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пали Ātāpīti tīsu bhavesu kilese ātāpetīti ātāpo, vīriyassetaṃ nāmaṃ.
khantibalo "Пылко" - То, что сжигает загрязнения трёх уровней бытия - это пылкость. Пылкость - это синоним усердия.
Soma thera Atapi = "Ardent. " What burns the defilement of the three planes of becoming is ardour. Ardour is a name for energy.{17}
Комментарий оставлен 01.08.2019 16:10 автором khantibalo
Although the term burning [atapana] is applied to the abandoning of defilements here, it is also applicable to right view [, thought, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness and concentration]. As "ardour" [atapa], like "glow" [atappa], is restricted by use to just energy generally, it is said: "ardour is a name for energy."
Or because of the occurrence of energy [viriya] by way of instigating the associated things, in the abandoning of opposing qualities, that itself (i.e., energy) is ardour (atapa]. In this place only energy [viriya] is referred to by "atapa."
By taking the word ardent [atapi] the Master points out the one possessed of right energy or exertion [sammappadhana].