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Ити 110 Палийский оригинал

пали Thanissaro bhikkhu - english Комментарии
110.Vuttañhetaṃ bhagavatā, vuttamarahatāti me sutaṃ – §110. This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
"Carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is walking, monks, there arises in a monk a thought of sensuality, a thought of ill-will, or a thought of harmfulness,
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti [byantikaroti (sī. pī.), byantaṃ karoti (ka.)] anabhāvaṃ gameti. and he does not quickly abandon, dispel, demolish, or wipe that thought out of existence,
Carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī [anottappī (sabbattha) dukanipāte, aṅguttare 1.4.11 passitabbaṃ] satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati. then a monk walking with such a lack of ardency & compunction is called continually & continuously lethargic & low in his persistence.
"Ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is standing.
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṃ gameti.
Ṭhitopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.
"Nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is sitting.
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṃ gameti.
Nisinnopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.
"Sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is lying down, there arises in a monk a thought of sensuality, a thought of ill-will, or a thought of harmfulness,
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṃ gameti. and he does not quickly abandon, dispel, demolish, or wipe that thought out of existence,
Sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati. then a monk lying down with such a lack of ardency & compunction is called continually & continuously lethargic & low in his persistence.
"Carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “But if, while he is walking, there arises in a monk a thought of sensuality, a thought of ill-will, or a thought of harmfulness,
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. and he quickly abandons, dispels, demolishes, & wipes that thought out of existence,
Carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī [ottappī (sabbattha)] satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccati. then a monk walking with such ardency & compunction is called continually & continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused.
"Ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is standing.
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti.
Ṭhitopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.
"Nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is sitting.
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti.
Nisinnopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.
"Sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. “If, while he is lying down, there arises in a monk a thought of sensuality, a thought of ill-will, or a thought of harmfulness,
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. and he quickly abandons, dispels, demolishes, & wipes that thought out of existence,
Sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccatī"ti. then a monk lying down with such ardency & compunction is called continually & continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused.”
Etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. [This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said.]
Tatthetaṃ iti vuccati – [So with regard to this it was said:]
"Caraṃ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaṃ, nisinno uda vā sayaṃ; Whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down,
Yo vitakkaṃ vitakketi, pāpakaṃ gehanissitaṃ. whoever thinks evil thoughts, related to the household life,
"Kummaggaṃ paṭipanno [kummaggappaṭipanno (a. ni. 4.11)] so, mohaneyyesu mucchito; is following no path at all, smitten with delusory things.
Abhabbo tādiso bhikkhu, phuṭṭhuṃ sambodhimuttamaṃ. He’s incapable, a monk like this, of touching superlative self-awakening.
"Yo ca caraṃ vā tiṭṭhaṃ vā [yo caraṃ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaṃ (syā.), yo caraṃ vātha tiṭṭhaṃ vā (sī. ka.)], nisinno uda vā sayaṃ; But whoever– walking, standing, sitting, or lying down–
Vitakkaṃ samayitvāna, vitakkūpasame rato; overcomes thought, delighting in the stilling of thought:
Bhabbo so tādiso bhikkhu, phuṭṭhuṃ sambodhimuttama"nti. he’s capable, a monk like this, of touching superlative self-awakening.
Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti. [This, too, was the meaning of what was said by the Blessed One, so I have heard.]
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