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пали Tato vidatthiratanapamukhapariveṇavihārasīmānaṃ gāmanigamajanapadarajjasamuddasīmānañca paricchedavasena vaḍḍhayantena cakkavāḷaparicchedena vā tato vāpi uttari paricchinditvā vaḍḍhetabbaṃ.
Nyanamoli thera After that has been done, he can further extend it, doing so by delimiting successive boundaries of, say, a span, a ratana (=2 spans), the veranda, the surrounding space,38 the monastery, and the boundaries of the village, the town, the district, the kingdom and the ocean, [153] making the extreme limit the world-sphere or even beyond.
Комментарий оставлен 10.08.2021 21:45 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 38. For pamukha—“veranda” see n. 2 above. Pariveṇa—“surrounding space”: this meaning, not given in PED, is brought out clearly in XI.7.