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9. Проживание у подножия дерева Палийский оригинал

пали Nyanamoli thera - english Комментарии
32.Rukkhamūlikaṅgampi "channaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, rukkhamūlikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmī"ti imesaṃ aññataravacanena samādinnaṃ hoti. 56. ix. The tree-root-dweller’s practice is undertaken with one of the following statements: “I refuse a roof” or “I undertake the tree-root-dweller’s practice.”
Tena pana rukkhamūlikena sīmantarikarukkhaṃ, cetiyarukkhaṃ, niyyāsarukkhaṃ, phalarukkhaṃ, vaggulirukkhaṃ, susirarukkhaṃ, vihāramajjhe ṭhitarukkhanti ime rukkhe vivajjetvā vihārapaccante ṭhitarukkho gahetabboti idamassa vidhānaṃ. The tree-root dweller should avoid such trees as a tree near a frontier, a shrine tree, a gum tree, a fruit tree, a bats’ tree, a hollow tree, or a tree standing in the middle of a monastery. He can choose a tree standing on the outskirts of a monastery. These are the directions.
Pabhedato pana ayampi tividho hoti. 57.This has three grades too.
Tattha ukkaṭṭho yathārucitaṃ rukkhaṃ gahetvā paṭijaggāpetuṃ na labhati. Herein, one who is strict is not allowed to have a tree that he has chosen tidied up.
Pādena paṇṇasaṭaṃ apanetvā vasitabbaṃ. He can move the fallen leaves with his foot while dwelling there.
Majjhimo taṃ ṭhānaṃ sampattehiyeva paṭijaggāpetuṃ labhati. The medium one is allowed to get it tidied up by those who happen to come along.
Mudukena ārāmikasamaṇuddese pakkositvā sodhāpetvā samaṃ kārāpetvā vālukaṃ okirāpetvā pākāraparikkhepaṃ kārāpetvā dvāraṃ yojāpetvā vasitabbaṃ. The mild one can take up residence there after summoning monastery attendants and novices and getting them to clear it up, level it, strew sand and make a fence round with a gate fixed in it.
Mahadivase pana rukkhamūlikena tattha anisīditvā aññattha paṭicchanne ṭhāne nisīditabbaṃ. On a special day, a tree-root dweller should sit in some concealed place elsewhere rather than there.
Imesaṃ pana tiṇṇampi channe vāsaṃ kappitakkhaṇe dhutaṅgaṃ bhijjati. The moment any one of these three makes his abode under a roof, his ascetic practice is broken.
Jānitvā channe aruṇaṃ uṭṭhāpitamatteti aṅguttarabhāṇakā. The reciters of the Aṅguttara say that it is broken as soon as he knowingly meets the dawn under a roof.
Ayamettha bhedo. This is the breach in this instance.
Ayaṃ panānisaṃso, rukkhamūlasenāsanaṃ nissāya pabbajjāti (mahāva. 128) vacanato nissayānurūpapaṭipattisabbhāvo, appāni ceva sulabhāni ca tāni ca anavajjānīti (a. ni. 4.27; itivu. 101) bhagavatā saṃvaṇṇitapaccayatā, abhiṇhaṃ tarupaṇṇavikāradassanena aniccasaññāsamuṭṭhāpanatā, senāsanamaccherakammārāmatānaṃ abhāvo, devatāhi sahavāsitā, appicchatādīnaṃ anulomavuttitāti. 58.The benefits are these. He practices in conformity with the dependence, because of the words “The going forth by depending on the root of a tree as an abode” (Vin I 58, 96); it is a requisite recommended by the Blessed One thus “Valueless, easy to get, and blameless” (A II 26); perception of impermanence is aroused through seeing the continual alteration of young leaves; avarice about abodes and love of [building] work are absent; he dwells in the company of deities; he lives in conformity with [the principles of] fewness of wishes, and so on.
Vaṇṇito buddhaseṭṭhena, nissayoti ca bhāsito; 59. The Blessed One praised roots of trees As one of the dependencies (Vin I 58);
Nivāso pavivittassa, rukkhamūlasamo kuto. Can he that loves secludedness Find such another dwelling place?
Āvāsamaccherahare, devatā paripālite; Secluded at the roots of trees And guarded well by deities
Pavivitte vasanto hi, rukkhamūlamhi subbato. He lives in true devotedness Nor covets any dwelling place.
Abhirattāni nīlāni, paṇḍūni patitāni ca; And when the tender leaves are seen Bright red at first, then turning green,
Passanto tarupaṇṇāni, niccasaññaṃ panūdati. And then to yellow as they fall, He sheds belief once and for all In permanence.
Tasmā hi buddhadāyajjaṃ, bhāvanābhiratālayaṃ; No wise man will disdain at all For contemplating [rise and fall].
Vivittaṃ nātimaññeyya, rukkhamūlaṃ vicakkhaṇoti. Tree roots have been Bequeathed by him; secluded scene
Ayaṃ rukkhamūlikaṅge samādānavidhānappabhedabhedānisaṃsavaṇṇanā. This is the commentary on the undertaking, directions, grades, breach, and benefits, in the case of the tree-root-dweller’s practice.
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