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1. Musāvādavaggo
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4. Padasodhammasikkhāpadaṃ Палийский оригинал

пали Bhikkhu Brahmali - english I.B. Horner - english khantibalo - русский Комментарии
44.Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. At one time when the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery, … at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.
Tena kho pana samayena chabbaggiyā bhikkhū upāsake padaso dhammaṃ vācenti. the monks from the group of six were instructing lay followers to memorize the Teaching. Now at that time, the group of six monks made lay-followers speak dhamma line by line;
Upāsakā bhikkhūsu agāravā appatissā asabhāgavuttikā viharanti. Those lay followers became disrespectful, undeferential, and rude toward the monks. the lay-followers were disrespectful, not deferential towards the monks, they did not live in harmony.
Ye te bhikkhū appicchā - pe - te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti – "kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū upāsake padaso dhammaṃ vācessanti! The monks of few desires complained and criticized them, “How can the monks from the group of six instruct lay followers to memorize the Teaching?” Those who were modest monks looked down upon, criticised, spread it about, saying: “How can this group of six monks make lay-followers speak dhamma line by line?
Upāsakā bhikkhūsu agāravā appatissā asabhāgavuttikā viharantī"ti. The lay-followers are disrespectful … they do not live in harmony.”
Atha kho te bhikkhū chabbaggiye bhikkhū anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṃ ārocesuṃ - pe - "saccaṃ kira tumhe, bhikkhave, upāsake padaso dhammaṃ vācetha; upāsakā bhikkhūsu agāravā appatissā asabhāgavuttikā viharantī"ti? After rebuking those monks in many ways, they told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks: “Is it true, monks, that you do this?” Then these monks told this matter to the lord … “Is it true, as is said, that you, monks, made lay-followers speak dhamma line by line, (and that) lay-followers … in harmony?”
"Saccaṃ, bhagavā"ti. “It’s true, Sir.” “It is true, lord.”
Vigarahi buddho bhagavā - pe - kathañhi nāma tumhe, moghapurisā, upāsake padaso dhammaṃ vācessatha! The Buddha rebuked them … “Foolish men, how can you do this?” The enlightened one, the lord, rebuked them, saying: “How can you, foolish men, make lay-followers speak dhamma line by line,
Upāsakā bhikkhūsu agāravā appatissā asabhāgavuttikā viharanti! (so that) lay-followers … in harmony?
Netaṃ, moghapurisā, appasannānaṃ vā pasādāya pasannānaṃ vā bhiyyobhāvāya - pe - evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṃ sikkhāpadaṃ uddiseyyātha – This will affect people’s confidence …” …“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this: It is not, foolish men, for pleasing those who are not (yet) pleased, nor for increase in those who are pleased … And thus, monks, this rule of training should be set forth:
45."Yo pana bhikkhu anupasampannaṃ padaso dhammaṃ vāceyya pācittiya"nti. ‘If a monk instructs a person who is not fully ordained to memorize the Teaching, he commits an offense entailing confession.’” “Whatever monk should make one who is not ordained speak dhamma line by line, there is an offence of expiation.” "Если какой-либо монах будет учить человека, не принятого в орден, декламировать Учение строку за строкой, это требует признания."
46.Yopanāti yo yādiso - pe - bhikkhūti - pe - ayaṃ imasmiṃ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti. A: whoever … Monk: … The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.
Anupasampanno nāma bhikkhuñca bhikkhuniñca ṭhapetvā avaseso anupasampanno nāma. A person who is not fully ordained: anyone except a fully ordained monk or a fully ordained nun. Not ordained means: setting aside monk and nun, the rest are called not ordained.
Padasonāma padaṃ, anupadaṃ, anvakkharaṃ, anubyañjanaṃ. To memorize: a line, the next line, the next syllable, the next phrase. A line, the next line, every syllable, the next phrase.
Padaṃ nāma ekato paṭṭhapetvā ekato osāpenti. A line: they start together and finish together. A line means: starting together they end together.
Anupadaṃ nāma pāṭekkaṃ paṭṭhapetvā ekato osāpenti. The next line: one of them starts, but they finish together. The next line means: starting singly they end together.
Anvakkharaṃ nāma "rūpaṃ anicca"nti vuccamāno, "ru"nti opāteti. The next syllable: when ‘Rūpaṁ aniccaṁ’ is being said, he prompts him, saying, ‘rū’. Every syllable means: saying “form is impermanent” (rūpaṁ aniccaṁ) he drops rū.
