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История происхождения бодхисатты Палийский оригинал

пали Rhys Davids T.W. - english Комментарии
Sā panāyaṃ jātakassa atthavaṇṇanā dūrenidānaṃ, avidūrenidānaṃ, santikenidānanti imāni tīṇi nidānāni dassetvā vaṇṇiyamānā ye naṃ suṇanti, tehi samudāgamato paṭṭhāya viññātattā yasmā suṭṭhu viññātā nāma hoti, tasmā taṃ tāni nidānāni dassetvā vaṇṇayissāma. Inasmuch as this comment on the Jātaka, if it be expounded after setting forth the three Epochs, the distant, the middle, and proximate, will be clearly understood by those who hear it by being understood from the beginning, therefore I will expound it after setting forth the three Epochs.
Tattha ādito tāva tesaṃ nidānānaṃ paricchedo veditabbo. Accordingly from the very outset it will be well to determine the limits of these Epochs.
Dīpaṅkarapādamūlasmiñhi katābhinīhārassa mahāsattassa yāva vessantarattabhāvā cavitvā tusitapure nibbatti, tāva pavatto kathāmaggo dūrenidānaṃ nāma. Accordingly from the very outset it will be well to determine the limits of these Epochs.
Tusitabhavanato pana cavitvā yāva bodhimaṇḍe sabbaññutappatti, tāva pavatto kathāmaggo avidūrenidānaṃ nāma. From his leaving the Tusita heaven to his attainment of omniscience on the throne of Awakening, the narrative is called the Intermediate Epoch.
Santikenidānaṃ pana tesu tesu ṭhānesu viharato tasmiṃ tasmiṃyeva ṭhāne labbhatīti. And the Proximate Epoch is to be found in the various places in which he sojourned (during his ministry on earth).
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