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пали | Pacchimesu pana tīsu paṭhamaṃ pubbabhāge anaññātaṃ amataṃ padaṃ catusaccadhammaṃ vā jānissāmīti evaṃ paṭipannassa uppajjanato indriyaṭṭhasambhavato ca anaññātaññassāmītindriyanti vuttaṃ. |
Nyanamoli thera | But as regards the last three, the first is called the “I-shall-come-to-know-the-unknown” faculty because it arises in the initial stage [of the stream-entry path moment] in one who has entered on the way thus “I shall come to know the deathless state, or the Dhamma of the Four (Noble) Truths, not known,”1 and because it carries the meaning of faculty (rulership). |