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пали Vuttañhetaṃ – idheva, bhikkhave, samaṇo - pe - suññā parappavādā samaṇebhi aññehī"ti (ma. ni. 1.139).
khantibalo Ведь сказано: "Монахи, только здесь есть первый отшельник... другие системы практики лишены отшельников".
Nyanamoli thera For this is said: “Bhikkhus, only here is there an ascetic, here a second ascetic, here a third ascetic, here a fourth ascetic; other dispensations are devoid of ascetics” (M I 63; A II 238).40
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 22:29 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 40. “‘The ascetic’ is a stream-enterer, the ‘second ascetic’ is a once-returner, the ‘third ascetic’ is a non-returner, the ‘fourth ascetic’ is an Arahant” (M-a II 4).