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пали Taṇhāvāre rūpataṇhā - pe - dhammataṇhāti evaṃ cakkhudvārādīsu javanavīthiyaṃ pavattāya taṇhāya "seṭṭhiputto brāhmaṇaputto"ti evamādīsu pitito nāmaṃ viya pitisadisārammaṇato nāmaṃ.
khantibalo В разделе о жажде сказано "жажда к зрительным образам... абстрактным понятиям" - это названия разновидностей жажды, возникающих в процессе процесса познания у врат зрения и прочего. Подобно имени, полученному от отца, такого как "Сеттхипутта" (сын торговца) или "Брахманапутта" (сын брахмана), их названия выведены из объекта, подобного отцу.
Nyanamoli thera 38. In the section on craving, craving for forms... craving for mind-objects (rupatanha... dhammatanha): these are names for the kinds of craving which occur in the course of a javana cognitive process (javanavithi) in the eye door, etc. Like a name derived from the father, such as Setthiputta ("merchant's son") or Brahmanaputta ("brahman's son"), their names are derived from the object, which is similar to the father [as being the cause (hetu) of it only, not as is the case with "eye-contact," which is like a name derived from the mother in that (the eye like the mother in relation to her son) is a cause by its nature as a physical support (nissayabhava)].
Комментарий оставлен 26.05.2021 20:17 автором khantibalo
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