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пали Tissāmaccamātā kira satagghanakena vatthena gabbhamalaṃ puñchāpetvā paṃsukūlikā gaṇhissantīti tālaveḷimagge chaḍḍāpesi.
Nyanamoli thera The mother of Tissa the Minister, it seems, had the stains of childbirth wiped up with a cloth worth a hundred [pieces], and thinking, “The refuse-rag wearers will take it,” she had it thrown onto the Tālaveli Road.7
Комментарий оставлен 06.08.2021 21:16 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 7.
1. Paṃsukūlikaṅgakathāvaṇṇanā
The name of a street in Mahāgāma (S.E. Sri Lanka).
Also in Anurādhapura, they say.