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Bhagavā hi vaṭṭakathaṃ kathento – "purimā, bhikkhave, koṭi na paññāyati avijjāya, 'ito pubbe avijjā nāhosi, atha pacchā samabhavī'ti evañcetaṃ, bhikkhave, vuccati, atha ca pana paññāyati "idappaccayā avijjā"ti (a. ni. 10.61) evaṃ avijjāsīsena vā, purimā, bhikkhave, koṭi na paññāyati bhavataṇhāya - pe - "idappaccayā bhavataṇhā"ti (a. ni. 10.62) evaṃ taṇhāsīsena vā, purimā, bhikkhave, koṭi na paññāyati bhavadiṭṭhiyā - pe - "idappaccayā bhavadiṭṭhī"ti evaṃ diṭṭhisīsena vā kathesi".
Бхиккху Бодхи |
When he gives an exposition of the round, the Exalted One sometimes discusses it under the heading of ignorance, as when he says: “No first point of ignorance can be discerned, bhikkhus, before which there was no ignorance and after which it arose. And though this is said, bhikkhus, nevertheless it can be discerned that ignorance has a specific condition” (AN 10:61). Sometimes he discusses it under the heading of craving: “No first point of craving for existence can be discerned, bhikkhus. etc. ...nevertheless craving for existence has a specific condition'' (AN 10:62). And sometimes he discusses it under the heading of the view of existence (bhavadiṭṭhi). "No first point of the view of existence can be discerned, bhikkhus. etc.... nevertheless the view of existence has a specific condition. ”151 Here he discusses it under the heading of views. |