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СН 2.2 Палийский оригинал

пали Sujato bhikkhu - english Thanissaro bhikkhu - english Комментарии
83.Sāvatthinidānaṃ. At Sāvatthī. Near Sāvatthi in the monastery…
Ekamantaṃ ṭhito kho kassapo devaputto bhagavato santike imaṃ gāthaṃ abhāsi – Standing to one side, the god Kassapa recited this verse in the Buddha’s presence: Standing to one side, Kassapa the deva’s son recited this verse in the Blessed One’s presence:
"Bhikkhu siyā jhāyī vimuttacitto, “Suppose a mendicant is a meditator, freed in mind. “A monk should have jhāna, be released in mind,
Ākaṅkhe ce hadayassānupattiṃ; If they want to reach the heart’s peace, if he wants the heart’s attainment:
Lokassa ñatvā udayabbayañca, having known the arising and passing of the world, knowing the arising & passing away of the world,
Sucetaso anissito tadānisaṃso"ti. healthy-minded, independent, that is their reward.” good in his awareness, independent, aimed at that reward.”
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