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Комментарий к строфе 12 Палийский оригинал

пали Nyanamoli thera - english khantibalo - русский Комментарии
12.Evaṃ bhagavā "ruṇṇaṃ vā soko vā yā caññā paridevanā, sabbampi taṃ petānaṃ atthāya na hoti, kevalantu attānaṃ paritāpanamattameva, evaṃ tiṭṭhanti ñātayo"ti ruṇṇādīnaṃ niratthakabhāvaṃ dassetvā puna māgadharājena yā dakkhiṇā dinnā, tassā sātthakabhāvaṃ dassento "ayañca kho dakkhiṇā"ti imaṃ gāthamāha. 39.So the Blessed One said 1 No weeping, nor yet sorrowing, Nor any kind of mourning, helps' Departed Ones, whose kin remain4 [Unhelpful to them acting] thus. And when he had said, showing the unhelpfulness of weeping, etc.,that as to weeping or sorrowing or any kind of mourning not even all that helps departed ones, but their kin [who act] thus remain only in mere self-torture, he then uttered the stanza, namely, 'And such an offering as this ', showing [instead] the value of an almsgiving such as that given by the Magadhan king. Произнеся: "Ведь ни слёзы, ни печаль, ни другие причитания не приносят пользы голодным духам, пока их родственники продолжают так [горевать].", Благословенный указал на бесполезность слёз, опечаленности и причитаний для ушедших, а их родственники лишь мучают себя. Далее он добавил: "Но тот дар, что был сделан", указывая на ценность подаяния, такого как было совершено царем Магадхи.
Tassattho – ayañca kho, mahārāja, dakkhiṇā tayā ajja attano ñātigaṇaṃ uddissa dinnā, sā yasmā saṅgho anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa, tasmā saṅghamhi suppatiṭṭhitā assa petajanassa dīgharattaṃ hitāya upakappati sampajjati phalatīti vuttaṃ hoti. [Stanza12]40.Here is its meaning. 'But when this offering (ayan ca khodakkhina),Great King, is given (dinna), as has been done by you today with dedication to one's own relatives, well placed in the Community (sanghamM supatitthita), for them (assa),for those departed ghost people, then, since the Community is the incomparable field of merit for the world '(M.i. 37), it can serve them long in future (digharattam hitaya upakappati) —can be efficacious, fruitful, is whatis meant Смысл его следующий: "Но когда это подношение, о великий царь, даётся, как было дано тобой сегодня с посвящением родственникам, будучи хорошо помещённым в общине, для них, для тех ушедших родственников, поскольку община является несравненным полем заслуг для мира, оно будет помогать на благо им надолго, в смысле эффективно, плодовито.
Upakappatīti ca ṭhānaso upakappati, taṃkhaṇaṃyeva upakappati, na cirena. —and so serving, it can serve them at once as well (thanaso), can serve at that very moment instead of long afterwards. "Поможет" - оно поможет им и сразу, оно может послужить им в тот самый миг, а не когда-то в далёком будущем.
Yathā hi taṃkhaṇaññeva paṭibhantaṃ "ṭhānasovetaṃ tathāgataṃ paṭibhātī"ti vuccati, evamidhāpi taṃkhaṇaṃyeva upakappantā "ṭhānaso upakappatī"ti vuttā. And just as it is said of him to whom [ideas] are perspicuous at that very moment'It is perspicuous for a Perfect One at once (thanaso)'(cf. S.i. 193), so too here, what serves at that very moment is said to serve ' at once ' (lit.' on the spot').
Yaṃ vā taṃ "idaṃ kho, brāhmaṇa, ṭhānaṃ, yattha ṭhitassa taṃ dānaṃ upakappatī"ti (a. ni. 10.177) vuttaṃ, tattha khuppipāsikavantāsaparadattūpajīvinijjhāmataṇhikādibhedabhinne ṭhāne upakappatīti vuttaṃ yathā kahāpaṇaṃ dento "kahāpaṇaso detī"ti loke vuccati. Or else what is meant is that it serves in that very place (thana) divided into that of the Farnished-and-thirsty, of the Eaters-of-vomit, of the Living-on-gifts-to-others, of the Consumed-by-craving, etc., of which it is said ' That is the place (thana),and an almsgiving serves him while he remains there '(§ 30), [in which case the adverb thanaso(' by place ') is used] in the same way as when in the world [outside the Dispensation] they say of one giving a kahapana coin that he ' gives by kahapanas (kaha-panaso)';10[215]
Imasmiñca atthavikappe upakappatīti pātubhavati, nibbattatīti vuttaṃ hoti. and with this interpretation of the meaning, [the word] serves implies ' is manifest, is generated '.
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