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41. Rāhulavatthu Палийский оригинал
пали | I.B. Horner - english | Khematto Bhikkhu - english | khantibalo - русский | Комментарии |
105.Atha kho bhagavā rājagahe yathābhirantaṃ viharitvā yena kapilavatthu tena cārikaṃ pakkāmi. | Then the Lord, having stayed in Rājagaha for as long as he found suiting, set out on tour for Kapilavatthu. | Then the Blessed One, having stayed at Rājagaha as long as he liked, set out on a wandering tour toward Kapilavatthu, | Затем Благословенный, пробыв в Раджагахе сколько он желал, отправился в путешествие в Каплаваттху. | |
Anupubbena cārikaṃ caramāno yena kapilavatthu tadavasari. | Walking on tour in due course he arrived at Kapilavatthu. | and traveling by stages, arrived at Kapilavatthu. | Странствуя переходами он прибыл к Капилаваттху. | |
Tatra sudaṃ bhagavā sakkesu viharati kapilavatthusmiṃ nigrodhārāme. | The Lord stayed there among the Sakyans in Kapilavatthu in the Banyan monastery. | The Blessed One stayed right there in Kapilavatthu among the Sakyans in the Banyan Park. | Там Благословенный поселился среди сакьев в Капилаваттху, в баньяновом монастыре. | |
Atha kho bhagavā pubbaṇhasamayaṃ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena suddhodanassa sakkassa nivesanaṃ tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. | Then the Lord, having dressed in the morning, taking his bowl and robe, approached the dwelling of Suddhodana the Sakyan; having approached he sat down on the appointed seat. | Then the Blessed One, early in the morning, adjusted his under robe and—carrying his bowl & robes, went to the residence of Suddhodana the Sakyan and, on arrival, sat down on a seat laid out. | Затем Благословенный рано утром оделся, взял сосуд для еды и одеяние отправился к жилищу сакьи Суддходаны, придя он сел на приготовленное сидение. | |
Atha kho rāhulamātā devī rāhulaṃ kumāraṃ etadavoca – "eso te, rāhula, pitā. | Then the lady, Rāhula’s mother, spoke thus to the boy Rāhula: “This, Rāhula, is your father, | Then the queen, Rāhula’s mother, said to Prince Rāhula, “Rāhula, that’s your father. | И тогда мать Рахулы сказала мальчику Рахуле: "Рахула, это твой отец. | |
Gacchassu [gacchassa (syā.)], dāyajjaṃ yācāhī"ti. | go and ask him for your inheritance.” | Go and ask for your inheritance.” | Иди и попроси наследство." | |
Atha kho rāhulo kumāro yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato purato, aṭṭhāsi – "sukhā te, samaṇa, chāyā"ti. | Then the boy Rāhula approached the Lord; having approached, he stood in front of the Lord and said: “Pleasant is your shadow, recluse.” | So Prince Rāhula went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, stood in front of him, (saying,) “Contemplative, your shadow is pleasant.” | И тогда мальчик Рахула подошёл к Благословенному, придя он встал перед Благословенным и сказал: "Красивая тень у тебя, отшельник". | |
Atha kho bhagavā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi. | Then the Lord, rising up from his seat, departed. | Then the Blessed One, getting up from his seat, left. | На том Благословенный встал с места и ушёл. | |
Atha kho rāhulo kumāro bhagavantaṃ piṭṭhito piṭṭhito anubandhi – "dāyajjaṃ me, samaṇa, dehi; dāyajjaṃ me, samaṇa, dehī"ti. | Then the boy Rāhula, following close behind the Lord, said: “Give me my inheritance, recluse, give me my inheritance, recluse.” | So Prince Rāhula followed along behind the Blessed One, (saying,) “Contemplative, give me my inheritance. Contemplative, give me my inheritance.” | Тогда мальчик Рахула пошёл за Благословенным по пятам со словами: "Отшельник, дай мне наследство, отшельник, дай мне наследство". | |
Atha kho bhagavā āyasmantaṃ sāriputtaṃ āmantesi – "tena hi tvaṃ, sāriputta, rāhulaṃ kumāraṃ pabbājehī"ti. | Then the Lord addressed the venerable Sāriputta, saying: “Well then, do you, Sāriputta, let the boy Rāhula go forth.” | Then the Blessed One addressed Ven. Sāriputta, “In that case, Sāriputta, give Prince Rāhula the Going-forth.” | На том Благословенный обратился к почтенному Сарипутте: "Тогда ты, Сарипутта, проведи процедуру ухода в бездомную жизнь для мальчика Рахулы". | |
"Kathāhaṃ, bhante, rāhulaṃ kumāraṃ pabbājemī"ti? | “How do I, Lord, let the boy Rāhula go forth?” | “How should I give Prince Rāhula the Going-forth, Lord?” | "Досточтимый, но как же я проведу процедуру ухода в бездомную жизнь мальчику Рахуле?" | |
Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṃ nidāne etasmiṃ pakaraṇe dhammiṃ kathaṃ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi – "anujānāmi, bhikkhave, tīhi saraṇagamanehi sāmaṇerapabbajjaṃ. | Then the Lord on this occasion, in this connection, having given reasoned talk, addressed the monks, saying: “I allow, monks, the going forth for novices by the three goings for refuge. | Then the Blessed One, having given a Dhamma talk with regard to this cause, to this incident, addressed the monks: “Monks, I allow the Going-forth for a novice by means of three goings for refuge. | На том Благословенный в этой связи в этом отношении проведя беседу по Дхамме обратился к монахам: "Монахи, я разрешаю проводить процедуру ухода в бездомную жизнь для саманеры путём трёх прибеганий к прибежищу. | |
Evañca pana, bhikkhave, pabbājetabbo – paṭhamaṃ kesamassuṃ ohārāpetvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādāpetvā ekaṃsaṃ uttarāsaṅgaṃ kārāpetvā bhikkhūnaṃ pāde vandāpetvā ukkuṭikaṃ nisīdāpetvā añjaliṃ paggaṇhāpetvā evaṃ vadehīti vattabbo – buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi; dutiyampi buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, dutiyampi dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, dutiyampi saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi; tatiyampi buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, tatiyampi dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, tatiyampi saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmīti. | And thus, monks, should you let one go forth: first, having made him have his hair and beard cut off, having got (someone) to present him with yellow robes, having made him arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, having made him honour the monks’ feet, having made him sit down on his haunches, having made him salute with joined palms, he should be told: ‘Speak thus: “I go to the awakened one for refuge I go to dhamma for refuge, I go to the Order for refuge. And a second time I go … And a third time I go … to the Order for refuge”’. | “The Going-forth should be given like this: “First—having gotten him to shave his head & beard, to clothe himself in ochre robes, to arrange his robe over one shoulder, to bow down at the feet of the monks, to sit in the kneeling position, and to raise his hands palm-to-palm in front of the heart—he should be told, ‘Say this: “‘“I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Saṅgha for refuge. A second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. A second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. A second time, I go to the Saṅgha for refuge. A third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. A third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. A third time, I go to the Saṅgha for refuge.”’ | И так, монахи, стоит проводить процедуру ухода в бездомную жизнь: сначала сделать, чтобы ему [кандидату] обрили волосы и бороду и облачили в жёлтые одежды. Затем сделать, чтобы он сложил верхнюю часть одеяния на одном плече, выразил почтение [поклоном] у ног монахов, сел на корточки и сложил руки в жесте уважения. Ему следует сказать "говори так": "я иду к Будде как к прибежищу, я иду к Дхамме как к прибежищу, я иду к Сообществу как к прибежищу; и во второй раз я иду к Будде как к прибежищу, и во второй раз я иду к Дхамме как к прибежищу, и во второй раз я иду к Сообществу как к прибежищу; и в третий раз я иду к Будде как к прибежищу, и в третий раз я иду к Дхамме как к прибежищу, и в третий раз я иду к Сообществу как к прибежищу". |
Интересно, зачем нужно склоняться перед монахами, ведь эта процедура не является процедурой общины, в отличие от приёма в орден, где требуется кворум.... Все комментарии (2) |
Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, imehi tīhi saraṇagamanehi sāmaṇerapabbajja"nti. | I allow, monks, the going forth for novices by these three goings for refuge.” | “Monks, I allow the Going-forth for a novice by means of these three goings for refuge.” | Монахи, я разрешаю проводить процедеру ухода в бездомную жизнь для саманеры путём трёх приходов к прибежищу." | |
Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto rāhulaṃ kumāraṃ pabbājesi. | Then the venerable Sāriputta let the boy Rāhula go forth. | So Ven. Sāriputta gave Prince Rāhula the Going-forth. | Затем почтенный Сарипутта провёл для мальчика Рахулы процедуру ухода в бездомную жизнь. | |
