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СНп 2.11 Палийский оригинал

пали Thanissaro bhikkhu - english Комментарии
"Kacci abhiṇhasaṃvāsā, nāvajānāsi paṇḍitaṃ; “From living with him often do you not despise the wise man?
Ukkādhāro [okkādhāro (syā. ka.)] manussānaṃ, kacci apacito tayā" [tava (sī. aṭṭha.)]. Is the one who holds up the torch for human beings honored by you?”
"Nāhaṃ abhiṇhasaṃvāsā, avajānāmi paṇḍitaṃ; “From living with him often I don’t despise the wise man.
Ukkādhāro manussānaṃ, niccaṃ apacito mayā". The one who holds up the torch for human beings is honored by me.”
"Pañca kāmaguṇe hitvā, piyarūpe manorame; “Abandoning the five strings of sensuality, endearing, charming,
Saddhāya gharā nikkhamma, dukkhassantakaro bhava. going forth from home through conviction, be one who puts an end to suffering & stress.
"Mitte bhajassu kalyāṇe, pantañca sayanāsanaṃ; Cultivate admirable friends and an isolated dwelling,
Vivittaṃ appanigghosaṃ, mattaññū hohi bhojane. secluded, with next-to-no noise. Know moderation in eating.
"Cīvare piṇḍapāte ca, paccaye sayanāsane; Robe, alms-food, requisites, dwellings:
Etesu taṇhaṃ mākāsi, mā lokaṃ punarāgami. Don’t create craving for these. Don’t be one who returns to the world.
"Saṃvuto pātimokkhasmiṃ, indriyesu ca pañcasu; Restrained in the Pāṭimokkha and the five faculties,
Sati kāyagatātyatthu, nibbidābahulo bhava. have mindfulness immersed in the body, be one who’s cultivated disenchantment.
"Nimittaṃ parivajjehi, subhaṃ rāgūpasañhitaṃ; Avoid the theme of beauty, connected with passion.
Asubhāya cittaṃ bhāvehi, ekaggaṃ susamāhitaṃ. Develop the mind in the unattractive—gathered into one,1 well-centered.
"Animittañca bhāvehi, mānānusayamujjaha; Develop the themeless.2 Give up obsession with conceit.
Tato mānābhisamayā, upasanto carissatī"ti. Then, from having broken through conceit, you will go about, stilled.”
Itthaṃ sudaṃ bhagavā āyasmantaṃ rāhulaṃ imāhi gāthāhi abhiṇhaṃ ovadatīti. In this way, the Blessed One often instructed Ven. Rāhula3 with these verses.
Rāhulasuttaṃ ekādasamaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ.
Метки: Рахула 
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