Comm. NT: 18. The subtleties of the word nipphanna are best cleared up by quoting a paragraph from the Sammohavinodanī (Vibh-a 29):
The five aggregates are positively-produced (parinipphanna) always, not un-positively-produced (aparinipphanna); they are always formed, not unformed. Besides, they are produced (nipphanna) as well.
For among the dhammas that are individual essences (sabhāva-dhamma) it is only Nibbāna that is un-positively-produced and un-produced (anipphanna).
The Mūla tīkā comments on this:
What is the difference between the positively-produced and the produced?
A dhamma that is an individual essence with a beginning and an end in time, produced by conditions, and marked by the three characteristics, is positively produced. But besides this, what is produced [but not positively produced] is a dhamma with no individual essence (asabhāva-dhamma) when it is produced by the taking of a name or by attaining [the attainment of cessation].