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"Ayaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nevācināti na apacināti, apacinitvā ṭhito neva pajahati na upādiyati, pajahitvā ṭhito neva visineti na ussineti, visinetvā ṭhito neva vidhūpeti na sandhūpeti.
"This is called, bhikkhus, a noble disciple who neither builds up nor dismantles, but who abides having dismantled; who neither abandons nor clings, but who abides having abandoned; who neither scatters nor amasses, but who abides having scattered; who neither extinguishes nor kindles, but who abides having extinguished.118
Vidhūpetvā ṭhito kiñca nevācināti na apacināti?
"And what is it, bhikkhus, that he neither builds up nor dismantles, but abides having dismantled?
Apacinitvā ṭhito rūpaṃ nevācināti na apacināti; apacinitvā ṭhito vedanaṃ… saññaṃ… saṅkhāre… viññāṇaṃ nevācināti na apacināti.
He neither builds up nor dismantles form, but abides having dismantled it. He neither builds up nor dismantles feeling... perception... volitional formations ... consciousness, but abides having dismantled it.
Apacinitvā ṭhito kiñca neva pajahati na upādiyati?
"And what is it that he neither abandons nor clings to, but abides having abandoned?
Pajahitvā ṭhito rūpaṃ neva pajahati na upādiyati; pajahitvā ṭhito vedanaṃ… saññaṃ… saṅkhāre… viññāṇaṃ neva pajahati na upādiyati.
He neither abandons nor clings to form, but abides having abandoned it. He neither abandons nor clings to feeling ... perception ... volitional formations... consciousness, but abides having abandoned it.
Pajahitvā ṭhito kiñca neva visineti na ussineti?
"And what is it that he neither scatters nor amasses, but abides having scattered?
Visinetvā ṭhito rūpaṃ neva visineti na ussineti; visinetvā ṭhito vedanaṃ… saññaṃ… saṅkhāre… viññāṇaṃ neva visineti na ussineti.
He neither scatters nor amasses form, but abides having scattered it. He neither scatters nor amasses feeling...... volitional formations... consciousness, but abides having scattered it.
Visinetvā ṭhito kiñca neva vidhūpeti na sandhūpeti?
"And what is it that he neither extinguishes nor kindles, but e abides having extinguished?
Vidhūpetvā ṭhito rūpaṃ neva vidhūpeti na sandhūpeti; vidhūpetvā ṭhito vedanaṃ… saññaṃ… saṅkhāre… viññāṇaṃ neva vidhūpeti na sandhūpeti.
He neither extinguishes nor kindles form, but abides having extinguished it. He neither extinguishes nor kindles feeling... perception... volitional formations... consciousness, but abides having extinguished it.
Vidhūpetvā ṭhito evaṃvimuttacittaṃ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuṃ saindā devā sabrahmakā sapajāpatikā ārakāva namassanti –
"When, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu is thus liberated in mind, the devas together with Indra, Brahma, and Pajapati pay homage to him from afar: