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Nissaggiya pācittiyā Палийский оригинал

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Ime kho panāyyāyo tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā Now, venerables, these thirty matters entailing confession with forfeiture
Dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti. come up for recitation.
1.Yā pana bhikkhunī pattasannicayaṃ kareyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 1. Should any bhikkhunī make a bowl-hoard (have more than one bowl in her possession), it is to be forfeited and confessed. [See Bhikkhus' NP 21]
2.Yā pana bhikkhunī akālacīvaraṃ "kālacīvara"nti adhiṭṭhahitvā bhājāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 2. Should any bhikkhunī, having determined an out-of-season cloth to be an in-season cloth, distribute it, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§¶•) [2]
3.Yā pana bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā saddhiṃ cīvaraṃ parivattetvā sā pacchā evaṃ vadeyya "handāyye, tuyhaṃ cīvaraṃ, āhara metaṃ cīvaraṃ, yaṃ tuyhaṃ tuyhamevetaṃ, yaṃ mayhaṃ mayhamevetaṃ, āhara metaṃ cīvaraṃ, sakaṃ paccāharā"ti acchindeyya vā acchindāpeyya vā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 3. Should any bhikkhunī, having exchanged robe-cloth with another bhikkhunī, later say to her, "Here, lady. This is your robe-cloth. Bring me that robe-cloth of mine. What was yours is still yours. What was mine is still mine. Bring me that one of mine. Take yours back," and then snatch it back or have it snatched back, it is to be forfeited and confessed. [See Bhikkhus' NP 5]
4.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññaṃ viññāpetvā aññaṃ viññāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 4. Should any bhikkhunī, having had one thing requested, (then send it back and) have another thing requested, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
Aññacetāpana sikkhāpadaṃ
5.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññaṃ cetāpetvā aññaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 5. Should any bhikkhunī, having had one thing bought, (then send it back and) have another thing bought, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
6.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena aññaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 6. Should any bhikkhunī, using a fund intended for one purpose, dedicated to one purpose for a Community, have something else bought, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•)
7.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena saññācikena aññaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 7. Should any bhikkhunī, having herself asked for a fund intended for one purpose, dedicated to one purpose for a Community, use it to have something else bought, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•) [3]
8.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena aññaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 8. Should any bhikkhunī, using a fund intended for one purpose, dedicated to one purpose for a group, have something else bought, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•)
9.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena saññācikena aññaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 9. Should any bhikkhunī, having herself asked for a fund intended for one purpose, dedicated to one purpose for a group, use it to have something else bought, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•)
10.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena puggalikena saññācikena aññaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 10. Should any bhikkhunī, having herself asked for a fund intended for one purpose, dedicated to one purpose for an individual, use it to have something else bought, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•)
Pattavaggo paṭhamo.
11.Garupāvuraṇaṃ pana bhikkhuniyā cetāpentiyā catukkaṃsaparamaṃ cetāpetabbaṃ. 11. When a bhikkhunī is asking for a heavy cloth, one worth four "bronzes" at most may be asked for.
Tato ce uttari cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If she asks for more than that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•)
12.Lahupāvuraṇaṃ pana bhikkhuniyā cetāpentiyā aḍḍhateyyakaṃsaparamaṃ cetāpetabbaṃ. 12. When a bhikkhunī is asking for a light cloth, one worth two and a half "bronzes" at most may be asked for.
Tato ce uttari cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If she asks for more than that, it is to be forfeited and confessed. (§•)
13.Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ bhikkhuniyā ubbhatasmiṃ kathine dasāhaparamaṃ atirekacīvaraṃ dhāretabbaṃ. 13 [1] When a bhikkhunī has finished her robe and the frame is destroyed (her kathina privileges are in abeyance), she is to keep extra robe-cloth ten days at most.
Taṃ atikkāmentiyā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. Beyond that, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
14.Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ bhikkhuniyā ubbhatasmiṃ kathine ekarattampi ce bhikkhunī ticīvarena vippavaseyya, aññatra bhikkhunisammutiyā nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 14 [2] When a bhikkhunī has finished her robe and the frame is destroyed (her kathina privileges are in abeyance): If she dwells apart from (any of) her five robes even for one night — unless authorized by the bhikkhunīs — it is to be forfeited and confessed.
