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пали Tattha kammassakatāñāṇaṃ saccānulomikañāṇañca lokiyā sammādiṭṭhi, saṅkhepato vā sabbāpi sāsavā paññā.
khantibalo Здесь знание собственности поступка (камма) и знание, согласующееся с 4 реальностями для благородных является мирским истинным взглядом, или, если вкратце, мирской истинный взгляд представляет собой мудрость, сопровождающуюся влечениями.
Nyanamoli thera Herein, the knowledge of kamma as one's own and knowledge which is in conformity with the (Four Noble) Truths are mundane right view; or, in brief, (mundane right view is) all understanding that is accompanied by the taints.[2]
Комментарий оставлен 02.04.2021 15:28 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: The knowledge of kamma as one's own (kammassakatañana) is often expressed in the Suttas thus: "I am the owner of my kamma, the heir of my kamma, I spring from my kamma, I am bound to my kamma, I have kamma as my refuge. Whatever kamma I perform, good or bad, of that I am the heir." In short, it is knowledge of the moral efficacy of action, of the fact that one's willed deeds fashion one's destiny. Knowledge in conformity with the truths (saccanulomikañana) is conceptual knowledge of the Four Noble Truths, accompanied by understanding and acceptance of them.