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Aṭṭhamantaparivajjanīyaṭṭhānāni Палийский оригинал

пали N.K.G. Mendis - english Rhys Davids T.W. - english Парибок А.В. - русский Комментарии
Bhassappavādo [bhassappavedī (sī. pī.)] vetaṇḍī, atibuddhi vicakkhaṇo; Master of words and sophistry, clever and wise Спорщик, в диспутах искушенный, острый разумом, даровитый,
Milindo ñāṇabhedāya, nāgasenamupāgami. Milinda tried to test great Nāgasena’s skill. Царь Милинда пришел к Нагасене, чтобы силой знанья помериться.
Vasanto tassa chāyāya, paripucchaṃ punappunaṃ; Living in the shadow of Venerable Nāgasena, inquiring again and again, Leaving him not, again and yet again, He questioned and cross-questioned him, until Подступил он к нему вплотную, задавал вновь и вновь вопросы,
Pabhinnabuddhi hutvāna, sopi āsi tipeṭako. King Milinda grew in discernment and learned the Tipiṭaka. His own skill was proved foolishness. Then he became a student of the Holy Writ. И строй мыслей его изменился, он взялся читать Три Корзины.
Navaṅgaṃ anumajjanto, rattibhāge rahogato; Pondering thoroughly the scriptures in seclusion during the night, All night, in secrecy, he pondered o’er The ninefold Scriptures, and therein he found В уединении, ночью Речения Будды продумывал,
Addakkhi meṇḍake pañhe, dunniveṭhe saniggahe. he realized that there are questions that are dilemmas, hard to solve, along with refutations. Dilemmas hard to solve, and full of snares. And thus he thought: ‘Are many-sided, На рогатины напоролся путаных, спорных вопросов:
"Pariyāyabhāsitaṃ atthi, atthi sandhāyabhāsitaṃ; some explanatory, Some spoken as occasion rose to speak, «что-то сказано неоднозначно, Что-то по поводу сказано,
Sabhāvabhāsitaṃ atthi, dhammarājassa sāsane. Some dealing fully with essential points. The conquering Buddha’s words что-то по сущности сказано308 в проповеданном Царем дхармы.
"Tesamatthaṃ aviññāya, meṇḍake jinabhāsite; He thought that if these dilemmas were not cleared Through ignorance of what, each time, was meant Не напоролись бы в будущем на эти вопросы-рогатины309,
Anāgatamhi addhāne, viggaho tattha hessati. there would be contention about them in the future. There will be strife hereafter as to what The King of Righteousness has thus laid down In these diverse and subtle utterances. Не распознавши их смысла; не возникло бы несогласия.
"Handa kathiṃ pasādetvā, chejjāpessāmi meṇḍake; Let me now gain great Nāgasena’s ear, And putting to him that which seems so strange And hard—yea contradictory—get him To solve it. Испрошу у наставника милость; пусть он сломит вопросы-рогатины,
Tassa niddiṭṭhamaggena, niddisissantyanāgate"ti. So in future times, when men Begin to doubt, the light of his solutions Shall guide them, too, along the path of Truth.’ Пусть укажет путь объяснения, чтобы так объясняли и впредь».
Atha kho milindo rājā pabhātāya rattiyā uddhaste [uṭṭhite (syā.), uggate (sī. pī.)] aruṇe sīsaṃ nhatvā sirasi añjaliṃ paggahetvā atītānāgatapaccuppanne sammāsambuddhe anussaritvā aṭṭha vattapadāni samādiyi "ito me anāgatāni satta divasāni aṭṭha guṇe samādiyitvā tapo caritabbo bhavissati, sohaṃ ciṇṇatapo samāno ācariyaṃ ārādhetvā meṇḍake pañhe pucchissāmī"ti. Being quite pleased with the way Venerable Nāgasena had answered his questions, he decided that he would take up these dilemmas with the Elder and have him explain them for the benefit of posterity. Now Milinda the king, when the night was turning into day, and the sun had risen, bathed, and with hands clasped and raised to his forehead, called to mind the Buddhas of the past, the present, and the future, and solemnly undertook the observance of the eightfold vow, saying to himself: ‘For seven days from now will I do penance by taking upon myself the observance of the eight rules, and when my vow is accomplished will I go to the teacher and put to him, as questions, these dilemmas.’ Итак, когда начало светать и забрезжил рассвет, царь Милинда омыл голову, приложил молитвенно сложенные ладони ко лбу, направив помыслы к истинновсепросветленным прошлого, будущего и настоящего, и принял на себя восемь обетов: «Начиная с нынешнего дня я на неделю должен взять на себя восьмеричный обет и совершать тапас; свершив же тапас, я испрошу милость у учителя и задам ему вопросы-рогатины».