15.Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ bhikkhuniyā ubbhatasmiṃ kathine bhikkhuniyā paneva akālacīvaraṃ uppajjeyya, ākaṅkhamānāya bhikkhuniyā paṭiggahetabbaṃ, paṭiggahetvā khippameva kāretabbaṃ, no cassa pāripūri, māsaparamaṃ tāya bhikkhuniyā taṃ cīvaraṃ nikkhipitabbaṃ ūnassa pāripūriyā satiyā paccāsāya. 15 [3] When a bhikkhunī has finished her robe and the frame is destroyed (her kathina privileges are in abeyance): Should out-of-season robe-cloth accrue to her, she may accept it if she so desires. Having accepted it, she is to make it up immediately (into a cloth requisite). But should it not be enough, she may lay it aside for a month at most if she has an expectation for filling the lack.
Tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya satiyāpi paccāsāya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If she should keep it beyond that, even when she has an expectation (for further cloth), it is to be forfeited and confessed.
16.Yā pana bhikkhunī aññātakaṃ gahapatiṃ vā gahapatāniṃ vā cīvaraṃ viññāpeyya aññatra samayā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 16 [6] Should any bhikkhunī ask for robe-cloth from a man or woman householder unrelated to her, except at the proper occasion, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
Tatthāyaṃ samayo acchinnacīvarā vā hoti bhikkhunī, naṭṭhacīvarā vā, ayaṃ tattha samayo. Here the proper occasion is this: The bhikkhunī's robe has been snatched away or destroyed. This is the proper occasion here.
17.Tañce aññātako gahapati vā gahapatānī vā bahūhi cīvarehi abhihaṭṭhuṃ pavāreyya, santaruttaraparamaṃ tāya bhikkhuniyā tato cīvaraṃ sāditabbaṃ. 17 [7] If that unrelated man or woman householder presents the bhikkhunī with many robes (pieces of robe-cloth), she is to accept at most (enough for) an upper and a lower robe.
Tato ce uttari sādiyeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If she accepts more than that, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
18.Bhikkhuniṃ paneva uddissa aññātakassa gahapatissa vā gahapatāniyā vā cīvaracetāpannaṃ upakkhaṭaṃ hoti "iminā cīvaracetāpannena cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā itthannāmaṃ bhikkhuniṃ cīvarena acchādessāmī"ti. 18 [8] In case a man or woman householder unrelated (to the bhikkhunī) prepares a robe fund for the sake of a bhikkhunī, thinking. "Having purchased a robe with this robe fund, I will clothe the bhikkhunī named so-and-so with a robe":
Tatra cesā bhikkhunī pubbe appavāritā upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpajjeyya "sādhu vata, maṃ āyasmā iminā cīvaracetāpannena evarūpaṃ vā evarūpaṃ vā cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā acchādehī"ti kalyāṇakamyataṃ upādāya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If the bhikkhunī, not previously invited, approaching (the householder) should make a stipulation with regard to the robe, saying, "It would be good indeed, sir, if you clothed me (with a robe), having purchased a robe of such-and-such a sort with this robe fund" — out of a desire for something fine — it is to be forfeited and confessed.
19.Bhikkhuniṃ paneva uddissa ubhinnaṃ aññātakānaṃ gahapatīnaṃ vā gahapatānīnaṃ vā paccekacīvaracetāpannāni upakkhaṭāni honti "imehi mayaṃ paccekacīvaracetāpannehi paccekacīvarāni cetāpetvā itthannāmaṃ bhikkhuniṃ cīvarehi acchādessāmā"ti. 19 [9] In case two householders — men or women — unrelated (to the bhikkhunī) prepare separate robe funds for the sake of a bhikkhunī, thinking, "Having purchased separate robes with these separate robe funds of ours, we will clothe the bhikkhunī named so-and-so with robes":
Tatra cesā bhikkhūnī pubbe appavāritā upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpajjeyya "sādhu vata maṃ āyasmanto imehi paccekacīvaracetāpannehi evarūpaṃ vā evarūpaṃ vā cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā acchādetha ubhova santā ekenā"ti kalyāṇakamyataṃ upādāya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If the bhikkhunī, not previously invited, approaching (them) should make a stipulation with regard to the robe, saying, "It would be good indeed, sirs, if you clothed me (with a robe), having purchased a robe of such-and-such a sort with these separate robe funds, the two (funds) together for one (robe)" — out of a desire for something fine — it is to be forfeited and confessed.
