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1. Kāyapiyāyanapañho Палийский оригинал

пали N.K.G. Mendis - english Rhys Davids T.W. - english Парибок А.В. - русский Комментарии
1.Rājā āha "bhante nāgasena, piyo pabbajitānaṃ kāyo"ti? King Milinda said: “Revered Nāgasena, is the body dear to those who have gone forth?" The king said: ‘Is the body, Nāgasena, dear to you recluses?’ Царь молвил: «Почтенный Нагасена, мило ли монахам тело?»
"Na kho, mahārāja, piyo pabbajitānaṃ kāyo"ti. “Sire, the body is not dear to those who have gone forth.” ‘No, they love not the body.’ – Нет, государь, монахам тело не мило.
"Atha kissa nu kho, bhante, kelāyatha mamāyathā"ti? “Then why, revered sir, do you treasure and foster it?" ‘Then why do you nourish it and lavish attention upon it?’ – Что же вы, почтенный, носитесь с ним, возитесь с ним?
"Kiṃ pana te, mahārāja, kadāci karahaci saṅgāmagatassa kaṇḍappahāro hotī"ti? “But when you have gone into battle, sire, have you been wounded by an arrow from time to time?" ‘In all the times and places, O king, that you have gone down to battle, did you never get wounded by an arrow?’ – Скажи, государь, случалось ли тебе как-нибудь, когда-нибудь получать в сражении удар копьем?
"Āma, bhante, hotī"ti. “Yes, I have, revered sir.” ‘Yes, that has happened to me.’ – Да, почтенный, случалось.
"Kiṃnu kho, mahārāja, so vaṇo ālepena ca ālimpīyati telena ca makkhīyati sukhumena ca coḷapaṭṭena paliveṭhīyatī"ti? “Then, was not the wound anointed with ointment, smeared with oil and bandaged with a soft cloth?" ‘In such cases, O king, is not the wound anointed with salve, and smeared with oil, and bound up in a bandage.’ – Ведь рану и мазью смазывают, и маслом умащают, и мягкой тканью перебинтовывают, не так ли, государь?
"Āma, bhante, ālepena ca ālimpīyati telena ca makkhīyati sukhumena ca coḷapaṭṭena paliveṭhīyatī"ti. “Yes, revered sir, it was.” ‘Yes, such things are done to it.’ – Да, почтенный, и мазью смазывают, и маслом умащают, и мягкой тканью перебинтовывают.
"Kiṃnu kho, mahārāja, piyo te vaṇo, tena ālepena ca ālimpīyati telena ca makkhīyati sukhumena ca coḷapaṭṭena paliveṭhīyatī"ti? “But was that wound dear to you, sire, that it was anointed with ointment, smeared with oil and bandaged with a soft cloth?" ‘What then? Is the wound dear to you that you treat it so tenderly, and lavish such attention upon it?’ – Что же, государь, мила тебе рана, раз ее тебе и мазью смазывают, и маслом умащают, и мягкой тканью перебинтовывают?
"Na me, bhante, piyo vaṇo, api ca maṃsassa ruhanatthāya ālepena ca ālimpīyati telena ca makkhīyati sukhumena ca coḷapaṭṭena paliveṭhīyatī"ti. “That wound was not dear to me, revered sir, and it was only anointed with ointment, smeared with oil and bandaged with a soft cloth so that the flesh might heal.” ‘No, it is not dear to me in spite of all that, which is only done that the flesh may grow again.’ – Нет, почтенный. И мазью смазывают, и маслом умащают, и мягкой тканью перебинтовывают ее для того, чтобы мышцы срослись.
"Evameva kho, mahārāja, appiyo pabbajitānaṃ kāyo, atha ca pabbajitā anajjhositā kāyaṃ pariharanti brahmacariyānuggahāya. “Similarly, sire, the body is not dear to those who have gone forth; but those who have gone forth and are without cleaving look after the body for the sake of faring the holy life. ‘Just so, great king, with the recluses and the body. Without cleaving to it do they bear about the body for the sake of righteousness of life. – Вот так же, государь, отшельникам тело не мило. Монахи не прилепляются к телу, а заботятся о нем, чтобы блюсти воздержание261.
Api ca kho, mahārāja, vaṇūpamo kāyo vutto bhagavatā, tena pabbajitā vaṇamiva kāyaṃ pariharanti anajjhositā. Moreover, sire, the body was likened to a sore by the Blessed One and, in consequence, those who have gone forth and are without cleaving look after the body as they would a sore.” The body, O king, has been declared by the Blessed One to be like a wound. And therefore merely as a sore, and without cleaving to it, do the recluses bear about the, body. Вот и Блаженный, государь, уподобил тело ране, поэтому монахи заботятся о теле, как о ране.
Bhāsitampetaṃ mahārāja bhagavatā – For it has been said by the Blessed One: Ведь есть изречение Блаженного, государь:
"'Allacammapaṭicchanno, navadvāro mahāvaṇo; “Covered with clammy skin, an impure thing and foul, «Влажной кожей обтянута рана девятивратная,
Samantato paggharati, asucipūtigandhiyo"'ti. Nine-apertured, it oozes, like a sore.” ’ Кругом сочится гноем, нечистая, смердящая»262.
"Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā"ti. “You are dexterous, revered Nāgasena.” ‘Well answered, Nāgasena!’ – Прекрасно, почтенный Нагасена.
Kāyapiyāyanapañho paṭhamo.
Метки: непривлекательность 
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