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пали Sukhā tāva vedanā dukkhato, dukkhā sallato, adukkhamasukhā aniccato.
khantibalo Приятное ощущение как мучение, мучительное ощущение как шип, ни приятное ни мучительное ощущение как изменчивость.
Soma thera Pleasurable feeling because it is the stuff of suffering as suffering. Painful feeling because it is the condition of bringing out trouble and so forth, as a thorn. And the neither pleasurable nor painful feeling, because of non-mastery or dependence and so forth, as transiency.{26}
Комментарий оставлен 27.09.2019 19:02 автором khantibalo
By the passage, beginning with the words "To be sure, in whatsoever way," the commentator points to the limit of the object (excluding thereby discursive thinking that strays from the reality).