Atha kho suddhodano sakko yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi. | Then Suddhodana the Sakyan went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed down and sat to one side. | |||
Ekamantaṃ nisinno kho suddhodano sakko bhagavantaṃ etadavoca – "ekāhaṃ, bhante, bhagavantaṃ varaṃ yācāmī"ti. | As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One, “Lord, I have one boon to ask of the Blessed One.” | |||
"Atikkantavarā kho, gotama, tathāgatā"ti. | “Tathāgatas have gone beyond boons, Gotama.” | |||
"Yañca, bhante, kappati, yañca anavajja"nti. | “It is allowable and blameless.” | |||
"Vadehi, gotamā"ti. | “Say it, Gotama.” | |||
"Bhagavati me, bhante, pabbajite anappakaṃ dukkhaṃ ahosi, tathā nande, adhimattaṃ rāhule. | When the Blessed One went forth, I suffered not just a little. Likewise for Nanda, and exceedingly so for Rāhula. | |||
Puttapemaṃ, bhante, chaviṃ chindati, chaviṃ chetvā cammaṃ chindati, cammaṃ chetvā maṃsaṃ chindati, maṃsaṃ chetvā nhāruṃ chindati, nhāruṃ chetvā aṭṭhiṃ chindati, aṭṭhiṃ chetvā aṭṭhimiñjaṃ āhacca tiṭṭhati. | Lord, affection for a son cuts through the outer skin. Having cut through the outer skin it cuts through the inner skin. Having cut through the inner skin, it cuts through the flesh. Having cut through the flesh, it cuts through the tendons. Having cut through the tendons, it cuts into the bones. Having cut into the bones, it penetrates the bone marrow and stays there. | |||
Sādhu, bhante, ayyā ananuññātaṃ mātāpitūhi puttaṃ na pabbājeyyu"nti. | “It would be good, Lord, if the Masters didn’t give the Going-forth to sons without the parents’ permission.” | |||
Atha kho bhagavā suddhodanaṃ sakkaṃ dhammiyā kathāya sandassesi samādapesi samuttejesi sampahaṃsesi. | Then the Blessed One instructed, urged, roused, & encouraged Suddhodana the Sakyan with a Dhamma talk. | |||
Atha kho suddhodano sakko bhagavatā dhammiyā kathāya sandassito samādapito samuttejito sampahaṃsito uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā pakkāmi. | Having been instructed, urged, roused, & encouraged by the Blessed One with a Dhamma talk, Suddhodana the Sakyan got up from his seat, bowed down to him, circumambulated him, keeping him to his right, and left. | |||
Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṃ nidāne etasmiṃ pakaraṇe dhammiṃ kathaṃ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi – "na, bhikkhave, ananuññāto mātāpitūhi putto pabbājetabbo. | Then the Blessed One, having given a Dhamma talk with regard to this cause, to this incident, addressed the monks: “Monks, a son without permission from his parents should not be given the Going-forth. | |||
Yo pabbājeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassā"ti. | Whoever should give it: an offense of wrong-doing.” | |||
Atha kho bhagavā kapilavatthusmiṃ yathābhirantaṃ viharitvā yena sāvatthi tena cārikaṃ pakkāmi. | Then the Blessed One, having stayed at Kapilavatthu as long as he liked, set out on a wandering tour toward Sāvatthī, | |||
Anupubbena cārikaṃ caramāno yena sāvatthi tadavasari. | and traveling by stages, arrived at Sāvatthī. | |||
Tatra sudaṃ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. | There at Sāvatthī, the Blessed One stayed in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery. | |||
Tena kho pana samayena āyasmato sāriputtassa upaṭṭhākakulaṃ āyasmato sāriputtassa santike dārakaṃ pāhesi – "imaṃ dārakaṃ thero pabbājetū"ti. | At that time a family that supported Ven. Sāriputta sent a boy to Ven. Sāriputta’s presence, (saying,) “May the elder give this boy the Going-forth.” | |||
Atha kho āyasmato sāriputtassa etadahosi – "bhagavatā paññattaṃ 'na ekena dve sāmaṇerā upaṭṭhāpetabbā'ti. | Then the thought occurred to Ven. Sāriputta, “The Blessed One has declared: ‘One (monk) should not get two novices to attend to him.’ | |||
Ayañca me rāhulo sāmaṇero. | But I have this Novice Rāhula. | |||
Kathaṃ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabba"nti? | What should I do?” | |||
Bhagavato etamatthaṃ ārocesi. | He reported the matter to the Blessed One. | |||
Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena ekena dve sāmaṇere upaṭṭhāpetuṃ, yāvatake vā pana ussahati ovadituṃ anusāsituṃ tāvatake upaṭṭhāpetunti. | “Monks, I allow a single monk, if experienced and competent, to get two novices—or as many as he is capable of instructing and exhorting—to attend to him.” | |||
Rāhulavatthu niṭṭhitaṃ. | The Case of Rāhula is finished. |