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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 1 >> 8. Воспоминание как предмет медитации >> Памятование о дыхании >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали Dīghaṃ assāsapassāsaṃ addhānasaṅkhāte assasatopi passasatopi chando uppajjati.
khantibalo По мере того, как он делает длинные вдохи и выдохи с точки зрения протяжённости, возникает энтузиазм.
Nyanamoli thera As he breathes in and breathes out long in-breaths and out-breaths reckoned as an extent, zeal arises.46
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 22:32 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 46.
“‘Zeal arises’: additional zeal, which is profitable and has the characteristic of desire to act, arises due to the satisfaction obtained when the meditation has brought progressive improvement.
‘More subtle than before’: more subtle than before the already-described zeal arose;
for the breaths occur more subtly owing to the meditation’s influence in tranquilizing the body’s distress and disturbance.
‘Gladness arises’: fresh happiness arises of the kinds classed as minor, etc., which is the gladness that accompanies the consciousness occupied with the meditation and is due to the fact that the peacefulness of the object increases with the growing subtlety of the breaths and to the fact that the meditation subject keeps to its course.
‘The mind turns away’: the mind turns away from the breaths, which have reached the point at which their manifestation needs investigating (see §177) owing to their gradually increasing subtlety.
But some say (see Paṭis-a Ce, p. 351): ‘It is when the in-breaths and out- breaths have reached a subtler state owing to the influence of the meditation and the counterpart sign; for when that has arisen, the mind turns away from the normal breaths. ’
‘Equanimity is established’: when concentration, classed as access and absorption, has arisen in that counterpart sign, then, since there is no need for further interest to achieve jhāna, onlooking (equanimity) ensues, which is specific neutrality”