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117 строфа - история старшего монаха Сейясаки Палийский оригинал

пали E.W. Burlingame - english Комментарии
Pāpañcapurisoti imaṃ dhammadesanaṃ satthā jetavane viharanto seyyasakattheraṃ ārabbha kathesi. This religious instruction was given by the Teacher while he was in residence at Jetavana with reference to Elder Seyyasaka.
So hi lāḷudāyittherassa saddhivihāriko, attano anabhiratiṃ tassa ārocetvā tena paṭhamasaṅghādisesakamme samādapito uppannuppannāya anabhiratiyā taṃ kammamakāsi (pārā. 234). For Elder Seyyasaka was Elder Lāḷudāyi’s fellow-monk. Becoming discontented with the continence required by the Religious Life, he told his companion, who put him up to violating the first Saṅghadisesa Rule.Thereafter, as often as he fell into that sin of discontent, he broke that same Rule.
Satthā tassa kiriyaṃ sutvā taṃ pakkosāpetvā "evaṃ kira tvaṃ karosī"ti pucchitvā "āma, bhante"ti vutte "kasmā bhāriyaṃ kammaṃ akāsi, ananucchavikaṃ moghapurisā"ti nānappakārato garahitvā sikkhāpadaṃ paññāpetvā "evarūpañhi kammaṃ diṭṭhadhammepi samparāyepi dukkhasaṃvattanikameva hotī"ti vatvā anusandhiṃ ghaṭetvā dhammaṃ desento imaṃ gāthamāha – The Teacher heard about his doings, sent for him, and asked him, “Is the report true that you do thus and so?” “Yes, Reverend Sir.” “Fond man,” said the Teacher, “why have you sinned so grievously, in a manner so unbecoming to your state?” In such fashion did the Teacher reprove him. Having so done, he enjoined upon him the observance of the Precepts. Then he said to him, “Such a course of action inevitably leads to suffering, both in this world and in the world to come.” So saying, he joined the connection, and preaching the Law, pronounced the following Stanza,
"Pāpañce puriso kayirā, na naṃ kayirā punappunaṃ; Should a man commit sin, he should not repeat his sin again and again;
Na tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha, dukkho pāpassa uccayo"ti. He should not seek after evil; suffering is the outcome of evil.
Tassattho – sace puriso sakiṃ pāpakammaṃ kareyya, taṅkhaṇeyeva paccavekkhitvā "idaṃ appatirūpaṃ oḷārika"nti na naṃ kayirā punappunaṃ.
Yopi tamhi chando vā ruci vā uppajjeyya, tampi vinodetvā na kayirātheva.
Kiṃ kāraṇā?
Dukkho pāpassa uccayo.
Pāpassa hi uccayo vuḍḍhi idhalokepi samparāyepi dukkhameva āvahatīti.
Desanāvasāne bahū sotāpattiphalādīni pāpuṇiṃsūti.
Seyyasakattheravatthu dutiyaṃ.
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