Atha kho milindo rājā pakatidussayugaṃ apanetvā ābharaṇāni ca omuñcitvā kāsāvaṃ nivāsetvā muṇḍakapaṭisīsakaṃ sīse paṭimuñcitvā munibhāvamupagantvā aṭṭha guṇe samādiyi "imaṃ sattāhaṃ mayā na rājattho anusāsitabbo, na rāgūpasañhitaṃ cittaṃ uppādetabbaṃ, na dosūpasañhitaṃ cittaṃ uppādetabbaṃ, na mohūpasañhitaṃ cittaṃ uppādetabbaṃ, dāsakammakaraporise janepi nivātavuttinā bhavitabbaṃ, kāyikaṃ vācasikaṃ anurakkhitabbaṃ, chapi āyatanāni niravasesato anurakkhitabbāni, mettābhāvanāya mānasaṃ pakkhipitabba"nti. At dawn King Milinda bathed his head and stretched his joined palms to his forehead in salutation. When he had recollected the Perfectly Enlightened Buddhas of the past, the future and the present, he undertook eight items of good practice. So Milinda, the king laid aside his usual dress, and put off his ornaments; and clad in yellow robes, with only a recluse’s turban on his head, in appearance like a hermit, did he carry out the eightfold abstinence, keeping in mind the vow—’For this seven days I am to decide no case at law. I am to harbour no lustful thought, no thought of ill-will, no thought tending to delusion. Towards all slaves, servants, and dependents I am to show a meek and lowly disposition. I am to watch carefully over every bodily act, and over my six organs, of sense. And I am to fill my heart with thoughts of love towards all beings.’ Итак, царь Милинда снял свою всегдашнюю мирскую одежду310, отцепил украшения, надел желтое рубище, надел шапочку, уподобившую его голову бритой голове монаха311, и, став как бы молчальником, принял восьмеричный обет: «Эту неделю я не должен заниматься царскими делами, не должен допускать мыслей, связанных со страстью, связанных с ненавистью, связанных с заблуждением; с рабами, прислугой и челядью должен быть кроток, в телесных и речевых действиях должен быть осмотрителен; с тем, что воспринимают шесть чувств, должен быть неустанно осмотрителен, должен устремить помыслы на освоение доброты»312.
Ime aṭṭha guṇe samādiyitvā tesveva aṭṭhasu guṇesu mānasaṃ patiṭṭhapetvā bahi anikkhamitvā sattāhaṃ vītināmetvā aṭṭhame divase pabhātāya rattiyā pageva pātarāsaṃ katvā okkhittacakkhu mitabhāṇī susaṇṭhitena iriyāpathena avikkhittena cittena haṭṭhena udaggena vippasannena theraṃ nāgasenaṃ upasaṅkamitvā therassa pāde sirasā vanditvā ekamantaṃ ṭhito idamavoca – He first removed his usual clothes and put on saffroncoloured garments. He vowed that for the next seven days he would give no advice on royal affairs; he would not harbour any state of mind accompanied by lust, or by hatred, or by delusion; he would speak unassumingly to his subordinates, guard himself as to body and speech, guard the six sense bases completely, and direct his mind to the development of loving kindness. Keeping this eightfold vow, establishing his heart in this eightfold moral law, for seven days he went not forth. But as the night was passing into day, at sunrise of the eighth day, he took his breakfast early, and then with downcast eyes and measured words, gentle in manner, collected in thought, glad and pleased and rejoicing in heart, did he go to Nāgasena. And bowing down at his feet, he stood respectfully on one side, and said: Он взял на себя этот восьмеричный обет и, направляя свои помыслы лишь на него, провел неделю взаперти, а на восьмой день, когда начало светать, он с раннего утра позавтракал, и, опустив очи долу, скупой на слова, держа себя весьма собранно, в сосредоточенном, радостном, веселом, приподнятом настроении он пришел к тхере Нагасене, земно ему поклонился и, стоя подле, сказал:
"Atthi me, bhante nāgasena, koci attho tumhehi saddhiṃ mantayitabbo, na tattha añño koci tatiyo icchitabbo, suññe okāse pavivitte araññe aṭṭhaṅgupāgate samaṇasāruppe. He passed seven days without deviating from any of these eight good practices. At day-break on the eighth day he had an early breakfast and then he approached Venerable Nāgasena. He honoured the Elder’s feet with his head, and standing at a respectful distance, spoke thus: ‘There is a certain matter, venerable Nāgasena, that I desire to talk over with you alone. I wish no third person to be present. In some deserted spot, some secluded place in the forest, fit in all the eight respects for a recluse, there should this point of mine be put. – Мне нужно обсудить с вами один предмет, почтенный Нагасена. Нежелательно, чтобы при этом присутствовал кто-либо третий. В безлюдном месте, в пустынном лесу, в восьми отношениях подобающем монаху313,– вот где смогу я задать свой вопрос.
