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208. Siveyyakadussayugakathā Палийский оригинал

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335.Tena kho pana samayena rañño pajjotassa siveyyakaṃ dussayugaṃ uppannaṃ hoti – bahūnaṃ [bahunnaṃ (sī. syā.)] dussānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugasatānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugasahassānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugasatasahassānaṃ aggañca seṭṭhañca mokkhañca uttamañca pavarañca. Now on that occasion a pair of Sivi [note] robes accrued to King Pajjota, the supreme, best, foremost, most excellent and special of many robes, many pairs of robes, many hundreds of pairs of robes, many thousands of pairs of robes, many hundreds of thousands of pairs of robes.
Atha kho rājā pajjoto taṃ siveyyakaṃ dussayugaṃ jīvakassa komārabhaccassa pāhesi. Then King Pajjota sent the pair of Sivi robes to Jīvaka Komārabhacca.
Atha kho jīvakassa komārabhaccassa etadahosi – "idaṃ kho me siveyyakaṃ dussayugaṃ raññā pajjotena pahitaṃ – bahūnaṃ dussānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugasatānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugasahassānaṃ bahūnaṃ dussayugasatasahassānaṃ aggañca seṭṭhañca mokkhañca uttamañca pavarañca. Then the thought occurred to him, “I have this pair of Sivi robes, sent by King Pajjota—the supreme, best, foremost, most excellent and special of many robes, many pairs of robes, many hundreds of pairs of robes, many thousands of pairs of robes, many hundreds of thousands of pairs of robes.
Nayidaṃ añño koci paccārahati aññatra tena bhagavatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena, raññā vā māgadhena seniyena bimbisārenā"ti. There is no one worthy of using it aside from the Blessed One, Worthy and Rightly Self-awakened, or King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha.
Siveyyakadussayugakathā niṭṭhitā. The Discussion of the Pair of Sivi Robes is finished.
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