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пали Yā hi ayaṃ adukkhamasukhanti ettha adukkhamasukhā vedanā vuttā, sā sukhumā duviññeyyā na sakkā sukhena gahetuṃ, tasmā yathā nāma duṭṭhassa yathā vā tathā vā upasaṅkamitvā gahetuṃ asakkuṇeyyassa goṇassa sukhaggahaṇatthaṃ gopo ekasmiṃ vaje sabbā gāvo samāharati, athekekaṃ nīharanto paṭipāṭiyā āgataṃ "ayaṃ so gaṇhatha na"nti tampi gāhayati, evameva bhagavā sukhaggahaṇatthaṃ sabbā etā samāhari.
Nyanamoli thera For the neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling described here by the words “which has neither-pain-nor-pleasure” is subtle, hard to recognize and not readily grasped. So just as, when a cattle-herd50 wants to catch a refractory ox that cannot be caught at all by approaching it, he collects all the cattle into one pen [167] and lets them out one by one, and then [he says] “That is it; catch it,” and so it gets caught as well, so too the Blessed One has collected all these [five kinds of feeling] together so that they can be grasped readily;
Комментарий оставлен 10.08.2021 22:07 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 50. Gopa—“cowherd (or guardian)”: not in PED.