaṃ devā"ti kho devamantiyo āyasmato nāgasenassa santike dūtaṃ pāhesi "rājā, bhante, milindo āyasmantaṃ dassanakāmo"ti. When the message was conveyed And he did so. – Да, государь. И Девамантия послал вестника к достопочтенному Нагасене: «Почтенный! Царь Милинда желает видеть достопочтенного Нагасену».
Āyasmāpi kho nāgaseno evamāha "tena hi āgacchatū"ti. Venerable Nāgasena said: “Well, then, let him come.” And Nāgasena sent word back that he might come. – Так пусть приходит,– отвечал достопочтенный Нагасена.
Atha kho milindo rājā pañcamattehi yonakasatehi parivuto rathavaramāruyha mahatā balakāyena saddhiṃ yena saṅkhyeyyapariveṇaṃ yenāyasmā nāgaseno tenupasaṅkami. Accompanied by many Bactrians, King Milinda went to the Sankheyya Hermitage in a splendid carriage. And the king, attended by the five hundred Yonakas, mounted his royal chariot, and proceeded with a great retinue to the Saṅkheyya hermitage, and to the place where Nāgasena dwelt. И царь Милинда взошел в окружении пятисот греков на прекрасную колесницу и вместе с большой военной силой прибыл в странноприимную обитель к достопочтенному Нагасене.
Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā nāgaseno asītiyā bhikkhusahassehi saddhiṃ maṇḍalamāḷe nisinno hoti. Venerable Nāgasena was sitting in a pavilion with a large number of monks. At that time the venerable Nāgasena was seated with the innumerable company of the brethren of the Order, in the open hall in front of the hermitage. А в то время достопочтенный Нагасена, окруженный восьмьюдесятью тысячами монахов, сидел в беседке.
Addasā kho milindo rājā āyasmato nāgasenassa parisaṃ dūratova, disvāna devamantiyaṃ etadavoca "kassesā, devamantiya, mahatī parisā"ti? When the king saw Venerable Nāgasena’s company from a distance he asked Devamantiya: “Whose is this large company?" So king Milinda saw the assembly from afar, and he said to Devamantiya: ‘Whose, Devamantiya, is this so mighty retinue?’ И издали уже завидел собрание достопочтенного Нагасены царь Милинда. Завидев его, он спросил у Девамантии: «Чье это собрание, Девамантия? »
"Āyasmato kho, mahārāja, nāgasenassa parisā"ti. “It is the company of Venerable Nāgasena, sire.” ‘These are they who follow the venerable Nāgasena,’ was the reply. – Это собрание достопочтенного Нагасены, государь.
Atha kho milindassa rañño āyasmato nāgasenassa parisaṃ dūratova disvā ahudeva bhayaṃ, ahudeva chambhitattaṃ, ahudeva lomahaṃso. The king became afraid, greatly agitated, and his hair stood on end. Then at the sight there came over king Milinda a feeling of fear and of anxiety, and the hairs of his body stood on end. И тут, когда царь увидел издалека собрание достопочтенного Нагасены, на него страх нашел, столбняк нашел, мороз по коже прошел.