20.Bhikkhuniṃ paneva uddissa rājā vā rājabhoggo vā brāhmaṇo vā gahapatiko vā dūtena cīvaracetāpannaṃ pahiṇeyya "iminā cīvaracetāpannena cīvaraṃ cetāpetvā itthannāmaṃ bhikkhuniṃ cīvarena acchādehī"ti. 20 [10] In case a king, a royal official, a brahman, or a householder sends a robe fund for the sake of a bhikkhunī via a messenger, (saying,) "Having purchased a robe with this robe fund, clothe the bhikkhunī named so-and-so with a robe":
So ce dūto taṃ bhikkhuniṃ upasaṅkamitvā evaṃ vadeyya "idaṃ kho, ayye, ayyaṃ uddissa cīvaracetāpannaṃ ābhataṃ, paṭiggaṇhātāyyā cīvaracetāpanna"nti. If the messenger, approaching the bhikkhunī, should say, "This is a robe fund being delivered for the sake of the lady. May the lady accept this robe fund,"
Tāya bhikkhuniyā so dūto evamassa vacanīyo "na kho mayaṃ, āvuso, cīvaracetāpannaṃ paṭiggaṇhāma, cīvarañca kho mayaṃ paṭiggaṇhāma kālena kappiya"nti. then the bhikkhunī is to tell the messenger: "We do not accept robe funds, my friend. We accept robes (robe-cloth) as are proper according to season."
So ce dūto taṃ bhikkhuniṃ evaṃ vadeyya "atthi panāyyāya, koci veyyāvaccakaro"ti, cīvaratthikāya, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyā veyyāvaccakaro niddisitabbo ārāmiko vā upāsako vā "eso kho, āvuso, bhikkhunīnaṃ veyyāvaccakaro"ti. If the messenger should say to the bhikkhunī, "Does the lady have a steward? " then, bhikkhunīs, if the bhikkhunī desires a robe, she may indicate a steward — either a monastery attendant or a lay follower — (saying,) "That, sir, is the bhikkhunīs' steward."
So ce dūto taṃ veyyāvaccakaraṃ saññāpetvā taṃ bhikkhuniṃ upasaṅkamitvā evaṃ vadeyya "yaṃ kho, ayye, ayyā veyyāvaccakaraṃ niddisi, saññatto so mayā, upasaṅkamatāyyā kālena, cīvarena taṃ acchādessatī"ti. If the messenger, having instructed the steward and going to the bhikkhunī, should say, "I have instructed the steward the lady indicated. May the lady go (to her) and she will clothe you with a robe in season,"
Cīvaratthikāya, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyā veyyāvaccakaro upasaṅkamitvā dvattikkhattuṃ codetabbo sāretabbo "attho me, āvuso, cīvarenā"ti, dvattikkhattuṃ codayamānā sārayamānā taṃ cīvaraṃ abhinipphādeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ, no ce abhinipphādeyya, catukkhattuṃ pañcakkhattuṃ chakkhattuparamaṃ tuṇhībhūtāya uddissa ṭhātabbaṃ, catukkhattuṃ pañcakkhattuṃ chakkhattuparamaṃ tuṇhībhūtā uddissa tiṭṭhamānā taṃ cīvaraṃ abhinipphādeyya, iccetaṃ kusalaṃ. then the bhikkhunī, desiring a robe and approaching the steward, may prompt and remind her two or three times, "I have need of a robe." Should (the steward) produce the robe after being prompted and reminded two or three times, that is good. If she should not produce the robe, (the bhikkhunī) should stand in silence four times, five times, six times at most for that purpose. Should (the steward) produce the robe after (the bhikkhunī) has stood in silence for the purpose four, five, six times at most, that is good.
Tato ce uttari vāyamamānā taṃ cīvaraṃ abhinipphādeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. If she should not produce the robe (at that point), should she then produce the robe after (the bhikkhunī) has endeavored further than that, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
No ce abhinipphādeyya, yatassā cīvaracetāpannaṃ ābhataṃ, tattha sāmaṃ vā gantabbaṃ, dūto vā pāhetabbo "yaṃ kho tumhe āyasmanto bhikkhuniṃ uddissa cīvaracetāpannaṃ pahiṇittha, na taṃ tassā bhikkhuniyā kiñci atthaṃ anubhoti, yuñjantāyasmanto sakaṃ, mā vo sakaṃ vinassā"ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. If she should not produce (the robe), then the bhikkhunī herself should go to the place from which the robe fund was brought, or a messenger should be sent (to say), "The robe fund that you, venerable sirs, sent for the sake of the bhikkhunī has given no benefit to the bhikkhunī at all. May the you be united with what is yours. May what is yours not be lost." This is the proper course here.
Cīvaravaggo dutiyo.
21.Yā pana bhikkhunī jātarūparajataṃ uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā upanikkhittaṃ vā sādiyeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 21 [18] Should any bhikkhunī take gold and silver, or have it taken, or consent to its being deposited (near her), it is to be forfeited and confessed.
22.Yā pana bhikkhunī nānappakārakaṃ rūpiyasaṃvohāraṃ samāpajjeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 22 [19] Should any bhikkhunī engage in various types of monetary exchange, it (the income) is to be forfeited and confessed.
