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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 1 >> 11. Описание собранности ума (резюме - питание и элементы) >> Медитация на четырёх первоэлементах >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали "Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, dakkho goghātako vā goghātakantevāsī vā gāviṃ vadhitvā catumahāpathe bilaso vibhajitvā nisinno assa, evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu imameva kāyaṃ yathāṭhitaṃ yathāpaṇihitaṃ dhātuso paccavekkhati, atthi imasmiṃ kāye pathavīdhātu āpodhātu tejodhātu vāyodhātū"ti –
khantibalo "Как если бы, о монахи, мудрый мясник либо его ученик, зарезав корову и разделав её по частям, сел бы на перекрёсток четырёх столбовых дорог, так и монах созерцает само это тело, вне зависимости от его положения, посредством первоэлементов: "В этом теле есть первоэлемент твёрдости, первоэлемент жидкости, первоэлемент теплоты, первоэлемент вибрации."
Nyanamoli thera [TEXTS AND COMMENTARY IN BRIEF] 28. : “Bhikkhus, just as though a skilled butcher or butcher’s apprentice had killed a cow and were seated at the crossroads [348] with it cut up into pieces, so too, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reviews this body however placed, however disposed, as consisting of elements: In this body there are the earth element, the water element, the fire element, and the air element” 20 (D II 294).
Комментарий оставлен 15.08.2021 22:22 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 20.
Herein, as regards ‘earth element,’ etc., the meaning of element is the meaning of individual essence, the meaning of individual essence is the meaning of voidness, the meaning of voidness is the meaning of not-a-living-being.
So it is just earth in the sense of individual essence, voidness and not-a-living-being that is the element; hence it is earth element;
so too in the case of the water element, and the rest.
The earth element is the element that is the foothold for the conascent material states. Likewise the water element is the element of their cohesion; the fire element is the element of their ripening; and the air element is the element of their conveyance and distension
To avoid confusion, it might be mentioned here that in “physical” earth, fire, water, and air, it would be held that all four elements are present in each equally, but that in “physical” earth the earth element is dominant in efficacy as the mode of hardness; and correspondingly with water and the rest. See e.g. XIV.45.