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пали Ayaṃ sakko hi devarājā maṃ nissāya jarasakkabhāvaṃ vijahitvā sotāpanno hutvā taruṇasakkassa bhāvaṃ patto, ahaṃ hissa maraṇabhayatajjitassa pañcasikhagandhabbadevaputtaṃ purato katvā āgatakāle indasālaguhāyaṃ devaparisāya majjhe nisinnassa –
E.W. Burlingame For because of me this Sakka king of gods laid aside the form of Old Sakka, obtained the Fruit of Conversion, and took upon himself the form of Young Sakka. For once, when he came to me terrified with the fear of death, preceded by the celestial musician Pañcasikha, and sat down in Indasāla Cave in the midst of the company of the gods, I dispelled his suffering by saying to him,
Комментарий оставлен 23.07.2021 12:52 автором igorzh
Отсылка к ДН 21 - tipitaka.theravada.su/toc/full/1353