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пали | Sā tato upaḍḍhappamāṇāya āpodhātuyā saṅgahitā, tejodhātuyā anupālitā vāyodhātuyā vitthambhitā na vikiriyati na viddhaṃsiyati, avikiriyamānā aviddhaṃsiyamānā anekavidhaṃ itthipurisaliṅgādibhāvavikappaṃ upagacchati, aṇuthūladīgharassathirakathinādibhāvañca pakāseti. |
Nyanamoli thera | and that is held together32 by the water element measuring half as much. Being maintained33 by the fire element, and distended by the air element, it does not get scattered or dissipated. Instead of getting scattered or dissipated, it arrives at the alternative states of the female and male sex, etc., and manifests smallness, bigness, length, shortness, toughness, rigidity, and so on. |
Held (gahita) by conjoining through cohesion and prevented from being scattered
Kept guarded (anurakkhita) so that it may not lapse into a wet and slippery state through the water element, which has trickling as its essence