Tattha so pañho pucchitabbo bhavissati, tattha me guyhaṃ na kātabbaṃ na rahassakaṃ, arahāmahaṃ rahassakaṃ suṇituṃ sumantane upagate, upamāyapi so attho upaparikkhitabbo, yathā kiṃ viya, yathā nāma, bhante nāgasena, mahāpathavī nikkhepaṃ arahati nikkhepe upagate. “Revered Nāgasena, I have a certain matter to discuss with you and want no third person present.” The King also insisted that nothing should be hidden or kept secret from him, saying that he was fit to hear what is kept secret. And therein let there be nothing hid from me, nothing kept secret. I am now in a fit state to hear secret things when we are deep in consultation. And the meaning of what I say can be made clear by illustration. As it is to the broad earth, O Nāgasena, that it is right to entrust treasure when occasion arises for laying treasure by, Там мне не будет нужно скрываться и таиться. Право, я достоин услышать тайну в доверительной беседе. Если прибегнуть к сравнению, то, как земная твердь достойна того, чтобы ей доверили клад,
Evameva kho, bhante nāgasena, arahāmahaṃ rahassakaṃ suṇituṃ sumantane upagate"ti. so is it to me that it is right to entrust secret things when we are deep in consultation.’ почтенный Нагасена, право, точно так же и я достоин того, чтобы услышать тайну в доверительной беседе.
Garunā saha pavivittapavanaṃ pavisitvā idamavoca – "bhante nāgasena, idha purisena mantayitukāmena aṭṭha ṭhānāni parivajjayitabbāni bhavanti, na tesu ṭhānesu viññū puriso atthaṃ manteti, mantitopi attho paripatati na sambhavati. King Milinda and Venerable Nāgasena then entered a secluded wood. Then having gone with the master to a secluded spot he further said: ‘There are eight kinds of places, Nāgasena, which ought to be altogether avoided by a man who wants to consult. No wise man will talk a matter over in such places, or the matter falls to the ground and is brought to no conclusion. Войдя же с учителем в пустынную рощу, он сказал: «Почтенный Нагасена, человеку, стремящемуся к беседе, следует избегать восьми мест. В этих восьми местах понимающий человек о деле не беседует, ведь беседа там рассыпается, не получается.
Katamāni aṭṭha ṭhānāni? And what are the eight? Вот эти места: Часть сюда https://tipitaka.theravada.su/comments/sentenceid/35373?return=node Часть сюда https://tipitaka.theravada.su/comments/sentenceid/34750?r...
Все комментарии (2)
Visamaṭṭhānaṃ parivajjanīyaṃ, sabhayaṃ parivajjanīyaṃ, ativātaṭṭhānaṃ parivajjanīyaṃ, paṭicchannaṭṭhānaṃ parivajjanīyaṃ, devaṭṭhānaṃ parivajjanīyaṃ, pantho parivajjanīyo, saṅgāmo [saṅkamo (sī. pī.)] parivajjanīyo, udakatitthaṃ parivajjanīyaṃ. Uneven ground, spots unsafe by fear of men, windy places, hiding spots, sacred places, high roads, light bambū bridges, and public bathing places.’ неровной местности следует избегать, опасной избегать, продуваемой ветром избегать, слишком укромной избегать, храмов избегать, дорог избегать, проходов избегать, водоемов избегать314».
Imāni aṭṭha ṭhānāni parivajjanīyānī"ti.
Thero āha "ko doso visamaṭṭhāne, sabhaye, ativāte, paṭicchanne, devaṭṭhāne, panthe, saṅgāme, udakatitthe"ti? The Elder asked: ‘What is the objection to each of these?’ Тхера спросил: «В чем изъяны неровной местности, опасной, продуваемой ветром, слишком укромной, храмов, дорог, проходов, водоемов?»
"Visame, bhante nāgasena, mantito attho vikirati vidhamati paggharati na sambhavati, sabhaye mano santassati, santassito na sammā atthaṃ samanupassati, ativāte saddo avibhūto hoti, paṭicchanne upassutiṃ tiṭṭhanti, devaṭṭhāne mantito attho garukaṃ pariṇamati, panthe mantito attho tuccho bhavati, saṅgāme cañcalo bhavati, udakatitthe pākaṭo bhavati. The king replied: ‘On uneven ground, Nāgasena, The matter discussed becomes jerky, verbose, and diffuse, and comes to nothing. In unsafe places the mind is disturbed, and being disturbed does not follow the point clearly. In windy spots the voice is indistinct. In hiding places there are eavesdroppers. In sacred places the question discussed is apt to be diverted to the serious surroundings. On a high road it is apt to become frivolous, on a bridge unsteady and wavering, at a public bathing place the discussion would be matter of common talk. – В неровной местности, почтенный Нагасена, предмет беседы разбрасывается, раскидывается, растекается, не получается. В опасной ум пугается, а испуганный предмета толком не разумеет. В продуваемой ветром голоса не слыхать. В слишком укромной подслушивают. У храма беседа выходит тяжеловата. В дороге беседа делается пустой. В проходах вихляет. У водоема делается общеизвестна.
Bhavatīha – Therefore is it said: Об этом сказано:
"'Visamaṃ sabhayaṃ ativāto, paṭicchannaṃ devanissitaṃ; “Uneven ground, unsafe and windy spots, And hiding places, and god-haunted shrines, «Неровного, опасного, ветреного места, Укромного, богам посвященного,
Pantho ca saṅgāmo titthaṃ, aṭṭhete parivajjiyā"'ti. High roads, and bridges, and all bathing ghāts— These eight avoid when talking of high things.” Дороги, прохода и водоема – Таких восьми мест сторониться должно».
Aṭṭha mantanassa parivajjanīyaṭṭhānāni.
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