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пали Thero panāha "saṃkhittadesanāyapi cattāro maggā rāsito kathitā, vitthāradesanāyapī"ti.
Nyanamoli thera But the Elder (presiding over the council) said: "In the brief exposition the four paths are expounded as a group, and also in the detailed exposition. "[7]
Комментарий оставлен 02.04.2021 15:24 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: The interpretation of "the bhikkhus" and "the Elder" is offered by Sub. Cy., which also presents an alternative interpretation, based on the commentary to the Vatthupama Sutta (M.7) according to which the bhikkhus are the pupils of the Elder Mahasangharakkhita and "the Elder" is the Elder Mahasangharakkhita.