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Комментарий к единицам и парам собранности ума Палийский оригинал

пали Nyanamoli thera - english Комментарии
Tattha ekavidhakoṭṭhāso uttānatthoyeva. 6.1.Herein, the section dealing with that of one kind is evident in meaning.
Duvidhakoṭṭhāse channaṃ anussatiṭṭhānānaṃ maraṇassatiyā upasamānussatiyā āhāre paṭikūlasaññāya catudhātuvavatthānassāti imesaṃ vasena laddhacittekaggatā, yā ca appanāsamādhīnaṃ pubbabhāge ekaggatā, ayaṃ upacārasamādhi. 2. In the section dealing with that of two kinds, access concentration is the unification of mind obtained by the following, that is to say, the six recollections, mindfulness of death, the recollection of peace, the perception of repulsiveness in nutriment, and the defining of the four elements, and it is the unification that precedes absorption concentration.
"Paṭhamassa jhānassa parikammaṃ paṭhamassa jhānassa anantarapaccayena paccayo"ti ādivacanato pana yā parikammānantarā ekaggatā, ayaṃ appanāsamādhīti evaṃ upacārappanāvasena duvidho. Absorption concentration is the unification that follows immediately upon the preliminary-work (IV.74) because of the words, “The first-jhāna preliminary-work is a condition, as proximity condition, for the first jhāna” (Paṭṭh II 350 (Se). So it is of two kinds as access and absorption.
Dutiyaduke tīsu bhūmīsu kusalacittekaggatā lokiyo samādhi. 7.3.In the second dyad mundane concentration is profitable unification of mind in the three planes.
Ariyamaggasampayuttā ekaggatā lokuttaro samādhīti evaṃ lokiyalokuttaravasena duvidho. Supramundane concentration is the unification associated with the noble paths. So it is of two kinds as mundane and supramundane.
Tatiyaduke catukkanaye dvīsu pañcakanaye tīsu jhānesu ekaggatā sappītiko samādhi. 8.4.In the third dyad concentration with happiness is the unification of mind in two jhānas in the fourfold reckoning and in three jhānas in the fivefold reckoning.
Avasesesu dvīsu jhānesu ekaggatā nippītiko samādhi. Concentration without happiness is the unification in the remaining two jhānas.
Upacārasamādhi pana siyā sappītiko, siyā nippītikoti evaṃ sappītikanippītikavasena duvidho. But access concentration may be with happiness or without happiness. So it is of two kinds as with happiness and without happiness.
Catutthaduke catukkanaye tīsu pañcakanaye catūsu jhānesu ekaggatā sukhasahagato samādhi. 9.5.In the fourth dyad concentration accompanied by bliss is the unification in three jhānas in the fourfold and four in the fivefold reckoning.
Avasesasmiṃ upekkhāsahagato samādhi. That accompanied by equanimity is that in the remaining jhāna.
Upacārasamādhi pana siyā sukhasahagato, siyā upekkhāsahagatoti evaṃ sukhasahagataupekkhāsahagatavasena duvidho. Access concentration may be accompanied by bliss or accompanied by equanimity. So it is of two kinds as accompanied by bliss and accompanied by equanimity.
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