пали |
Yathā nāma jālabbhantaragato maccho, sappamukhagato maṇḍūko, pañjarapakkhitto vanakukkuṭo, daḷhapāsavasagato migo, ahituṇḍikahatthagato sappo, mahāpaṅkapakkhando kuñjaro, supaṇṇamukhagato nāgarājā, rāhumukhappaviṭṭho cando, sapattaparivārito purisoti evamādayo tato tato muccitukāmā nissaritukāmāva honti, evaṃ tassa yogino cittaṃ sabbasmā saṅkhāragatā muccitukāmaṃ nissaritukāmaṃ hoti.
Nyanamoli thera |
46.Just as a fish in a net, a frog in a snake’s jaws, a jungle fowl shut into a cage, a deer fallen into the clutches of a strong snare, a snake in the hands of a snake charmer, an elephant stuck fast in a great bog, a royal nāga in the mouth of a supaṇṇa, the moon inside Rāhu’s mouth,16 a man encircled by enemies, etc.— just as these are desirous of being delivered, of finding an escape from these things, so too this meditator’s mind is desirous of being delivered from the whole field of formations and escaping from it. |