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13. Сидение (отказ от лежачего положения) Палийский оригинал

пали Nyanamoli thera - english Комментарии
36.Nesajjikaṅgampi"seyyaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, nesajjikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmī"ti imesaṃ aññataravacanena samādinnaṃ hoti. 73.xiii. The sitter’s practice is undertaken with one of the following statements: “I refuse lying down” or “I undertake the sitter’s practice.”
Tena pana nesajjikena rattiyā tīsu yāmesu ekaṃ yāmaṃ uṭṭhāya caṅkamitabbaṃ. The sitter can get up in any one of three watches of the night and walk up and down:
Iriyāpathesu hi nipajjitumeva na vaṭṭati. for lying down is the only posture not allowed.
Idamassa vidhānaṃ. These are the directions.
Pabhedato pana ayampi tividho hoti. 74.This has three grades too.
Tattha ukkaṭṭhassa neva apassenaṃ, na dussapallatthikā, na āyogapaṭṭo vaṭṭati. Herein, one who is strict is not allowed a back-rest or cloth band or binding-strap [to prevent falling while asleep].17 Comm. NT: 17. Āyogapatta—”a binding-strap”: this is probably the meaning. But cf. Vin II 135 and Vin-a 891.
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Majjhimassa imesu tīsu yaṃkiñci vaṭṭati. The medium one is allowed any one of these three.
Mudukassa apassenampi dussapallatthikāpi āyogapaṭṭopi bibbohanampi pañcaṅgopi sattaṅgopi vaṭṭati. The mild one is allowed a back-rest, a cloth band, a binding-strap, a cushion, a “five-limb” and a “seven-limb.”
Pañcaṅgo pana piṭṭhiapassayena saddhiṃ kato. A “five-limb” is [a chair] made with [four legs and] a support for the back.
Sattaṅgo nāma piṭṭhiapassayena ca ubhatopassesu apassayehi ca saddhiṃ kato. A “seven-limb” is one made with [four legs,] a support for the back and an [arm] support on each side.
Taṃ kira miḷābhayattherassa akaṃsu. They made that, it seems, for the Elder Pīṭhābhaya (Abhaya of the Chair).
Thero anāgāmī hutvā parinibbāyi. The elder became a non-returner, and then attained Nibbāna.
Imesaṃ pana tiṇṇampi seyyaṃ kappitamatte dhutaṅgaṃ bhijjati. As soon as any one of these three lies down, his ascetic practice is broken.
Ayamettha bhedo. This is the breach in this instance.
Ayaṃ panānisaṃso, "seyyasukhaṃ passasukhaṃ middhasukhaṃ anuyutto viharatī"ti (dī. ni. 3.320; ma. ni. 1.186) vuttassa cetaso vinibandhassa upacchedanaṃ, sabbakammaṭṭhānānuyogasappāyatā, pāsādikairiyāpathatā, vīriyārambhānukūlatā, sammāpaṭipattiyā anubrūhananti. 75.The benefits are these. The mental shackle described thus, “He dwells indulging in the pleasure of lying prone, the pleasure of lolling, the pleasure of torpor” (M I 102), is severed; his state is suitable for devotion to any meditation subject; his deportment inspires confidence; his state favours the application of energy; he develops the right practice.
Ābhujitvāna pallaṅkaṃ, paṇidhāya ujuṃ tanuṃ; 76. The adept that can place crosswise His feet to rest upon his thighs
Nisīdanto vikampeti, mārassa hadayaṃ yati. And sit with back erect shall make Foul Māra’s evil heart to quake.
Seyyasukhaṃ middhasukhaṃ, hitvā āraddhavīriyo; No more in supine joys to plump And wallow in lethargic dump;
Nisajjābhirato bhikkhu, sobhayanto tapovanaṃ. Who sits for rest and finds it good Shines forth in the Ascetics’ Wood.
Nirāmisaṃ pītisukhaṃ, yasmā samadhigacchati; The happiness and bliss it brings Has naught to do with worldly things;
Tasmā samanuyuñjeyya, dhīro nesajjikaṃ vatanti. So must the sitter’s vow befit The manners of a man of wit.
Ayaṃ nesajjikaṅge samādāna vidhānappabheda bhedānisaṃsavaṇṇanā. This is the commentary on the undertaking, directions, grades, breach, and benefits, in the case of the sitter’s practice.
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