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33. Iṇāyikavatthu Палийский оригинал

пали Khematto Bhikkhu - english Комментарии
96.Tena kho pana samayena aññataro puriso iṇāyiko palāyitvā bhikkhūsu pabbajito hoti. Now at that time a certain debtor ran away and went forth among the monks.
Dhaniyā passitvā evamāhaṃsu – "ayaṃ so amhākaṃ iṇāyiko. His creditors, on seeing him, said, “That’s our debtor.
Handa, naṃ nemā"ti. Let’s take him away.”
Ekacce evamāhaṃsu – "māyyo, evaṃ avacuttha. Some said, “Don’t say that, masters.
Anuññātaṃ raññā māgadhena seniyena bimbisārena – "ye samaṇesu sakyaputtiyesu pabbajanti, na te labbhā kiñci kātuṃ; svākkhāto dhammo, carantu brahmacariyaṃ sammā dukkhassa antakiriyāyā"ti. It has been allowed by King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha that for one gone forth among the Sakyan-son contemplatives, nobody can do anything to him, (as he thinks,) ‘The Dhamma is well-expounded. May they live the holy life for the right ending of stress.’”
Manussā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti – "abhayūvarā ime samaṇā sakyaputtiyā. People criticized and complained and spread it about, “These Sakyan-son contemplatives are unrestrained by fear1—
Nayime labbhā kiñci kātuṃ. nobody can do anything to them.
Kathañhi nāma samaṇā sakyaputtiyā iṇāyikaṃ pabbājessantī"ti. “How can they give the Going-forth to a debtor?”
Bhagavato etamatthaṃ ārocesuṃ. They reported the matter to the Blessed One.
Na, bhikkhave, iṇāyiko pabbājetabbo. “Monks, a debtor should not be given the Going-forth.
Yo pabbājeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassāti. Whoever should give it: an offense of wrong doing.”
Iṇāyikavatthu niṭṭhitaṃ. The Case of the Debtor is finished.
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