23.Yā pana bhikkhunī nānappakārakaṃ kayavikkayaṃ samāpajjeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 23 [20] Should any bhikkhunī engage in various types of trade, (the article obtained) is to be forfeited and confessed.
24.Yā pana bhikkhunī ūnapañcabandhanena pattena aññaṃ navaṃ pattaṃ cetāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 24 [22] Should any bhikkhunī with an alms bowl having less than five mends ask for another new bowl, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
Tāya bhikkhuniyā so patto bhikkhuniparisāya nissajjitabbo, yo ca tassā bhikkhuniparisāya pattapariyanto, so tassā bhikkhuniyā padātabbo "ayaṃ te bhikkhuni patto yāvabhedanāya dhāretabbo"ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. The bowl is to be forfeited by the bhikkhunī to the company of bhikkhunīs. That company of bhikkhunīs' final bowl should be presented to the bhikkhunī, (saying,) "This, bhikkhunī, is your bowl. It is to be kept until broken." This is the proper course here.
25.Yāni kho pana tāni gilānānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ paṭisāyanīyāni bhesajjāni, seyyathidaṃ – sappi navanītaṃ telaṃ madhu phāṇitaṃ, tāni paṭiggahetvā sattāhaparamaṃ sannidhikārakaṃ paribhuñjitabbāni. 25 [23] There are these tonics to be taken by sick bhikkhunīs: ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey, sugar/molasses. Having been received, they are to be used from storage seven days at most.
Taṃ atikkāmentiyā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. Beyond that, they are to be forfeited and confessed.
26.Yā pana bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā sāmaṃ cīvaraṃ datvā kupitā anattamanā acchindeyya vā acchindāpeyya vā, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 26 [25] Should any bhikkhunī — having herself given robe-cloth to (another) bhikkhunī and then being angered and displeased — snatch it away or have it snatched away, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
27.Yā pana bhikkhunī sāmaṃ suttaṃ viññāpetvā tantavāyehi cīvaraṃ vāyāpeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 27 [26] Should any bhikkhunī, having requested thread, have robe-cloth woven by weavers, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
28.Bhikkhuniṃ paneva uddissa aññātako gahapati vā gahapatānī vā tantavāyehi cīvaraṃ vāyāpeyya, tatra cesā bhikkhunī pubbe appavāritā tantavāye upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpajjeyya "idaṃ kho āvuso cīvaraṃ maṃ uddissa viyyati, āyatañca karotha, vitthatañca appitañca suvītañca suppavāyitañca suvilekhitañca suvitacchitañca karotha, appeva nāma mayampi āyasmantānaṃ kiñcimattaṃ anupadajjeyyāmā"ti, evañca sā bhikkhunī vatvā kiñcimattaṃ anupadajjeyya antamaso piṇḍapātamattampi, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 28 [27] In case a man or woman householder unrelated (to the bhikkhunī) has robe-cloth woven by weavers for the sake of a bhikkhunī, and if the bhikkhunī, not previously invited (by the householder), having approached the weavers, should make stipulations with regard to the cloth, saying, "This cloth, friends, is to be woven for my sake. Make it long, make it broad, make it tightly woven, well woven, well spread, well scraped, well smoothed, and perhaps I may reward you with a little something"; and should that bhikkhunī, having said that, reward them with a little something, even as much as almsfood, it (the cloth) is to be forfeited and confessed.
29.Dasāhānāgataṃ kattikatemāsikapuṇṇamaṃ bhikkhuniyā paneva accekacīvaraṃ uppajjeyya, accekaṃ maññamānāya bhikkhuniyā paṭiggahetabbaṃ, paṭiggahetvā yāva cīvarakālasamayaṃ nikkhipitabbaṃ. 29 [28] Ten days prior to the third-month Kattika full moon, should robe-cloth offered in urgency accrue to a bhikkhunī, she is to accept it if she regards it as offered in urgency. Once she has accepted it, she may keep it throughout the robe season.
Tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. Beyond that, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
30.Yā pana bhikkhunī jānaṃ saṅghikaṃ lābhaṃ pariṇataṃ attano pariṇāmeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ. 30 [30] Should any bhikkhunī knowingly divert to herself gains that had been allocated for a Community, they are to be forfeited and confessed.
Pattavaggo tatiyo.
Uddiṭṭhā kho, ayyāyo, tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā. Recited, venerables, are the thirty matters confession with forfeiture.
Tatthāyyāyo, pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyyāyo, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. Herein I ask the venerables: Are you pure in this? A second time I ask: Are you pure in this? A third time I ask: Are you pure in this? The venerables are pure in this; therefore they are silent. So I remember it.
Nissaggiyapācittiyā niṭṭhitā. The section on confession with forfeiture is finished.
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