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475.Atha kho te ukkhittānuvattakā bhikkhū taṃ ukkhittakaṃ bhikkhuṃ osāretvā yena ukkhepakā bhikkhū tenupasaṅkamiṃsu, upasaṅkamitvā ukkhepake bhikkhū etadavocuṃ – "yasmiṃ, āvuso, vatthusmiṃ ahosi saṅghassa bhaṇḍanaṃ kalaho viggaho vivādo saṅghabhedo saṅgharāji saṅghavavatthānaṃ saṅghanānākaraṇaṃ, so eso bhikkhu āpanno ca ukkhitto ca passi [passī (itipi)] ca osārito ca.
Then the followers of the suspended monk, having restored him, went to the monks who suspended him and, on arrival said to them, “Regarding the matter about which there was arguing, quarreling, clashes, and disputes in the Saṅgha, a split in the Saṅgha, a crack in the Saṅgha, a falling apart in the Saṅgha, a separation in the Saṅgha: That monk did fall into an offense and was suspended but (now) has seen his offense and been restored.
Handa mayaṃ, āvuso, tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggiṃ karomā"ti.
“Friends, for the sake of settling this matter, let’s perform a Saṅgha-unification.”
Atha kho te ukkhepakā bhikkhū yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṃsu, upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu.
Then the monks who had suspended (the monk) went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed down and sat to one side.
Ekamantaṃ nisinnā kho te bhikkhū bhagavantaṃ etadavocuṃ – "te, bhante, ukkhittānuvattakā bhikkhū evamāhaṃsu – 'yasmiṃ, āvuso, vatthusmiṃ ahosi saṅghassa bhaṇḍanaṃ kalaho viggaho vivādo saṅghabhedo saṅgharāji saṅghavavatthānaṃ saṅghanānākaraṇaṃ, so eso bhikkhu āpanno ca ukkhitto ca passi ca osārito ca.
As they were sitting there, they said to the Blessed One, “Lord, the followers of the suspended monk say, ‘Regarding the matter about which there was arguing, quarreling, clashes, and disputes in the Saṅgha, a split in the Saṅgha, a crack in the Saṅgha, a falling apart in the Saṅgha, a separation in the Saṅgha: “That monk did fall into an offense and was suspended but (now) has seen his offense and been restored.
Handa mayaṃ, āvuso, tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggiṃ karomā'ti.
Friends, for the sake of settling this matter, let’s perform a Saṅgha-unification.’
Kathaṃ nu kho, bhante, paṭipajjitabba"nti?
What should be done?”
Yato ca kho so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu āpanno ca ukkhitto ca passi ca osārito ca, tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggiṃ karotu.
“Because the monk, fallen into an offense, suspended, has seen the offense, and has been restored: then in that case, monks, for the sake of settling this matter, a Saṅgha-unification should be performed.
Evañca pana, bhikkhave, kātabbā.
“This is how it should be performed:
Sabbeheva ekajjhaṃ sannipatitabbaṃ gilānehi ca agilānehi ca.
“One and all should gather together, the ill and the not-ill.
Na kehici chando dātabbo.
Consent is not to be conveyed for anyone.
Sannipatitvā byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo –
“Having gathered them, an experienced and competent monk should inform the Saṅgha:
"Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me.
Yasmiṃ vatthusmiṃ ahosi saṅghassa bhaṇḍanaṃ kalaho viggaho vivādo saṅghabhedo saṅgharāji saṅghavavatthānaṃ saṅghanānākaraṇaṃ, so eso bhikkhu āpanno ca ukkhitto ca passi ca osārito ca.
Regarding the matter about which there was arguing, quarreling, clashes, and disputes in the Saṅgha, a split in the Saṅgha, a crack in the Saṅgha, a falling apart in the Saṅgha, a separation in the Saṅgha: That monk who fell into an offense and was suspended has seen his offense and been restored.
Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṃ, saṅgho tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggiṃ kareyya.
“‘If the Saṅgha is ready, it should—as this matter has been settled—perform a Saṅgha-unification.
Esā ñatti.
“‘This is the motion.
"Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me.
Yasmiṃ vatthusmiṃ ahosi saṅghassa bhaṇḍanaṃ kalaho viggaho vivādo saṅghabhedo saṅgharāji saṅghavavatthānaṃ saṅghanānākaraṇaṃ, so eso bhikkhu āpanno ca ukkhitto ca passi ca osārito ca.
Regarding the matter about which there was arguing, quarreling, clashes, and disputes in the Saṅgha, a split in the Saṅgha, a crack in the Saṅgha, a falling apart in the Saṅgha, a separation in the Saṅgha: That monk who fell into an offense and was suspended has seen his offense and been restored.
Saṅgho tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggiṃ karoti.
“‘As this matter has been settled, the Saṅgha is performing a Saṅgha-unification.
Yassāyasmato khamati tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggiyā karaṇaṃ, so tuṇhassa, yassa nakkhamati so bhāseyya.
“‘He to whom—as this matter has been settled—the performing of the Saṅgha-unification is agreeable should remain silent. He to whom it is not agreeable should speak.
"Katā saṅghena tassa vatthussa vūpasamāya saṅghasāmaggī.
“‘As this matter has been settled, the Saṅgha has performed a Saṅgha-unification.
Nihato saṅghabhedo, nihatā saṅgharāji, nihataṃ saṅghavavatthānaṃ, nihataṃ saṅghanānākaraṇaṃ.
The schism in the Saṅgha is settled, the split in the Saṅgha is settled, the falling apart in the Saṅgha is settled, the separation in the Saṅgha is settled.
Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmī"ti.
“‘This is agreeable to the Saṅgha, therefore it is silent. Thus do I hold it.’
Tāvadeva uposatho kātabbo, pātimokkhaṃ uddisitabbanti.
“Immediately the uposatha is to be done, the Pāṭimokkha is to be recited.”
Saṅghasāmaggīkathā niṭṭhitā.
The Discussion of Saṅgha-unification is finished.