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пали | Nibbānassa sacchikiriyāyāti taṇhāvānavirahitattā nibbānanti laddhanāmassa amatassa sacchikiriyāya, attapaccakkhatāyāti vuttaṃ hoti. |
khantibalo | "Для достижения ниббаны". Объяснение следующее: для достижения, для личного постижения бессмертного, получившего имя "ниббана" благодаря отсутствия страсти, зовущейся жаждой. |
Soma thera | Nibbanassa sacchikiriyaya = "For the attainment of Nibbana. " It is said as follows: For the attainment, the ocular experience by oneself, of the deathless which has got the name "Nibbana" by reason of the absence in it of the lust [vana, literally, sewing, weaving, from the root va, to weave] called craving [tanha].{9} |
Craving [tanha] sews together [samsibbati] or weaves [vinati] aggregate with aggregate, effect with cause, and suffering with beings. In Nibbana there is no "vana." Or in the man who has attained to Nibbana there is no "vana."
Ocular experience by oneself: Sensing without aid from the outside.