Anubyañjanaṃ nāma "rūpaṃ anicca"nti vuccamāno, "vedanā aniccā"ti saddaṃ nicchāreti. The next phrase: when ‘Rūpaṁ aniccaṁ,’ is being said, the other says, ‘Vedanā aniccā.’ The next phrase means: while saying “form is impermanent,” he utters the sound, “feelings are impermanent.
Yañca padaṃ, yañca anupadaṃ, yañca anvakkharaṃ, yañca anubyañjanaṃ – sabbametaṃ padaso [padaso dhammo (itipi)] nāma. And whatever line there is, whatever next line, whatever next syllable, whatever next phrase—this is all called “to memorize”. Whatever is line and whatever is next line and whatever is every syllable and whatever is next phrase, all this means dhamma line by line.
Dhammo nāma buddhabhāsito, sāvakabhāsito, isibhāsito, devatābhāsito, atthūpasañhito, dhammūpasañhito. The Teaching: what has been spoken by the Buddha, what has been spoken by disciples, what has been spoken by sages, what has been spoken by gods, what is connected with what is beneficial, what is connected with the Teaching. Dhamma means: spoken by the enlightened one, spoken by disciples, spoken to holy men, spoken by devatās, connected with the goal, connected with dhamma. Дхаммой называется сказанное Буддой, сказанное учениками, сказанное мудрецами, сказанное божествами, связанное с благом/целью, связанное с Дхаммой.
Vāceyyāti padena vāceti, pade pade āpatti pācittiyassa. Instructs: if he instructs by the line, then for every line he commits an offense entailing confession. Should make speak means: he makes (him) speak by line, for every line there is an offence of expiation.
Akkharāya vāceti, akkharakkharāya āpatti pācittiyassa. If he instructs by the syllable, then for every syllable he commits an offense entailing confession. He makes (him) speak by syllable, for every syllable there is an offence of expiation.
47.Anupasampanne anupasampannasaññī padaso dhammaṃ vāceti, āpatti pācittiyassa. f the person is not fully ordained, and the monk does not perceive them as such, and he instructs them to memorize the Teaching, he commits an offense entailing confession. If he thinks that he is not ordained when he is not ordained (and) makes him speak dhamma line by line, there is an offence of expiation.
Anupasampanne vematiko padaso dhammaṃ vāceti, āpatti pācittiyassa. If the person is not fully ordained, but the monk is unsure of it, and he instructs them to memorize the Teaching, he commits an offense entailing confession. If he is in doubt as to whether he is not ordained (and) makes him speak dhamma line by line, there is an offence of expiation.
Anupasampanne upasampannasaññī padaso dhammaṃ vāceti, āpatti pācittiyassa. If the person is not fully ordained, but the monk perceives them as such, and he instructs them to memorize the Teaching, he commits an offense entailing confession. If he thinks that he is ordained when he is not ordained (and) makes him speak dhamma line by line, there is an offence of expiation.
Upasampanne anupasampannasaññī, āpatti dukkaṭassa. If the person is fully ordained, but the monk does not perceive them as such, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. If he thinks that he is not ordained when he is ordained, there is an offence of wrong-doing. BB: Because the gender of the ordained person is not given, I use “them”.
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Upasampanne vematiko, āpatti dukkaṭassa. If the person is fully ordained, but the monk is unsure of it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. If he is in doubt as to whether he is ordained, there is an offence of wrong-doing.
Upasampanne upasampannasaññī, anāpatti. If the person is fully ordained, and the monk perceives them such, there is no offense. If he thinks that he is ordained when he is ordained, there is no offence.
48.Anāpatti ekato uddisāpento, ekato sajjhāyaṃ karonto, yebhuyyena paguṇaṃ ganthaṃ bhaṇantaṃ opāteti, osārentaṃ opāteti, ummattakassa, ādikammikassāti. There is no offense: if the recitation is done together; if they practice together; if he prompts one who is speaking a mostly familiar text; if he prompts one who is reciting; if he is insane; if he is the first offender. There is no offence in making (him) recite it together, in studying it together, if while speaking he drops a phrase usually familiar, if he drops it while expounding, if he is mad, if he is the first wrong-doer.
Padasodhammasikkhāpadaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ catutthaṃ. The training rule on memorizing the Teaching, the fourth, is finished.
1. Musāvādavaggo