Atha kho milindo rājā khaggaparivārito viya gajo, garuḷaparivārito viya nāgo, ajagaraparivārito viya kotthuko [kotthuko (sī. pī.)], mahiṃsaparivuto viya accho, nāgānubaddho viya maṇḍūko, saddūlānubaddho viya migo, ahituṇḍikasamāgato [abhiguṇṭhikasamāgato (sī. pī.)] viya pannago, majjārasamāgato viya undūro, bhūtavejjasamāgato viya pisāco, rāhumakhagato viya cando, pannago viya peḷantaragato, sakuṇo viya pañjarantaragato, maccho viya jālantaragato, vāḷavanamanuppaviṭṭho viya puriso, vessavaṇāparādhiko viya yakkho, parikkhīṇāyuko viya devaputto bhīto ubbiggo utrasto saṃviggo lomahaṭṭhajāto vimano dummano bhantacitto vipariṇatamānaso "mā maṃ ayaṃ parijano paribhavī"ti satiṃ [dhītiṃ (sī. pī.)] upaṭṭhapetvā devamantiyaṃ etadavoca – "mā kho, tvaṃ devamantiya, āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ mayhaṃ ācikkheyyāsi, anakkhātaññevāhaṃ nāgasenaṃ jānissāmī"ti. Thinking, “Do not let these despise me,” he told Devamantiya: “Do not, Devamantiya, indicate Venerable Nāgasena to me. I will recognize him without his being pointed out.” But nevertheless, though he felt like an elephant hemmed in by rhinoceroses, like a serpent surrounded by the Garudas (the snake-eating mythical birds), like a jackal surrounded by boa-constrictors, or a bear by buffaloes, like a frog pursued by a serpent, or a deer by a panther, like a snake in the hands of a snake charmer, or a rat played with by a cat, or a devil charmed by an exorcist, like the moon when it is seized by Rāhu, like a snake caught in a basket, or a bird in a cage, or a fish in a net, like a man who has lost his way in a dense forest haunted by wild beasts, like a Yakkha (ogre) who has sinned against Vessavana (the king of ogres and fairies), or like a god whose term of life as a god has reached its end—though confused and terrified, anxious, and beside himself in an agony of fear like that—yet at the thought that he must at least avoid humiliation in the sight of the people, he took courage, and said to Devamantiya: ‘You need not trouble to point out to me which is Nāgasena. I shall pick him out unaided.’ И царь Милинда, как слон, преследуемый носорогом, как змей, преследуемый Гарудой106, как шакал, преследуемый удавом, как медведь, преследуемый буйволом, как лягушка, загнанная змеей, как лань, загнанная барсом, как змея при встрече со змееловом, как крыса при встрече с кошкой, как бес при встрече с заклинателем духов, как месяц в пасти демона Раху107, как змея, попавшая в корзинку, как сокол, попавший в клетку, как рыба, попавшая в сеть, как человек, забредший в полный хищников лес, как якша, провинившийся перед Вайшраваной108, как небожитель, когда пришла пора ему покинуть небеса109, устрашенный, подавленный, ужаснувшийся, потрясенный, с волосами, вставшими дыбом, растерянный, потерянный, омраченный рассудком, помутненный духом, собрался все же с мужеством, решив: «Нет, на людях я не поддамся слабости», и сказал Девамантии: «Не нужно мне указывать на достопочтенного Нагасену, Девамантия. Я сам узнаю, кто он здесь».
"Sādhu, mahārāja, tvaññeva jānāhī"ti. “Very well, sire, find him yourself,” said Devamantiya. ‘Certainly, Sire, recognise him yourself,’ said he. – Хорошо, государь, узнавай сам.
Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā nāgaseno tassā bhikkhuparisāya purato cattālīsāya bhikkhusahassānaṃ navakataro hoti pacchato cattālīsāya bhikkhusahassānaṃ vuḍḍhataro. At that time Venerable Nāgasena was sitting in the midst of the Order of monks, some in front of him and some behind. Now Nāgasena was junior in seniority (reckoned from the date of his full membership in the Order) to the half of that great company seated in front of him, and senior to the half seated behind him. А в это время достопочтенный Нагасена сидел посреди собрания. Перед ним сидело сорок тысяч монахов старше его, а позади – сорок тысяч монахов младше его.
Atha kho milindo rājā sabbaṃ taṃ bhikkhusaṅghaṃ purato ca pacchato ca majjhato ca anuvilokento addasā kho āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ dūratova bhikkhusaṅghassa majjhe nisinnaṃ kesarasīhaṃ viya vigatabhayabheravaṃ vigatalomahaṃsaṃ vigatabhayasārajjaṃ, disvāna ākāreneva aññāsi "eso kho ettha nāgaseno"ti. The king saw Venerable Nāgasena sitting there like a maned lion, devoid of fear and dread, devoid of terror, devoid of trepidation. It was by this that he recognized Venerable Nāgasena And as he looked over the whole of the assembly, in front, and down the centre, and behind, king Milinda detected Nāgasena seated in the middle, and, like a shaggy lion who knows no fear or frenzy, entirely devoid of nervous agitation, and free from shyness and trepidation. And as soon as he saw him, he knew by his mien that that was Nāgasena, И царь Милинда обозрел всю общину монахов – сидевших спереди, и сзади, и в середине – и издалека уже завидел достопочтенного Нагасену, сидевшего посреди общины, бесстрашного, бестрепетного, безбоязненного, подобного льву гривастому, и, увидев, тотчас узнал его по облику: «Вот Нагасена».
Atha kho milindo rājā devamantiyaṃ etadavoca "eso kho, devamantiya, āyasmā nāgaseno"ti. and told Devamantiya: “That one is Nāgasena.” and he pointed him out to Devamantiya. И царь Милинда сказал Девамантии: «Девамантия! Вон там Нагасена? »
"Āma, mahārāja, eso kho nāgaseno, suṭṭhu kho, tvaṃ mahārāja, nāgasenaṃ aññāsī"ti. Devamantiya replied: “Yes, sire, that is Nāgasena. It is good that you recognized him.” ‘Yes, great king,’ said he, ‘that is Nāgasena. Well hast thou, Sire, recognised the sage.’ – Да, государь, это и есть Нагасена. Верно ты узнал Нагасену, государь.
Tato rājā tuṭṭho ahosi "anakkhātova mayā nāgaseno aññāto"ti. The king was glad that he had been able to recognize Venerable Nāgasena without his being pointed out, ‘Whereupon the king rejoiced that he had recognised Nāgasena without having had him pointed out to him. И царь был доволен: «Узнал я Нагасену, хотя мне его и не показали».
Atha kho milindassa rañño āyasmantaṃ nāgasenaṃ disvāva ahudeva bhayaṃ, ahudeva chambhitattaṃ, ahudeva lomahaṃso. but once again, he became afraid, greatly agitated, and his hair stood on end. But nevertheless, at the sight of him, the king was seized with nervous excitement and trepidation and fear. И вот, когда царь Милинда увидел достопочтенного Нагасену, на него страх нашел, столбняк нашел, мороз по коже прошел.
Tenāhu – Therefore it is said: Therefore is it said: Об этом сказано:
"Caraṇena ca sampannaṃ, sudantaṃ uttame dame; At the sight of Nāgasena, wise and pure, Tamed in the supreme training, ‘At the sight of Nāgasena, wise and pure, Subdued in all that is the best subjection, «Учтивого в обхождении, смирением высшим смиренного».
Disvā rājā nāgasenaṃ, idaṃ vacanamabravi. Milinda uttered these words: Milinda uttered this foreboding word— Увидел царь Нагасену и слово такое вымолвил:
"Kathitā [kathikā (sī. pī.)] mayā bahū diṭṭhā, sākacchā osaṭā bahū; “Many are the speakers I have seen, Many the discussions I have held, "Many the talkers I have visited, Many the conversations I have had, «Немало знавал я спорщиков, во многих участвовал диспутах,
Na tādisaṃ bhayaṃ āsi, ajja tāso yathā mama. But there was no fear like unto this, No terror as is mine today. But never yet, till now, to-day, has fear, So strange, so terrible, o’erpowered my heart. Но страха такого не было. Что ж я сегодня трясусь?
"Nissaṃsayaṃ parājayo, mama ajja bhavissati; Surely defeat must be my lot today Verily now defeat must be my lot, Наверное, поражение сегодня меня постигнет,
Jayo ca nāgasenassa, yathā cittaṃ na saṇṭhita"nti. And victory for Nāgasena Since my mind is not composed.” And victory his, so troubled is my mind.” ’ А победит Нагасена – слишком нестоек мой дух».
Bāhirakathā niṭṭhitā. Внешнее повествование закончено.
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